Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 939: The Door to Enlightenment (Second updat

Chapter 939: The Door to Enlightenment (Second update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket!)

"Is this the tomb of the ancestor gods?"

When Ye Xu arrived at his destination, he saw the Milky Way rushing and roaring, rolling up stars one after another. These stars were crushed into droplets of water. A drop of water is a world. Occasionally, a wave rolled up and scattered in the sky. Transformed into a galaxy, it is spectacular!

He even saw that some of the planets in these galaxies actually had living beings, multiplying and reproducing, giving birth to strange civilizations one after another. However, these living planets are precarious. I don’t know when a wave will roll up in the Milky Way. With a slight collision, it will be completely shattered and nothing will remain.

The most magnificent river in the world came here and suddenly stopped here. The water of the Milky Way rushed into the void and entered a gate of the void. The river rolled up the galaxies turned into waves and disappeared without a trace!

The Tianhe River is surging, distorting time and space, forming spaces of various sizes, which are constantly being born and broken. They are countless times more powerful than Ye Xu's Six Paths of Reincarnation. The pressure here is far stronger and more powerful than the pressure in the upper reaches of the Tianhe River. It's so big that if a wave hits it, it will probably smash the magic weapon into pieces!

"It's such a powerful aura that even the billions of time and space formed by the Milky Way can't cover it up. Is this the aura of the ancestral gods?"

Ye Xu looked solemn and felt an extremely domineering aura coming from the depths of the void where Tianhe disappeared in the Void Gate. This aura felt like an ancient god who created the world and was sleeping in chaos. , may wake up at any time!

There are more than billions of distorted time and space in the Tianhe, but the aura of the ancestor god can still be transmitted from the depths of the void, which shows how powerful his cultivation is!

There is a feeling in his aura that makes all the heavens surrender and the Dao is his minister!

"My Lord, the Ancestral Gods are buried deep in the Tianhe River. If you want to enter the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods, you can only walk through the Tianhe River and enter this door of enlightenment. You have entered the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods."

In the Dao Yun behind Ye Xu, the voice of the Hercules God King came, saying: "This alone makes it impossible for ordinary God Kings to walk through, and if they are not careful, they will be crushed and exploded by the Tianhe! And that Dao Ceremony Tower The door is the second difficulty. This door is a witchcraft treasure refined by the ancestral god. It is a powerful treasure at the level of an imperial weapon. It is said that it is close to the edge of the treasure of enlightenment. It is very powerful! Then you will be crushed by the great power contained in this treasure!"

Ye Xu stared at the door of enlightenment and saw thousands of avenues surging in the door, working together to build this portal that swallowed up the world. He couldn't help but be shocked in his heart!

"This portal is called the Gate of Enlightenment? The image is really an image!"

He was extremely shocked. This door to enlightenment was a door condensed by the Ancestral God's own way during the Holy Emperor period!

However, the avenue in this door of enlightenment has long gone beyond the realm of Dao lines and marks. It is a real existence refined from real materials. The divine materials are made into the avenue comprehended by the ancestors. It is a A very strange witch treasure!

It was the first time that Ye Xu had seen such a fantastic idea of ​​creating a strange witch treasure in the form of a Taoist sect. The tomb of the ancestor god is located in the gate of enlightenment. Walking into this gate of enlightenment is equivalent to jumping out of his gate. Those with low cultivation level will be crushed by the avenue, and if they can jump Taking off and coming out of this door of enlightenment is also a great blessing. Both the cultivation strength and the vision will be greatly improved.

"This Gate of Enlightenment does not have the Tao and principles of the Ancestral God to prove it with his own body. It should be a witchcraft treasure refined by the Ancestral God before the Enlightenment. Like the power of the Emperor of Heaven, it is between the treasure of the Enlightenment and the Imperial Weapon. The treasure among them!”

Ye Xu couldn't help but admire this ancestral god very much. Although he took the path of proving the Tao with his own body, he also had deep knowledge and insights on other ways of realizing the Tao. For example, this door to the realization of the Tao showed that The ancestral god's unparalleled wisdom even gave Ye Xu a great inspiration, allowing him to see a path that was neither a way to prove the Tao through one's own body nor a way to realize the Tao through gods!

Because Ye Xu could not find a witchcraft treasure that could accommodate the Tao I was practicing, he had no choice but to create the two methods of realizing the Tao with one's own body and using gods to realize the Tao.

However, when he saw the Ancestral God's Enlightenment Gate, he suddenly thought that he could also refine the treasure of Enlightenment, that is, to refine a Heavenly Gate of Reincarnation. The six paths of reincarnation sit in the center of the gate. The eight levels of hell, with three thousand worlds in the middle, and the forty-nine heavenly canopies at the top, can just accommodate his Panwang Kaitian Sutra!

In this way, the Reincarnation Heavenly Gate can definitely grow to the level of the treasure that proves the Tao. Even if Ye Xu can't cultivate to realize the Tao with one's own body and God, he can still use the Reincarnation Tianmen to realize the Tao and use the treasure to realize the Tao, thus cultivating to a higher level. level!

"Wonderful! It's so wonderful! The Ancestral God is indeed the Ancestral God, and he is simply an unprecedented genius!"

Ye Xu was greatly impressed. With such intelligence and wisdom, the Ancestral God is worthy of being a figure who can compete with Yuanshi Tianzun and keep pace with him!

"Watch where you're going!"

The voice of the God Crown Prince came suddenly, followed by a loud click, and the void suddenly opened, and a huge demon god with a chicken head and a phoenix tail and thousands of wings flew out of the void. The colorful wings were like neon lights in the sky, brilliant and colorful.

