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“Master Gu, you’re bored like this. When did this system pit you? If it was a mortal situation, this system would have run away.”

“There are still some tricks, but you have to make a choice, Gu Ye!”

“Protecting wolf sisters does not conflict with saving the parallel Nine Provinces themselves. Heaven and Earth are Heaven and Earth, all living things are all living things.”

“In fact, Tian Boss hasn’t said one thing, the wolf girl is actually the Heaven and Earth of the Nine Provinces. The origin of the Nine Provinces system does not need to tell you more.”

“Guye, we don’t lack anything today, but we lack a powerful Heaven and Earth. If Nine Provinces can be brought deep into the space of this system, the ancestral homeland will undergo qualitative changes.”

“As for all living things in Nine Provinces, this system did not intend to take it. Naturally, all were cleaned and cleaned, and no one was left.”

“Ontology of things other than Heaven and Earth, we really can’t do it, but the True Spirit of that gadget has been invested in Nine Provinces, and according to the detection of this system, it has been locked.”

“The thing outside is very strong, but it is not that there is no way to control him. As long as someone can call his real name, he can make an oath with him and let him do something.”

“The incarnation of that thing has already appeared, and she is looking for the wolf sister, so Gu Ye has set foot in parallel with Nine Provinces and has never come to fight.”

“Under Heaven and Earth, how can Fool you compare to your old master.”

“Guye, for the reappearance of the myth, for the ancestral land of 10000 people, this burden is yours.”

The system started to guide step by step. After following the host uncle for so long, don’t you know what his virtue is?

The hard ones are useless, the soft ones have to be used.

Hypocritical goods, you have to use hypocritical tricks.

In this round, danger lurks within the riches and honour, as long as they are done, they are issued.

But the host uncle must take action.

“Spicy chicken system, I feel you are letting me drill in the next set, just like black robe writing novels, all kinds of bedding to seduce readers, breaking chapters at critical moments.”

“It has to be said that you successfully aroused the interest of this Young Master.”

“Talk about it, although I don’t necessarily agree.”

Gu Huang knew that this was a big pit, but he did come to be interested, and could revive the ancestral land of 10000 people, reproduce the ancestral land, and even the Earth mythological fairy, he was willing to do anything.

Knowing that the spicy chicken system is in the set, but he had to drill down.

“Guye, this system is guaranteed by morality, as long as you are willing to do it nodded, this system will never be greedy, and this system will also stick to the original ancestral land.”

“Before this system comes up with specific plans, Gu Ye must first agree.”

“Not only to promise, but also to sign a contract with this system, Tian Boss, Primal Chaos Goddess, in any case, you must not regret it, and you are not allowed to run.”

“Guye, these are three contracts, which must be signed with the power of life stamps.”

The brilliance of system gold is diffused, and three gold contracts emerged in the soul of Gu Huang in an instant, and there are system, Tian Boss, Primal Chaos Goddess imprints on it.

Uncle host, no one can complete this task except you.

With your character, you will definitely run away.

You have to stay behind, as long as you sign the contract, everything will be all right.

“Spicy chicken system, don’t even think about it, you still have to settle accounts with you when you sell this Young Master to Cha Mi?”

“Now I want to dig a pit for me, you are a pit force, absolutely uncomfortable.”

“I’m not playing anymore, believed or not this Young Master broke up with you, and I ran back to the normal timeline myself.”

Gu Huang’s heart was started, full of deep anxiety and panic. With his experience and experience, it must be the next set, and I don’t know how deep the set is.

But it’s not a trick, but a naked conspiracy.

If you really agree, you will finish the calf completely.

“Human Sovereign … No … Old 3 … I beg you in the name of my elder brother …”

The days of Boss do not have the majesty of the past, but are full of human helplessness, words are full of helplessness and sorrow, and now, except for the old 3, no one else is really capable.

“Commander Sire, we are doing it for you. I’m afraid you can’t stand the truth and you will run away.”

“Please Commander Sire to sign it!” (** 73059814)

The voice of Primal Chaos Goddess also appeared, and now there is no more tricks, so they have to wrong their commander.

“That’s all, that’s all, I sign!”

“Who made me owe your favor …”

Gu Huang thought about it three times, and finally sighed helplessly, all of which was said to be this part, it was obviously a pit, and it was the Boss, Primal Chaos Goddess, and the spicy chicken system teamed up to give him the set, no sign back What can I do?

For the origin of the ancestral land, for the reappearance of the myth, we are out!

There is no way to avoid it.

Under the helplessness of 10000, Gu Huang used the mark of life to leave a mark on the three contracts.

“Guye, don’t worry, even if this system harms the Boss, it won’t harm you, because no one can accomplish this except you.”

“The thing outside is so ridiculously strong that in fact it has been able to swallow the parallel Nine Provinces and the wolf sisters, but the wolf sisters gambled with him and let him separate an incarnation.”

“The content of the gamble is that as long as someone can make her willingly say her real name, then she will sign an oath to do one thing unconditionally.”

“Since the endless years, the wolf girl has sent many Destiny Protagonist, the son of the era, and even the son of the times, but all of them are eaten by the incarnation without exception.”

“Because that incarnation is very strong, we must not be able to beat it, but we can only seduce it.”

“Guye, besides you, this system really can’t think of anyone who is more suitable.”

“This mission is very dangerous, with a failure rate of 99% points 9 9, but you are always good at creating miracles.”

“For the wolf girl, for the original ancestral land, for the mythical fairy, please!”

The voice of the system is full of cravings, hope, and there is one last point not to say, this is the last chance, if you still can’t take this …

As soon as the body of that thing recovers, everything will be swallowed up in minutes.

“You … you gangsters … this Young Master knows it’s okay.”

“No wonder I was forced to sign the contract first. Is this afraid of my repentance?”

“That’s all, that’s all, the matter has come to this point, it is useless to say anything.”

“I need all the information about that incarnation.”

Gu Huang slapped his forehead and felt that his head was about to blow up, and he knew that it was no good, but completely didn’t expect …

If you can’t fight, please go for it!

This Young Master is an Old Demon, and this matter will be spread in the future.

“Guye, this system has prepared for you a long time ago. The task is extremely important this time. All things in this System Interface can be credited at will, and no interest will be charged.”

“Primal Chaos Goddess will perform a personal calculation on you for 2 or 1 hours a day.”

“Sky Boss will also stay awake at all times and protect you at all times.”

The system is full of what is called profiteer. Life and death will not relax the system panel. The task is returned to the task. Destiny is still indispensable. It is very conscience not to charge interest.

“Incarnation turned out to be … her!”

“The power of Supreme, seal!”

“If you don’t ask for help anymore, you’ll have to take your life. Heavenly brother, you don’t want to hang 10000000!”

Gu Huang saw the memory information transmitted by the system, and just scanned it. The face of brave warrior immediately became black, and directly exerted the power of Supreme to shield the system. Enter the door of vortex …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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