Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 978: The Treasure of Enlightenment

Ye Xu couldn't help but exploded the old Buddha's head with one finger, knocking the old Buddha back to its original shape. Originally, after being blessed by the Buddha's light, the old Buddha's injuries were healed, and his cultivation was completely restored, but there was no Xianghuang Buddha. But he is at the end of his strength and will definitely not be an immediate opponent. **《《》》*

However, Ye Xu exploded the old Buddha's head with a flick of his finger and severely injured him. The situation was reversed again.

The big Buddha couldn't help being furious, and the halo of light in the sky behind him was turbulent. The Buddhas spoke angrily and acted like they were succumbing to demons.

The Buddha was angry, the heavens changed color, and a big hand pressed down on Ye Xu.

Ye Xu sat still and said with a smile: "Buddha Ciyun, your Excellency is always willing to hurt people. This is not the compassion of Buddhism."

Behind him, many god kings, witch ancestors, and holy emperors all shouted angrily, inspiring their whole body cultivation to continuously bless Ye Xu's physical body.

The big Buddha shouted angrily: "The Buddha also has moments of anger. When the Buddha is angry, he will cast down demons and eliminate them!"

Ye Xu slowly raised his hand to meet the golden hand of the big Buddha. Suddenly, the sky was filled with the light of Buddha and the sound of Buddha, all of which disappeared.

The giant Buddha couldn't help being surprised. He was the chief disciple of the Buddha Emperor in the Thirty-Three Heavens Ruins in the Buddhist world. Ciyun Buddha, also known as Ciyun Guang Buddha, had cultivated to the realm of the emperor, so he could Known as Buddha.

His strength is also outstanding among the Thirty-Three Heavens Ruins in the Buddhist world. He calls Buddha his ancestor. Unexpectedly, he can't shake Ye Xu in one blow!

"This person is awesome!"

Ciyun Buddha was secretly shocked: "He has the blessings of many god kings, witch ancestors, and holy emperors, but when I came here, I didn't bring any Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or sages who took refuge in me. I'm afraid I'm no match for him."

He has superb cultivation and profound Buddhist teachings. Seeing that he could not do anything to Ye Xu, he concealed his anger. He said with a smile but not a smile: "When a layman takes action against the disciples of the Great World Honored One like this, isn't he afraid that the Great World Honored One will come to seek the King of God's bad luck?"

"Buddha Ciyun, I don't like to be offended by others. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

Ye Xu slapped Ciyun Buddha with a palm and said with a smile: "The Great World is honored as the Buddha Emperor. He has a broad mind and has nothing in common. How can you seek Ye's bad luck because of these trivial matters?"

"Good, good, good."

Buddha Ciyun clasped his hands together and took the blow forcefully. The energy and blood in his body almost boiled due to Ye Xu's palm. Rounds of halo haloes popped into pieces, and the big Buddhas exploded into pieces one after another, turning into nothingness. He said with a smile: "Ci Yun is reckless, and I haven't asked the layman for his name yet."

The King of Hercules stood behind Ye Xu among the many divine patterns. He shouted: "So that the old Buddha will know that my master is the Lord of the Zhutian Divine Realm, the Yuxu Divine King, and now rules the Zhutian Divine Realm.{/Updates uploaded by book friends} He is on an equal footing with the Buddha in your Buddhist world!"

"God King Yuxu? Lord of Zhutian?"

Ciyun Buddha was shocked by Ye Xu's palm, and his blood surged, and he was awe-inspiring: "A person who can become the master of a great heaven. They are all emperors, and this Yuxu God King is just a god king. He can actually rule. A world of heaven! How powerful are the three emperors, Lihen Tianzhu, he can actually control a whole world of heaven under the eyes of those three old foxes, he is probably a powerful character!"

He knew about Lihen Tianzhu and others, but Daxitian was extremely far away from the heaven, and the news was different. He didn't know that the heaven was now full of talents, and three more emperors appeared, and there was even more god-king Ye Xu.

"The relationship between me and this person is probably between brothers. Even if I can defeat him with all my strength, I'm afraid I will still be severely damaged."

