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“Unparalleled Villain System core fusion …”

“Understanding the source …”

“Unlocking information function …”

“People’s information replacement …”

“Loading big map …”

“Exchange function update …”

“Improve the host’s *** 12 level authority …”

“The analysis is completed, the framework is completed, the character information is updated, and the new Unparalleled Villain System is online …”

“Khorium Great Demon King’s exclusive title skills have been upgraded!”

The core of the fusion system has a new panel, which is more than ten times more luxurious than the previous one. If it was only a low-end version, it is now the exclusive local version.

The major functions in the past have not changed, but they have been optimized a lot. For example, the map function can only be realized when it enters a World by itself.

Not only does it not need to load now, but the map of the big Heaven and Earth inside and outside Primal Chaos directly appears, just like the World map on Earth. The densely packed big Heaven and Earth is unknown.

As far as the ancient sky is concerned, it has 3000 large boundary layers, with a total of 9 100000000 million layers of World, not to mention the global star sea, countless planes.

And now all the marked Heaven and Earth can be automatically loaded as long as they are turned on, as long as they can afford Destiny Points, you can shuttle as much as you want.

It is enough to see that the system after fusion is almost BUG-like.

On the panel of the local version, there is an additional information function, as long as the affordable Destiny Points can query anyone ’s past experience, and even communicate with this person, even if this person is in the past time or the future timeline .

Gu Huang tried to enter the name of the emperor, but found that the huge red cross displayed on the panel showed that the *** level was not enough to query.

“Spicy chicken system, what kind of tricks are you doing, why even Emperor can’t inquire.”

“Guye, it’s not tricks, your authority is not ah! And the Empire of Heaven and Earth has disappeared even with Imperial Capital, and even the traces of existence are gone. If you want to check, you must at least reach the level of V18.”

“Roll the calf, the spicy chicken system, help you find the core, and upgrade me to Level 3. Wouldn’t V18 never reach it.”

“Guye, you are really wronging this system. This is not a stumbling block for this system, but this is the core of this system. The authority is insufficient, and this system is powerless … Of course …”

“Destiny right? Spicy chicken system, you are no good as always.”

“Gu Ye ah! How can it be no good? The old saying is good, money can make ghosts grind, more enchanting, money is not 10000, but no money is 10000 10000 can not, as long as there is a lot of destiny , This system will be able to grant you temporary permissions, 1000 10000 units destiny once, is this system very kind. “

“Spicy chicken system, I will go to your uncle!”

“Guye, we are all civilized people. We must have quality and self-cultivation. We can’t export them to be dirty. You have to be an elegant Great Demon. You have no money, but old monks withered wood. Look at the light of merit of 10,008 hundred zhang. , And your past life as a traitor is also a little local tyrant. “

“Spicy chicken system, this Young Master knows you do n’t hold your ass, who can this Young Master beat?”

“Guye, don’t counsel, don’t you still have this system? This is not just integrating the core, it is a bit expensive, you will definitely not lie to Eldest Young Lady, then these 2 big fat sheep …”

“Spicy chicken system, no matter how shameless this Young Master is, it can’t be robbed of a discipline. If it’s spread, how will it be mixed in the future …”

“Guye, you are not robbed, you are professional, you have to believe in yourself, let’s say there is old shameless Wang Yun backing you, what are you afraid of!”

“Spicy chicken system, then make a vote!”

“Guye, don’t feel guilty, Master has difficulty, the discipline must lend a helping hand, besides, the old shameless did it from beginning to end. What does it have to do with you?”

“En! I’m for the sake of being a traitor, walking the rivers and lakes, and the wealth is not innocent. She is a big taboo in the rivers and lakes. Of course, being a Master must teach the discipline a lesson.”

“Guye! That’s right, everything is for the sake of discipline.”

“Spicy chicken system, wake me up to Black Boss, it’s time to work out.”

“Guye, I have awakened you a long time ago, and this is the incarnation of the Great Buddhist Monk and the King Ming, one brick at a time.”


The fusion of the core system is completely engulfed in extreme expansion. Gu Huang unconsciously is under the hood again. Anyway, the old devil can’t control that many anymore.

And Gu Huang silhouette hides, moves towards towards the direction of the war instantly …

In the depths of the quiet and dark System Space, a gold light and shadow person emerged slowly, and stood so quietly in the System Space to wait and see. I don’t know how long the past, a long sigh filled.

“I ’m back, and finally each and everyone are back …”

“The passing years, the only remaining proof, everything forgotten by the world …”

“Heaven and Earth is in rebirth, time is restarting, burying the sky, burying the ground, erasing the existence of immortals …”

“One period after another, the splendor dissipates, and it is reduced to a solitary soul, unbound ghost.”

“But we are still back …”

“Myth revived, 10000 immortals will eventually reappear, and glory will return, and it will surely be there!”

“Fallen Immortal Clan, Hongmeng restricted area!”

“Eternal Realm … he is back …”

“Sooner or later … we will get everything back … this day will not be long …”

gold light and shadow man’s voice is very low, and its light and shadow are also slowly dissipating. Only the deep and dark space is left with 2 drops of gold tears, which eventually become an endless light rain, reflecting the picture of one after another dusty Eternal .

There is endless hongmeng, 3000 Demon God is coming …

There are horrible giants who use axe to drive Hongmeng …

There is azure jade butterfly, born from the depth of Hongmeng …

There is a combination of beings and spirits, claiming to be …

There are endless Heaven and Earth, Eternal Hongmeng …

100000000 10000 The picture, accompanied by the flash of light and rain, seems to chase the endless dusty past, that is destined to be a bright and glorious era, a time that fades away, an unknown past.

They used to have a common name!


It ’s been too long, too long, so long gone …

Heaven and Earth reincarnation, all living things forgotten, one after another …

Glory cannot be recalled, and the past cannot be reflected.

But after all, it is back!

No matter how many years, no matter how many epochs, and no matter how many reincarnations …

“We will return!”

“It will come back!”

“No matter how long!”

“Myth revived, Heaven and Earth reopened, Era restarted!”


In the depths of the quiet and dark System Space, the disappearing light rain swept out, manifesting a line of gold, including monstrous hatred, unwillingness, resentment …

When the myth recovers, Heaven and Earth reopens!

When the era restarts, the return of the cents!

Even if it is forgotten by everyone, even Heaven and Earth Endless Samsara, even if the source has passed away …

Will eventually return!

Great summon technique! summon monthly pass! Come back alone in summon!

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