Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 983: Playing a Hooligan (please ask for the

Chapter 983: Playing hooligan (please ask for the genuine version, please subscribe~~)

This figure had just appeared, just as the Buddha Ciyun was offering sacrifices to the Buddha's Golden Bell, and he was bombarded. I saw this man slapped the Golden Bell of the Buddha with his palm, and there was a loud bang, which was widely heard. The Golden Bell was actually beaten. He had to fly out diagonally, but this person's figure only shook slightly. Read h-u-n with me *h-u-n "" please remember

"Demon Emperor!"

Lihen Tianzhu and others almost exclaimed in unison. This extremely domineering figure was none other than the Demon Emperor and Demon God Emperor who controlled Tianfen Daluotian. What they did not expect was that the Queen of Heaven would actually join forces with the Demon God Emperor!

Since ancient times, the Heaven Realm and the Heavenly Tomb have been in a state of opposition. The hatred is extremely deep, almost deep-rooted and unshakable. Emperor Zishang joined forces with the Lord Qiangong, which has offended the public and has no place in the Heaven Realm. Unexpectedly, today's queen will also Colluding with the Demon God Emperor!

"The Demon God Emperor's strength has not recovered!"

Ye Xu's eyes were sharp and he immediately saw that the Demon God Emperor was still seriously injured. Otherwise, with his strength as the Demon King, he would definitely not be shaken slightly by the World Buddha's Golden Bell.

After all, Tianjun is Tianjun, and he is very powerful. If the Demon God Emperor returns to his full strength, he can easily defeat the Treasure of Enlightenment with his strength. However, at this moment, he is shaken slightly by the World Honored Golden Bell. It can be seen that although his cultivation has recovered A lot, but there is still a huge gap compared to the peak state!

The power of the Ancestral God's finger may have seriously damaged the great avenue in his body, and it cannot be easily refined and exorcised to restore it to its peak state!

"No wonder the Demon God Emperor still needs the Queen of Heaven to help him regain the throne of Daluotian. If he returns to his prime, there is no need to join forces with the Queen of Heaven. He can kill Daluotian by himself, and no one can stop him!"

Ye Xu saw this, and the others also saw this, and couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in their hearts. If the Demon God Emperor returned to its full glory, they would have no hope at all in this battle.

Di Hui snorted coldly, and the Natural Avenue Bell roared. He covered his head with the Demon God Emperor in charge and sneered: "The Emperor of Heaven and his family are all roosters and dog robbers. The Emperor of Heaven is like this, the emperor's son is like this, and the Queen is like this!"


The natural avenue clock vibrated, and its power became more vast and powerful. It actually sensed the Demon God Emperor's avenue, completely revived, and fell upside down. Emperor Hui's body flew up and landed on the clock. The golden wheel of merit behind him kept turning, and the ruler of heaven's merit was measured. Falling down, ringing the Grand Avenue Bell, the bell buzzed, sound waves surged, turned into an invisible avenue, and rushed towards the Demon God Emperor crazily, with the intention of refining the Demon God Emperor into ashes!

The Natural Great Dao Bell has been completely revived, and its power is completely comparable to the World Buddha's Golden Bell. The treasure of enlightenment refined by Emperor Xuanyuan was originally a treasure used by the Emperor to protect the heavens and suppress the destiny of the heavens. At this moment, it senses the boundless demonic way of the Demon God Emperor. Automatically activate the power to suppress the most powerful demon god in the world!

At the same time, the Hongmeng Golden List, the Dangmo Monument, the Buzhou Mountain Seal, the Wuliang Altar, and the Jumang Sacred Tree were all completely revived. Their power was so powerful that even the World Buddha's Golden Bell was suppressed!

The avenues above the Zhutian Divine Realm roared and shook, and were in chaos. Even the Queen of Heaven was unable to control the trends of these heaven and earth avenues!

The Demon God King shook the impact of the Tao sound of the Natural Dao Bell, and his body shook. His Dao conflicted with the Dao of the heavens. It was precisely because of his full force that these treasures of the Dao were activated and resurrected!

He was originally extremely afraid of the heaven, because the heaven was refined by the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and the fortunes of the Nine Heavens God Realm were connected. The treasures left by the heavenly emperors in the past generations were used to protect this sacred land, so he was in the sky. Even after his death, Emperor Zun did not dare to attack the heaven. Instead, he ventured into the tomb of the ancestor god to find the ancestor god's method of proving Taoism with his own body. (氵kun氵kun novel website diandian.com)

He already knew that if he appeared, he would definitely trigger an attack from the treasures of enlightenment in the heavens, but he still took the initiative to jump out and attack these treasures of enlightenment. Naturally, he had his reasons.

