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Inside and outside Primal Chaos, the vast Heaven and Earth, the endless plane, the universe and the star sea, 100000000 10000 World.

Nature also has a difference between high dimension and low latitude. At that time, the emperor of Heaven and Earth Empire Supreme became the center of diverse Heaven and Earth, and the Nine Provinces of that era were extremely brilliant.

suppressing Heaven and Earth, divide Yin-Yang, decide life and death arbitrarily, and control 6 ways.

Although the low latitude is secret, the high dimension of terrifying is also under the suppression of the emperor.

The stars outside the Nine Provinces, World and Space-Time, have gradually collapsed in a nearly unlimited cycle of the main god and wolf sister.

But they are not emperors after all, at least in high dimensions and low latitudes, even if they should be afraid.

The hidden existence of low latitudes, once invading reality, will cause uncontrollable threats. In the past, distant Nine Provinces have also had an example of invading reality at low latitudes.

I do n’t know how much mutation …

The low latitudes are secret and cannot be mentioned or touched. Any creature who finds that they dare to touch low latitudes will be suppressed by all forces.

There is an unknown past that has disappeared from history.

Even before the Heaven and Earth empire, it was a chaotic and disorderly terrifying era. There was a hidden invasion of reality at low latitudes, resulting in countless uncontrollable mutations.

Space-Time, Heaven and Earth, destiny, all living things, 10000 spirits, and even Life and Death Reincarnation are invaded.

Just one step away, Primal Chaos will be pulled into the depths of low latitudes, and finally a pair of powerhouses from unknown places will stand out.

No. 1 Chen Emperor, No. 1 Emperor Yue! (The characters of Zichen and Ziyue will be launched in the middle and later!)

Chen Di’s first picture is Yin-Yang, with 3 talents and 4 images, divided into Five Elements.

Yue Huang wrote Six Directions in one book, with 7 stars and 8 points, now in 9 houses!

Figure name river map!

Book title Luo Shu!

One picture and one book are integrated, and the town of Primal Chaos is important.

However, the secret of low latitudes is too strong, invading the boundaries of reality. It is difficult to perform Yin-Yang in the vertical river charts and Luo Shu. Eventually, both Chen and Emperor Yue suspended the coffins to suppress the low latitudes with their true bodies.

Emperor Chen and Emperor Yue both entered the low latitudes and returned to the continuation of Primal Chaos.

At that moment, Heaven and Earth both cried, all living things mourned, 100000000 10000 Heaven and Earth, Endless World, and the bloody rain, 7 consecutive days.

I do not know how many years have passed or how many reincarnations have passed in the past, one era after another, one cycle after another.

Heaven and Earth, Space-Time, destiny, all living things, have forgotten the past, have forgotten everything, and have forgotten the existence of Emperor Chen and Emperor Yue.

No one remembers them, and no one remembers their sacrifices and contributions for Primal Chaos.

all living things are always forgotten!

Time will heal everything!

Under the endless low latitudes, there are too many strange and unknown. Without Sun, Moon and Stars, Heaven and Earth, there is no time and destiny, only full of unknown, unknown and strange factors.

Or a point, or a plane, or endless fantasy.

The intersection of low latitude and reality, 2 strange bronze ancient coffins of unknown ages have been suspended, and countless strange mists are filled with it, full of unknown and unknown.

Above the delivery of countless bizarre lines, a bronze ancient coffin suspended a tortoiseshell on the other side, and a jade book suspended on the bronze ancient coffin on the other side, reflecting each other into bizarre lines, which seemed to completely ban the unknown and strange.

The low latitude has an unclear corrosion of reality. Everything here may not exist, there may be everything, reality and illusion, energy and matter.

The ancient Hetu and Luoshu, legends of the endless years, have their calculations Heaven and Earth, analyze fate, penetrate 10000 elephants, peep into the special book of reincarnation.

No one knows that this book is really the original Hetu and Luoshu. Even though Primal Chaos once appeared in Hetu and Luoshu, that is just the projection of the real Hetu and Luoshu.

