Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering the Witchery with Martial Arts Chapter 980: Confronting the Treasure of Proof of

Ye Xu stood up and saw many divine kings, witch ancestors, and holy emperors among the numerous divine patterns behind him, shouting loudly, inspiring their whole body cultivation, and crazily blessing his body!

Tanzu, Dade, Creation, Barbarian Ancestor, Wuxiang, there are more than twenty god-kings. Among all the heavens, Ye Xu’s Zhutian has the most god-kings, and there are countless witch ancestors and saints. Emperor, this violent mana blessing is comparable to that of an ancient emperor!

Ye Xu stepped forward and walked steadily towards the Golden Bell of World Buddha. Send updates

Di Hui's eyes flashed, and he looked at Tianyao Ji suspiciously, and said in a deep voice: "Military advisor, what is the real power of God King Yuxu?"

Tianyao Ji couldn't help but be confused. In this world, only the treasure of enlightenment can restrain the treasure of enlightenment. Even ancient emperors such as Eternal Life and Lihen did not dare to stand alone and challenge the golden bell of the World Buddha. The treasure of Tao.

It wasn't that they couldn't resist, but that they were afraid that the Buddha's Golden Bell would counterattack, seriously injure them, and shatter the imperial weapons they had worked so hard to refine.

In terms of cultivation strength, even if Ye Xu has made great progress in cultivation these days, at most he can only equal Yongheng and others, and it is absolutely impossible to have the strength to challenge the Treasure of Proving the Dao.

The Eternal Emperor and others obviously thought so, and Buddha Ciyun was an old god who believed that Ye Xu could not ring the World Honored One's golden bell.

Ye Xu walked directly to the front of the World Buddha Golden Bell and stood firm.

"Everyone, please listen, this is the first sound!"

Ye Xu's voice came, clear and clear, and he suddenly took out the power of the Emperor of Heaven. He saw this semi-enlightenment treasure as black as ink, like a solid iron bell, and like a big seal with a long handle, reflecting the mountains and rivers. The rivers, lakes, seas, sun, moon, stars, and the Nine Heavens God Realm symbolize the highest power of the Nine Heavens God Realm!

"The power is in my hands, the avenue of heaven and earth. It's all mine!"

Ye Xu heads to the jade tower. He shouted in a deep voice. All the divine patterns all over his body swarmed into the power, and then countless charms in the building poured out crazily, injected into his body, flew out of the body with a clatter, and also poured into the power of the Emperor of Heaven!

The power of the Emperor of Heaven was shaken, and it was clear that this semi-enlightenment treasure did not agree with him and intended to fly out of his hand and go away happily.

However, Ye Xu's power was so strong that he always held the power of the Emperor in his hands. No matter how much this semi-enlightenment treasure moves, it can never escape his grasp!


The avenues of heaven and earth in the Zhutian Divine Realm roared, and the avenues were hundreds of millions of miles long. Crossing the heaven and earth, one end of the avenue flows into the great power, but the other end is in the distant sky, with no end in sight!

Immediately afterwards, the avenues of heaven and earth in Haotian, Yantian, and Juntian also shook violently. They came in droves and poured into the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

These three heavens are closest to Zhutian, so the avenues of heaven and earth in the three heavens can be inspired by the power of the Emperor of Heaven, and penetrate the void one after another to bless this semi-enlightenment treasure!

As for the other major heavens, because they were too far away and Ye Xu's cultivation was not enough to fully activate this semi-enlightenment treasure, they were not attracted by the power.

Even so, the great avenue of heaven and earth that leads to the four heavens is no small matter. It is enough to be proud of the world and beyond the reach of any emperor!

At the beginning, even the emperors like the Queen of Heaven were unable to mobilize the power, but now the god-king Ye Xu can actually do so, which is really beyond the expectations of others!

This is of course because Ye Xu has many god kings, witch ancestors and holy emperors as his foundation. It is also the result of Ye Xu's hard training and seclusion these days.

He has refined all the divine patterns of the jade tree in the building and turned the foundation into his own cultivation. Even the fragments of the World Tree belonging to the Queen of Heaven have been refined and absorbed by him. In addition, he has stimulated the movement of the jade tree in the building. Shen Yun borrowed incomparably profound cultivation to reach the level of an emperor!

