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“Under the crown, show mercy ah!”

Seeing 33 Heavenly Fire wrapping Kong Xiaoxuan’s body in a moment, a silhouette seemed to cross the endless Heaven and Earth. The person who came was not someone else, it was the number one horseman of the time chaos, that is, the fake old shameless, it was full. Dahan, the escape of gasping for breath came in front of Gu Huang, completely out of breath.

A 12th Rank Da Luo powerhouse was so tired that one can imagine how far the road was.

But finally arrived at the last moment, looking at Gu Huang’s body and dharma body, and the gold giant hand in the sky, it was really hairy.

It is no wonder that Jun Huang ’s name is not to provoke Gu Huang, and he must do everything in his power to pull it away, and even give away the star-like Warhammer, what is really a fierce person.

Directly stirring the long river of time, forcing the dragon of the era to restrain Feng Qingning’s body.

Unknown existence of unparalleled power!

You have to know that as one of the 4 poles of the time chaos, it is impossible to force Space-Time to restrain people from the past, and it is still Feng Qingning’s identity, heels, and origins. It is not simple.

“Old bastard, did you forget my warning?”

“Dare to come and do things, are you want to die?”

Gu Huang pupil light was condensed, words were full of biting cold killing intent, and the tenth and third order body Gu Huang stepped out in one step and instantly reached the counterfeit Wang Lun. The bright golden light filled his palm and directly pinched his neck.

“Crown … Under the crown … No … nothing …”

“Initially … order … monarch … trust my lord … to come forward … plead …”

“He … trusted me … to bring a secret letter …”

“Under the crown, I saw … I want to kill and let go … All under the crown …”

The fake Wang Wang’s face turned red, and her lips and lips were dark blue. She almost didn’t suffocate. A black clothes jade talisman appeared in the trembling palm, moved towards Gu Huang …

Dharma body Gu Huang glanced at the body and put the fake Wang Wang, black clothes jade talisman in a moment, and was instantly pinched into powder, with the palm spread out, blowing it out at once.

“Under the crown … you …”

The fake Wang Wang reluctantly took a few breaths to stabilize his own aura, but when he saw Gu Huang, he did n’t even look at it, and it was directly squeezed into a powder. It was completely stunned. He was really did n’t expect , Gu Huang didn’t give up half of his face, but that was the secret letter from the original order monarch.

didn’t expect Gu Huang not only didn’t look at it, it was all birds, not birds, wasn’t he the monarch of order?

At first, the secret letter of the monarch …

No, something is going to happen, today is really going to happen ah!

What did Feng Qingning do? Let Little Demon King not even sell the face of his family.

You know, the Lord has helped Little Demon King.

“Old bastard, look at the face of your High Lord, I won’t kill you today.”

“But Feng Qingning or Kong Xiaoxuan, he will definitely die.”

“Who dares to intercede again, this is the end!”

“If you don’t agree, let’s go to war!”


Gu Huang’s expression is cold and his eyes are more like cold electricity, full of unmatched horror and cold will, just like the king of is a Immortal, returning across the end of Eternal Space-Time.

Tianhuang Emperor’s life, only two and a half people can let him close the knife.

In today’s world, I can stop Slayer, there are no two …

Dare to embarrass me, I dare to let him lose his life.

“Do not……”

The horrible 33 Heavenly Fire permeated, Feng Qingning’s body melted instantly, Kong Xiaoxuan made a painful howl on the spot, the double pain of fleshy body and soul made Kong Xiaoxuan roll over, and his eyes were full of horror and fear.

The most … the order of the first order monarch … the messenger of the 4 pole lord came forward …

He also don’t give face …

Even if Emperor Tianhuang was alive, he would not dare to do this …

How dare he ruin my body …

“oh! ”

The fake Wang Wang sighed with a long sigh, seeming helpless, Jun Shang’s face is not easy to make, Jun Shang took the initiative to explain 3 before coming, just send a letter, no matter what else.

It seems that Jun Shang has foreseen this result, and is really a true Demon King.

fiend in human form!

It ’s true that it ’s not wrong. It ’s not regardless of the law and of natural morality. What is the fiend in human form?

The High Lord is really wise and wise, far from us.

“Dare to peep, the old ghost of order, who gave you the courage, and who gave the courage.”

“Dare to smash this Young Master’s place!”

“get out!”

Gu Huang’s eyes were full of sharpness, and he seemed to pass through the layers of Immortal’s void in an instant, across the other end of the Space-Time era, and just cried against the void on the spot.

Sure enough, there is no good thing in order and chaos, it is a group of extremely dirty stuff.

At this time, they dare to come to peep, but they dare not show up in their true lives.

“No shortage, how can you let go of Xiao Xuan, you open a price tag.”

“The same order camp, Xiao Xuan is indeed wrong, but sin will not die.”

“If you do this, wouldn’t it be loved by loved ones, the enemy would quickly …”

“Do n’t forget, there is chaos glare like a tiger watching his prey.”

In the depths of the distant void, an old silhouette projection came. Facing such a fierce Little Demon King, as the original order monarch, he was too courageous to force Xiao Xuan’s body from the past. come out.

I do n’t know if it ’s a tactic or a trump card, but it is enough to shock him. Can the trump card be used again for 10000?

He is not the Great Emperor of Heaven and Earth. He has reason and treasures in his heart. This brat is entirely based on preferences.

If he is upset, I am afraid …

The brother of the time chaos must be afraid of 30%. It cannot be forced too hard. The war of order and chaos has started. At present, the order camp is scattered, but this brat has accumulated more prestige than the previous order monarchs.

Without Xiaoxuan’s selfishness, maybe the chaos would be crushed.

Even the divine mansion has been chopped!

“Go to you paralyzed, what do you count, bargain with this Young Master, do you have this qualification?”

“Give you 3 breaths time, the body rolls down to meet me.”

“Otherwise, kill you!”

Gu Huang is more and more fierce, just like the Divine King of an ancient Immortal, it is completely afraid of no one, facing the original order monarch, and also not giving half face.

This person who can let him stop and stop him in this world has not yet lived?

Even if the Demoness is coming and the major event is very serious, it will definitely not compromise with him.

“No shortage, why do you want to do this, why do you want the order camp to fall into internal friction, and why you can’t take care of the overall situation.”

“You are the monarch of order in this generation. At that time, you alone upheld the dignity of order and became the only dawn of the disaster era …”

“You have even created Supreme Art that shocked Primal Chaos. Now that order and order are scattered, why can’t you make sacrifices and re-gather order for the bigger picture”

“Xiao Xuan wants to take your dharma, the means are indeed disgraceful, but the sin will not die.”

“You are the monarch of order, and you should serve the world. If your law is passed to Xiao Xuan, how can there be so many disputes.”

“No shortage, you are too selfish!”

Void projection old man sighed, it was a full-fledged lesson to Gu Huang, and he completely forced Gu Huang into a selfish and selfish man …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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