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“No waste, I want you to die ah!”

In the depths of dozens of Sacred Domain magics, Xu Hao burst into a thunderous rage, and the vast divine light soared into the sky, just like a Saiyan turned into a general, terrifying coercion swept out, straightening all around magic All annihilated.

Even the banned Vault of Heaven also formed a chain reaction, as if the Emperor’s recovery from the sleep of Eternal years, there was a divine light under his feet, which turned into a bright sword light and moved through Gu Huang’s body.

“Xu Hao, it is you who courting death!”

The inscriptions of Gu Huang’s body magic flashed out, and the 9 color demon array illusory shadows overlapped layer by layer, and there were 9 elemental elves in front of him, just like is a magical god from ancient legends.

Vault of Heaven golden sword light unhindered, Gu Huang stepped on the void, the void on all directions, one after another space dimension vortex flowed, there were as many ways as overlapping feet, forming a dimension cut directly behind Xu Hao.

“break for me !”

“Void means!”

Xu Hao is furious and endless, like a War God, with a finger pointing out the gold divine light, and the space dimension in front of him is annihilated, and the next moment silhouette comes out, which is almost teleport to Gu Huang, the brilliant gold fist glow flashes Vault of Heaven, moved towards Gu Huang’s skull strikes away.

Fist glow is shocking, as if the stars are dying, it seems to be able to obliterate everything.

The terrifying glory penetrates a 3000-mile radius and directly evolves a Five Clawed Golden Dragon, which seems to be able to hear the high-pitched sound of dragon’s roar, giving a way of crushing 10000 things and letting all living things surrender to the Way of the King .

“Xu Hao, who gives you self-confidence and who gives you the courage to dare to display the fist technique in front of me.”

“Fuhuang, this battle is a private complaint, if you dare to intervene, I promise you will regret it.”

“Come on! Xu Hao, fight!”

“Heaven Collapse!”

Gu Huang’s aura of magical inscriptions around him disappeared, replaced by the strangeness of the black gold Human Sovereign blood intertwined, rolling and stirring Heaven and Earth, like the lava rising from the sky, like the endless rivers and waves, the whole person painted black hair silk dances, the ultimate The surging fighting intent scrolled the void and collapsed the voids.

punched out, the brilliant black gold fist seal swept through, and the terrifying punches of the mighty terrifying came out, the ultimate Martial Dao really meant that the water of the long river of Nine Heavens rolled out.

Vault of Heaven collapsed, the earth shattered, stars fell, 10000 desolate things, only endless darkness and nothingness.

Throughout time, Shifang, the Eternal era, all shattered in a flash.

Above the Vault of Heaven, the fist glow collided, invading each other sincerely, competing against each other, and never letting go.

Gu Family Supreme Saint Technique Heaven Collapse, Great Dragon Fist from Dragon Race.

Exotic Human Sovereign blood, Xuanyuan’s Human Sovereign blood.

One is the oldest blood of Zhu Xia, and the other is the blood of the strange human Sovereign that went out independently.

Bloodline fights, Wang Xue fights!

Fangyuan 10,000 li is empty, only covered by the bright golden blood and black gold blood, 2 blood of the king developed Heaven and Earth, reflecting the endless natural phenomenon.

“No waste, I want you to die!”

“Human Sovereign Boxing!”

Xu Hao fighting intent was agitated, just like the real emperor of the ancient Immortal. It originated from the extreme anger burst in the depths of bloodline, and the blood of the king swept through Heaven and Earth again. It instantly evolved a great shore, supreme, deep Sovereign illusory shadow.

A natural phenomenon is erupting, and the Ancient Great Emperor is coming, mixed with the horror will of Eight Desolates Six Directions.


This is an ancient Human Sovereign method manifest, although it is not a famine, the first emperor of Human Dao, such as Cangli, is also a clan emperor of a Human Race.

The power of Sovereign Dao, disdain invincible, is enough to make Heaven and Earth tremble!

“Dove occupies the magpie’s nest, the shameless traitor, how can he face the Xuanyuan’s method.”