In terms of pure cultivation, Ye Xu is definitely far superior to the Eternal Emperor, the Great Sun Emperor, at this moment. Even Lihen Tianzhu, who has the deepest cultivation level, is still not as good as him!

Ye Xu was in great power, and all he could feel was the buzzing of the great avenues, which made various enlightenments arise in his heart. He held high the power of the Emperor of Heaven, countless great avenues came rushing forward, and billions of rays of rays of light spewed out, making it impossible for people to look directly at him!

He seemed to be a young emperor of heaven, with great power in his hands, hammering down the golden bell of the Lord!


The great power that drives the avenues of the four heavens collides violently with the invisible avenue of the World-Honored Golden Bell. This golden bell makes a loud sound that shakes the heaven and earth and resounds through the sky!

Ye Xu's body shook, and shocking cracks appeared in the avenues of heaven and earth, shaking violently like waves, and it took a long time to subside.

Lihentianzhu and others felt awe-inspiring. Ye Xu's blow was so powerful that it shocked their hearts. Even the moment Ye Xu raised the power of the Emperor of Heaven, they felt like they were facing the Emperor of Heaven. They could only be frightened and surrender in their hearts!

The eyes of the Eternal Emperor flashed, and he thought to himself: "God King Yuxu has been in seclusion for so long, but I didn't expect that he would be so amazing after he came out! If we don't use the treasure of enlightenment, we can't even think of defeating him!"

The other emperors also had the same idea. Ye Xu's attack had the air of a heavenly emperor. It was definitely a huge threat to them!

Ciyun Buddha's face was extremely solemn. Others focused on Ye Xu's ability to ring the World Buddha's Golden Bell, but what he focused on was Ye Xu's physical body.

It is not difficult to ring the Golden Bell of the Buddha. I am afraid that Lihentianzhu and others can barely do it. However, Lihentianzhu and others cannot withstand the counter-shock force of the Golden Bell of the World Buddha. This counter-shock force is so strong. , enough to shatter the emperor's body!

After Ye Xu rang the golden bell of the World Buddha, his body only shook slightly and did not suffer any injuries. It was obvious that his physical strength had reached a height that even the emperor could not reach!

"Brothers, the second bell is ringing now."

Ye Xu put away the power of the Heavenly Emperor and immediately raised the Jade Tower. The Jade Tower shook violently and collided continuously, turning into a fifty-story sky tower. It was bigger than the World Buddha's Golden Bell and even more shocking!

The Jade Tower soared into the sky, and streams of charm flew out from behind Ye Xu. They were densely packed and intertwined in the Jade Tower, raising the Jade Tower to the level of an imperial soldier. Then Ye Xu's eyebrows flashed, and a jade tree flew out and fell into the building. , is his soul!

He entered the Jade Tower with his soul and matched the jade trees in the building, only to hear a loud bang. This jade tower collided with the golden bell of the World Buddha, and the jade tower actually collided head-on with this treasure of enlightenment!

The Buddha's Golden Bell seemed to be angry too, furious that a god-king actually planned to fight against him twice. Within the Golden Bell, the reliefs of the Buddha seemed to come to life. Oral chanting of Buddhist scriptures. Full of Buddha's light. Millions of Buddhas and Buddhas shouted in unison!


The two treasures collided, and the bell rang again. It flew back, getting smaller and smaller, and still landed on Ye Xu's head, but its power was greater than before, and the building was covered with tiny cracks!

Lihentianzhu and others couldn't help but be stunned. Just now, Ye Xu used the power of the Emperor of Heaven to shake the Golden Bell of the World Buddha. It can be said that he relied on the power of the Emperor of Heaven. But now he actually used the Jade Tower that he refined to shake this treasure of enlightenment. The Jade Tower was not shattered. This shows that although the power of this Jade Tower is not as powerful as the Emperor of Heaven, it is far more powerful than the Emperor's soldiers!

Ye Xu took a step back. Stabilizing his body, he slowly exhaled a breath and said with a smile: "Brothers, it's the third bell now."

