Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts, Chapter 937: The Materials for Enlightenment (Chapt

Chapter 937: Resources for Enlightenment (Chapter 2, please subscribe for a monthly ticket!)

Seeing Ye Xu's sudden anger, King Hercules was submissive and did not dare to continue talking. However, he was somewhat disapproving in his heart and said secretly: "The Lord comes from the heaven, so naturally he is more partial to the King of Yuanshi. Now that I am living under someone else's roof, it is not easy to argue with him. It makes sense but I can’t explain it…”

Ye Xu's face was uncertain, and he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking: "What King Hercules said does have some truth, and it is not nonsense. If the Yuanshi Heavenly King does not appear, the Ancestral God will indeed become the orthodoxy of the world..."

The Yuanshi Heavenly King is the most ancient immortal. He realized that the world was about to change and all the immortals would become extinct, so he resolutely reincarnated before the destruction of the world and sought a glimmer of hope for the ancient immortal court.

King Yuanshi has been tirelessly pursuing the restoration of the world of the ancient immortal court throughout his life. He does not regard himself as a witch in his heart, but wants to rebuild the world and restore the glory of the ancient immortal.

In essence, he is still an immortal, living in the past, whether he is becoming the Emperor of Heaven or creating the heaven, in order to restore the past world.

But the Ancestral God is the first demon god born on the ruins of the ancient fairy world. He has no attachment to the past and is a true witch!

It is not an exaggeration for King Hercules to say that he is the orthodoxy of heaven and earth, but it makes sense.

Ye Xu had never thought about this matter before, but he just took it for granted that the King of Yuanshi was orthodox, and the heaven was also orthodox. He was suddenly awakened by King Hercules, and he couldn't accept it in his heart.

"However, the Yuanshi Heavenly King is the first shaman in the new world. The ancestor god said that he himself is the orthodox, but it is somewhat untenable."

Ye Xu thought of this and understood in his heart that the struggle between the Ancestral God and the Yuanshi King was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, but involved a battle between orthodoxy. These two extremely powerful beings did not decide the winner in the end, and the last one occupied the heaven. , one occupies the sky tomb.

He abandoned these distracting thoughts and continued to practice.

While practicing on the altar, the Yuanshi Heavenly King and the Ancestral God, who were equivalent to the emperor's realm, preached to him at the same time, which made Ye Xu's cultivation speed not only 10 to 20 percent faster, but several times and ten times faster!

He sensed more of Daluotian's avenues, more complete rules, and the thirty-three days of the Yuanshi Heavenly King's Tao and principles, and at the same time, he continued to enrich his Panwang Kaitian Sutra.

He unfolded the Qingwei Enlightenment Seal, and he seemed to be in the Enlightenment all the time, comprehending the realm beyond the emperor!

In his Jade Tower, the remains of the Treasure of Proving the Dao given to him by the Princess of Creation and the remains collected by the Queen of Heaven were also about to move. Ye Xu could feel the invisible avenues emanating from the remains. .

These avenues traveled around his body and soul, giving him a feeling of unity between body and heaven, and between God and heaven. He was heaven, the Tao, and the king of heaven!

This is the feeling of enlightenment, transcending the realm of the emperor, showing him a corner of the realm of transcending the emperor!

The realm of the Heavenly King!

Ye Xu never expected that he would be able to get a first glimpse of the realm of Tianjun on the altar!

Even among the many Heavenly Emperors throughout the ages, no one has ever reached this realm, and yet he actually, with his mere witch ancestor cultivation, has gained insight into this realm that many Heavenly Emperors also want to look up to!

Above his head, the essence of the World Tree is rapidly flowing into his physical body, soul and jade tower. Dao Yun and divine patterns are continuously coming, filling the gaps in his Dao and making his cultivation more exquisite and profound. !

The incomparable amount of energy poured into him caused his cultivation to surge at an unprecedented speed. This was all due to his enlightenment experience on the altar!

If it were in other places, although Ye Xu's cultivation speed was fast, it would not be as fast as this. Only here, where the Yuanshi Heavenly King and the Ancestral God left their shadows, could he achieve such an astonishing speed!

His strength has also increased by leaps and bounds. He has used the help of the Goddess Duanjing in the Yantian Divine Furnace to temper the impurities in himself and his soul with the method of tempering, and eliminate his hidden dangers.

Now Ye Xu even feels that his physical body and soul are definitely comparable to divine weapons, enough to compete with powerful men like the Ancestral God King, and will soon surpass the Ancestral God King and reach the height of the Ancestor God King!

Not only that, the avenues of Daluotian, a mysterious place, were also constantly captured by him and turned into his own avenues.

Daluotian is the heaven of enlightenment. The accumulation of each avenue can make him more qualified to realize the truth. This is many times faster than his own realization!


His Jade Tower suddenly grew a layer and turned into a thirty-three-story building. Ye Xu even felt that when the power of the Jade Tower was fully activated for thirty-three days, it could definitely be on par with the imperial soldiers of the Yantian Divine Furnace!

I don't know how much time passed, but his jade tower made another loud bang and grew another layer!

The energy in this world tree surpasses the divine weapons and imperial weapons, and is more powerful and tyrannical than the terrifying energy in the emperor's body. It not only improves Ye Xu's cultivation, but also continuously increases the levels of Ye Xu's Jade Building.

Ye Xu was not idle either. While practicing hard, Taoist rhyme poured out, and he kept offering sacrifices to the jade tower and jade trees.

I don’t know the sun and the moon while practicing, and I don’t know how long Ye Xukui has been sitting there. The World Tree above my head is getting more and more withered, all the branches and leaves have withered, and the trunk is also shrinking, getting smaller and smaller. The remains of the two treasures of enlightenment in his jade tower also exhausted all their energy and turned into a pile of scrap metal. The avenue had already flown out, integrated into Ye Xu's soul and body, and was hidden in his body and soul.