"The Queen of Heaven is such a clever woman!"

The Demon God Emperor looked gloomy and thought: "The power of the One Finger of the Ancestral God has been difficult to refine in my body for a long time, but with the help of these treasures of enlightenment, I can refine the power of the One Finger of the Ancestral God. This woman can't even do this. Thinking about it, the wisdom reaches the sky, it’s really terrifying!”

The Queen appeared this time and asked the Demon God Emperor to take action. It is for this reason that with the help of the collision between the six treasures of enlightenment and the sky tomb, the power of the Ancestral God's Finger in the Demon God Emperor's body was refined and the Demon God Emperor was injured. get well!

And the Queen of Heaven seizes the power and becomes the Female Emperor of Heaven, getting the best of both worlds!

"Emperor Xuanyuan, if you come back to life, you can still compete with me to see who you are, but the treasure you left behind, even the treasure of enlightenment, won't do!"

The Demon God Emperor punched out, and the Natural Avenue Bell shook. It was hit by a huge force and flew high, knocking Di Hui away.

The Demonic Monument fell from the sky, crushing it and driving away all the demonic nature. The Demon God Emperor roared angrily and knocked back this treasure of enlightenment with one punch.

At this moment, the golden light of Hongmeng Golden Bang bloomed, fixed in the void, swept in, and destroyed everything.


Several other treasures of proof were so powerful that they actually escaped the control of several other emperors and crushed directly towards the Demon God Emperor, leaving him in a panic, but at the same time, they also gradually wore away some of the power of the Ancestral God's Finger in his body. !

The Eternal Emperor and others originally planned to seize the opportunity to seize the power of the Heavenly Emperor. At this moment, the Treasure of Proving the Dao lost control and escaped from their control. It automatically attacked the Demon God Emperor, but it was somewhat beyond their expectations.

"It is better to leave this evil power of the Emperor of Heaven to a young monk and take it to the Buddha Realm, and ask the Great World Honored One to resolve the evil spirit in this treasure!"

Ciyun Buddha laughed loudly, and the World Buddha's golden bell fell down, holding the power of the Emperor of Heaven under the bell. The old Buddha immediately stretched out his hand, and the World Buddha's golden bell quickly shrank and fell into his hand. Then he made a stroke with his hand. He opened the void and planned to leave immediately and leave this place!

Suddenly, the Golden Bell of the Buddha vibrated violently and almost flew out of his hand. It was obviously the Queen of Heaven who activated the other two treasures of the Emperor of Heaven, sensing the power of the Emperor of Heaven, and the Golden Bell of the Buddha could not bear it!

"The little monk is so cute. He wants to run away after stealing something!"

The Empress of Heaven's eyes flashed, and she covered Ciyun Buddha with her slender hands. She giggled and said, "I am sending you to see the ancient Buddha. You should be a good boy in front of the ancient Buddhas!"

Her jade hand covered the sky, touching the Nine Heavens Avenue, and pressed down with a sudden force. The corners of Ciyun Buddha's eyes could not help but tremble, and his scalp was numb. He hurriedly shouted loudly, urging the World Buddha's Golden Bell to meet this terrifying jade hand!

The Golden Bell of the World Buddha and the Queen of Heaven fought hard, and it was suddenly difficult to suppress the power of the Emperor of Heaven. The powerful power flipped the Golden Bell upside down, and also overthrew Ciyun Buddha to the ground.

The great power roared, and the nine heavenly avenues swarmed in, rushing into the great power and flying towards the Queen of Heaven.

With a smile on her face, the Empress of Heaven stretched out her jade hand, but at this moment she saw the Eternal Emperor shouting loudly, striding towards him in control of a demon god. The demonic aura was overwhelming, and it turned out to be the Demon Emperor of Tianfen Daluotian who had been transformed into his body. Incarnation, but also to seize the power of the Emperor of Heaven!

"Eternity, I had known that you had stolen the body of the previous Demon God Emperor. Do you really think that you would become my opponent by transforming a dead person into an incarnation? Let me go!"

The Queen of Heaven and the Demon Emperor grasped the power of the Emperor of Heaven at the same time, and saw the roar of the Nine Heavens Avenue, shaking the palm of the Demon Emperor until the muscles fell off piece by piece, and in the blink of an eye, only the bones were left. The Emperor of Heaven suddenly shook his power and let go. Fly out!

But at this moment, the Chunyang Palace of the Great Sun came crashing down and suppressed the Queen of Heaven on the throne. Another crutch turned into a golden bridge and hit her head. There were also the Yantian Divine Furnace, Sumeru Mountain Lihen Realm, and Liang Liang. Treasures such as the Heavenly Merit Ruler, the Jade Tower and so on all attack the Queen of Heaven at the same time!