A magical mirror with a radius of more than ten acres suddenly appeared above his head. The mirror light was as bright as the moon. The magical mirror soared into the sky, and strands of divine light overflowed from the mirror.

The golden bell of the World Buddha kept vibrating. This treasure of enlightenment seemed to feel that its majesty was being greatly challenged. The sound of chanting sutras from the mouths of millions of Buddhas became louder and louder, and there were more and more sounds on the bell wall. A figure of the World Honored Buddha emerged, chanting sutras, and his voice became louder and louder!


A golden beam of light suddenly emerged from the divine mirror and shot straight towards the World Buddha's Golden Bell. In an instant, the golden bell roared, and the invisible avenue surged out. Buddha realms were quickly formed. This golden bell actually destroyed the thirty-three days of the Buddha realm in an instant. The great avenue of heaven and earth evolved into the entire Buddhist world, crashing into the divine mirror!

The beam of light shattered and was vulnerable to a blow. The Thirty-Three Heavens Ruins of the Buddha Realm crashed into the Luotian Divine Mirror, shaking Ye Xu so much that his blood boiled. Teng Teng stepped back dozens of steps, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

"Thank you, Great Master, for refining a semi-enlightenment treasure for me!"

Ye Xu stabilized his body, laughed loudly, and suddenly activated the Luotian Divine Mirror, and saw the great avenues pouring out from the sky. The power of this magical mirror was dozens of times greater than before, and it turned into the thirty-three days of the Buddhist world. Ruins, once again hit the golden bell of the World Buddha!


The golden bell vibrated and the sound was extremely loud!

The Eternal Emperor, Lihen God, Ciyun Buddha and others suddenly stood up and looked at the Luotian Divine Mirror in disbelief, feeling incredible in their hearts.

This Luotian Divine Mirror was refined by the Queen of Heaven. It was originally a blank slate, without imprinting anyone's divine patterns or charm. Although it was the embryo of the treasure of enlightenment, its power was equivalent to that of an imperial weapon.

Ye Xu has not been refining this treasure. First, he already has many treasures and does not need to refine other witch treasures. Second, this mirror can contain anyone's magic power and is suitable for guarding Yuxu Palace.

However, at this moment, he is using the power of the World Buddha's Golden Bell to imprint all the great avenues of the Thirty-Three Heavens Market in the Buddhist world into the Luotian Divine Mirror. This is equivalent to using the hands of the Buddha Emperor, the Great World Honored One, to help him refine this magical mirror. It was successfully made, and it was directly promoted to the level of a semi-enlightenment treasure!

This Luotian Divine Mirror has boundless power, almost equivalent to another Buddha's Golden Bell, but its power is slightly inferior. Moreover, the magic of the Divine Mirror has not been lost, and anyone can still activate it.

Let Tianjun and the Treasure of Enlightenment refine treasures for you. Where in the world can you find such an opportunity?

He shook the World Buddha's Golden Bell twice in a row and fought head-on with this treasure of enlightenment, so that at this moment, with the help of the Great World Honored One and the World Buddha's Golden Bell, he could refine the Luotian Divine Mirror for himself, and finally succeeded in one fell swoop!

"Now, the fourth bell rings!"

Ye Xu laughed loudly and took back the Luotian Divine Mirror. The divine patterns all over his body suddenly calmed down and turned into a reincarnation gate. At the same time, an obscure wave came faintly, a kind of power that was higher than the nine heavens and higher than the sky tomb. His aura fell from the sky, and with a loud bang, a simple and majestic portal suddenly appeared in front of many emperors and gods!

This portal stands tall. Thirty-three heavens are located on the half floor of the portal. Eighteen levels of hell are located on the lower half. In the middle are the six realms of reincarnation, which separate three thousand worlds. The heavenly realm is the canopy of heaven, and there is a great Luotian. The way of heaven.

The portal is majestic, and it is made from the most primitive purple gold of Hongmeng Purple Qi. It is majestic and majestic, like a complete ancient fairy world!

Reincarnation Tianmen!

————, support the home pig to be continued. .

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