Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering the Witch World through Martial Arts Chapter 962: Re-Refining the Earthly Immorta

Infinite spiritual energy spewed down from the heavens, roaring into the three thousand worlds below. This move by Divine King Di Hui can be said to have cost a lot, and almost all the spiritual veins in the treasure house left to him by his father Di Ku were taken out. One brain is used to sacrifice the three thousand worlds, greatly improving the spatial solidity and spirituality of these worlds!

These spiritual energy surged down, which was more abundant than the spiritual energy that Ye Xu had spent on refining the world of Wuhuang. These worlds were rapidly improving all the time. Every place, even the deepest underground and the depths of the void, were nourished and soaked by spiritual energy. , the aura concentration increased dramatically!

All living beings in the three thousand worlds are gifted by God King Dihui. They are everywhere in holy places and spiritual mountains. Regardless of humans, monsters, or even flowers, plants and trees, they are full of spirituality as soon as they are born. Flowers, plants and trees turn into spiritual roots, while human monsters The clan is more suitable for cultivation, and sorcerers are springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain!

Divine King Dihui's divine thoughts came down, and he sacrificed these worlds. He felt that the endless merits also came accordingly, turning into his incomparably huge magic power, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

His magic power increased sharply, and he actually urged three thousand worlds to gather together. For ordinary people, any one of the three thousand worlds is endless. Only the Witch King can exhaust the ends of the world. Unexpectedly, he was killed by the Divine King Dihui. Move them all and gather them together!

His mana spurted out, and the three thousand worlds immediately began to swallow each other up and merge. The avenues between different worlds merged together, and the origins of the worlds were connected.

This move extremely consumes mana. Even if the mana of Emperor Hui God is now close to that of the Emperor, at this consumption rate, it will be exhausted very quickly.

However, more merits poured into Di Hui's body. Instead of decreasing, his magic power continued to rise.

Among these merits, there are not only the good deeds of refining the three thousand worlds to benefit hundreds of millions of sentient beings, but also the evil consequences of the collision and merger of the three thousand worlds, which caused the death and extinction of countless living beings. They are all blessed on him!

Divine King Dihui cultivates the complete Golden Wheel of Merit. This skill can be said to defy the heavens. Good deeds and evil consequences are both merit and cultivation. Whether he does good or evil, it can increase his cultivation.

"Okay! If I continue with this momentum, I will refine the three thousand worlds, integrate them into one, refine the Earthly Immortal Realm, and transform it into the tenth heavenly realm. Then I will smoothly become an emperor!"

Divine King Dihui was overjoyed. At this moment, Ye Xu and others were fighting nine days away and had no time to take care of him. It was the best time for him to break through and become an emperor. When the war ended, the other emperors had no choice but to acquiesce to this situation!

After a long time, the worlds merged and turned into a vast world, infinitely vast and spectacular. Only the center piece was still empty, but it was the Wuhuang world that had not been refined by him.

In the ancient past, the heaven and earth were destroyed. The heavens collapsed, crushing the Earthly Immortal World, and turning it into three thousand worlds. Among them, the Wuhuang World was the core of the Earthly Immortal World, and big bosses such as the Ancestor of the Earthly Immortal lived in it!

If the Wuhuang world does not integrate into the new world refined by Emperor Hui Divine King, it will not be considered complete, and it will not be possible to use this extremely huge merit to become an emperor in one fell swoop!

The eyes of Emperor Hui Divine King flashed. His current cultivation level has reached the peak of half-step emperor. It is extremely rich and his strength has improved by an unknown amount. It is terrifying.

Moreover, the Golden Wheel of Merit is a unique mental method. Because what you practice is merit, good and evil are merit, so you don’t need to cut off your own dark side. As long as you have reached the level of cultivation, you can naturally become an emperor without a lot of hardships. , and there is no weakness after cutting off one's own magic power and dark side.

Cultivation as an emperor is a natural thing for him.

"Whether you can become an emperor depends on this moment!"

Divine King Dihui gathered his magic power and was about to refine the world of Wuhuang. However, at this moment, he suddenly saw a jade tower falling from the sky and falling rapidly towards the world of Wuhuang.

This jade tower has a total of fifty floors, and it is getting bigger and bigger. When it falls over the Wuhuang World, it finally turns into a huge thing, covering the entire Wuhuang World. With a gentle pressure, the Wuhuang World is swallowed into the Jade Tower!

God King Dihui and others were stunned, using witchcraft treasures to devour a world and billions of stars. Even the emperor's soldiers would not be able to do it!

"Master Yuxu Palace!"

Di Hui was furious, snorted coldly, and was about to take down the jade tower. Suddenly, he heard Ye Xu's voice coming from the jade tower, rumbled: "God King Di Hui, wait a moment."

"Master Yuxu, you are now in great danger, and the three emperors are looking for trouble for you."

The eighteen golden wheels behind Di Hui were buzzing and turning, and the sky was filled with the sound of praises from gods and Buddhas. His eyes were shining brightly, and he stared at the jade tower closely. He smiled and said: "If you continue to be against me, it will ruin my promotion." For the emperor's important matters, I must go to the Taixu Divine Mansion to argue with you!"

The jade tower was obviously just a spiritual thought of Ye Xu, who controlled the jade tower. He smiled and said: "Di Hui, you and I are both from Wuhuang. We are fellow villagers. We should help each other. You want to reappear in the immortal world, with the help of With this huge merit, I will become an emperor in one fell swoop, and I won’t stop you. But now, as a fellow countryman, I am also in a little trouble. If you can help me to overcome the current difficulties, I will naturally help you. Cultivation to become an emperor will allow you to refine the world of Wuhuang and become an emperor in one fell swoop!”

