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In the depths of time, the still-unnamed Space-Time, countless clocks, hourglass suspension, and the calm blue Sea Territory, once again filled with fluctuations, 100000000 10000 glory refracted from the depths of Sea Territory, reflected With 5 lights and ten colors, the brilliance is like a star, which constitutes an extremely dreamy scenery.

A gold-like silhouette emerged, all around Heaven and Earth countless hourglasses and clocks, slowly flowing up, showing that the gold silhouette converged into a black hair girl, and it was the Lord of Time tea rice.

The ripples of the azure sea surface reflected a strange picture, 100000000 10000 unhindered interlaced lines interspersed among them, layer upon layer, entangled with each other, each line is misty, the number of which is 1000 to 10000.

The line of one after another implies the most basic rules, rules, origins, and higher levels, of which even more unknown Divine Chain runs through, blocking the picture reflected.

If you look down from the Vault of Heaven and shrink the picture violently, you will faintly find a faint blue brilliance in the center, faintly a silhouette of a wolf-eared girl.

The misty lines from 1000 to 10000 spread from the body of the wolf-eared girl, and beyond its core is an unnamed ancient Space-Time.

Beyond the unnamed ancient Space-Time, there is endless darkness, which is in the depth of darkness that seems to be able to swallow endless creatures, Heaven and Earth, all light.

Vaguely able to peek into a huge black clothes light ball emerged, from the surface of the black clothes light ball gathered countless tentacles, each tentacle is not know how long and how big, and those spread out the tentacles, visible Countless stars of different sizes are absorbed.

Every star is dry and no longer has a hint of luster, and the surface of the star forms an extremely ugly face. At least half of the area of ​​the star has evolved a huge mouth.

Countless tentacles, granulation, mouthparts emerge, intertwined, overlapping, absolutely 100 times more horrible and ugly than all living things imagine the most horrible and ugly creatures.

100000000 10000 tentacles, endless stars, densely packed countless faces, all moved towards this unnamed ancient Space-Time spreading away.

In addition to this unnamed ancient Space-Time, only the 10000 lines of fog are blocked, but it can only delay the large light ball in the depths of the darkness, and it can’t make substantial changes at all.

Unknown ancient Space-Time, sooner or later will be swallowed by the ball of light, just time sooner or later.

“I would rather not ask us for help. Do you hate us that way?”

“100000000 10000 years, Endless Samsara, we are beyond time, looking down on the destiny of all living things, peeping through the world of 10000 elephants …”

“The world calls us Lord of Time, and our responsibilities are a solid continuation of Space-Time …”

“Regardless of being exiled, deprived, expelled, or even consuming the final power, he refused to ask us for help.”

“Wolf girl, what exactly do you want to prove to us?”

Time Lord Cha Misu rubbed his temples with his hands, and even took off his glasses, which seemed to be a big head, even as a Time Lord, aloof and remote, overlooking 100000000 10000 years.

But it can’t interfere too much with Space-Time and fate, otherwise it will be like a wolf sister.

Wolf girl, don’t blame me!

Even if I destroy Space-Time, I will not let you be …

Even if you are ready to sacrifice, there will be no change in the future.

I can only let Gu Huang detain you.

Because Endless Space-Time, 100000000 10000 Heaven and Earth, there is only one fiend in human form.

You told me the name.

At this moment, just as the tea rice sighed secretly, above the calm blue sea level, a gold-like illusory shadow appeared, gradually evolving a blue robe blond young man.

“Reporting to Lord, Rangu Space-Time has passed 5000 years again, and his subordinates have searched all the places and found all the intelligence that can be searched.”

“I even used the time forbidden technique, but I still didn’t find the one in the lord’s mouth.”

“And there are ten or seven gaps in the entire Rangu Space-Time, and the three largest entrances and exits are all without any trace of that one.”

“Lord Sir, according to his subordinates, that person may never have entered the Rangu Space-Time.”

The blonde young man knelt on one knee and faced the rice with awe, even daring to look straight.


Time Lord Chami’s expression was shocked, and he slowly put on his glasses. Next moment, the calm blue Sea Territory rolled up a tremendous wave, countless clocks, and the hourglass violently shaken, the clock hands turned around, and the hourglass turned upside down, Even with this bizarre space, great changes have taken place.

I saw Sister Mi’s eyes refracting the gold glaze, and the endless ancient Lao Jin color symbols penetrated, interweaving one after another extremely terrifying gold chain, spreading out from the blue calm Sea Territory.

Above the long river of Space-Time, there are also huge waves rolling up. The endless Space-Time, phantoms, and nodes, almost overlapping at the same time, seem to be forcibly compressed from the eleventh dimension to the two dimension, forming a horizontal plane .

all living things 10000 elephant, ancient and modern future, Space-Time disillusioned …

All of the manifests were in the eyes of Sister Chami in an instant, and their eyes were more than 10000 10000 years, completely endless.

“Lord Sir … brother … brother …”

“Supreme iron … not to be offended … Lord Sir …”

“Subordinate … check again …”

Faced with the coercion displayed by Cha Mi, the entire young man’s body was twisted up and down, knowing that Cha Mi was notoriously violent.

Among the time lords, they are always walk unhindered.

As soon as Xiaobao’s temper came up, no one could hold it down.

“Actually … disappeared …”

“Find … send all time monitors …”

“From the breakpoint of time … find … at all costs …”

“Find out fiend in human form …”

“Can’t find … only you are asking!”

Sister Cha Mi’s imposing manner that calmed her body, but her heart was even more rage, her hair covered with long hair fluttering, and the dark pupil light was full of disbelief and rage.

“Lord Sir … Go here …” The blond young man disappeared into the blue sea instantaneously.

In the strange patchwork of Heaven and Earth, only tea and rice are left, and waving and holding Heaven and Earth firmly, countless hourglasses and clocks are all stopped, and everything is back to its original state again.

“Wolf girl ah! Wolf girl, really there is you, even put me together.”

“No wonder, no wonder you refuse to ask for help.”

“Before the accident, it is still so calm and collected, let me help you find fiend in human form.”

“So you have been plotting against it already?”

“Cut Hu in advance, it’s really a good way, a good way ah!”

“Even those old bastards have tricked you …”

“Well, I will cover it for you. I’m also curious. What do you want to prove to us?”

At this moment, Time Lord Chami smiled, no one could think that Wolf Girl still hides such a distraction, fiend in human form Gu Huang, can you rescue Wolf Girl from the certain death situation?

Our last hope …

Monthly ticket

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