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“Welcome you, 1000 Liuliu girl!”

“Going back outside, you and I will be worthy of Senior Brother.”

“I am Senior Brother, you are Junior Sister!”

Gu Huang put away the Heaven and Earth Dual Swords, and pulled out the folding fan with 2 fingers, and then twirled violently in the palm of his hand, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

Horse riding, finally smoothed out, the heart of this Young Master ah!

Make an equality pledge!

Even if this matter is correct, one more Life Protecting Talisman has been added since then.

Absolutely not to pretend to be forced, nor to eat soft rice.

Although … it seems … there is such a trend …

But this Young Master will never admit it.

“Gu Huang, why are you Senior Brother, and I am Junior Sister?”

“Why cannot I am Senior Sister, are you Junior Brother?”

“I am Senior Sister, you are Junior Brother, so decided, no negotiation.”

“Gu Huang, do we still have a balance between us?”

No matter how arrogant the body is, Zi 1000 Liu Liu is still a woman, and she is still a beautiful woman. This world cannot offend women, especially beautiful women.

Women are stingy, and it is one thing to sign an equality pledge with Gu Huang.

But I have not forgotten how Gu Huang was teased in ancient city.

“Account, what account! Why can’t I remember.”

“It doesn’t matter if you forget, I remember it.”

“Wait slowly, 1000 Liu Junior Sister, I am you Senior Brother, you dare to shoot Senior Brother, this is a big deal.”

“OK ah! Want to be my Senior Brother, I will admit if I win.”

“1000 Ryu girl, I have never seen you bully like this, I will be a Saint, and you are so sorry to say it.”

“Then I will push Realm to Saint and fight you.”



“That’s good, let’s talk about it first, only better than Martial Dao, Divine Ability, Magical Technique, no better than rules, rules!”

“Yes, 3 wins and loses!”

“It’s boring to play like that, bet on the jackpot.”

“You said!”

“I lost. You can mention whatever you want. If I win, you will undress.”

“Shameless! But I bet you!”

2 people giving tit for tat, refuse to yield an inch, Zi 1000 Liu Liu did not forget how Gu Huang teased her, and it is still shameless.

The test is false, and it is true to beat him.

Reluctant to child, not wolf.

Men are all virtuous, and they must be hammered today.


“Gu Huang, give you a chance to move first!”

Purple 1000 Liu Su danced the void directly, and directly evolved into a ring. Numerous singular lines outlined it, forming an imprisoned space, and directly entered a dharma body.

Anyone who steps here is impossible to exert power beyond Saint’s borders.

Gu Huang battle strength is very strong. Same realm invincible does not say that it can cross a large territory, enough to slay Peak Emperor with his bare hands.

There are many inheritances, all of which are ancient Heaven Art.

The first battle was for accounting, and I wanted to accurately test Gu Huang’s limits.

Now that he has joined the group, if Gu Huang can pass his own test, he may be able to send him there to fight for a chance.

“1000 Miss Liu, you despise me too much!”

“Just use the idea of ​​incarnation, don’t forget that you are also incarnation.”

Gu Huang gently put the wolf girl aside, and his silhouette jumped into the void ring, watching the dream of Zi 1000 Liu, and instantly felt very hurt.

Just thinking about it!

Too hurt, how strong is the Purple 1000 Liu Liu.

“Gu Huang, even if my incarnation is sealed to the mortal stage, you can’t break the defense.”

“My body does not say, my incarnation battle strength is enough to fight the Emperor Tianhuang who broke Eternal.”

“That’s not a body, but a projection body. Whether you can win is still unknown!”

Zi 1000 Liu is very indifferent, after all, she is too strong, and the body can fight the Mythological Era, the strongest sky, and the Supreme Emperor of Heaven and Earth Empire.

As long as he is a projection, Gu Huang may not be able to win!


“1000 Ryu girl, just wait and take off your clothes!”

“Dare to underestimate this Young Master, it will pay a very sad price!”

“Heaven Collapse!”

Gu Huang was not hurt to vomit blood, but his shot was absolutely unambiguous. The start was Gu Family ’s Saint Technique Heaven Collapse, gold fist glow shattered like a meteor, mixed with endless majestic aura, seemed to be able to annihilate the endless sky, moved Towards the purple 1000 Liu’s body strikes away.

“Heaven Collapse!”

The purple 1000 Liu Yinian projection body is also a Heaven Collapse Saint Technique. Its potential is magnificent, formidable power is stunning, the fist glow is shining brightly, reflecting 10000 1000 World, and the fist glow of Gu Huang is instantly annihilated, and Gu Huang’s body is punched.




Gu Huang’s body repelled a dozen feet, with the body qi and blood churning up and up, it was necessary to spit out blood, but the next second was forced to hold back, and the pupil light was closed slightly. .

Really miss the feeling!

The same Saint Technique Heaven Collapse, the same realm, purple 1000 Liu Yi Nian projection body, but faster than her, more fierce, stronger, the difference apparent at a glance.

“One Qi Becomes Three Purities !”

“Fist against the magic!”

“Immortal King Zhen Shi Quan!”


Gu Huang pupil light turned on instantly, the Taiqing Xuan air turned around, and the Supreme technique of turning 3 Qing was exhibited in an instant. I saw 3 Qing Qi diffused into my body, and suddenly turned into 3 silhouettes of Gu Huang, each of which had 50% of the body’s battle strength.

The Supreme technique from the Taishang Hundred Yuan Decision is now the first time it is performed!

3 Gu Huang shot at the same time, the top Fist Art from 4th, 2nd, and 5th Immortal inheritance exploded, the ancient boxing intention filled the void, and the immense Immortal King illusory shadow condensed, smashing all methods of Profound Truth.

“Together 3 clear!”


“Fist against the magic!”

“Immortal King Zhen Shi Quan!”

The Purple 1000 Ryu projection immediately exhibited the same method as Gu Huang. The void is extremely concussive, the ancient fist is intertwined, the shadow of Immortal King fights, and the Austrian fist strikes are destroyed.

Brilliant and brilliant, extremely domineering!

In an instant, Gu Huang’s body flew upside down, and the 3 dharma body was also bombarded, and directly acted as cyan ray rain.


Gu Huang flew backward zhang, Yin Hong’s blood stains sprayed into the void, the entire cuff wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth, and the pupil light has never been calm and calm.

“Purple 1000 Liuli, you are the Lord God, Heaven and Earth 10000 Law, all into your eyes, any Profound Truth can not hide you.”

“I don’t know this method of me, can you analyze it instantly and get rid of me?”

“Tsing Yi has no shortage!”

“Myriad Laws Return To One, going back to the original!”

“Origin Sea, Austrian Tide!”

“Elemental Sword!”

Gu Huang within the body The Sea of ​​the Eleven Sources is instantly diffused, the blood of the king of the whole body is turbulent, 10000 1000 natural phenomenon, the aura of 9 magic inscriptions around the body, the 9th layer of the magic array under the foot overlaps, the 100000000 10000 characters rise above the head, and a gold has evolved. ** Shadow, full of mysterious, ancient, mysterious aura, as if from the original.

9 big element elf manifestation, ancient secret technique blessings, converging into one after another different sword light, contaminated with ancient seal mark, from the top of the head gold ** deep manifest, converging 9 lightsaber fusion into one …

Just 2 more! It will break out tomorrow!

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