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“Wang Lu, or killing the gods without waste, or the name of a taboo that we cannot mention.”

“Don’t be pretentious, today is your stranger.”

“100,000 8,000 cycles, endless era plot against, the layout of Eternal years, we are for today.”

“Do you think we are all prisoners, are we all poor creatures of this Space-Time Heaven and Earth?”

“We have exhausted power, cycled over and over again, cycled over and over again, and plunged into extinction again and again, we are here to kill you.”

“Wang Lu, you are not Wang Lu at all, you are the pluralistic Heaven and Earth, inside and outside Primal Chaos, the only one.”

“You don’t die, Heaven and Earth will never be peaceful.”

Heaven and Earth collapsed suddenly, from the low latitude Supreme dimension, and gradually evolved from a singularity, 100000000 10000 law lines, countless latitude light, from the depth of the thirteenth dimension of terror.

A majestic, magnificent shore, and a vast silhouette stepped out of it, filled with the endless vast terrifying glory, which seemed to envelope the entire Heaven and Earth, Space-Time, as if it could be wiped out in a single moment, it was terrifying.

The glorious silhouette shrouded in endless tones gradually faded away. I saw a silhouette dressed in a white robe with a crown of scribes. The whole person seemed to be a chaotic incarnation, which made people afraid to look directly at it.

“Vast years, endless era…”

“BOSS, I finally wait until you come back, I can kill you once by myself.”

Heaven and Earth shattered, overflowing Heavenly Demon Qi oscillated out, mixed with endless killing, destruction, bloodthirsty aura, I saw a silhouette of a woman with two guns and a broken black armor.

Mozun Eldest Young Lady Su Mei!

Founder on the technology side!

The brightest pearl under the eternal abyss.

The messenger of the world!

A great demon that is also forgotten by history, and truly terrifying.

“Ha ha ha!”

“The high-dimensional chaos messenger, Demon Sovereign Eyebrow, Nine Provinces incarnation wolf girl, the main god purple 1000 Liu, this seat is really what skills and abilities ah! “

“It allows you to layout Eternal and cycle 100,000 8,000 times just to kill me.”

“Fuck! This seat really seems to have no way out.”

“This Young Master is indeed not Wang Lun, but this Young Master is curious, what the hell am I doing?”

“Let you not hesitate to do such a game!”

Gu Huang’s big sleeves also turned into his own reality. Everything came to this step, and naturally there was no need to hide it.

“There is no shortage, the matter is here, is it necessary to pretend?”

“Did you know what you did?”

“To ask a question, when already knows the answer, Hugh is going to delay the time, hurry up and die!”

Emperor Honghao stepped out, and an endless horror will erupted. The whole person seems to be from the emperor Immortal before the vast years, giving a terrifying aura.

Finally waiting for this moment!

Whether you are that person or not, you are going to die today!

You don’t die, we can’t sleep well.

“Emperor Honghao, look at your virtue, it really makes this Young Master sick.”

“Think of the secular world, even if it is a sinner who does not forgive him, he still needs personal evidence to convict. Even if he is determined, he will still be decapitated before death.”

“That’s all, it seems that you will not say …”

“Eldest Young Lady, tell me the answer!”

Gu Huang stood with his hands down, his face seemed very calm, without a little panic, so I was very curious about this 2nd-generation Eldest Young Lady, who actually wanted to kill himself, aren’t we a group?

Not to mention, don’t rush to make big moves, it’s not too late to figure out the truth.

On horse riding, the wolf girl and the main god can find themselves, even if the two heretical paths of the devils and the messenger and Eldest Young Lady come to find their own accounts.

this Young Master is a Great Villain ah!

“Poor boss, haven’t you remembered the past now?”

“Never think of it, never mind it.”

“You have failed my trust.”

Su Mei’s indifferent and deep pupil light is filled with a trace of mercy. The endless era passes, 100,000 8,000 cycles, BOSS finally returns, but you have forgotten everything.

Then die in oblivion!

You have failed my trust.

“Okay, just when I’m sorry for you, so high-dimensional messenger messenger.”

“What hatred do I have with you?”

Gu Huang looked towards the silhouette of the scribe, and today he calculated the account clearly, and looked at what is bad.

Not in a hurry!

How can the trump card come out in full?

Demonstrating weakness, Danger Land fought back.

“The camp of order is my enemy!”

The messenger pupil light is full of coldness and ruthlessness, giving people a kind of ultimate terrifying will, just like is an ancient shrine, making people shudder.

lacking hatred and enmity!

But you represent order, then you have to die.

“Okay, wolf girl, Zi 1000 Liu, what hatred do I have with you?”

Gu Huang pulled out the folding fan and appeared to be incomparably calm and calm. The reason for the high-dimensional chaos messenger was unassailable. It represented that order was a dead enemy, and that there was no such thing as position and good and evil.

Water and fire are inherently intolerant.

“Does it still make sense to this day? Blame it on you for being too disobedient. It used to be that way, it still is.”

“The contract is abolished. There is no one behind you at all. You are him. You really like to pose like you used to. Since you are dead, you should not come back.”

Wolf Girl and Purple 1000 Liu 2 people’s voice is silent, full of indifference and ruthlessness, it seems that Nine Heavens can shatter ten places, 100000000 10000 era annihilation …

Big brother, you are too disobedient, really too disobedient ah!

I don’t want to kill you, but you still come after all.

Why come, why come ah!



“The donor, it turns out that you are him. The little monk didn’t take action at the beginning, and today he also did not help each other.”

“Mercy, my Buddha, good fortune makes people, good fortune makes people ah!”

With the palms folded together, a deep buddha sounded, and the inner frustration was exhausted. Even if the current situation is so dangerous, even if he turns out of the body, I am afraid it cannot be stopped.

No old complaints before, no friendship after!

The monk still quits for the sake of monster monster.

At this moment, the scene is extremely dead, all around is full of extremely suppressed aura, seems to make people in endless darkness, it seems to be able to drive people alive.

Deep in System Space, Heaven and Earth Dual Swords and gold light and shadow people are all concerned about the outside world.

“It turned out to be … really good fortune to make people … even True Immortal … we can’t recognising Master … because he doesn’t deserve it!”

“That bright and splendid age of immortals has long since passed away. We are the last proof of existence, but unfortunately our strength will never be used by him.”

Heavenly Sword’s double swords made a loud voice, and the cold and disdainful tone stirred the dead System Space. He was not worthy or qualified to get their help …

Their strength will only be lent to…

Unfortunately, he couldn’t come back.

“The world is stupid, and the truth is always unclear.”

“You have been given the opportunity to choose!”

“I hope you don’t regret it!”

The voice did not fall, and the silhouette of the gold and shadow people disappeared, and only the voice filled with clear voice echoed…

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