The Queen of Heaven sneered slightly, opened her other jade hand, flicked her five fingers slowly, and knocked back the imperial soldiers one after another, making it unstoppable!

"Gentlemen, do you think you can resist me by joining forces? I will kill you all and become the Emperor of Heaven alone, and cultivate countless loyal people in the future!"

She has been blessed by the Nine Heavenly Luck of the Nine Heavens Avenue and is already equivalent to a half-step Heavenly Monarch. She is so powerful that even if the Eternal Emperor, the Great Sun Emperor and others join forces, they are no match for her!

The Heavenly Gate of Reincarnation descended from the sky. Ye Xu urged the Heavenly Gate and pressed down suddenly. The Empress of Heaven looked straight and did not dare to neglect. She stood up suddenly and raised her slender hands to greet her. She saw Ye Xu's growth speed in her eyes and was deeply afraid. If at this time, If she doesn't seize the power of the Emperor of Heaven, she may not have any chance in the future, so she chooses to come back at this time, seize the power, unite the three treasures into one, and occupy the orthodoxy.

"God King Yuxu, you are indeed beyond my expectations, but compared with me, you are still inferior!"

The Samsara Heavenly Gate shook violently and could not fall down. Ye Xu felt awe-struck in his heart. The Queen of Heaven occupied the two treasures of the Heavenly Emperor and was even stronger than him. Not even the Samsara Heavenly Gate could do anything to her!


A magical mirror behind him suddenly rose up, and suddenly the sound of Buddha filled the sky, and all the Buddhas were flying, turning into a beam of light and shooting towards the Queen of Heaven. It was the Luotian Divine Mirror!

The Empress of Heaven couldn't help but gnashed her teeth when she saw this Luotian Divine Mirror. She had refined this mirror herself and put in a lot of hard work. She expected to refine this treasure into a treasure of enlightenment, but was snatched away by Ye Xu. She went there and even made a half-realized treasure. At this moment, Ye Xu actually used this half-realized treasure to deal with her!

"God King Yuxu, if I ascend the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, I will definitely skin you and cramp you, and suppress you for hundreds of thousands of years!"

The Empress of Heaven was furious, and the Nine Heavenly Avenues rose into the sky behind her, weaving a large cocoon, and wrapped herself heavily to block the sneak attack of Luo Tian Shenjing.

"Empress, you are already old and your appearance has faded, but your disciple is in your prime of life and in your prime of life. It is better for your disciple to take the position of Emperor of Heaven!"

Ye Xu laughed loudly, and the Samsara Gate shattered the cocoon. A big hand reached down and grabbed the imperial crown on the Queen's forehead.

"seek death!"

The Empress of Heaven sneered, stretched out her hand, and knocked away Ye Xu's big hand. Ye Xu's figure flashed and landed on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. She was on the same ground with the Queen of Heaven. She shouted loudly and stepped forward, leaning into the Empress of Heaven's arms. He hit her hard and tried to fight with her. At the same time, countless divine patterns were flying around his body, and he rushed madly into the throne at his feet, fighting for control of the throne!

The queen was shocked and angry. This was the first time that a grown man had approached her so closely. In her shock and anger, her sleeves were flying, her colorful clothes were flying, and she was as graceful as a fairy, resisting Ye Xu's attack.

Ye Xu's attack was like a violent storm, which made the Queen tired to deal with it. He proved the Tao with his own body, and his physical body was unparalleled. In the world, only strong men like the Demon God Emperor who had proved the Tao could overwhelm him physically. Although the Queen got nine days Although he is blessed by the great road, his physical body is still an emperor, and he is a little stretched in the small space of the emperor's throne.

Suddenly, the power of the Heavenly Emperor broke through the blockade of the Lihen God, the Eternal Emperor and others. There was a loud bang and the golden bell of the Feishin Buddha rang, and it fell into the hands of the Queen of Heaven.

"Ye Shaobao, now that the three treasures of the Emperor of Heaven have gathered together, I want to see how you die!"

The Queen of Heaven smiled slightly and wielded the power of the Emperor of Heaven. However, at this moment, she saw Ye Xu break through her defense, stretched out his hands, and grabbed her towering breasts fiercely. The Queen of Heaven screamed in surprise, and without thinking, she hurriedly stepped back and dodged. This pair of malicious palms.

"Queen of Heaven, if you take over the power, give me the throne."

Ye Xu retracted his hands, his face turned red, and he secretly felt ashamed. His clothes rustled, and he slowly sat down on the throne.

————Zhai Zhu is going to be a hooligan, please subscribe, come and watch~~~

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