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“Why do you need to explain to you that you have acted all your life!”

Gu Huang with a flick of sleeve, the whole person’s speech is full of overbearing, just like Sovereign from Antiquity Immortal, since he has a gesture of invincible Heaven and Earth, disdain unhindered, aloof and remote.

Mo Ran’s slaying made Gu Huang’s plan almost run-down.

Of course, there are countless trump cards of the old demon, and naturally they are not afraid of the persecution of the monster monk.

No need to explain anything to a group of dead people?

at worst roll up your sleeves to fight!


“Don’t agree with the donor’s remarks.”

“Lord Wang Wang, you are the last monarch of order, and once supported the backbone of order for Heaven and Earth, all living things, 300,000 9 Li Warriors buried their bones in other countries.”

“But it’s just a word of his side. With such a great achievement, the young monk wants to see evidence.”

“The donor, but now it is an opportunity for the 9 Li people to make a name.”

When the palms are folded together, the eyebrows seem peaceful, but the words are extremely offensive, and they are intimidating Gu Huang.

Now that you are in the suit of a monk, how can you get away if you want to get out of it?

Killing God is no waste, normal Space-Time, but I have delivered a letter, you are an extremely difficult shot.

And you have even killed monster monster 4th, because of this, how can this poor monk spare you?

If you are a real hero or a fake hero, don’t try to escape.

“Correct name, this seat is the name of your ancestor of the eighteen generations.”

“How old are you, why should this seat explain to you?”

“Is there any trash of your hypocrisy and shameless Clan of the Xia Clan?”

“A group of scum, this is ashamed to wait for the company!”

Gu Huang stood down with his hands, and the pupil light was extremely cold. He directly started the group mocking mode. Mo Ran and Ning Yun had already sold him. They wanted to be a low-key and they were obviously impossible.

Then tear your face and go to war!

Kill Emperor Honghao first and take Human Sword!

With the rubbish of a group of Zhuxia clan, it really didn’t pay attention.

“You … who is the scum, make it clear, and can be mixed with the 9 Li people, it may not necessarily be something good.”

“Dare to insult us and other summers, this person must not be left, Young Emperor please order to kill this person.”

“Young Emperor, never let him go!”

“Young Emperor, please order!”

A group of powerhouses in the Zhuxia clan, who can withstand such and such ridicule, each and everyone had already exploded. It was originally angered by a stomach, and now they are called garbage in front of Young Emperor.

I would like to ask who can live!

Without killing it, the Zhuxia clan will surely become a laughing stock.


“You donors, don’t be impatient!”

“Dr. Wang Lun, why is it so furious and so hurt to export? This will inevitably lead to loss of identity.”

“The little monk wants you to come up with evidence, that is to give 9 Li people a chance.”

“You insulted the monk three times and two times, what is the point?”

“Dr. Wang Lun, if you are in overbearing, it is no wonder that the little monk started ruthlessly.”

When Chen Meiyu wrinkled slightly, even the closed palms shook slightly, and there was a little anger in the pupil light, even if he was against the person, he still had 30% firepower.

A bite of a bald donkey is so annoying.

If the monk was not for monster monster, how could you be impudent like this.

believing or not The bone residue that you eat long ago is not left.

Sin, guilt, the monk committed a resignation again, this time without Wang Wang, he could not calm the anger in the monk’s heart ah!

“Bald donkey, if you don’t want to fight, the seat is here!”

“Emperor Honghao, this seat advises you not to act rashly, otherwise the first one will send you back to the west.”

“This seat likes people to look at me disagreeably, but can’t do this Majesty’s look.”

“The rubbish of the Zhuxia clan, heads-up or group fights, despite the way down, this seat follows.”

Gu Huang’s palm fan opened and waved gently. The whole person was full of provocative gestures. The matter has reached this step, and there is no need to endure it at all.

Roll up your sleeves and you’re done!

fiend in human form, who is afraid of coming.

Even if the wolf girl, the main god incarnation shot, this Young Master does not counsel.

“Lying trough! Gu Ye, this is not right ah! What kind of routines are you playing, this system can’t understand ah!”

“Shut up! Just look, don’t shoot, this Young Master has his own opinion.”

“Oh! You are the grandfather! This system is just backed out.”

“Either don’t play, play big if you want to play.”

The communication between system and Gu Huang is just a moment, and all around is absolute silence, whether it is Lady Boss Ning Yun, Mo Ran, Di Honghao, or rain, even the dust is all shocked, even there is A brief silence.

Even though Gu Huang and Ning Yun, who knows Gu Huang well, could not help frowning, what trump card he still has, or what do he rely on, dare to be so arrogant.

This is not a normal Space-Time. Your face to kill the gods without waste is really big enough to summon countless powerhouses in an instant. This is a closed Space-Time singularity. I do n’t know how many powerful and unspeakable layouts exist.

Even though they are the Clan of Xia, there are still many old bastards.

Who gives you the courage, who gives you the courage to dare to be absolutely unrestrained, regardless of the law and of natural morality.

Bloated too much, Gone to Heaven ah!


“Lord Wang Wang, repeatedly provoked, overbearing, the little monk almost caught your way.”

“The monk knows that you just want to provoke disputes so that everyone can take action against you, then you have enough reason to fight back.”

“The above are all anger in your heart, because 9 Li people have been treated too much injustice, too much humiliation, you are the last monarch of order.”

“The donor, you want to seek justice for the 9 Li people.”

“I don’t know if the little monk is right!”

The high-pitched buddha sounded resoundingly, filled with the positive, peaceful, and divine, which seemed to purify all the negatives of the soul, and instantly calmed everyone’s anger.

What a killing god, what a Divine King!

It’s really remarkable, the little monk looked down on you.

You come with resentment and anger in order to get justice.

In this way, it is time to have common interests with the monks.

“Oh! Bald donkeys, these fools on the field don’t know, this seat thinks you can understand, after all, you are a stupid bald donkey that’s all.”

“Other people don’t understand the heart of this seat, don’t you understand the dusty donkey?”

“You asked me 9 questions about the Li people, why is it that you are not a bald donkey?”

“Because the 9th Li people have been advancing and guarding 10000 people, they have suffered 1000 injustices and 10000 accusations because of the defeat. How miserable and how cold.”

“For a long time, a long time, until all living things are forgotten, time is erased, before the shadows of destiny, there was a man made all living things, Heaven and Earth, Space-Time, destiny, and paid too much.”

“The world is stupid, all living things accuse, Heaven and Earth spurns, fate deviates, Space-Time forgets …”

“Bald donkey, anyone here can blame this seat, but you are not qualified!”

“This seat thinks you understand, but now it seems to be just a stupid ignorant, not as good as a donkey 3.”

Gu Huang folded the fan together, pointed at the dust, and spurned it on the face, the words were stern, the sentences were like knives, and they deeply penetrated into the heart of the dust …

Bald donkey, this Young Master see when you can pretend!

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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