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I can’t control that many anymore, first recast the sourcely heavenly blade, this Young Master can’t cut it, but it doesn’t mean that others can’t do it ah!

That man, Great Emperor Pi Tianhuang, was not a paper.

Give him a blade and you will be able to cut off the sky, and once cut over the fierce person in the Hongmeng restricted area.

“10000 things, all living things, stars, time, destiny, Heaven and Earth and all spirits that exist.”

“I have no shortage of summon in the name of the monarch of the final order, and ask your help.”

“This battle is not for anyone, only for our own existence.”

“Maybe defeat, maybe die, maybe disappear completely, never appear again.”

“Normal Space-Time, Heaven and Earth, destiny, all living things, 10000 things exist, maybe we will never know our sacrifice.”

“I can’t give you any promise, nor can I help you out of trouble.”

“But I still have to ask you to lend me your strength, if I can survive this tribulation and be able to survive …”

“I will kill the Hongmeng Forbidden Zone, break the world of life, tear apart the high dimension, and seek justice for all you who exist but disappear.”

Gu Huang’s perception has been raised to the limit. It is completely covering the Nine Provinces, Heaven and Earth, all living things, 10000 things, stars, World, plane, time, fate, Heaven and Earth. All remaining spirits, all feel Gu Huang Will.

No promises can be given, no difficulties!

But if I can get over it!

A fair will be negotiated.

“Listen to the monarch summon, no complaints and no regrets!”

“May the dedication of the last strength for the monarch, until death!”

“Monarch, help us get justice!”

“Great monarch, order will never perish.”

All existing spirits utter their own cry from the remaining emotions, spirits, thoughts, and wills, because their own existence has disappeared, that is, a little spirit that does not return to the soul river and does not enter the 6 Dao.

More accurate is a little consciousness, but a special existence, 100,000 8,000 cycles, so that they have all recovered.

They can only be felt by mastering the power of Supreme at the highest level.

It is enough to devote the last strength to the prince of order!

“Monarch, please take out the Sword of the Years, Samsara Seal, Wheel of Fate!”

“We and the spirit of fate, the origin of Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Five Elements, recasts the original source heavenly blade for you.”

“All spirits that exist, please give your power to the monarch!”

“Sovereign, please take out your law and incorporate all the residual spirits of this Space-Time and Heaven and Earth.”

The spirit of gold time sighed long, really reached the limit, if the monarch has a Saint Position and has a law that has never appeared, their ancient remaining spirits will eventually be swallowed.


The last monarch, you carry our past and hope.

Live hard!

“Great monarch, the spirit of fate please!”

“The last order monarch, the spirit of Nine Provinces Heaven and Earth, please!”

“Sovereign, the Spirit of Space-Time please, please must live.”

Time Swords, Samsara Seal, Wheel of Fate emerged, 3 ancient Forbidden Items never appeared in the same hand at the same time, one gold one silver, and the remaining Yin-Yang Five Elements of Nine Provinces Heaven and Earth, The 9-color brilliance is integrated into the 3 Forbidden Items, and it seems to be activated instantly.

The golden light of the years knife shines brightly, reflecting the Eternal era.

Wheel of Fate silver light revolves and develops 10000 objects all living things.

Samsara Seal 6 The rainbow of colors permeates the boundary between life and death, the light of reincarnation.

Ancient and modern future, 10000 spiritual destiny, Life and Death Reincarnation, 3 ancient Forbidden Items permeated, filled with endless brilliance, seems to contain Heaven and Earth Supreme Path, eternal magic, Supreme rhyme.

A simple mysterious, brilliantly heavenly blade faintly formed …

“Spicy chicken system, help me cut another source body.”

“Lying trough! Guye, what happened? That’s Siyuan heavenly blade. You are recasting Siyuan heavenly blade … this is unscientific … Siyuan heavenly blade has been cursed … absolutely impossible again this world … unless there is Time, destiny, Heaven and Earth with itself … spirit … turned out to be spirit … how is this possible … “

“Spicy chicken system, stop beeping, there is no time to explain, help me cut out a Martial God body, this Young Master will bear these lost spirits.”

“Guye, are you crazy? Recasting the original source heavenly blade, this system can still understand, but cut out the Martial God body to accept these ancient remnant spirits, and you also accept all these spirits, and have a greater cause and effect. , The future will definitely involve civilization … “

“Spicy chicken system, live first, then consider other ones!”

“Master Gu, even if he cut out the Martial God body, with these spirits, he succumbed to condensing the 2 World Seeds, and at most improved the realm that is similar to the original Taoist body. Is an utterly inadequate measure. “

“Spicy chicken system, the Da Niu who has been here, he gave me a trick, this Young Master is going to open the door above.”

“Door, what door … Gu Ye, tell me quickly … this is very important for this system …”

“Spicy chicken system, isn’t it there?”

“Lying trough! How is it possible that this door is actually here. Since that person has given way to open, then I believe you also understood some secrets, this system will not block it, but to open the door, you have to bring 5 Dragon King Seal, Otherwise, you will die. Here is the system … “

“Spicy chicken system, this Young Master’s life is all yours, don’t let me down.”


The system is extremely speechless, but there is no way. If this time can pass safely, then some secrets and origins will be revealed, otherwise the host uncle will really swell.

No matter how strong you are, they are all the horses trained by this system.

One drink and one peck is really a fixed number!

The original source heavenly blade was originally cursed by Space-Time, Destiny, Heaven and Earth, and split into 3 Forbidden Items, but today it is recast because of it.

If the real immortal dao is successful, the Martial God position will also be successful.

Uncle host, it ’s such a deep good fortune …

The divine light is shining, endless ancient symbols are condensed, the vast golden brilliance cut a Soul Source from Gu Huang’s Yang God, and instantly condense a Divine Physique in the Vault of Heaven.

Twelve gold caves emerged from behind, powerful, vast, horrible aura diffused, all directions, countless remnant spirits were drawn into it, and the gold caves had undergone an amazing transformation instantly.

The spirits of various phases represent various existences, and can be wiped out when they enter the cave, turning into the source power of the cave, and a seed is gathered in the center.

Gu Huang’s body peeped aside, and the pupil light was filled with ultimate peace. When the gold seeds in the cave condensed, I saw a gray misty force disappearing around the 5 dragon King Seal.

“Lying trough! How is it possible to step on a horse … This system is really a dog …”

“The seeds of Martial God are not the seeds of the world, but the seeds of your uncle’s origin.”

“The Emperor Tianhuang of the last era, but by chance, got a seed of the original source … Gu Ye actually condense ten 2 seeds of the original source …”

“What is the origin of the ancient master … the seed of the 2 2 origins … represents the boundary of the 1 origins …”

“Ha ha ha! No matter, this is the good fortune of the ancient master, and the good fortune ah of this system!”

“Ten of the two origins, this system has to be accounted for first, first come first served, outdated …”

The system looked deep in the sky, ten or two gold seeds, and made a lowly laughed sound that no one could sense …

Chapter 1 to the monthly ticket! Seeking Migu Cup ticket! Please help

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