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one day one night!

Lilong Paragon guarded the corpses of Ye Chen and Ye Xun for one day one night, killing them as long as they were resurrected, and did not give any chance at all.

Ye Chen and Ye Xun were killed 1000 times.

It is conceivable that, under the calm appearance of Paragon, what a manic heart is hidden.

Brother fell!

Tianhuang big brother stayed in the last era.

Now even the only Young Martial Nephew is gone.

The vast Heaven and Earth, waiting for a period of time alone, expecting to see the return of his brother.

But she knew that the daoist brother would never come back, and would never come back.

Young Martial Nephew’s appearance of no waste has relieved her cold and cold heart a lot, but …

There is no formal recognition yet, and he has been pitted by the dead in these two times.

But that was Young Martial Nephew’s own choice, and this was not a reason for blame.

In front of yourself, ask for the method of Young Martial Nephew.

Was she really bad-tempered as Paragon?

“Paragon, you’re over!”

After killing Ye Chen and Ye Xun 1000 times, they still couldn’t calm down the manic heart, but at this moment an old voice of Vault of Heaven traversed through.

I saw a black cloth old man silhouette coming, his body was thin, his hair was ash-gray, his face was like a donkey face, rigid and rigid, and his jawbone was high, giving a kind of twilight, as if he had just crawled from the grave Come out in general.

The comer is no one else. The ancient ancestor of Holy Land, named Ye Tiangu, is in charge of the time sword, and is the time apostle among the ten apostles.

Rumor is the last clansman of the ancient Ye family!

The Ye tribe used to deter Nine Heavens from ten places, resounding inside and outside Primal Chaos.

But because of unknown reasons, it collapsed overnight.

Heaven and Earth Ye family leaves!

All the inside and outside of Primal Chaos, no matter which side of Heaven and Earth, the origin of surnamed Ye comes from the Ye tribe.

This is the other big clan in Human Race. It has a long history and deep heritage, which is enough to be tied with the oldest clans of the Xia clan.

“Get lost!”

“Dare to say a word, kill you together!”

The endless and bright Star Power of Lilong Paragon gathers, 100000000 million 10000 ancient runes interweave Heaven and Earth, and the endless terrifying will erupts between Heaven and Earth.

Profound Truth in ancient time, surrounded by the power of fate and fate.

Overhead Space-Time and River of Destiny manifest, the endless starry sky shines out.

The immense oppression, like before the end of Eternal, is full of heavy and unmatched momentum.

It belongs to all living things, asylum seekers, human repressors, the master of the infinite Star Power, the daughter of the gift of fate and years, the most beautiful flower of the eternal starry sky.

At this moment, Lilong Paragon battle strength is fully open!

“Junyao, do you still recognize me?”

Another face was old, with azure robe added, rickety, and the old man shaking his incompetent footsteps slowly emerged. The wrinkled face looked at Litong Paragon. It was extremely complicated …

“Luo Junyao is dead, I am Litong!”

“The cause and effect of the past is over!”

“I said you dare to appear before me again!”

“Only die in the end.”

Li Li killing intent Bilu, looking at the old man in front of him did not have any kind of compassion, nor a little bit of hatred, and some just extreme indifference.

Luo 9 You!

Once thought of incarnation Luo Junyao’s bloodline dear!

Grandfather, the great emperor of Tianhuang, once abandoned the big brother of Tianhuang for Emperor Honghao, so that his youth suffered.

This is a cold and ruthless, the supremacy of interest, and even the biological grandson plot against the old thief.

Tianhuang big brother is angry and cut off contact with him!

Lifetime, will not forgive him.

“That’s all, that’s all, Paragon, no mention of the past!”

“Paragon, you as the daughter of the gift of time and fate, don’t you see the destiny of Ye Chen and Ye Xun?”

“It is true that Ye Brother’s method is not glorious, but you have killed them 1000 times, even if you are angry, you should die!”