A book and a picture have long been accompanied by Emperor Chen and Emperor Yue, suppressed under this infinitely low latitude.

No creature knows!

Knowing that they no longer exist, there are creatures that can transcend above the high dimension, but dare not easily fall below the low latitude.

The main god, wolf sister, high-dimensional messenger messenger, Eldest Young Lady also dare not.

In addition to the sky above that year, Supreme Emperor!

However, things in the world are always relative. No one descends under low latitude, but it does not mean that no one can do it.

Under the endless low latitude, either a point or a plane, full of unknown and strange, but there are three-dimensional ripples.

It seems to be a circle of ripples on the horizontal plane, and the plane is actually stretched out, only the plane of length and width, originally there is no concept of height, but at this time from the plane into a three-dimensional.

Long, wide, and high, it seems to be promoted to 2 dimensions in 3 latitudes.

A portal appeared silently, and I saw a terrifying tentacle spreading out of it, and at the moment of entering the low latitude, even the unknown and strangeness of all around were retreating.

Under the incomparably low latitude, there was a whisper of whispering, as if it were a creature.

The tentacles spread from the extension of all directions, supporting the portal on the plane, and a shadow was drilled from the inside. Under the special suppression of low latitude, it immediately changed from three-dimensional to flat. It seemed to be a paper man. Shuttle quickly at low latitudes.

It was faintly visible that the shadow formed the shape of a chicken. The unknown and strangeness under the low latitude saw the disappearance of its tentacles, and the voice of whispering rang again.

In the moment of extremely calm and low latitude, different mists filled up, forming tentacles, chains, palms …

Instantly moved towards the chicken-like shadow torn away, but between the moment, the chicken-like shadow was torn apart by forcibly, but a burst of light burst out from the depth of the shadow, just like Matchstick People, taking advantage of Chicken-like shadows are swallowed up by the hidden presence at low latitudes.

Matchstick People is like hitting chicken blood and rushing up quickly. At a quick glance, I saw the double coffin suspended at the intersection of reality and low latitude.

I saw a book and a picture again, but I didn’t dare to stop, and I was too late to think about it. I instantly crossed the intersection of low latitude and reality.

The mysterious existence of countless strange and unknown, the roar of the terrifying roar came out, but unfortunately it was too late.

From the flat body, Matchstick People immediately became a normal illusory shadow. A spot flashed in front of him, and the black swastika hand stretched out from it, and directly grabbed the illusory shadow.


“The hour is just right, donor, all the hard work!”

“It’s just a pity that the flower chick donor, mercy, my Buddha, may you wait for Bliss!”

black clothes The master of the buddha is is a moon-white monk robe with a beautiful face. Looking at the illusory shadow in front of him, he gradually solidified, and said a horn, full of compassion aura, as if it were a Supreme monk.

“Master, you said it seriously. If you didn’t help you in the past, I would have fallen.”

“I am Evil Heaven Emperor, and I must kill 7 the evil woman!”

“She’s not dead, Ben Celestial Emperor has trouble sleeping and sleeping!”

“Please also ask the Master to help me!”

The illusory shadow gradually solidifies, and if you look closely, its face is 8 90% similar to Wang Zeyu, but in front of it is not Wang Zeyu, but one of the former Supreme Celestial Court all directions Celestial Emperor, the northern Evil Heaven Emperor.

Because 7 dyed the pry and walked away his love, Heaven, Earth and Human war broke out, Evil Heaven Emperor died for the siege of the 3 Kings, a ray of Remnant Soul fell into 6, but was saved by the beast master.


“The donor, the little monk has already prepared dang!”

“With the assistance of the donor, the major event can be achieved.”

“Lord God, Wolf Girl, Demon Venerable, High-Dimensional Chaos Messenger, City of Miracles, the little monk finally waited for this day.”

“But before that, the monk also wanted to incarnation!”

“Monster monster, the little monk is here!”

The young monk shouted the Buddha’s horn and sent Evil Heaven Emperor’s soul into the depths, while an incarnation emerged from his body and disappeared instantly! (The bald donkey is dusting, Master is online)

Seeking a monthly ticket! ! !

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