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In the face of the dust, Di Honghao’s face couldn’t be hung, and the corner of his mouth was twitching violently.

The word monster monster 2 is usually mentioned, it is eagerly, and it can even be said to be kneeling and licking.

monster monster smiled enough to explode the dust and Buddha’s heart, completely squeezed to death.

But is it anti-war?

Even if you don’t kneel and lick, it’s so stiff that it’s just an old Buddha who is forgetful and pure Supreme’s friendship, do you believe it?

Dare to threaten this Young Emperor, for the time being not to worry about you as a bald donkey, looking back, this Young Emperor is slowly making you.

Although Emperor Honghao was full of unwillingness and coercion, he was not angry, thinking that there were more important things right now.

As for this Wang Lun, it is just an order monarch from normal Space-Time. It seems that the name is not small, but in front of this Young Emperor, what tricks can be played.

As long as you are still in the city of Zhong Prefecture, don’t want to run out, just two Saints, without Ning Yun and Mo Ran shot, Ben Young Emperor can suppress it.

After the dust and Gu Huang 2 people left, Di Honghao did not order to block, that is, let them 2 people leave, but the Celestial Maiden rain of Silver Race looked thoughtful.

She is not good at expressing emotions, but her mind is so transparent, the seemingly brutal human trafficker, in fact, is saying to remind her.

But the wise rain did not immediately follow, because the future is long, and some are time.

One thing she has determined is that Wang Lun is the trafficker and has a lot of intersection with another Heaven and Earth Space-Time himself.

The rain sent two silhouettes away, and secretly made a decision…

In the 7th district of Zhong Prefecture, the location of 4th Street, a fairly secluded house, although not very large or grand, but it has quite a few points of elegance and chic style.

When the dust led Gu Huang into it, the moment the door closed, I saw the dusty moon-white robe sweeping, the scene of all around suddenly changed, not in a secluded house, but in a starless moon, to Vaguely empty.


“Lord Wang Wang, who are you?”

“Don’t come again, don’t blame the little monk for being polite!”

With the palms folded in the dust, a heavy buddha was highlighted, and behind the manifest was not the gold and peaceful Buddha’s radiance, but a dark and endless light wheel, as if the Supreme demon occupying the Buddha’s body was full of breathtaking pressure , Seems to be able to destroy the Nine Heavens ten places, through the Immortal reincarnation and era.

“Oh! Bald donkey, really despicable enough, want to get a black hand on this seat.”

“This seat advises you to dispel your mind, otherwise the consequences are not something you can bear.”

“Boundless Abyss of Suffering, repent and be saved, don’t bring about one’s own destruction.”

Gu Huang rolled a big sleeve, pulled out a folding fan and waved it gently, facing the deterrent of the dust, he seemed calm and calm, so a bald donkey actually played the killing stick.

But it doesn’t matter!

This Young Master is Great Villain, monster monk is the big black hand.

Born to be friendly!


“Dr. Wang Lun, do you still want to tell the calendar?”

“The monk also advises you to be arrogant and be careful of being beaten.”

The dust light of the pupil light black glow flashes, full of death and coldness, giving an extremely terrifying pressure. There is no trace of Buddha’s nature all over the body, and only the pure killing nature.

Since the Heaven and Earth empire, the young monk died unhindered 100 in his life, and there are countless fierce battles.

Whether it is a monk who protects the country, or a tyrant of predators.

The monk has never been afraid of challenges!

Even in the rebirth of the emperor of that year, the monks did not counsel.

“Ha ha ha! What a bald donkey, what a monster monk, it’s really right.”

“Bald donkey, this seat can tell you, whether it is Wang Lun, or killing God Jun Wuhuang, it is not the real name of this seat.”

“Once the name of this seat is spoken, I am afraid you will die Land of Burial.”

“Not just your incarnation, but also the body of your predator tyrant, are you sure you want this seat to be famous?”

Gu Huang laughed 3 times, the folding fan of the palm closed a little bit, and the whole person seemed indifferent. Now it is time to test the force, and it depends on who can pretend.

However, fiend in human form is indeed a taboo name in this Space-Time, and the Lord God can’t bear it.

The monster monk’s body is at best better than the main god, but it’s also limited to that’s all.


“The little monk is not talented, so I really want to learn the real name of the donor.”

“I also hope that the donor will enlighten me, and the little monk will listen and listen!”

When the dust was low, the Buddha was lit, and he was a little suspicious in his heart. Looking at Wang Yang’s calm and windy gesture, it seemed that there was really a trump card.

But the young monk did not believe, and there are still names that the young monk could not bear.

Even though the group of depraves in the Hongmeng Forbidden Zone …

The little monk can stand it too!

Your background is not shallow, but the monk has a history.

“Uncle’s, a monster monk, really a stubborn bald donkey, dare to pretend to be so in front of you, you can bear it, this system is impossible to bear, drive him!”

“Spicy chicken system, don’t worry, wait for this Young Master to show the king of fiend in human form, and take good care of this monster monk.”

“No, Grandpa, 10000 10000, so it seems too much. Trifling monster monk is not yet qualified to listen to his name. Wait for this system to give you a more powerful name.”

“Spicy chicken system, why cannot mention, in front of the main god, this Young Master is not mentioned, the monster monk is stronger than the main god, how can’t hear it.”

“Guye, don’t worry, you can’t mention it because the monster monk is not worthy of hearing. Have you forgotten the gun besides the 7 inheritance soldiers?”

“Spicy chicken system, you mean that the gun in mythology can kill Death God and say Saint …”

“Hehe! Gu Ye, let me know! The gun in your hand is not from the Mythological Era of the Boss, but from the original one from the Earth Mythology, the Zhenger 8 Classic … “

“Spicy chicken system, seriously!”

“Guye, this system is guaranteed by Xiaowuxiang’s women’s clothing, there is absolutely no lie!”


“Master Gu, if there is a half word false, let Miao Xiaoxi’s wife become a sister-in-law!”

“Thank you once, why not!”

“Guye, when did this system pass you by, and ensure that it is properly done.”

“Stop beeping!”

“Good! Please tell this name calmly!”

“Spicy chicken system, I fuck your uncle …”

When Gu Huang saw the name displayed by the System Interface in the depth of one’s soul, he almost had the urge to kill …


“Lord Wang Wang, please name it!”

“Don’t be alarmist, the monk will give you 3 breaths time.”

“Don’t say it again, don’t blame the ruthless monk.”

I saw Gu Huang silent for a long time, obviously impatient. On the spot, it was a calm voice, giving people an extreme fierceness.

Pretend, the monk will see how long you can pretend!

“This Majesty’s name is …” Gu Huang’s mouth twitched violently, and his heart was full of shame, but he had to bear the name …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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