A heavenly gate stood on the back of King Jipo Longzun, and under the gate was the throne. The God Crown Prince stood up from the throne with a bang, looking towards Ye Xu with murderous intent.

"Who are you?"

His eyes showed murderous intent, and he said solemnly: "This palace never kills unknown people!"

"Prince God, you are really haunting."

Ye Xu shook his head, not intending to fight with the God Crown Prince. Just as he was about to stride into the Tianhe and enter the door of enlightenment, suddenly several extremely powerful auras fell from the sky and landed next to Tianhe.

Just listen to a thick voice booming: "Prince God, it seems that you have been in a high position for too long, and you don't even know this person's name. Let me tell you, this person's name is Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao, and he is Yuxu Palace Master, the cultivation of the witch ancestor is very impressive!"

"The King of Samsara?"

Ye Xu stepped on the surface of the Tianhe River and followed the sound, only to see three tall and burly figures, who were obviously the god kings of other worlds in the sky tomb. One of them was probably his old acquaintance, the King of Samsara.

Although he was once chased by the Dharma King of Samsara, the two had never met each other, but Ye Xu knew the Dharma of the Dharma King of Samsara, the Sutra of Samsara Hell.

The aura of the King of Samsara is extremely gloomy and cold, and the divine pattern streamers behind him condense to form eighteen layers of hell, which is very easy to recognize.

The cultivation of this god king is more terrifying than before. When Ye Xu first visited the Sky Tomb, the cultivation strength of Samsara Dharma King was not inferior to that of Tianji God King. Now his cultivation has obviously made great progress. His cultivation should be at The harvest in the Xuantian and Earth Palace is huge, enough to keep pace with the God King Tanzu!

Ye Xu's eyes lit up and he suddenly noticed a huge and strange treasure erected behind the King of Samsara. It seemed to be a fragment of a broken treasure. Although it was just a fragment, it was extremely huge, bigger than a planet. Out many times!

If it hadn't been for the divine pattern of the King of Samsara to open up time and space, and the fragments of this treasure were sacrificed, I'm afraid there would have been a shadow covering thousands of miles in the sky!

On the surface of this treasure, there are countless extremely complex runes in strange shapes, shining from time to time, and extremely mysterious. Each rune contains endless messages and mysteries. When people take a glance, they seem to fall into it. Reincarnation seems to allow the soul to rest in it and gain eternal life and immortality!

"Fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

Ye Xu's heart skipped a beat. He had once entered the treasure house of the Yuanshi Heavenly King in the illusion of the Jade Tower, and had seen many fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. He had integrated the Six Paths of Reincarnation into the Panwang Kaitian Sutra. He could recognize it at a glance. The fragment of the witch treasure is a corner of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

"This fragment of reincarnation is mine!"

Ye Xu's eyes were shining brightly, and he snorted coldly. He looked away and looked at the other people beside the King of Samsara. He saw that the god kings who were traveling with the King of Samsara were also extremely advanced in cultivation and were no weaker than the King of Samsara. .

One of the demon gods is tall and thin, with indigo skin, a face like a judge, and is ferocious and ugly. The divine patterns behind him condense into an ancient book, which is flipping through the pages.

There is also a demon god who is a woman. She is extremely coquettish. Her whole body is as red as fire, and her hair is fiery red. The hairs are like horned dragons, piercing out from under her skin. She twists her body from time to time, which is extremely terrifying.

The divine patterns behind her actually formed a tall and majestic portal. It distorted the space and was eerie and terrifying. It seemed to be able to swallow all the creatures in the world. It also gave Ye Xu a familiar feeling. It turned out to be the ghost gate he had seen before in the sky tomb. !

There is also a strange scene in this ghost gate. There is a Naihe Bridge in the gate, and a big pot is set up at the end of the bridge. There is a gloomy female devil beside the pot, with a stooped body and a weird smile on her face. There are three people standing beside her. A charming and charming lady, with red sleeves and snow-skinned skin, and a fragrant fragrance.

The mental skills practiced by these two demon gods are obviously not as good as the King of Samsara, but they have studied one of the avenues and practiced this avenue to the extreme. They are definitely the peak god kings, not much inferior to the King of Samsara!

The face of the God Crown Prince sank, his eyes swept across the faces of the three God Kings, and he sneered: "King Yama, Dharma King Samsara, and Dharma King Jialanpo. You three Dharma Kings are the great officials of the feudal territory. Why did you leave each other?" Fiefdom, come to Daluotian, the tomb of the ancestral god? "

Dharma King Jialanpo chuckled and said: "Prince of the Divine Emperor, it has been two years since the Divine Emperor and many emperors entered the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods. They have not appeared for a long time. They are probably trapped in the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods. As the ministers of the Divine Emperor, we naturally He came to rescue the God Emperor."

The God Crown Prince snorted coldly, knowing that Jialan Po was talking nonsense. Their purpose was definitely to know that the Demon God Emperor and the Lord of the Eighth Palace had been in the Tomb of the Ancestral God for two years, and they must be in danger. The intimidating power of the Demon God Emperor is getting worse day by day, so these god kings also come to try their luck, and follow the path opened by the Demon God Emperor to enter the tomb of the ancestor gods, plotting the inheritance of the ancestor gods!

The King of Samsara laughed heartily and said: "Prince God, we are not enemies, why bother with us? Even if you want to prevent us from entering the Tomb of the Ancestral God, I'm afraid you don't have the strength. Besides, you and I have a common enemy. Yuxu Mansion Lord, we finally meet!"

Ye Xu smiled slightly, stepped into the Tianhe, walked towards the door of enlightenment, and said lightly: "Everyone, I don't have time to compete with you. If you want to die, just follow me. I will send you to the tomb of the ancestor god. You're on your way."

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