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“Young Master, didn’t expect, really didn’t expect ah!”

“It turns out that you just remember the 9 Li Warriors who died in battle, nearly 100000000 million soldiers in the order camp, you even remember …”

“You are well-deserved, the greatest hero of the disaster era.”

The old Lion King Jinshan was also in tears, completely infected by the emotions of the old demon, the kind of confusion, daze, sorrow, helplessness from the depths of the bones, absolutely not contrived.

He really remembered the faces of every one of the 100000000 million soldiers who died in battle. He didn’t really experience the war of near despair.

The name of the hero is really worthy!

I still remember that Young Master just appeared in Nine Provinces, facing the axiom adjudicator, Assassin Association, the kind of awe-inspiring, determined, unyielding from in the bones …

Nearly 100 epochs have passed, are you still not relieved?

Young Master, affectionate to ah!

“Young Master, you are a true hero, whoever dares to disrespect you in the future, I will not spare him if I fight this old life!”

“Dare to ask that there is a coach in the world who can remember the name of an insignificant soldier.”

“No wonder Qingliu brat suffered an injustice, you would be like that …”

“Young Master, the old dragon admires!”

Spirit Dragon Huanglong is blushed with shame. His heart is really full of guilt. As one of the oldest sacrificial spirits of the Zhuxia clan of Nine Provinces, although he is a split soul, it is an extension of the body.

When the Young Master enlisted Heaven and Earth, only 9 Lis of the Nine Provinces clans responded to the enlistment. 300,000 elite warriors went out, and no one returned.

Buried in a foreign land, the soul cannot return!

So much so that the 9th Li people fell into stagnation and suffered countless unfair treatment.

It was even driven into the depths of 100,000 mountains, and even the Xia clan did not regard it as a person, and demoted it into a foreigner.

But not only do I remember the 300,000 9 Li warriors who died in the battle, there are also more than 100000000 million soldiers in the camp, and even an insignificant soldier.

I would like to ask who can be a Young Master, if he is handsome, he must be a kind handsome!

If he is emperor, he must be emperor.

“Brother Wuhuang, we are ashamed ah!”

“Wuhuang Young Master, the old man is also ashamed!”

Aute Vice President, Aaron President 2 has been in tears for a long time, and it is completely inspired. At the same time, the whole person’s heart is full of deep guilt and blushed with shame.

At that time, the magical powerhouse of Heaven and Earth was abandoned by Young Master.

The war of killing gods!

forcibly slaughtered the mansion!

As a result, the Young Master was frustrated and completely withdrew from the order camp. One was the summon’s shrine for the blood sacrifice of 3 Human Race Worlds. 20 The Legion one after another retreated.

If there is no retreat, the Young Master will not be hit hard, only to recover in the last 100 epochs, and even have to reincarnate.

Chaos is about to kill, but the order is still scattered.

Young Master has no mess in the rearrangement camp, but he still remembers the 100000000 million soldiers who died in battle.

What kind of kindness, what kind of feeling, what kind of quality …

The most perfect hero is also less than Young Master 10000.

“Begging the monarch to stay, the villain would like the ancestors to become a monarch and sit down as a soldier.”

Talbot is also very excited and can see the greatest hero in the legend. Such opportunities are rare, and he must follow every method.

Only following the monarch can revive the glory of the family.


The Talbot family was born for war, but unfortunately there is no lord in the world.

At this point, he decayed, retreated to the Continent of Mafa, and lived a semi-secret life.


Gu Huang’s brain was blank, unconsciously a bit dazed, and he didn’t know what to say at all.

I go! this Young Master This is selling feelings, pretending to be deep ah!

But it is just to brush up some fame. You really can remember the dead soldiers. That is the big data of the classification of the system.

That was an automatic reminder of the system, and the Abraham family used to be one of its followers.

This Young Master is a Villain ah! A sinister, deceitful Old Demon, who came here to pretend to be the protagonist, but is it not the real protagonist ah!

But to sell some feelings, and want to shame those order veterans, you have to pass it through your mouth, so as to come to support the scene, but I really do not want …

This each and everyone burst into tears, as if it was chicken blood, this Young Master was not Long Aotian, the tiger body shocked, the king 8’s gas leaked, and the little brothers fell to their knees.

Fuck, this scene in front of me is that Earth’s web-based routine of ten years ago, that is, there is a legendary Earth on Earth that crossed over the magic side of Heaven and Earth. Legend is that Long Aotian is the originator.

Earth waste material, crossed over, becomes a dharma god. The reason is that it eats too many sweet potatoes in Earth, which is the legendary Supreme divine medicine, the magical divine fruit.

In the world of Meow Xiaoxi’s backpack, the traitor directly planted a sweet potato of the world.

This Young Master is not the protagonist, worthy of the name of this hero ah!

I’m a Villain on my horse, but I haven’t done the destroying heaven extinguishing earth thing. Isn’t that afraid of being treated as a BOSS by the real Child of Destiny?

What’s going on ah!


“Everyone, I’m out of control, Talbot, you get up!”

“I have already withdrawn from the order camp. I am no longer an order monarch.”

“War is too cruel, I don’t want to be contaminated with the blood of creatures, whether it is order or chaos.”

“You are a powerhouse of Rank 1 in half a step, don’t have to follow me!”

Gu Huang nowadays, only brace oneself pretending to be down, his face full of sorrow and compassion, he is not willing to provoke any disputes at all, nor to see the loss of life.

Fuck, according to the routine, it shouldn’t be this way. Shouldn’t this guy look down on this Young Master, and then configure Sun God to hydrate the face in minutes?

Why did he kneel when he came to the end?

“Under the crown …”

“If you don’t accept, then I can only punish myself here!”

“I cannot shame my ancestors because of my words and deeds.”

“I made a mistake and washed it with my blood!”

Talbot froze his face, struggling for a long time, and finally slowly pulled out the giant sword behind him. I saw a curved half-moon-like rays of light on his sword body that fell from the sky, and moved towards the neck. And go …

“Resist the ring of fire!”

“Dimensional crack!”

Gu Huang didn’t expect Talbot ’s temperament was so strong, he would self-discipline even if he did n’t agree, and the aura of magic enchanted in his anxiety. The halo of flames of scarlet red appeared, and countless magic inscriptions Outline it, and instantly Talbot’s body will be pushed out of several hundred zhang.

5 Refers to grasping the void, countless cracks appear, straightly cut the half moon arc into the depth of the space dimension crack …

“Full … Full Department … Directed by Fiendgod …”

“Dafa God …”

Aaron Vice President was stunned, his mouth opened directly into an O shape, and the entire brain was blank. As for Talbot, he was dumbstruck, his mouth slightly opened, and finally only 3 words of Dafa God were revealed.

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