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When Gu Huang Yang God returned to power, he instantly unlocked the power of Supreme.

“Gu Huang, dare to use Supreme’s power to shield this system, believing or not …”

“Spicy chicken system, what do you want?”

“Gu Huang … you believe or not this system gives you kneel …”


“Grandpa, Grandpa Gu, Ancestor Gu, you are not kind ah! We are a gang, what the hell are you doing with this system.”

“Spicy chicken system, roll the calf!”

“Ancient ah! This system has been calculated. If there is such a Heaven and Earth like this, it will really succeed, but the biggest question is, how do you flick them in.”

“Miracle City!”

“Lying trough! Gu Ye, this system looks like you are crazy, unless this system puts away all strength at any cost, but the problem comes again, you do n’t have such a side at all, you can carry the city of miracles and these powerful creatures Heaven and Earth. “

“Oh! Spicy chicken system, that may not be necessary!”

“What? Gu Ye, you … you … you … there is such Heaven and Earth … what is there … take this system to …”

“Spicy chicken system, no problem taking you there, but you can help me get the city of miracles first.”

“Guye, you do n’t want this system to see such Heaven and Earth, how can you make this system believe that Heaven and Earth in your mouth can really carry the city of miracles, 10000 Once this system ca n’t bear it, this system has run out of power, then would n’t it be Finish the calf. “

“Spicy chicken system, then don’t talk about it. This Young Master did it on your own without your help. This Young Master has to spend more time and effort that’s all, and naturally when the time comes, there are fewer benefits.”

“What! Gu Ye, who else did you find, such a big thing, you do n’t look for this system, you do n’t look for Tian Boss, you do n’t look for Primal Chaos Goddess, you even go to find outsiders, this system is going to see who is so big face.”

“Spicy chicken system, don’t worry about this. This Young Master has been plotting for a long time. Although the success rate of this game is almost zero, as long as it is completed, you can set the death market once and for all.”

“Guye ah! This system followed you all the way from Earth to here. Let’s go all the way in the wind and the rain. Even if there is no credit for this system, there will be hard work! Without hard work, there will be complaints! I don’t want to believe this system that was born with you … “

“Spicy chicken system, this Young Master does not deny that having today ’s good fortune has a lot to do with you, but I helped you find some cores, and it ’s enough to compensate your good fortune!”

“Guye, is it possible that you want to break up again, how can you be the same as the backstage of a spicy chicken mummy, saying that it will change?”

“Spicy chicken system, this Young Master did not say to break up, this is your own proposal, this Young Master is a matter of fact that’s all.”

“Scared to death of this system, thought it was going to break up? So, does this ticket bring this system.”

“Spicy chicken system, Primal Chaos Goddess, Tian Boss, the reason why this Young Master does n’t say, because this ticket is very risky, it is very likely to take his life into it, and finally get zero gains, saying a word of heart, I really do n’t want to Get involved with you. “

Gu Huang’s heart sighed, and he completely showed a helpless gesture. For the spicy chicken system, Primal Chaos Goddess, and Tian Boss, that is clear.

The more they are not allowed to participate, the more interested they will be.

If it is completely told, it must be all kinds of plots, plot against interests …

This ticket is missing the spicy chicken system, Primal Chaos Goddess, and any of the Boss of the sky, it really can not be completed, but things are now urgent.

Only bitter meat!

After all, the heart of playing routines is dirty.

“Tian Boss, Earth Lao 2, Old Lao 3, if you are my elder brother, how can I bear you.”

“Old 3, although I am useless, I still have a little effort, and it is not a problem to hold back the main god.”

“There are still 9 super taboo doomsday disasters in the tomb of the sky. You can summon them out. If you fit together in a short time, you can hold high-dimensional chaos messengers.”

After a long silence, Boss finally made a noise. This time he did not decide to hide, but revealed all the trump cards.

“Commander Sire, Primal Chaos Fortress is always waiting to be dispatched.”

“The ultimate killer of the Xingyao Empire, the ultimate creation on the technology side, can hold Eldest Young Lady.”

Primal Chaos Goddess is no longer asking, but he turned over his trump card directly, although I do n’t know what the commander wants to do?

But based on the commander’s words!

Dingding Ruins!

“Guye, this system can fix the city of miracles, but still has some spare power to hold down the wolf sister.”

“But monster monk and era gate, what are you going to do?”

“This system, Primal Chaos Goddess, and Sky Boss all shot, and I will have no spare time to help you.”

“Black Boss is still converging, and the six great soldiers have not yet recovered …”

“So the monster monk depends on you!”

The system also made a sound immediately. Instead of asking Gu Huang for any plans, Gu Huang is their greatest hope. If Gu Huang is cold, they will not need to continue.

Life and death depends on this game!

Dingding death ruins, stepping into the world of life.

“No, no, no, you are all wrong, the monk monster is my ally.”

“Tian Boss, if I can get Huang Tian in front of you, you can swallow it.”

“Swallow Huang Tian, ​​where can you recover.”

Gu Huang stood with his hands down, his expression was very calm, and there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and it was a good old fox.

Monster monk is an ally!

Without the monk, this plan could not be completed.

Monster Monk hates the emperor the most!

With the emperor as a bait, monster monks must be put on.

“Old 3, as long as Huang Tian shows up, even if it’s a thought …”

“I can follow the vine and devour it!”

“Huang Tian, ​​Heaven, Qing Tian, ​​and blue sky are all differentiated from me.”

“I can recover one of the 60% of the power, and it is no problem to hold anyone.”

Tian Boss’s voice is full of surprises, and he can’t fully guess what Gu Huang did, even Huang Tian is plotting against it.

But Huang Tianruo dares to show up!

Must die!

“Yes, that’s all right!”

“Huang Tian doesn’t want to show up, you don’t forget, the monster monk is the protector of the Heaven and Earth Empire.”

“If it wasn’t for the eternal abyss of the town, did you think Fuhuang could easily overturn the rule of the emperor?”

“I will find a way to make the monster monk force Huang Tian here.”

“As for the creatures in the era gate, does it have anything to do with me?”

“Monster is coming!”

In the next moment, the dark sky shook for a while, and Gu Huang slowly opened the pupil light … and walked in, the whole person was full of daze, helplessness, and silence …

“Bald donkey, what’s wrong? Is it lost?”

“What happened? Let’s say it and let you analyze it for you.”

Gu Huang saw the appearance of Dust, and was unconsciously a little curious under his heart. To know that this bald donkey is a monster monk, who can dare to let him lose his soul like this?

“Oh! Since ancient times, I am passionate and free of hatred, and this hatred is endless!”

“Dr. Wang Lun, the monk is out of love!”

When the palms are folded together, the pupil light is very silent, and the sound is full of deep helplessness …

monster monster!

Little monk … won’t you get your heart after all?

Perhaps this is life!

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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