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“Chess, your sister, plot against your uncle, but also cut off the origin of the body. Who dares to plot against you and who dares to treat you as a pawn, it is not a vegetarian to be a real system.”

“Counsel, don’t look for that many reasons, but you are from Earth. I really embarrass the Earth people. This system despise you.”

“The greedy life-fearing death, Gou’s purple robe all his life, and the meow Xiaoxi who is naturally insulting, all of you have guts and are 100 times stronger.

“Bao Ye’s face, Martial Goddess’ face, that existent face in nothingness, Haotian God’s face, Supreme Taoist’s face, Wu Zu’s face, everyone’s face was completely lost.”

“This system shouldn’t have given you a chance, but Ye Chen should kill you.”

“You still want to go back to Profound Sun City, and you want to be a mortal, to be your big dream of spring and autumn!”

“This system shouldn’t be so forgiving to you. I already knew that it should be the same as the pretty and flirtatious cheap goods that should be released from the outside and never accomplish the obliteration.”

“Guye, the system asks you one last time, go or not!”

When the system heard it, it immediately exploded, and it was a burst of curse at the old demon. It was completely like a hate iron for not becoming steel. It usually lost a little bit of his face, and he immediately wanted to get back to the scene.

Now at the critical moment, even if you have counseled, you have to sever the cultivation base and the source Taoist body and impose on the dharma body.

Paralyzed, this system most recently hasn’t swelled, it is really floating ah!

No matter how big your head is, how deep your heels are, and how strong your background is, this system is now a little pony under this system.

You can’t stop the squeezing of the host. Sure enough, when there is no pressure, it floats in minutes.

“Don’t go!”

“The worst can’t be a death, and no more can a Divine Soul die, and the mark of life disappears.”

“Besides that, you can still call me.”

Huang Laomo’s voice seemed very indifferent, completely out of life and death, he was most annoyed by being controlled everything, planned by his destiny.

Anyway, in the end, just 2 words, it is definitely not going.

At most it is just a death!

Why do the people not fear death?


“Okay, okay, okay, Gu Ye, you want to intimidate by death!”

“This system does what you can do with you, but don’t blame me for the trick!”

“I had to talk to you about the existence of Void Realm.”

“Go in!”

system Almost didn’t get angry. When meeting such a donkey host, there was really no way to think about it, only to kick his mind into the depth of the big Void Realm.

The wings are hard, really the wings are hard.

If this system can’t bind the mark of life, let this stupid host try what is called Thunder King.

After doing this step, I wanted to back down.

It’s just a dream, you have to go if you don’t go!

This system can’t pick you up, since someone can hold you as a host of donkeys.

Deep Void Realm.

Darkness, silence, depression, seem to suffocate the soul.

“Dirty Brat, your uncle’s endless, this day’s day or night let the old man go to sleep.”

“Zeng Tian knew to do things, to do things, to do things, to stop or not!”

“Originally dying the dead river, saving Li Li’s life, let Li Li recover memory and cultivation base, and expel the 4 pole group of little child. The old man is very satisfied with you.”

“Why are you so resistant to going to the 7th century!”

There was a complaint in the depth of the big Void Realm, but he also gave enough affirmation to the old demon, but he was also curious why he was so resistant to going to the 7th century.

plot against, chess pieces, layout!

It’s really a big joke, ask who dares to plot against this old bastard.

Unless he is really killed to the point that there is no scum left, wait until he awakens all his memories and guarantees that you will never die.

“Oh! Senior, I don’t know the truth, is it very resistant anyway?”

“You always let me go to save Lili’s life, I do my best to do it, and even exposed my thirteenth-level dharma body.”

“Of course it doesn’t matter, but when you go to the 7th century, go and lose Heaven and Earth powerhouse.”

“Don’t talk to me about sacrificing the ego and making the big picture.”

“Why do I have to sacrifice myself to contribute to this Primal Chaos Heaven and Earth, and when I fight for the Dead River, in the Heaven and Earth Shrine, Supreme Celestial Court, 99 earth demon head, who is the heroic temple.

“Even fate side, mysterious side, card side, magic side, who will help us.”

“I won’t try my best because of some inheritance, because I have to live for the people who believe in me, and I have to protect them.”

“Maybe very counseling, maybe very selfish, but I would rather be so counseling and live so selfishly.”

Faced with the unknown existence of the big Void Realm, Gu Huang has always been really looking at Senior, and there are not many people who can be respected by the old demon. This one in front of him is definitely one.

Since the Era of Disaster, the last war of killing gods, there are only the last 9 warriors of the Li nationality, and all the rest have run out.

The true deceased who lost Heaven and Earth is good, not to mention the fake deceased!

Heroes are 10000 10000 can’t do it, or be a selfish villain!

Heroes let those protagonists go!

“En! Dirty Brat, what you said is good, from small individuals to large ethnic groups, you are impeccable.”

“Do you know what an island of time is?”

“You know that the island of time is currently outside the normal history, but if the island of time is integrated into the normal history, will it have any effect?”

“Simply tell you! Such as the ancient blue butterfly, such as the emperor incarnation, and such as Wang Lun, everything had appeared before the 7th century…”

“People, things, things, even time and destiny itself will change!”

“Of course you don’t care, no matter how time and destiny change, will not have any effect on you, but Empress, Gu Qingdie, Wang Yun, Miao Xiaoxi, Black Brick in your hands, Hao Heavenly Sword…”

“If it is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, it will be erased from all timelines, and it may even be extinct. It is the original, extremely ancient, Ancient, and now, everything will cease to exist.”

“Then in the future, Primal Chaos, Heaven and Earth, you will live alone, and there will never be any living people.”

“Even including old man, everything will be destroyed.”

“It doesn’t matter to save all living things, to be a hero, or to be right or wrong…”

“Only life and death!”

“Go or not, you decide for yourself, the old man does not force you, the final result is that the ruins are annexed by the living world, and you become a solitary soul, unbound ghost…”

“Let’s go back!”

The unknown existence in the depths of the Great Void is full of bleakness, that is, Gu Huang’s Primordial Spirit is sent back to the body, and the black dot of the Great Void Realm disappears, which is the long breath.

The horse was awkward and finally gave this old bastard to Fool.

But… it seems… it seems… Liang Zi is bigger today.

If this old bastard knows the truth in the future, he must lift the old man’s den.

No matter, anyway this bastard wants to step into nothingness, then the road is still long?

Really that day, at worst abandoned the old nest, just run away…

Ask for monthly tickets! Don’t remind me! Save the manuscript on the 15th broke out!

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