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With the appearance of 3 1000 feet of the big rooster of Luhua, the high-level of the Heaven and Earth empire was almost all alarmed. When His Majesty dried up, the left phase Li Guangdou, Grand Duke Cadillac, 7 Princess Yun Ji and the others were all stunned.

A big rooster of Luhua, and a big cock without wings.

Flower chick!

It is known as Chicken 4 in the Tao.

It is indeed a powerhouse that is equivalent to 20 or more, and is the emperor realm of Nine Provinces.

But … But … If someone else robbed, and was robbed by a big rooster, if it was spread, would n’t it make the powerhouse of Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth laugh to death.

Whether their Heaven and Earth empire is too weak, or it has not been born for too long, or even the news is blocked, and even the big cock can block the road as a robber.

The point is that you just say robbery, but you can report it to your house, also known as the flower chicken.

The picture is simply too happy, okay.

His Majesty Empire’s dry and old face was flushed, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching, trying to keep himself from laughing out loud.

Grand Duke Cadillac and left phase Li Guangdou 2 Old Fox, 2 people are all twitching, and his face is tense and almost exploded.


7 Princess Yun Ji has always been gentle and generous. Known as the first pearl of the empire, she never easily judges people by appearance, but Highway Robbery, who is facing a big rooster, can’t help it.

With a chuckle, it was like a chain reaction of chemistry. His Majesty His Majesty was on the spot, and the others were have a big laughter, each and everyone laughed straight away, and Li Guangdou even burst into tears.

“No, it’s really no good, even the old man is rude … and wants to laugh ah!”

“I Heaven and Earth Emperor … The empire has fallen to the point of being robbed by a chicken.”

Li Guangdou and Cadillac were two people who laughed abdomen and looked at the chicken in the sky that was twice as big as the starship battleship. It was simply impossible to bear.

“Okay, you group of 2 foot sheep, dare to laugh at my chicken 4 grandfather.”

“What’s wrong with the chicken, the chicken can’t stop the road and rob it. 4 Lord, I’m the last Qizhen 8 Baoji in the world.”

“Nine Provinces, Heaven and Earth, who doesn’t know the name of my little chicken, dare to laugh at me.”

“Today, 4th, I will let you know why the flowers are so red.”

Chicken 4 was exploded on the spot, a chicken wings spread out with a giant of three hundred zhang, like a sky cloud, 8 colors of light diffused from it, instantly covering the Vault of Heaven 30,000, covering thousands of starry battleships .

Paralyzed, no one has ever dared to laugh at chickens like this. Grandpa, do n’t give them a look, I do n’t know my reputation as a chicken.

What’s wrong with chickens, chickens have the right to have chickens, and I’m a great emperor anyway.

Not as good as Donkey 3, Dragon 2, Cat Boss, how can it be considered a big expert.

Donkey 3 said the unjustified pit goods.

Mixing on the road, the picture is a face, the life is a breath.

Relying on the younger brothers, the era of a pair of fists with fierce fighting has passed, and now it is strategy and mind.

Second Brother layout, donkey 3 let go, my chicken 4 grandfather is the pioneer.

This is the following, to see if the Heaven and Earth Empire has a hidden powerhouse. As long as it is not a titled Emperor, the Donkey 3 can be smoothed out, although now it is a disabled donkey.

Long 2 Yinbi still has a back hand, as long as there are no variables, today is destined to make a fortune.


Faced with the shot of Grandpa Chicken 4, Gan Yan, Li Guangdou, Cadillac, Yun Ji and the others’ complexion greatly changed, all felt the threat of death.


Is this the coercion of Nine Provinces?

It’s really terrifying, almost comparable to God, Nine Provinces can be worthy of the horror of Heaven and Earth tied to Nine Heavens.

This is still true of a chicken, and how powerful the Zhuxia clan that survived from the extremely ancient times is.

