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Outside of Space-Time, the poles of Heaven and Earth, an extremely ancient bronze giant door stands, and the endless dark Vault of Heaven deep, like an ancient prison.

There is only one ancient giant door leading to the outside world, and no one knows what kind of creatures are hidden behind the ancient giant door leading there.

Crisis, good fortune?

It is completely unknown that the ancient, far-reaching, terrifying years of aura have no idea how many eras existed, and even time may be difficult to count.

The giant bronze gate seems to have an infinite giant, and it does not exist at any point, line, time, space, destiny, latitude, it seems that everything exists, but it contains Supreme Path truth.

A gray misty force came silently, completely ignoring the various barriers in front of the giant bronze gate, and it seemed that it was simply invalid.

The gray mist condense a silhouette of a young man, standing in front of the giant bronze gate, looking at the various patterns and words inscribed on the giant gate …

Stars, sun, moon, mountains, seas, lakes, 10,000 li ancient city …

There are also headless Buddhas, broken-winged angels, True Immortal weeping blood, faceless devil … countless powerful and terrifying creatures, killed by Legion shrouded in a gray mist …

Great Qin In 331 years, it wiped out more than 41 10000 demons of the Eternal Abyss. The Great Qin expedition wounded 100 people and killed ten people.

Great Qin 554 years, cut the shadow Legion 80 more than 30,000 people, Great Qin expeditionary army wounded 30 people, one fell.

In 870 years, Great Qin fell to Immortal Clan 43 people, Great Qin expedition army wounded 1000 people, and fell 80 people.

Great Qin In 1780, Angel Race Legion 100 8 100,000 zero 700 people, Great Qin expedition military injuries 3000, and 100 70 people died.


Great Qin in 9973, the undead natural disaster 200000000 3000 900 zero 80000, Great Qin expedition military wounded 10000 people, fell 3000 …

Great Qin has a history of 10800 years, chopping the star sky, race race 4000 8 million, Great Qin’s expeditionary military injuries 30,000, and 10000 fell, 431 people …

Great Qin In 1296500 years, there were 3 fallen True Immortal, one Golden Immortal, Great Qin expeditionary army with zero injuries and zero death …

The vicissitudes of life, death, sadness, despair, loneliness, helpless bloody handwriting, even though the endless years have passed, you can still feel how sad the dried bloody handwriting is.

Great Qin Expeditionary Force!

The lines of writing recorded are their glory, unparalleled warfare, and indelible glory.

One epoch, one epoch of time.

A total of dozens of large and small wars, more than 10000 times, against countless races, demons, natural disasters, doomsday, and even killed the fallen True Immortal.

Behind this huge door, it represents an ancient Legion that has been concealed by history for many years, and behind the bloody words of horrible to see, there are still a few people still alive.

Gu Huang was very sighed in his heart, and continued to look down the bloody handwriting, making his heart full of shock …

“One epoch, the war is finally over, 100,000 good children, less than 5000 …”

“We have no regrets, no complaints …”

“The First Emperor’s Law is coming, we can’t go back, continue to guard … an era …”

“The war restarts, we are back on the battlefield … Great Qin 4739 Nagoro …”

“3 epochs have passed … we are finally back … 4739 children … 833 returnees …”

“We broke into the eternal abyss and concluded an agreement … and finally we can go home …”

“His Majesty the First Emperor’s Law is coming again, continue to guard …”

“4 epochs … 800 Erlang is less than 500 … The enemy is getting stronger … We need supplies …”

“The 5th epoch is over … we still have 300 brothers … today a brother can’t support suicide …”

“We have no supplies … no support … no hope … we can’t hold on …”

“The 6th epoch has passed … There are only 131 brothers remaining … His Majesty’s Dharma is coming today … Someone reported that we colluded with the abyss …”

“We haven’t … we have been fighting dead … we have never betrayed our faith … and the empire … we have been wronged …”

“No one listens to our explanation … our argument is too weak … we just want to go home … go back to the Great Qin Empire and take a look …”

“General Sir took us back … We are going to the unknown place … We are going to find a way to live … Before we leave … let us fight for the last time for Great Qin.”

“Later … We didn’t betray … We didn’t betray Great Qin … We just want to go home … just go home …”

“No matter who you are, please tell us the people of Great Qin … We have not betrayed … Great Qin If there is a call … We must return … No matter what day …”

“Legion of the First Expedition … see …”

Desolate, dead, desperate, helpless writing, said that this expeditionary army that may have been forgotten by the Great Qin Empire, 7 era guards to fight, no complaints and no regrets …

Even under the decree of the Emperor, they were still reluctant to betray in order to survive.

If Great Qin is called, we will return it!

No matter what day!

How miserable, so sad, and so helpless!

It’s not really desperate situation, Great Qin Legion, it will definitely not leave such a last word.

“The first expedition Legion … guarded 6 epochs … The Great Qin Empire was established in only 7 epochs …”

“Sturdy and brilliant achievements are not known to the world.”

“It’s going to be wiped out, like a grotesque tyrant Ancestral Dragon, and a bastard.”

“Great Qin soldiers, your grievances and resentments, I took over.”

“When I settle the dispute here, I will take you back to Great Qin!”

The old old morao believes that it is the heretical path of the devils, but in the face of this group of expeditions for the Great Qin, there is almost no complaint and no regrets. Until the end, the expeditionary army who will not betray will be, in addition to admiration or admiration in the heart.

What kind of will, what kind of temperament, in Heaven and Earth without support and supply, surrounded by strong enemies, battled for 6 epochs, and there were only 100,000 people in 131 soldiers.

It is not known how many people remain today!

Ancestral Dragon owes them money, and Great Qin Empire also owes them …

At this moment, Gu Huang felt 10000 1000 in his heart, his hands were printed with bronze giant doors, and the whole person seemed to be electrocuted in an instant, as if the memory recovery of Eternal’s years was dusted.

The scenes flashed, and Gu Huang really saw the mark carried by the giant bronze gate, which is where a group of Great Qin soldiers defended with life and blood.

From age to age, the blood became the brand, and the door became the bearer of memory.

The picture displayed is far more cruel, bloody, and true than the one recorded above …

The original expeditionary army was just a group of 100,000 Great Qin Koro who had less cultivation base than Spirit Gathering Realm. Forcibly guarded this bronze giant gate for 6 eras …

“hong long long !”

In the silent void, the bronze giant door was slowly pushed open, and a sound resembling a twilight morning bell sounded, echoing completely in this silent void.

All of a sudden, a terrible aura broke out inside the door …

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