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“Spicy chicken system, is there any trick?”

“Guye, underestimate the system, isn’t it? The human system can help you, and the cause and effect can’t help, but you must get out of this loss. This is a fat sheep.

“Spicy chicken system, you can do it with the trick, you don’t have to worry about the rest.”

“Guye, follow the rules and divide by half!”


“Happy, it’s worthy of Gu Ye.”

Gu Huang’s pupil light slowly opened, sweeping all around silhouettes, each and everyone were keep quiet out of fear, including Old Tortoise were all scared to lie on the ground shiver coldly.

“Little Junior Brother, what are your requirements, just mention…”

“As long as I can do it for my brother, I will never quit.”

“Just be some compensation for my brother!”

Martial Venerable made a long sigh, completely reluctantly sighing his heart, the whole number of times passed, and it should be put down, and the slap of the Little Junior Brother was also a wake up to himself.

People cannot always live in the past and live in hatred.

In fact, he knows better than anyone. It was an accidental injury that year, but he couldn’t pass the heart that’s all.

“No need!”

“The debt owed by my teacher, I am the disciple to pay.”

“Bring your beloved love, I will help you heal, it is a cause and effect between my teacher and you.”

“Then we will settle the account between us.”

Gu Huang just refused on the spot, and he didn’t need his mercy at all. It was always the kindness that others owe him. No one could make him owe it, except of course the big Void Realm.

“What? Little… Little Junior Brother… You take this seriously…”

“Give you an hour, don’t wait outdated!”

“Okay, Little Junior Brother, you wait, it only takes a quarter of an hour…”

Martial Venerable’s body was startled, and it was completely stunned. A dust of hope ignited in the dusty heart. I saw the azure light flame shrouded in his entire body. The Great Heaven and Earth swept away by annihilation and the almost infinite fighting intent.

punched out, azure fist seal turned into a beam of light directly into the Vault of Heaven, and an extremely scary huge crack directly emerged. The fist seal beam penetrated through the heavy and heavy Heaven and Earth, and I don’t know how much the Primal Chaos hit. Void.

“Who… who shot…”

“Shut up! Martial Venerable Senior, please…”

“Welcome Martial Venerable Senior…”

Inside and outside Primal Chaos, I don’t know how much weight Heaven and Earth has been blasted. The powerhouses and big shots of each Heaven and Earth have projected and issued terrible spirit fluctuations. Xi saw the demon old demon, properly counseled in seconds.

Cracking a joke, the ancestor of Wuzu lineage, who can provoke a horse, is simply a group of lunatics.

Punch Heaven and Earth with one punch, break Primal Chaos void, that is what they often do.

“Everyone, I’m sorry, I have something important, so I have to borrow a line.”

“When I finish my work, I will set up a banquet in Wu Jitian and personally pay you a penalty!”

“For now, I have to offend!”

Martial Venerable stepped into the void in one step, azure Hongqiao went straight into it, passing the various Heaven and Earth along the way, and did not forget to move toward the powerhouse of Heaven and Earth to pay the courtesy.

Although he is Martial Venerable, inside and outside Primal Chaos, 100000000 10000 Heaven and Earth, the famous One of the Overlords.

But today’s affairs are indeed excessive, but they have to do so.

“Martial Venerable Senior, you are polite and want to borrow, even if you use it.”

“Congratulations to Martial Venerable Senior…”

“Martial Venerable Senior, all the way…”

The powerhouses of the major Heaven and Earth are also given as gifts, but it is quiet for a while. As for asking about Martial Venerable, is that a bit of a living?

The banquet is a guilty condemnation. That’s a polite statement. Who dares to go to ah!

Are you afraid of being killed?

“Aote Old Brother, what pot do I ask you to prepare?”

Gu Huang stood with his hands down, looking at the Vice President in front of him, and immediately asked aloud.

4 Senior Brother is coming, how can there be nothing to entertain.

Steamed King 8, grilled Peacock wings, and a donkey hoof, that must be kept for later…

“Brother, really…are you really ready?”

“Stop cracking a joke?”

“Old Brother, I am old and my heart is not good. If 10000 is scared, it will be a good thing…”

“What about Dinisha?”

President Vice’s face was extremely ugly. Today’s events really scared him, and he has always been strong and not falling down.

Clean up Kong Xiaoxuan, directly reverse the river of time, and rub the dragon of the era.

The monarch of order ran out and was beaten up repeatedly.

Now even… the legendary overlord… and the Heaven and Earth Supreme gods are sitting on their feet, Martial Venerable has come out, and you have slapped you.

But now I really want to grill Peacock wings, steamed king 8?

Isn’t Martial Venerable’s face hit by you enough?

Don’t overthrow the order camp, you will never stop ah!

You can live, but I can’t stand ah!

“Hehehe! Wuhuang brat, why bother so much, old man has a ready cauldron here.”

“This was used by your Master before he became Emperor, but even Kunpeng has cooked it.”

“Come, come, come, the old man will give you a hand, and let the old man see if you have a true disciple of the culinary skill of the heaven and earth brat.”

“It’s not delicious, old man, I don’t want ah!”

The killing knife was transformed into an old man with bloody hair. He directly brought up a black iron cauldron, and it was also equipped with a full set of barbecue grills, which was really readily available.

“Old Master, our teacher is the top spirit chef, although I can’t catch him all over the world.”

“But my cooking skills are not weak!”

“You always look at it, don’t swallow your tongue for a while.”

At the end of his words, Gu Huang’s palm appeared a handle about 50 feet long, with a whole body of blood, densely covered with countless ancient blood-striked tiger head swords, slowly moved towards Kong Xiaoxuan’s side.

“No…no waste…you…what do you want to do?”

“You have… a tiger monster monster knife…”

“9 Inheritance Emperor Artifact of the Li people…why in your hands…I tell you not to mess up.”

Kong Xiaoxuan’s face was ashamed, and the pupil light was horrified. Looking at Gu Huang was full of horror and fear, especially when she saw the tiger’s monster monster knife, it made her dead and frightened.

Legend 9 Inheritance Emperor Artifact of the Li nationality, when the 9th Li nationality was defeated, the tiger spirit monster knife disappeared.

Even in today’s era, there are still many Zhu Xia clan looking for the tiger spirit monster knife.

Fa Huang Gu Huang also walked in front of Kong Xiaoxuan in one step, with a finger divin light shining brightly, the seals of countless laws were intertwined, Kong Xiaoxuan twitched violently, his face was extremely painful, but he couldn’t make a sound, accompanied by the 5 colors of the whole body , Directly forced into a 30-color Peacock with a length of ten feet.

Regardless of 3 7 21, Gu Huang directly grabbed a pair of Peacock wings with a length of 60 feet. The tiger blade monster knife blood glow swallowed and instantly chopped off a pair of Peacock wings.

5 The blood is violently sprayed, Kong Xiaoxuan’s Peacock’s body is full of pain, but no one has mercy on her, and Gu Huang threw the Peacock wing in his hand directly in front of the Old Master of the Killing Sword…

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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