When everyone was ashamed, the starlight prison cage holding Miao Xiaoxi suddenly burst into an unmatched bright starlight, which directly became incarnation and became Heavenly Sword, annihilating the Supreme Emperor who evolved Chicken 4.

Empire crisis, lifted instantly!


“Who secretly sneak attack, have the courage to get out for the 4th Lord.”

“No matter who you are, today you are doing something. Dare to come and control our Nine Provinces 4 mastermind.”

“Believing or not 4 Grandpa and I cried, and the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses came to meet each other.”

The silhouette of Luhua’s big cock is backwards, a chicken wings are spread, and a feather is spread all over the body. The surface is calm like Gou Ride, but the heart is really panic.

Fucking Dog Dragon 2, 10000 Evil Donkey 3, you guys pit me again.

Does n’t it mean that there is no crisis, a group of defenseless fat sheep?

One move broke 4 my lord’s imperial skills, the key 4 lord I still don’t know where people are.

The worst titled Emperor Zun!

Paralyzed, 4 Grandpa, should I be cold today?

4 Grandpa, but I am the last Qizhen 8 Baoji, inside and outside Primal Chaos, I do n’t want to make too many big shots and want to get me off the pot.

The idea hits the hand, the wind squeezes, and when you find a chance, you run.

No, you can’t run so gray, otherwise the name of Nine Provinces 4 will be laughed to death.

Lose, but not lose!

Silence, death and silence, the suppression of the void is extremely, the atmosphere seems to let people suffocate in the past.

Gan Yan, Li Guangdou, Cadillac, Yun Ji and the others looked gray, because the previous attack did not even know who sent it.

The Heaven and Earth Empire knows exactly how many powerhouses there are. They know better than anyone. Even Saint Ancestor is equivalent to Sacred King of Nine Provinces.

The empire does have amazing wealth, but it really lacks Supreme powerhouse suppression, which is inseparable from the exclusion of Nine Heavens.

Unlike the Great Qin Empire, there are many outstanding people, the powerhouse is like a cloud, and the terror of the national strength is strong. It is rumored that Great Qin can fully fight with China Nine Heavens.

But they are not Great Qin Empire after all!

“Oh! The co-author is the silver spear candle head ah!”

“I have the ability to come out with one of my four heads up, dare you?”

“I’m surprised that I’m the 4th Lord. Trifling rubbish is ancient, and the title Emperor can be born. I’m really laughing at 4th Lord.”

“Fat sheep, hurry up and hand over your treasures, otherwise I will really kill you today, ah!”

After seeing no one coming out for a long time, the big cock of Luhua has dispelled a lot of fear in his heart, and once again put on a gesture, since Donkey 3 and Dragon 2 have not appeared, it proves that there is no crisis.

With Second Brother fighting, Donkey 3 dared not run.

There is food in my heart, I will not worry about the chicken, just do it.

“Noisy, no end, no end to this Highness alone?”

“Isn’t it just asking for money?”

“You say something!”

Starlight Miao Xiaoxi in the prison cell flicked the cat’s tail, sighed slightly, and slowly sat up. The different colors within both eyes were full of peace.

It really happened, a median emperor came forward to rob, or it was a Qizhen 8 Baoji.

The big chicken legs really miss the craftsmanship of the Great Demon Master big brother.

Pooh! Want to eat fart?

Miao Xiaoxi, now is not the time to counsel, you have to hold on …

But … but this Highness is counseling … it just doesn’t hold …

This is a great emperor, Master big brother, elder sister elder sister, uncle Holy Master, aunt empress, you are there, Xiao Xi miss you ah!

This Highness is as beautiful as a flower, innocent and kind, I don’t want to be so cold.

Ask for monthly tickets! White robe Old Ancestor X, let’s stop ranking, help me blast down the previous one, I let chicken 4, donkey 3, wear women! There are also small Xu Indian style ladies! ! ! ! ! I have a photo! ! ! ! ! ! Can’t burst … believe me … death is all extravagant hope for you … really

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