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Fu Huang was completely speechless, and the corner of his mouth was twitching violently, even if he was the Human Sovereign of the Lost Heaven and Earth, stirring up the four eras, and inheriting the Myriad Races bloody destiny…

Facing Wuhuang’s request, I don’t know how to say it.

Since the Heaven and Earth Empire, no one has dared to make such a request in his face, even Huang Tian who lost Heaven and Earth did not dare.

For those who dare to say so, the tomb is already flat.

“Fuhuang, let me tell you a story!”

“How? Interested?”

Gu Huang took a deep cigar and flicked the remaining half into the void with one finger, forming a beautiful parabola, and the whole person was full of carelessness.

Famine, your head, I decided today.

Don’t let you cut the prime minister!

My Demon King Huang’s name is here to write.

Earth people are naturally flickering, wanting this young master to come out of the rivers and lakes in the previous life, but successfully used a cart of Chinese cabbage to get ten carts of arms from the bear.

After all, we are intimate Davalis with the bear!

Pull away!

As long as you are nodded, it is time for this Young Master to perform real deception …

“I am very interested, let’s talk about it!”

Fhuang Huang was the first planner of Eternal. He had never seen any scenes in his life and had never encountered any means, but it was Long who did n’t know what medicine was sold in Gu Huang bottle gourd.

First you need your own head, now you have to tell a story.

simply is not to play according to the routine!

No routine is the biggest routine, and Tianhuang is also an expert.

Is his discipline a simple generation?

Anyway, it depends on what you want to do?

“This story happened a long, long time ago. It was a small world in the world. There are 7 countries in that small world.”

“Fight against each other, kill each other, 100 people do not talk about life, loss of life, a chaotic world without a dog.”

“The chaos in the seven countries lasted for several hundred years, until one of the seven countries, called Qin, went through reforms and reforms, and became the country of tigers and wolves.”

“People were alarmed in the remaining six countries, fearing that they would be swallowed by Qin, and the frontal battlefield was defeated. The six countries were guarding each other again, and Qin was very prosperous for a while.”

“King Qin is a great man, but he can be said to be a master in 1000 years. At that time, there was a Crown Prince named Yan Country in 6 countries …”

“I want to assassinate King Qin’s strategy, but none of my men are competent. I have searched for celebrities from 6 countries and finally found a knight-errant.”

“One day, Yan Country Crown Prince feasted on this knight-errant. There was a showgirl playing the piano. The knight-errant was particularly amazed by the showgirl’s hand.”

At a critical moment, Gu Huang stopped his voice, pulled out a cigar again, slowly lit it, fiercely took a sip, and glanced at the famine in front of him.

“and then?”

Fu Huang is listening with keen interest pleasure, but Gu Huang stopped talking and made him feel unhappy. He wanted to know how this Yan-Country Prince treated this knight-errant …

“Knight-errant’s unintentional words are pure appreciation, but the speaker has no intention, the hearer has the intention.”

“Wait for the showgirl to go down, Yan Country Crown Prince ordered someone to cut off the showgirl’s hand, put it in a jade plate, and put it in front of knight-errant.”

“This knight-errant was so moved that he became the deceased of Yan Country Crown Prince ever since.”

“Qin Country is growing stronger, people in Yan Country are alarmed, Yan Country Crown Prince is melancholy all day long, the knight-errant is a plan, ready to assassinate King Qin, as long as it succeeds, it can resolve the situation of Yan Country in one fell swoop.”

“Yan Country Crown Prince heard of knight-errant’s plan to pay tribute to a general of his Yan Country, Yan Country Crown Prince could not bear to kill his general …”

“Knight-errant went to find the Great General privately, knowing his emotions and acting reasonably, and finally the Great General killed himself as a benevolent and cut off the prime minister.”

“Yan Country Crown Prince learned that, in the end, he was helpless, and he ordered a messenger and the knight-errant to step on Qin Country with the Great General’s head.”

At this time, Gu Huang stopped again, took a deep sip of cigar, and a big gray dragon spit out, forming each and everyone smoke ring in the sky of smoke.

Fuhuang ah! Famine, although my Earth person is a mundane World, but the wisdom of my Earth person is not much worse than you.

The Qin Country in this allusion that I said has now become the strongest overlord in the ancient world.

The King of Qin is Ancestral Dragon …

You are a layout designer, an Eternal old yin ratio, personally destroyed the first old yin ratio of Human Dao Daxing 4 times.

With your old-yin thinking, it is destined to be different from our consideration.

If you want to make it happen, you must give it its head!

Put you in first, then leak the trump card.

“At the end of this story, the Yan Country Crown Prince plan failed, and the messenger and knight-errant killed Qin Country.”

“Yan Country, for the sake of peace, will kill Yan Country Crown Prince.”

“I understand what you mean. In this story, Tianhuang is King Qin, my body is Yan Country Crown Prince, my present body is General Yan Country, and you are the knight-errant.”

“You want to tell me from this story, if you want to do it, you must give it your head.”

“Wuhuang, you are wrong. I am not the Yan Country in your story, but the Qin Country in your story.”

“You and Tianhuang are Yan Country Crown Prince and knight-errant. You should come to trust me, not me.”

What kind of wisdom is Fu Huang? Naturally, he already understands the meaning of Gu Huang and has to say it is a wonderful story, but he is the Qin Country, not the Yan Country.

“Famine, are you sure that it is Qin Country, not Yan Country?”

“Just because you lost Human Sovereign in Heaven and Earth, do you have 8 brothers?”

“At that time, suppressing Heaven and Earth, dividing Yin-Yang, arbitrarily life and death, and controlling the 6 emperors?”

“The emperor died from his own death, but it wasn’t you who died in famine. Huang Tian and Di Jun killed. How can you be sure that the emperor really fell.”

“Fuhuang, do you know him?”

Gu Huang silhouette moved in front of the famine in a step, a Divine Sense manifest void, directly reflected a vague picture, just an illusory shadow outlined by white mist …


“Wuhuang … you …”

“Who is it?”

At first sight of the blurry picture in the sky, the body shivered uncontrollably and slowly took three steps backwards. The whole person unconsciously sucked in a cold breath, and felt that in the depth of one’s soul was ice cold Incomparably.

Wuhuang, what is his origin?

Unbelievable, thinking, thinking, and even more unspeakable Supreme exists …

He dare to develop directly …

“The famine, Myriad Races was born with a bloody destiny, and once destroyed the Heaven and Earth empire and ended the rule of the emperor.”

“Unfortunately, without him supporting you behind you, you can end the reign of the emperor. It is a thousand old jokes.”

“Even if he didn’t dare to make a rash statement to kill the emperor of the Peak era …”

“Fuhuang, the emperor will return, will you still be Qin Country?”

Gu Huang stood with his hands down. The whole world was condescending. The attitude of looking down from the faction, he had just developed the blurry picture, so that his soul was almost frozen.

That is a supreme existence that is indescribable, thinking, thinking, and reading …

But now, it can only be forced to continue.

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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