“The killing of the gods and no wasteland for the sake of all living things deserves to be respected and remembered by all of us.”

“The deceased is gone and cannot be resurrected. This is the fixed number and destiny.”

“The great chaos is coming, the emperor’s election is about to open, and Paragon is also asked to take the overall situation as a priority, and to spare Ye Chen and Ye Xun’s life, let them make crimes and fight for all living things.”

“Paragon, there are always people who have to stand up to take on the big responsibility, and hope that the overall situation of Paragon will be important.”

Luo 9 seems to be full of helplessness, and can only be persuaded. After all, Wuhuang is indeed dead, with the character of Junyao … Luo Family banned her in the last era, and it already contained endless resentment.

The death of the Luo Family Imperial Family has not been eliminated, it is already in the face of the sky.

“Get lost!”

“The person I am going to kill, who dares to let him live!”

“The law of years, time deprived!”

“The Law of Destiny, Destiny Cuts Off!”

“The law of cause and effect, the sword of cause and effect!”

Lilong Paragon killing intent biting cold, the horror of boundless will erupted, Space-Time and River of Destiny manifest above its head, 100000000 10000 Star Power enveloped its body.

Space-Time Changhe and River of Destiny reflect each other, and instantly outlines a terrifying vortex. Numerous locks of fate and time emerge, extending into the depths of vast Space-Time Changhe and River of Destiny.

Countless timelines and pictures of the flow of destiny were intercepted. All the lines containing Ye Chen and Ye Xun were penetrated by the lock of Space-Time and the law of destiny.

All are reflected in the vortex, and the Vault of Heaven is a flash of countless strange seals, and it contains the gold and silver two colors sword of mysterious unpredictable pressure.

“The sword of causality … Paragon … you dare kill me disciple …”

“Ye brother is angry, Paragon, don’t kill ah!”

Ye Tiangu and Luo 9 You 2 people complexion greatly changed, they know the temper of Lijin Paragon, and the two people’s means is really not glorious, and they used the power of the sword to steal people from Lilong Paragon.

Now that he is understood, how can he let them live.

If Ye Chen and Ye Xun were to fall, then a series of plans, after all, were lost.

Ye Chen and Ye Xun cannot die!

“Luo brother, take out Emperor Artifact to suppress the cracks.”

“If Ye Chen and Ye Xun die, we will never have hope.”

“Lilong Paragon, I’m sorry, although you are contributing to Heaven and Earth all living things, but you are blocking our way.”

“Year Knife!”

Ye Tiangu’s pupil light countless ancient light patterns shined, and I saw that his whole body burst out into the ultimate terrifying will. With him as the center, the entire Heaven and Earth stopped instantly, space, time, things, everything fell into eternity.

Even the river of time and River of Destiny reflected in the sky are affected by this horrifying Power of Time.

The only thing that can move in the field is ink dyeing, limping, and a misty mask silhouette.

“Junyao, I’m sorry, you shouldn’t intervene in this matter!”

“In the beginning!”

Luo 9 The terrifying old body burst out a terrifying force, the ancient, desolate, and terrifying emperor swept through. I saw a horrible dark gold shadow of the giant seal, 100000000 Wan Daoguang refraction Heaven and Earth, full of incomparable The domineering coercion seems to come from some time ago …

Too early to print!

The ancient Emperor Artifact of the Imperial Family of Rockwell, except for the strongest pieces of Emperor Artifact and 8 Divine Sword among the 3 families of Zhuxia, the first seal is the well-deserved first.

Rockefeller Imperial Family has been an emperor and is also a titled emperor!

“It’s endless.”

Just when the Sword and the Heavenly Earth were suppressing Heaven and Earth, there was a thunderbolt-like roar in the depths of the Half Moon Canyon. The Heaven and Earth, suppressed by the Sword and the Earthly Kingdom, immediately broke apart, only Seeing a black clothes in its void, the object moves from far to near …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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