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Recognized by the old demon, the beauty of incarnation of the Great Demon Scourge is completely floating, and the remaining 9 Scourges and Doomsday feel that the chrysanthemum is tight.

But they know better than anyone, how important the first impression is, and even the Great Demon Scourge has taken the lead. Isn’t it that she will occupy the Destroying Heaven and Earth more times than they do?


Not at all!

The remaining 9 major natural disasters and doomsday incarnation stared at each other for a few moments, and changed to each other in an instant. It can be said that each one is an old river and lake.

And it is the old rivers and lakes in the old rivers and lakes, who is not deceitful to the extreme …

each and everyone incarnation changes instantly …

Anyone who becomes an incarnation into a man, each and everyone is incomparably brave warrior, and then with the natural doomsday and natural disaster aura on his body, it is completely the evil man of each and everyone.

The most important thing is that one is more handsome than the other, it is simply handsome out of the sky.

Aura, forced, and the old demon will be compared in minutes.

At this time, the old demon looked at a group of brave warrior extraordinary, the evil charm reached the extreme incarnation, the corner of the mouth could not help twitching slightly, it was directly a fiercely sleeve sleeve, and the moving meteor moved towards the tomb.

A group of apocalypse and natural disaster incarnation was forced on the spot, what happened?

But a group of old rivers and lakes, are not special fools, naturally understand that the Young Master is not happy.

As soon as I read it, the 9 Doomsday and Scourge, it was sincerity and fear, and it was keep quiet out of fear.

Before he made any achievements, he made the new master unhappy.

The key is not yet sure why the new master is not happy, this is the most terrifying ah!

Pills, rhythm of pills ah!

9 The Great Scourge and the end of the incarnation, that’s when you look at me, I look at you, it’s completely a face of coercion.

“Oh! Big brothers, doomsday brothers, you are more ah than you!”

The beauty of the incarnation of the Great Demon Scourge, looking at a group of already coerced natural disasters and doomsdays, that one is a lot more existence than her. On its destroying Heaven and Earth, slaughter all living things, the means is infinite Its control of people’s hearts and subtleties, this is a group of big bosses ah!

Young Master thinks you are too ugly, so he takes Human Race as a blueprint, and you can simply change it.

But your expression is so strong …

Show it!

Also each and everyone are transformed into handsome little brothers, the key is still more handsome than the Young Master, the aura is stronger, and the force is higher …

Isn’t it clear that you want the Young Master to look good? Is it clear that you want to hit the Young Master’s face?

A little deeper, it is clear that they look down on the Young Master and did not take him as the new master ah!

“Sister Desire Scourge, please also express!”

“Please show us a clear path…”

“Sister Demon Scourge, please give us a clear way.”


9 Great Scourge and Doomsday incarnation, each and everyone That is sincere and fearful, I don’t know what is wrong, now the Great Desire Scourge is understood.

If this is not possible, it is really over.

Not to mention following the Young Master to see the merits and career, I am afraid it will be gone ah!

It’s really gone!

Young Master can make them disappear in one word.

“Big brothers, brothers of the Scourge, you destroying Heaven and Earth, your little sister can’t catch up with a horse, but you can take control of people’s hearts.”

“You forgot one thing, our Young Master is a Human Race, and Human Race is a very strange and contradictory race.”

“As for the Human Race with a little identity, the most important thing is the face. If you look at the aesthetic of Human Race, the appearance of Young Master is very brave warrior in Human Race.”

“But big brothers and brothers, take a good look at your own changes…”

“With the aesthetics of Human Race, that is a peerless beauty, enough to fascinate the existence of 10000 1000 beautiful women.”

“It’s not counted. The key is your aura, posture, and compulsion, completely covering the Young Master.”

“Big brothers, brothers, you can be big or small.”

“As you grow older, you are looking down on the Young Master and have no intention of acting faithfully.”

“When I was younger, I said that you deliberately hit the Young Master’s face.”

“Judging by the little girl’s guess, Young Master must be a person who pays great attention to the face…”

Da Yumo’s natural disaster shook his head helplessly and looked at the extremely terrifying group in front of him. He just didn’t know what to say. To put it plainly was a group of big bosses who didn’t understand people’s hearts.

“Damn, we should…”

“Damn, damn, Sister Sister Scourge, there can be a remedy.”

“Sister, tell us how to remedy, we will never forget your relationship.”

“It’s ah! Desperate Scourge Girl, please tell ah!”

9 The Great Scourge and Doomsday, I heard the Great Desire Scourge’s plain words, and immediately came clear comprehension, they are a group of big bosses, but they are not stupid ah!

As soon as the new master came, they put on this battle, and when it was clear, it was a face-ah!

The point is that they absolutely don’t mean this ah!

It’s really stupid. The good hands are so lousy, I really don’t mean to look down on the Young Master.

Now that something is wrong, hurry up and try to remedy it!

“Big brothers, doomsday brothers, don’t worry!”

“The solution is not without!”

“Young Master is Human Race, we will act according to the standards of Human Race.”

“Generally, according to the standards of Human Race, if one party does something that is sorry for the other party and wants to change it.”

“It’s normal to be guilty, but the elder brothers and big brothers are careless, and the Young Master is not so stingy.”

“Then the rest of the way, give Young Master a gift to pay off!”

The beauties of the Great Demon Scourge incarnation immediately got together with the remaining 9 Scourges and Doomsday, and they taught them how to do it in an instant?

There seems to be only one way to give gifts!

If you don’t give a gift, it’s totally ah!

And what to send?

This is critical, I believe I should know how to do it.

“Yes, my sister, I remember the relationship, I will prepare for it!”

“Good idea, I hope the Young Master will pardon our past.”

“Sister, let’s go first, Young Master please you.”


9 The Great Scourge and Doomsday hearing this, the silhouette disappeared in an instant, the speed is almost comparable to thunder and lightning.

To give a gift, just send the best treasure.

It is worthy of the natural calamity of the Great Desire, and it really understands the hearts of the people and knows what they want.

From now on, it seems that the Great Desire Scourge must be reused by Young Master.

“Big brothers, brother… really a group of big bosses…”

“Little girl’s words haven’t finished ah!”

“Gifts and compensation are on the one hand, your looks need to change ah!”

“If you are going to look like this, it will only make Young Master more angry!”

“Forget it, I’ll go back and prepare gifts too!”

The beauty of the big car of incarnation is absolutely helpless. When encountering such a group of big bosses, they can only complain that they deserve it …

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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