He couldn't activate this power, but it gave his body an aura of enlightenment. If he activated these invisible avenues, even the imperial soldiers would not be able to hurt Ye Xu easily!

Suddenly, the energy of this sacred tree was finally exhausted and turned into ashes.

Ye Xu slowly opened his eyes and felt that the aura in his body had reached saturation point. He could no longer absorb any more aura, and he could no longer capture more avenues of Daluotian from the void.

His cultivation had reached the critical point and he had achieved the peak of the witch ancestor. Even if he continued to practice, he would not be able to improve much.

In the many auras behind him, there were also avenues that transcended the heavens and the earth, like neon hanging down, with rays of light shining everywhere, illuminating the reincarnation of the heavenly way.

This was the way to enlightenment, which contained the unpredictable power of gods and ghosts. Although it could not be activated by Ye Xu, it made his path to enlightenment less bumpy and more likely to succeed.

With the cultivation of Wu Zu, he has cultivated a painting of the Dao. Ye Xu can be said to be the first person in history. No one has ever achieved his achievement in the realm of Wu Zu. Even Yuanshi Tianwang and Zushen, the two strongest emperors in history, have to admit defeat!

"I am afraid that there will not be much benefit if I continue to practice here."

Ye Xu's mind swept through the Jade Tower, and saw that there was a larger fragment of the World Tree in the building, but it was the one snatched from the Queen of Heaven. This sacred tree contained more essence, and even the three flowers on the top of the Qing Emperor and the mystery of the three-life Dharma body. However, he has now reached the bottleneck of his cultivation and reached the peak realm of Wu Zu. Even if he absorbs all the essence in this sacred tree, it will not improve his cultivation much. It is just a waste, and he immediately thought of leaving.

He immediately stood up and saw a phantom left in the same place, exactly like Ye Xu. It was his Dao rhyme imprinted in the void of Daluotian, which was extremely clear and ranked alongside Yuanshi Tianwang and Zushen!

In the three realms of heaven, earth and man opened up by the Dao rhyme behind him, Hercules King looked at the Dao imprint in horror, and an incomparable sense of terror rose in his heart.

What is this place?

The place where the ancestor god and Yuanshi Tianwang confronted each other, the place where Yuanshi Tianwang intended to sacrifice Daluotian, the place where the ancestor god stopped Yuanshi Tianwang, and the center of Daluotian. From ancient times to the present, for millions of years, no one has left his own traces here.

Since ancient times, countless people with the best qualifications in the world have been born in Tianfen Daluotian, and there are even some people who have cultivated to the realm of enlightenment. Naturally, they have the strength to imprint their figures on the altar, but no one has done this.

It's not that they can't, but they dare not.

Even the Tianfen Demon Emperor of later generations and the Demon God Emperors of all generations, no one thinks that they can be on par with Yuanshi Tianwang and the ancestor god.

And the young man in front of him actually left his Dao imprint here, imprinting his phantom and eternally on this altar, standing side by side with the two extremely ancient beings!

"The Lord is too arrogant. He actually thinks he can be on par with these two ancestors. Is he also planning to compete for the orthodoxy of heaven and earth?" King Hercules was extremely shocked.

Ye Xu quickly swam around the altar, looked around, and nodded: "This altar is a good thing. Yuanshi Tianwang wants to sacrifice the entire Daluotian here, and the ancestor god also left his figure here. In addition, there is my figure. If I don't take this treasure home, it will ruin my good reputation? Jade Tower, rise!"

King Hercules' eyes almost jumped out, and he saw Ye Xu offering the Jade Tower. This Jade Tower turned into thirty-six layers of heaven and earth, expanding loudly, getting bigger and bigger, and falling towards the altar. He actually planned to uproot this altar and put it into the Jade Tower!


The whole world of Daluotian suddenly shook, the avenue was boiling, countless rays of light appeared in the sky of Daluotian, various visions appeared, and the extremely huge and terrifying power suddenly poured into the altar. At the same time, various sounds of Tao and various lights came from the abyss below the altar, whistling up, holding up the Jade Tower, so that the Jade Tower could not fall!

"Huh? The avenue of heaven and earth of Daluotian is against me?"

Ye Xu was shocked, shouted loudly, and urged the Jade Tower with all his strength, pressing it down with a bang. More avenue lights and sounds of Tao rushed over, always holding up the Jade Tower steadily, making it impossible for him to put away the altar!

At the same time, the sacrificial word of Yuanshi Tianwang shone brightly, and the rays of light were overwhelming, pouring into the Jade Tower, as if to help him put away the altar, and the seal under the feet of the ancestor god became extremely heavy, stirring up the avenue in the abyss and the sky, and fighting against the sacrificial word and Ye Xu's Jade Tower together, constantly competing!

"This altar is indeed strange!"

Ye Xu frowned and immediately knew the reason. Yuanshi Tianwang set up this altar, which is connected to the heaven and earth and the avenue of Daluotian. If the altar is taken away, Daluotian will be taken away together!

"With my current strength, I really can't move Daluotian, and if I take away the altar, won't the Demon God Emperor and the emperor in Daluotian fight me to death?"

Ye Xu reluctantly took back the Jade Tower, gave up the idea of ​​taking away the altar, stepped out of the altar, and left this place, thinking: "When I can suppress the Demon God Emperor one day, I will take Daluotian away and study it slowly..."

————Second update, please subscribe, please vote for the monthly ticket. Brothers, don't vote for Dubu Tianxia, ​​it's a waste, it's better to change it to reward, hehe...

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