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A purple war sword that runs through Heaven and Earth draws shatter void, spans the endless Primal Chaos, tears up somehow the world, biting cold, killing, overbearing, terrifying word intent pervades.

The sea of ​​dead corpses, white bones, endless lifelessness, mighty endlessness!

The powerhouse bleeds, the divine mansion falls, the big demon floating corpse, kills!

Heaven Collapse, all living things are dead, darkness is silent, despair is miserable!

sword intent Huanghuang, reflecting the ancient and modern future!

Purple Night Heavenly Sword!

Horn of war!

It has been a long time, and it has not been born for a long time.

All living things, Heaven and Earth have forgotten the war, and they have also forgotten the powerhouse that fought with the dead river, buried in the other country, and the soul can not return, as well as those famous or unknown heroes.

Originally, extremely ancient, Ancient, now the past four eras.

Lilong Paragon, Lilong Paragon, this pair of siblings are all living things, Heaven and Earth, and sacrifice too much.

Saved fate, saved time!

Saved Heaven and Earth and countless countless all living things.

Until the death toll!

Li Tuo inherited the name of Paragon, and remained guarded from generation to generation.

All living things and Heaven and Earth, there are very few people who remember her devotion and sacrifice. One person has guarded 2 times.

She had long been disgusted, and had long been fed up with this kind of silent waiting, and fed up with such endless days.

I even asked for the death of all living things, the death of Heaven and Earth.

She is Paragon, but she is also a person. She also has feelings, thoughts, and more joys and sorrows …

I also complained about all living things!

I also hated Heaven and Earth!

Why is everyone alive, but her brother is not coming back, and the big brother of the wildness …

She even ignored everything in Human World, one after another.

But no matter how disgusted she is, she will not retreat in the face of the appearance of the dead river.

She can destroy Heaven and Earth with her own hands, but she is absolutely impossible and deadly!

Draw to death!

When a desire is dissatisfied, how jealous and resentful a terrifying woman is and how terrifying it will be.

Because Li Tu doesn’t want to live anymore!

Everything she hoped and cherished has disappeared into the bubble.

Then fight to the end!

“Zixiao Heavenly Sword, the sword of war!”

“Lilong Paragon, with your one man one sword, you want to fight the dead river.”

“This is no longer ancient, nor is it the original era, and at the end of another era, who else will be silly to accompany you to fight together.”

“Supreme Celestial Court, 99 Earth Demon Head, Heaven and Earth, Ancient Ming Sect, Heroic Hall, no one will be with you to die.”

“Li Li Paragon, join us! Destroy these hypocritical all living things, destroy this piece of Heaven and Earth, and my Lord really has a way to summon the soul of Li Luo.”

“All you need is loyalty.”

The young man with short hair is under the monster projection, even though Li Ming has summoned the sword of war, but no one will accompany her to fight together, but even come to die together.

In today’s era, there are no more heroes!

Because the hero is already chilling!

“One man one sword, enough!”

“Uneven death, vow not to rest!”

“Zixiao Heavenly Sword, kill!”

Liragon Paragon murderous aura rushing to the sky, the icy star eyes bloomed with 100000000 10000 glory, the endless Heaven and Earth stars seemed to be all ordered, 10000 1000 starlight gathered together, bathed in Litong Paragon’s body , Just like is a main god who dominates the starry sky.

Zixiao Heavenly Sword groaned and made a vast controversy. A ray of starlight was thrown into it, which was enough to condense the sword light of several thousand 1000 li.

Throughout the World, the Tianyu is destroyed, the endless Heaven and Earth is torn apart, and moved towards the depths of the void.

A sword all living things goes out, a sword Heaven and Earth is dead!

The sword light seemed to penetrate from the end of eternity, a crisis of unparalleled terrifying broke out, ripped open the universe star sea, destroyed the vast age, and even collapsed some unknown void.

Darkness, death, decay, turbidity, black clothes that do not know the source or the end point, the ancient river emerges, and the roar of 10000 1000 monsters pervades the depths of the ancient river, a rotten, withered unknown creature The body emerged, and there were also monster roars covered with hair of different colors.

Without exception, the odor of silence, decay, and death emanated, as if it were the greatest pollution in the world, capable of polluting all forces.

Dead River, known as Eternal Restricted Zone.

Supreme life Danger Land, the source of filth in the world.

It has been through four eras, and even if it is time, fate, cause and effect, there is no way to die.

Since the fall of the Paragon era, there is a person in the powerhouse fighting the dead.

But without exception, no one can calm the dead.

“Lituo, Dead River is not where you should come.”

The dead river is boiling, and a huge black clothes skeleton emerges from it. Its height is about 50 feet. A pair of white Soul Fire is filled in the eye sockets. There are more invisible dark black runes on the bones of the whole body. There are countless strange powers floating all around, its voice is full of old.

“Go to death!”

“Ba Jian!”

Lilong Paragon is extremely crazy, and a sword splits into the void until the dead river. I can imagine how terrible that is. I saw his hands holding the sword. 10000 1000 stars gathered brilliantly. A starry sky scroll was directly opened above the head, 100000000 10000 runes intertwined with the Vault of Heaven, the sword light reflected in 30,000 miles, almost shining the dead river as bright as the day.

Extreme road, supreme, supremacy, the strongest sword intent broke out, Zixiao Heavenly Sword, the magnificence of the huanghuang, reflected in the 10000 1000 void, like a Star Fire burning.

With a sword cut, Heaven and Earth changed color!

“Break! “

“Li Li, warn you one last time, retreat!”

“Dead River is not where you should come!”

“If you don’t go, then I will see it as war.”

The black clothes crushed the word light with one finger, and the endless strange power of the whole body was suspended. The silhouette slowly came out of the depths of the dead river. The whole body was covered with a cloak of black clothes, full of terrifying and desperate aura.

Li Li, don’t want to live!

Dead river…

Not where she can make trouble, there is no need to start the war of the times now.

Just wait for all living things and Heaven and Earth to die.

But if someone is act recklessly, who is the River of Fear?

The dead river is not dry, and its strength is not extinguished.

In the past, several great emperors, Paragon, had once reached the depths of the dead river, and finally retreated.

“Old Skeleton, die!”

“Brother, big brother, I will break my promise!”

“Eternal Seal, uncover seal!”

“Eternal starlight!”

Lilong Paragon stepped out, the star lotus emerged under his feet, and his whole body was surrounded by stars and light seals. The first seal was unsealed, and the cultivation base soared instantly. From the Middle-Stage of Da Luojing, he directly reached the Da Luojing. Peak.

The starlight is shining, just like the essence, not a hazy picture scroll, but a real projection.

King of Infinite Star Power!

Li Li, born to dominate the stars, invincible under the stars.

Step out, the golden Lotus under the stars is blooming, 100000000 10000 starlight is shrouded, and the starry sky scroll above the head directly spills 100000000 10000 Star Radiance…

“Lituo, I want to die you all!”

“Dead fist seal!”

The dark skull shook his head helplessly and punched into the void. The terrifying dark and strange power swept out. 100000000 million 10000 channels of light were also exploded. Condense was able to penetrate 10000 1000 World. The ancient fist seal hit the sky Star Radiance…

The outbreak began to seek monthly tickets!

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