Ciyun Buddha's eyes flashed, he hesitated for a moment, and said in his heart: "I came here on the order of the Great World Honored One, but the immediate life and death have nothing to do with me."

He laughed loudly, his body suddenly moved away, and there was an infinite space between him and Ye Xu, and he said loudly: "God King Yuxu, since it is a fair fight, how about you and I don't interfere?"

Ye Xu was not sure that he could capture this person, so he smiled slightly and stopped attacking.

The two giants looked at the battle in the field with bright eyes.

The battle between the Wuxianghuang Buddha and the Burning Eyebrow Buddha ended quickly. The old Buddha was beaten and chipped by the Wuxianghuang Buddha, shattering the thirty-three-day Buddhist world behind him, smashing the golden bowl, and melting the gold sand. It was too horrible to watch, and again Suppressed by life and death.

All that was left of the Burning Eyebrow Buddha was a headless body with tattered clothes. Ye Xu used his fingers to blow off his head. Even with his great powers, he could not repair his body or regenerate his head.

However, the old Buddha with burning eyebrows also had some tricks. A face grew on his belly and shouted: "Senior brother, save me!"

Ciyun Buddha's eyes flashed, and he forced himself to endure it without taking any action.

"It's gratifying that the Wuxiang God King's great revenge has been avenged." Ye Xu said with a smile.

Wuxianghuang Buddha thanked him and said: "Thank you God King for your help. Now I will go to Haiyan and suppress Burning Eyebrow for ten thousand years."

"What King Wuxiang God doesn't know is that Haiyan has been taken away by Emperor Zishang and made into a witchcraft treasure."

Ye Xu smiled and said: "If the God King has no place to suppress this old Buddha, you might as well leave it to me."

The Wuxianghuang Buddha was also worried about how to deal with the Burning Eyed Old Buddha. If he killed him, he would be fighting against his fellow disciples. The Ciyun Buddha was eager to find a reason to use him and suppress his status.

He would be even more unwilling to let go.

"Leaving it to God King Yuxu is indeed reassuring."

The Wuxianghuang Buddha handed the Burning Eyebrow Old Buddha to Ye Xu and said in a deep voice: "I once said that I would imprison him for ten thousand years, and I would repay him with retribution. God King will imprison him for ten thousand years, and after ten thousand years, please return him." Give him freedom."

Ye Xu smiled slightly, and ordered King Hercules to come forward, take down the old Buddha with burning eyebrows, and ordered: "Take him down and let him light the fire for the master. After ten thousand years, let him out."

King Hercules accepted the order and escorted the burning-browed old Buddha directly to the Mansion of Lord Zhu Tian. The roaring dog rolled his eyes and followed him, shouting: "King Hercules, you just said that you should kill the dog and feed it to the dog. Speak. It doesn’t count!”

King Hercules smiled and said: "Don't worry, wait for ten thousand years, and after ten thousand years, I will free him. I and several other god kings will guard outside the palace. Just wait for him to come out, and then punch him to death. Let you Eat your fill.”

The snarling dog smiled happily, but the old Buddha with burning eyebrows was furious and shouted angrily: "You might as well suppress the Buddha in the eyes of the sea!"

Ciyun Buddha's eyebrows trembled and he laughed and said: "God King Yuxu, you suppressed Junior Brother Ranmei. You have really offended the Great World Honored One."

Ye Xu smiled slightly and said calmly: "Buddha Ciyun, your Excellency came to our Nine Heavens God Realm specifically to watch this showdown, right?"

"God King Yuxu made a good guess. Ciyun only met Wuxiang and Ranmei by chance in this duel, but I came here on the order of the Grand Master."

Ciyun Buddha showed an incomprehensible look and said with a smile: "The Great World Honored One has ordered me to bring a treasure for all the powerful men in the Nine Heavens Divine Realm to take a look at. King Yuxu, please take a look."

He suddenly stood up and saluted the void respectfully: "Please show up, darling."


A bell rang, and the nine heavens shook. The void cracked open, and an ancient golden bell, an unknown number of tens of thousands of feet high, slowly entered the Zhutian Divine Realm from the other end of the void. Ye Xu and many divine kings even felt that the avenue of heaven and earth in the Zhutian Divine Realm was in conflict with the avenue of this golden bell. Fierce confrontation!

