Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using force to become a witch, Chapter 956: Strong alliances (please subscribe for a month

"Oh it's you!"

Di Zishang took a breath of air and felt a chill in his heart when he looked at the unrivaled beauty in front of him. "" Advertisement txt download All words are not enough to describe his shock at this moment. A person who has obviously been killed by the gods, kings and emperors of the gods appears in front of him alive at this moment.

However, this is the only way to explain why the visitor can easily break through the arrangement left by the Cangtian Emperor outside the door. Only Cangtian Emperor's wife is well aware of Cangtian Emperor's various arrangements, and can she pass through forty-nine portals to get here so easily!

"Emperor, you speak to me like this, which makes me angry."

The Empress of Heaven had a smile on her face, and she didn't look angry at all. She turned her hand over to Emperor Zishang and giggled: "You are neglecting me. It seems that I want to teach you a lesson for your biological mother!"

With this palm fall, millions of love threads turned into love calamity, shrouding Emperor Zishang, leaving him with no chance to react and no way to escape!

The Queen of Heaven's eyes were full of murderous intent. She had been waiting for many years just for this moment to seize the crown and throne among the three treasures of the Emperor of Heaven, and thus aspire to the throne!

"Queen of Heaven, you are not dead. Since you are not dead, I will send you back to the west! The end of the world will be broken!"

Emperor Zishang shouted loudly, and saw the sea eye flying up, spinning rapidly, swallowing everything, the aura of the aftermath of the doomsday tribulation swept across, swallowing up countless love tribulations, turning them into chaos, and chaos turned into nothingness!

The power of this round of Sea Eye is so powerful that it has trapped countless god kings to death. Even when the aftermath of the Doomsday Tribulation broke out, even Emperor Miaozhen who suppressed Sea Eye finally exhausted himself and was buried in Sea Eye!

Emperor Zishang was ruthless and ruthless, devouring and refining other emperors. The power of Cangtian Emperor's bloodline was extremely strong in his body, and his strength was outstanding. It took him more than five years to collect this round of sea eyes. Refining it into your own magic weapon. It complements his Sutra of Doomsday Tribulation and Destruction and is even more powerful. It is not an exaggeration when the Holy King of Loyalty says that he has the strength to compete with the junior emperors!

"Emperor's son. You are really like me, and you are also a genius in the world. If you are allowed to grow up for a few years, you will be able to keep pace with me, or even surpass me. The Emperor of Heaven has a son like this. Even if you die, it will be enough to comfort you."

The Queen of Heaven giggled non-stop. The slender jade hand pressed down, and the power of this round of sea eyes was suppressed immediately after it burst out: "Unfortunately, the gap is the gap. If you have not cultivated to the realm of the emperor, you will not be able to compete with me. You should go see your father. . Tell him about my case!”

Emperor Zishang vomited blood and retreated quickly. However, love is like a cocoon, and it has already surrounded this place, leaving him with no way to retreat!


The sea eye fell, suddenly shaking, and the aura of the avenue filled the air, shaking the forty-nine portals, suppressing the scene, and saw in the sea eye, a twelve-pin lotus camel carrying a huge stone tablet rising up Standing up, a big hand suddenly poked out from the stone tablet, and suddenly collided with the Queen of Heaven's loving hand, and all of a sudden billions of loving hands shattered into pieces!

"Emperor of Heaven?"

The Queen of Heaven snorted, her face changed slightly, she stood up suddenly, and saw an extremely tall and majestic figure rising from the Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred God, and punched, filling the world with her fist, majestic and invincible!

"Husband, one day is a hundred days of kindness to husband and wife. Are you so heartless that you must put my concubine to death?"

The Empress of Heaven had a look of resentment on her face, but her attack was extremely ruthless. With millions of emotions flying, she bravely faced this huge fist. . . com/《》Advertisement Full text txt download

Emperor Zishang was shaken to pieces by the aftermath of the fight between the two peerless warriors. He could only see the graceful figure of the Queen of Heaven in mid-air, flying back and forth around the tall and majestic figure, but that figure did not stand firm. Move, punch one after another!

"Changtian, you have to guard against even your husband and wife, and you have a back-up plan to plot against me with the help of the Six Paths of Gods Monument. You are so heartless and unjust!"

In mid-air, the Queen of Heaven's blood spilled into the sky, she suddenly rolled up the imperial throne, put on the imperial crown, and roared away: "It's a pity that the power of the Emperor of Heaven and the Great Luo Divine Mirror of this palace fell into the hands of that rebellious guy from Yuxu Palace, otherwise I How could the palace be afraid of you?"

The tall and majestic figure stepped forward, punched hard with his fists, and chased away. Loud bang bang bang noises were heard one after another. Every time they crossed a portal, they fought thousands of times, almost Destroy all the rare treasures in those treasure houses!

In an instant, the Queen of Heaven and the phantom rushed out of the forty-nine portals. With one blow from the two of them, the small Yuan Realm they were in suddenly collapsed and was completely destroyed by the aftermath of the fight between the two. Even the outside world has mostly collapsed, leaving only a gate standing in mid-air!


The Queen of Heaven took the opportunity to escape and disappeared. The tall and majestic shadow did not continue to pursue, but suddenly collapsed and turned into avenues roaring together, pouring into the Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred Gods.

"Heartless, truly heartless!"

Billions of miles away, the Queen of Heaven suddenly appeared in the void, her body was in tatters, and she was coughing blood from her mouth. It was obvious that her battle with the phantom of the Cangtian Emperor had greatly damaged her cultivation strength and she was seriously injured.

Although Emperor Cang Tian died, he left a clone of himself in the Six Paths Monument of the Gods during his lifetime. With the help of the great path in this treasure of enlightenment, his strength was unparalleled and he severely injured her in one fell swoop. It is conceivable that this How powerful was this great emperor during his lifetime? He was worthy of being the overlord who ruled the nine heavens!