“I am no shortage of good people, but Tamabi is 100 times cleaner than you.”

“Open wide your dog eyes, take a good look, what is the real Human Sovereign boxing.”

“Human Sovereign Boxing!”

Gu Huang pupil light is like cold electricity, two light beams straight into the sky, the ultimate terror is bursting out, the blood of the whole body is intertwined, and it also evolves a silhouette, Supreme, bright, divine, vast, great shore, but yet Full of Supreme’s kindness and fraternity.

The divine light is intertwined, the two shadows of the Emperor Shadows fight in the void, and the endless Sovereign Dao fists are intertwined, so that the ancient Vault of Heaven faintly collapses, enough to annihilate 2 World in one side.


The next moment, the void roars, seems to be intertwined with 10000 ways, and the divine light is shining brightly, and the old symbol of 100000000 Eternal is filled, just like the Immortal who dominates Heaven and Earth.

The imperial shadow evolved by Xu Hao shattered, and the punching force he performed was also annihilated. His body was hit by Gu Huang ’s fist seal, and his body was like kite with its string cut. It flew out for a few hundred miles, and his chest collapsed in a large area. When the silhouette stopped, he coughed up blood violently, even carrying fragments of organs within the body.


“No shortage, Human Sovereign fist … how are you possible?”

“Vile villain, shameless scum, I want you to die ah!”

“Seal Demon Sword!”

Xu Hao’s disvelvelled hair, covered in blood, with gold divine light flowing around him, burst into a roaring sound like an angry beast, like a king from the end of an ancient era.

I saw his ancient eyebrows filled with an ancient seal, a black gold sword light appeared faintly, and the surface was shrouded with a seal mark of 1000 to 100, as if I was asleep, I don’t know how many eras.

Once liberated, the vast surging sword intent was involved in endless void, almost breaking through the blockade of the Space-Time island, interweaving the extreme terrifying pressure.

“Damn it, how is the Demon Sword, one of the Divine Swords of Zhuxia 3, in his hands.”

“Ancient legend turned out to be true. Zhu Xia had forged three Divine Swords before the Eternal era to fight against the original True Demon.”

“Zhu Xia 3 Divine Sword, Cheng Tian, ​​Feng Mo, Jing Hong. Now that the Demon Sword is born, where is Cheng Tian and Jing Hong.”

Dragon 2, Donkey 3, Chicken 4 3 Large tumors have been mixed in Nine Provinces for a long time. Naturally know these ancient secrets. Antiquity is said to have 3 Divine Sword in the Xia clan.

The real ancient Emperor Artifact, and 3 Grand Law Emperor Artifact.

Beyond the nine inheritance soldiers of the Zhuxia clan, each generation of Sword Lord is not only the Guardian of Zhuxia, 9 Divine Sword finally appeared in the hands of the Tianhuang Emperor.

Who would have thought that all seals, arrays, and misty Demon Swords could be cut off, and fell into the hands of Human Haover Xu Hao.

“Xu Hao, why awaken the old man?”

“En! Wuhuang brat, why are you here.”

“The horse has a bastard, you two little deflated calves, even fighting here.”

“What time is it? It’s still infighting here.”

“No matter what grievances, let go of the old man today.”

Feng Demon Sword saw the postures of Xu Hao and Gu Huang. Needless to say, they had already understood two brats in the war, and it was an irreconcilable war. It was simply fainting.

One is the true disciple of Emperor Tianhuang, and the other is the future Sword Lord.

These 2 people are actually fighting!

“Shut up! Old bastard, what Senior shelf is placed in front of this Young Master, my teacher calls you Senior, you still put your nose on the face!”

“For the sake of my teacher, today I will not kill you, just leave me alone!”

“Dare to beep again, this Young Master will send you to Yellow Springs!”

Gu Huang pupil light is extremely cold, and his words are as sharp as a knife. Simply without any hint of emotion, it looks like a king from the end of the ancient Heaven and Earth.

Seeking a monthly ticket! ! ! ! !

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