Divine King Dihui was slightly startled and lost his voice: "Do you want to join forces with me to fight against the three emperors?"

Ye Xu's voice came from the Jade Tower, and said with a smile: "Why not? Di Hui, even if you become an emperor, you will still have to face the obstruction and suppression of the three emperors. I will definitely not let you occupy the heaven and let you miss the chance. If you aspire to reach a higher realm, those three old guys might even kill you, a powerful enemy with great potential, and clear the way to become emperor! If you join forces with me to fight against the three emperors, you can compete with them on a par with each other! You are of great benefit to me!”

"Your Majesty, no!"

Tianyao Ji hurriedly stepped forward, her eyes flashed, and she whispered: "Your Majesty, Lord Yuxu has great potential. If your Majesty gives him a helping hand to overcome the difficulties in front of him, he will be like a dragon in the sea, and he will be like a dragon. He can be controlled by others! This time the three emperors are seeking his misfortune, it is just when he is at the end of his rope, they can only add fuel to the fire and cannot add fuel to the fire, otherwise he will definitely become a formidable enemy of your majesty in the future!"

Divine King Dihui shook his head and said: "Military advisor, if I can't cultivate the earthly immortal world again, I don't know when I will be able to become an emperor, and I will be bullied by the three emperors. Joining forces with Lord Yuxu will be beneficial to him, and it will be even more beneficial to me!" "

Seeing that he was tempted, Tianyao Ji couldn't help but became anxious: "Your Majesty, cooperating with Master Yuxu is to seek skin from a tiger! This man is deeply scheming, not inferior to me, and is a great tyrant. Your Majesty does not remember the fate of the Queen of Heaven. "?"

"Enchantress, are you still worried about the way I molested you back then?"

Ye Xu's voice came, and he burst out laughing: "Back then, you and I were young and ignorant, and occasionally we could be forgiven for making small mistakes between men and women. Why should we mix our personal feelings with big things? It will only affect your judgment.”

Tianyao Ji was furious and was about to retaliate when she heard Ye Xu smile and say: "God King Dihui, you are the only great enemy I have ever seen in my life. You have the qualifications of the Emperor of Heaven, but unfortunately you don't have enough time to grow up. The same is true. Only you and I can gain a foothold in the heaven. The future Emperor of Heaven will definitely be between you and me!"

"The position of Emperor of Heaven can only belong to me!"

God King Dihui was full of pride and laughed: "Okay! Lord Yuxu, I promise you to join forces with you once to deal with those old foxes from Lihen God! However, now I want to completely destroy the world of Wuhuang To achieve the world of immortality, I will first become an emperor and then I will help you!"

"Easy to say, easy to say. Di Hui, I'll wait for you at Taixu Divine Mansion!"

Ye Xu's voice fell silent, and he saw the Wuhuang world slowly flying out of the Jade Tower, and then the Jade Tower flew up, became smaller and smaller, and disappeared. It was obviously Ye Xu who took the Jade Tower back.

Di Hui looked at the Wuhuang world and couldn't help but his face darkened. He saw that the Wuhuang world was empty, and all the creatures were carried by Ye Xu into the jade tower!

"Asshole! This guy is really cunning and won't give me any chance to surpass him!"

Di Hui was furious, and then he laughed uncontrollably and said to Tianyao Ji: "Military advisor, please see, in the heart of Palace Master Yuxu, I am indeed his strong enemy, otherwise he would not have removed all the living creatures in the Wuhuang world."

If Ye Xu removes all the creatures in the Wuhuang world, his merits for re-cultivating the earthly immortal world will be reduced. Although he can also become an emperor, his cultivation is not as powerful as originally expected.

Tianyaoji sneered and said: "Your Majesty, Lord Yuxu not only took away all the living beings, but also removed the destiny of the Wuhuang world. I once heard that the place where the emperor flourished in the Wuhuang world was the birthplace of the great emperor. , has gathered the luck of three thousand worlds. If you get this kind of luck, you will have the qualifications to be a great emperor. Now that the place of emperor's prosperity has been moved away by him, this man is a hero. Your Majesty must not get too close to him. , it is better to refine the world of Wuhuang and become an emperor, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and let them fight to the death."

"One cannot fail to keep one's word. Since I have promised Lord Yuxu, I will definitely not break my promise."

Divine King Dihui didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if there is no place for Emperor Xing. If I refine the Three Thousand Worlds again, the luck of the Three Thousand Worlds will also be added to me, and the great avenue of heaven and earth I understand will only be stronger than him." , more profound!”

He directly refined the world of Wuhuang and filled the vacancy in the center of the earthly and immortal world. His body suddenly shook, and he felt that the boundless merits were used, and the sky was filled with strange fragrance. Gods and Buddhas praised him, and all kinds of divine patterns turned into charm!

Emperor Hui finally became an emperor!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Tianyao Ji rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Your Majesty does not want to break his promise, why not simply delay going to Taixu Palace for two days and let the three emperors kill the master of Yuxu Palace, and then go to Taixu Palace The Divine Mansion collects his body for him, so it won’t be considered a broken promise.”

"Commander, you are too petty. If this reaches the ears of Master Yuxu, he will laugh at my magnanimity."

Divine King Dihui smiled slightly, stepped forward, walked out of the central Juntian, and walked straight away to the nine heavens. He smiled and said: "Besides, I also want to see the power of other emperors!"

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