"This trip is considered worthwhile, and I finally got the throne and crown."

The Queen of Heaven's eyes flashed, and even though she was deeply scheming, she couldn't help showing joy at this moment: "Now, I only have the power of the Emperor of Heaven to collect three important treasures. Damn it, the power of the Emperor of Heaven and the Great Luo that I have worked so hard to refine The divine mirror has all fallen into the hands of that rebellious boy in Yuxu Palace! However, with my qualifications and cultivation, in a few years, I will be able to activate the imperial crown and throne, and by then, the power will be overthrown. I sensed the inspiration and automatically fell into my hands. I could even kill the rebellious Master Yuxu on the spot and let him taste the bitter consequences of offending me... Who is he?"

There was a sudden alarm in her heart, and billions of love threads poured out, turning into a huge net, covering the void in front of her. There was only a scoff, and the love threads were scattered into the void.

The Queen of Heaven pulled hard, but failed to pull. She saw billowing black air coming quickly along the love web, corroding the web and shattering it into pieces.

"The majestic Queen of Heaven was actually so guarded by the Emperor of Heaven. She was even seriously injured by a clone of the Emperor of Heaven and fled in a hurry. She was like a bereaved dog. Poor, really pitiful. Even I can't see it."

A loud voice suddenly came from the void, and a black-robed demon god strode out of the void. He was white-haired, although he was terribly old. But there is a demeanor that makes people surrender and break their hearts.

His foot fell, where it landed. Demonic nature grows rapidly. All the places he passed turned into demonic soil, and everything withered, without any vitality, leaving only the deep demonic nature!

"It turns out to be His Majesty the Demon God Emperor."

The Queen Mother's face changed slightly and she chuckled: "The God Emperor said that I am a lost dog. I dare not agree. But I heard that His Majesty the God Emperor was severely injured in the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods and was chased by the Emperor God King under his command. Hiding everywhere, in constant panic. How could the majestic Zhengdao Heavenly Lord be forced to such an extent that he dared not return to his home, and had to flee to the Nine Heavens God Realm to survive? But it’s better than you.”

"Queen of Heaven, we are all frustrated people, why should we continue to expose each other's background and laugh at each other's situation?"

The Demon God Emperor's face was pale. It was obvious that his injuries were extremely serious and have not recovered yet. He snorted coldly and said displeasedly: "You were severely injured, and I was also seriously injured. I was chased by Lord Qiangong and had almost no time to heal. What do you think? After ascending to the position of Emperor of Heaven, I also want to regain my cultivation strength and take back everything that belongs to me. If you and I work together, we can both achieve our wishes! I can help you become the Supreme of Nine Heavens, and you must help me take back my own. throne!"

The Queen of Heaven pondered for a moment, smiled charmingly, and said with a charming smile: "Your Majesty's proposal is indeed very tempting, and I agree. There is one more thing that I am very curious about. I heard that the God Emperor Your Majesty attained enlightenment in the tomb of the ancestral gods, and was already an enlightened heavenly king. How could he be severely damaged and end up in this situation now?"

The Demon God Emperor's white hair was flying, and his whole body was filled with a terrifying aura. It took a long time to calm down, and he said with a half-smile: "Queen of Heaven, who was plotting against you, so that you even lost the power of the Emperor of Heaven?"

The Empress of Heaven's face changed slightly, and she gasped: "Master Yuxu, Ye Xu, Shaobao Ye? The person who plotted against you is actually him? Could it be that in just five years, he has cultivated to such an extent that even Tianjun can't do it?" Can he be severely injured? Could it be that he has already attained enlightenment? "

"Master Yuxu's actual cultivation is only at the peak of the Witch Ancestor, a half-step god king, but his cultivation strength has reached the level of a half-step emperor. With this kind of cultivation strength, he can't hurt me. But with his cultivation, he can't hurt me. The method of realizing the Tao through physical contact with the Ancestral God's physical body increased my strength infinitely, chasing the Heavenly Lord. However, I was severely injured by the Ancestral God's immortal will, and only then was he able to sneak attack me."

When the Demon God Emperor talked about the past, his face was not good-looking, and he was obviously ashamed of himself. He said in a deep voice: "This person is many times more tyrannical than when he attacked you five years ago. He is like a fish in water in the Tomb of the Ancestral God, even if he is I was also plotted by him! I will personally settle this big feud with him!"

"The cultivation strength is comparable to that of a half-step emperor?"

The Empress of Heaven's heart sank. Although Ye Xu's cultivation level seemed to be inferior to that of Emperor Shang, it made her feel a great threat. Emperor Zishang relied on the treasure house left by the Cangtian Emperor, all kinds of treasures, and devoured tens of thousands of emperors to achieve such achievements, but Ye Xu relied on one person's hard work to cultivate to where he is today. , definitely has greater potential than Di Zishang, and is her formidable rival for the throne!

The Demon God Emperor's voice was old, and he said coldly: "This person must have come out of the tomb of the ancestor gods, and he will become a God King in the near future. If he becomes a God King, he can compete with the Emperor! He has already achieved great success. In the future, the Nine Heavenly Gods will There must be a place for him in the world!”

"That's not necessarily the case."

The Queen of Heaven raised her jade hand, gently brushed her hair, and said with a smile: "As far as I know, there are definitely not a few enemies of his. If he dares to show up, his good days will be over. I think, eternity If the emperor, Lihen God and others learn that he has returned from the sky tomb, they will definitely look for his bad luck. "

————Two people were rewarded this week, and the author ranked 250. The pig was depressed. There were few monthly tickets, few subscriptions, few rewards, and not many recommendation votes. I cried~~~

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