On top of this golden bell. There are strange scenes such as Buddha, World Honored One, Bodhisattva, Feitian, Celestial Dragon, Yaksha, Shura, Emperor Sakyamuni, etc., containing the surging avenue of the Thirty-three Heavenly Ruins of the Buddha Realm, suppressing everything!

"The treasure of enlightenment?"

Ye Xu and many god kings were shocked. This avenue filled with golden bells was invisible and as thick as a heaven. It can compete with Zhu Tian's Great Way of Heaven and Earth. Only the true treasure of enlightenment can have such power!

Ye Xu has seen many treasures of enlightenment, but most of them are fragments and wreckage. Even the Six Paths Stele of Baolian Conferred Gods in Di Zishang's hand was in tatters. It no longer has the power of the past, but is complete and a treasure of enlightenment in the revived state. This was the first time he saw it!

This kind of coercion is as terrifying as when facing the Demon God Emperor's enlightenment!

Its power reaches the Jiutian Divine Realm, and the unparalleled aura of the avenue can be felt everywhere. Even other masters of the Jiutian Divine Realm are alarmed by this golden bell and find it difficult to calm down!

"What does the Great World Honored One mean by ordering Ciyun Buddha to bring this golden bell? Could it be that the Great World Honored One sees that there is no Heavenly Emperor sitting in our Nine Heavens Divine Realm, and is preparing to kill the Heavenly Realm and unify all the heavens?"

Everyone secretly thought: "Could it be that the Great Master has also attained enlightenment? Otherwise, how could he have refined a treasure of enlightenment?"

The heavenly world and the Buddhist world are not one. The two major forces often fight for legitimacy. In history, there have been more than one great Buddha who intended to unify the nine heavens, and there are also ambitious emperors in the heavenly world who try to annex the Buddhist world.

Ciyun Buddha laughed loudly, and his voice spread throughout the nine heavens along with the sound of the bell, and said loudly: "The Emperor of Heaven is dead, and the Nine Heavens Divine Realm has no owner. The Great World Honored One is compassionate and can't bear to see the heavens fighting for a long time and all living beings in ruins. I have been ordered to take care of him." Come to this Buddha's golden bell. If someone in the Nine Heavens Divine Realm can ring this bell, that's it. If no one can ring this bell, the Great World Honored One will come in person and ring it for the many living beings in the Nine Heavens Divine Realm. This golden bell is a warning to the world!”

"The Great Master has gone too far to deceive others!"

The Divine King Mingtang said angrily: "Did he send this broken bell to us to die?"

Other god kings were also filled with righteous indignation. There was something in the words of Ciyun Buddha. If no one could ring this bell, the Great World Honored One would personally come and ring this death knell for all the powerful men in the Nine Heavens God Realm and unify the heavens!

The Divine King Diantong came out and said angrily: "Master, now the Great Master has evil intentions and deceives me into having no one in the heaven. I am willing to take action and ring this broken bell to show those thieves!"

"Don't be impatient for a moment. Let's wait for the other senior brothers to come and discuss it later."

Ye Xu's face was solemn, and he suppressed the anger of many god kings. The great Buddha in the Buddhist world sent this Buddha's golden bell with really bad intentions and was extremely insulting to the powerful people in the Nine Heavens God Realm.

But in addition, there is another meaning in it, that is, he wants to see if there is anyone strong in the Nine Heavens God Realm who can make him wary!

The lingering sound of the Buddha's golden bell lingered for a long time, calmed down, and hung quietly in the sky.

Anyone who rings this bell is fighting against this treasure of enlightenment. I am afraid that the King of Gods will not be able to resist the counterattack of this treasure of enlightenment, and will easily be shattered and turned into powder!

However, if you can ring this bell, it means that you have extraordinary strength. It allows the Buddha Realm to understand the strength of the opponent and measure whether the Heaven Realm has the capital to compete with the Buddha Realm. It can be said to be cunning and sophisticated!

Ciyun Buddha smiled: "King Yuxu, you are the Lord of Zhutian. Why don't you try to shake the World Honored One's golden bell?"

————I hope every reader can support Zhaizhu (to be continued...)

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