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Destiny Divine Hall!

Zi 1000 Liu Liu was dumbfounded and didn’t know how to describe it. Rao was alive and didn’t know how many eras, but I have never seen it as it is today.

Ma Zai, who has spent a lot of effort pulling back from the normal timeline, used 100,000 8,000 cycles to repair the soul light…

A face-to-face, even gave it away!

The cultivation of endless years is not as good as the 3 words and 3 words of Wu Shi 2, and it is to pass people on to you.

God special Yellow Springs Master!

I am the Lord of Infinite Space-Time, the God of all reincarnation Heaven and Earth!

trifling the location of a Yellow Springs master!

They bought it, and it was so shameless to vote.

Purple robe, black robe, green robe, the battle of the dead river, to die generously, bravery is righteous, what about the heroic spirit that regards death as the home, at all costs?

At the moment of Zi 1000 Liu, I didn’t know what to say at all. I really didn’t know what method Wu Shi 3 used. In 3 words and 2 words, he bought the old robe from Ancestor.

Is it because my main sacred book is not big enough, or it hasn’t been born in too long, which has been forgotten by the world.


Naked face!

“Wolf girl, can you still sleep peacefully until now?”

Zi 1000 Liu Liu is completely helpless, but now she is staring at Wu Shi 3 alone, but has a wolf sister, Demon Venerable eyebrow, high-dimensional messenger messenger.

In the previous cycle, this node was 7 dead and dead, withered and violent, the 3rd natural disaster appeared, the son of chaos came, and the killed Nine Provinces blood flowing into a river.

In the end, Wolf Girl died, in exchange for the next restart.

The 100,000 8,000 cycles, Mozun Sumei, Wolf Girl, herself, and the messenger of high latitudes are all secretly fighting.

It is a pity that all directions are combined horizontally and horizontally, and guard against each other. Since countless eras, no one has been a real winner.

We know each other too well, who played many games, how many pieces were moved, and at their point, who can do anything?

The endless era of competition is all for the city of miracle that’s all.

It’s a pity that the last cycle, after all, has made a mistake. Since Gu Huang entered this space-time, everything has changed invisibly.

In front of this Wuxi 3, what is the beginning, 3 words and 2 words gave the purple robe Old Ancestor to Fool.

The position of a Yellow Springs master is bought!

It’s really hurting and it’s really hitting the face.

“In normal Space-Time, the Old Ancestor of the Purple Robe was originally the host of Yellow Springs, and now it is as it should be.”

“I can’t blame you on this matter. If you want to blame me, I’m wrong. I also underestimated the big brother’s heels.”

“I’m going to see how many catties and how many taels are in Wuxi 3.”

“There is the ability to buy the chaotic Demon Lord.”

The wolf girl’s pupil light is full of calm. It is not a surprise for the purple robe Old Ancestor’s enemies to be enemies, because there is a big cause and effect, and the 7-master Master is Wuxi 3.

Found at least 7 dyed backgrounds, 100,000 8,000 cycles, only 7 dyed soul Soul Seal remembered that they could not do anything.

No ten 3, very strong!

However, the Chaos Demon Lord may not be necessary. This is not the normal Holy Life of Silver Holy Son in Space-Time, but the main soul of the Chaos Demon Lord that fell in the war of the previous era.

The real chaotic Demon Lord, the brothers of the 2nd world, the 5th Demon Lord in the original Demon Realm.

An original True Demon!

Legend has it that the original True Demon had a big head, and even if they were in the restricted area, they could not find the foot of the original True Demon.

“Confusion Demon Lord, wolf girl, that’s the brothers of Heavenly Emperor. If you dare to plot against him, you are not afraid that Heavenly Emperor will come back from the last era.”

“The Great Emperor Tianhuang used to kill through the Hongmeng Forbidden Zone …”

“10000. The chaotic Demon Lord fell today, the price you can think about.”

Purple 1000 Liu inner heart secretly sighed, wolf girl is really crazy, Gu Huang just had a trace of uncontrolled sprouting, it is to take the craziest obliteration.

How can it be like this!

Obviously we are to break free, to …

What is the difference between the faction today and those Villain that lay out Eternal, plot against all living things.

“1000 Liu, I even plot against myself …”

“I’m still afraid of the cost of trifling!”

“Confusion Demon Lord, wake up!”

The wolf girl’s pupil light is dead and deep, and she has nothing to do with everything. The Supreme situation is laid down. One is the city of miracles, 2 is fiend in human form.

All Heavens Myriad Realms, inside and outside Primal Chaos, multiple Heaven and Earth, only one person dare to use the name of fiend in human form.

Would rather kill the wrong, without letting go!

Big brother, I’m sorry, I really can’t let you be our threat.

Even if we are already fallen!

Since it has fallen, it is not coming back!

With the cry of the wolf sister, Nine Provinces Great Heaven and Earth is a dark and dead place, there is no inch of light, and I don’t know where it is in the depth of the void of that dimension …

“Xili Hua La!”

A piercing chain sound echoed into the void, and I saw 5 thick black chains extending out of nowhere. Its length is a few thousand ten thousand zhang. It was forged with Primal Chaos iron, engraved with ancient mysterious symbols, and blocked a foot. There is a body of 1000 7 feet of horrible giants, dark hair like waterfalls, unshakable faces, a moment of closed eyes, and a burst of killing, bloodthirsty, and greasy repression of aura seems to be able to penetrate the Eternal Demon deep.

“Sister Wolf, it is you who rescued me, and it is you who sealed me!”

“This Demon Lord owes you a cause and effect!”

“Wake me up at this time, what should I do?”

The ancient troll roaring Heaven and Earth in front of him, the sound is terrifying to the extreme, tearing the Eternal void, breaking the blockade of latitude, and the rolling demonic energy reflects the blood of the corpse mountains and the white bones.

Chaos Demon Lord 7 years! (7-year role!)

The original Demon Realm Seven Great Demon Lords of the last era, once invaded the human world with the killing Demon Lord, and then because of the killing Demon Lord, the Two Great Demon Lords fell.

Until the 2nd world of Tianhuang Emperor met …

Emotional, become brothers …

Tianhuang Emperor Sword broke the last era, the original Demon Realm has no complaints and no regrets, and the three devil ancestors … all fell.

Once the main soul was saved by the wolf sister, it is a seal of endless era here.

At this time, a picture reflected in the void is exactly what happened in the northern mountain range, and the Demon Lord became confused in a moment …

Accompanied by a burst of noise, he broke free of the chain instantly, surrounded by dark rays of light, and covered with pure black clothes, and teared open the latitude with his bare hands.

“7 years brother, and slow!”

“Go to Nine Provinces on this trip and do a favor for the old man!”

Behind the Demon Lord for 7 years, a vortex emerged from which an old and unmatched voice came out.

“Oh! Green robe Old Brother, please say something!”

Chaos Demon Lord has known the identity of the comer for 7 years. This is one of the 3 ancestors who have been famous since Antiquity. The two sides have no intersection, but they belong to one camp.

“7-year-old brother, I was also entrusted by my Junior Brother. Did you see the girl named 7 dyed?”

“Please brother 7 dyeing.”

The vortex disappeared, and the voice of the green robe disappeared. Only the chaotic Demon Lord was chaotic in the wind for 7 years, his face was awkward, with a bit of a bitter smile, he stepped out of the dimension.

Legendary 3 ancestors, it really hasn’t changed.

Especially black robe, really stingy!

Not to mention, then go for a meal!

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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