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Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 925: Tempering the Great Way (First update,

Chapter 925

The Way of Tempering (First update, please subscribe for a monthly ticket!)

"The true form of Zhu Rong from the Zhu Rong family is really amazing!" . com

Ye Xu, God King Tanzu and others met outside the Yantian Divine Furnace. Everyone had blood on their mouths, but they were injured by a punch from the goddess Duanjing. Only Ye Xu's cultivation level was still there and he was not injured.

This was still the case when the goddess king was sealed by Queen Qingsi. If her cultivation was fully restored, I don’t know how much noise she would make. I’m afraid that a light blow could seriously injure them!

God King Tanzu smiled bitterly and said: "This woman is indeed crazy. I don't know if it was the queen who did it, or she failed to attack the emperor and made herself crazy."

"Crazy men are scary, crazy women are even scarier." God King of Creation said with lingering fear.

Princess Creation's eyes lit up and she analyzed: "Goddess Duanjing is not crazy. That God King Jingming is indeed her sister, and it can even be said that she is herself!"

Ye Xu was extremely puzzled. He didn't know why she said this, but Tanzu and God King of Creation immediately woke up. God King of Creation said in a deep voice: "Madam is right. That God King Jingming is indeed the goddess Duanjing herself, but it's just that It was just the incarnation of her evil thoughts and cultivation impurities that she cut out from herself when she broke through the emperor!"

When the God King of Creation said this, Ye Xu immediately woke up.

When the God-King breaks through the realm of the Emperor, he will cut out all the impurities, evil thoughts, demonic nature, and his former body, leaving only his pure self. Once upon a time, within the Hunyuan Golden Dou, there was sealed the evil incarnation of Emperor Xuantian, Xuantian Demon God!

The cultivation level of the goddess Duanjing of the Zhu Rong family has reached the level of an emperor. She is probably breaking through the realm of the emperor. When she cuts out her own demonic nature, her realm may be unstable, or she may be attacked by the Queen of Heaven, resulting in the failure to completely cut out her own demonic nature. A strange sight of demonic nature coexisting with herself.

This kind of scene can be said to be rare in ancient times. When the kings of gods broke through the emperors in the past, there were often only two situations. One was to cut off their own evil thoughts, and the other was to be swallowed up by the evil thoughts and completely turn into a demon. There are very few cases where the evil thoughts of King Duanjing coexist with himself.

If Goddess Duanjing gets rid of her evil thoughts, then she will immediately reach the realm of an emperor, her cultivation and strength will increase dramatically, and she will become a female emperor!

And the evil thoughts that are cut off will not be as powerful as they are now. At most, they will be similar to ordinary god kings.

Now the reason why Goddess Duanjing’s evil thoughts are so powerful that she can blow away the three god kings one by one is because she has taken over the physical body of Goddess Duanjing. The physical body of Goddess Duanjing is so powerful that it far surpasses Tan Zuzai and others. .

Ye Xu carefully experienced the punch that Goddess Duan Jing had just sent him away, and felt that there was a strange way hidden in that punch, like a hammer technique. She punched him away with one punch and beat him as if he were a piece of divine gold. The Dao impurities in his body were reduced a bit, and he couldn't help but think: "Fighting against this goddess king is a good opportunity to temper your own cultivation!"

He absorbed the essence from the fragments of the World Tree and made rapid progress in cultivation. Although he made rapid progress, his body contained many great impurities absorbed by the World Tree. Although it has not brought great disadvantages to Ye Xu yet, it will definitely do so in the future. It affected Ye Xu's practice.

However, the blow of Goddess Duanjing just now shattered a lot of impurities in his body, and punched the impurities out of his body.

During the court meeting, Ye Xu had already felt his own shortcomings. He once calculated that it would take a hundred years to consolidate the realm of the witch ancestors and completely drive out the impurities of the Great Dao in himself. However, if the goddess Duanjing "helps", he It can save a lot of time and effort.

Ye Xu told everyone his thoughts. God King Tanzu and God King of Creation looked at each other with strange expressions. Fighting with a half-step empress like Goddess Duanjing can indeed temper oneself, but it must also be able to It’s better not to die under her hands.

That woman was so overbearing. When she was controlled by evil thoughts, she punched away the three great god kings. She beat the three great god kings to the point of vomiting blood. Although none of them recovered their cultivation strength, the woman's own cultivation level was also destroyed. Seal by the Queen of Heaven.

Only a pervert like Ye Xu, who has trained his body to the level of a divine weapon, would find such a female lunatic to temper his Taoism. If it were any other divine king, he would be destroyed just by her fist.

"There are countless treasures in my Yuxu Palace. The spiritual veins here can be used by several god kings to restore their cultivation as soon as possible." Ye Xu stood up and prepared to enter the Yantian Divine Furnace again to be beaten, and said with a smile.

The God of Creation King and his wife and others were also worried about when they could resume their cultivation. They were overjoyed when they heard this and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Lord Ye, the spiritual veins we have used will be returned in full in the future."

Ye Xuhun didn't care. The being in Yuxu Palace left behind a lot of divine treasures, and there were even such heaven-defying existences as ancestral veins. There were more than ten or twenty Yuqing spiritual veins, and other Taiqing, Shang. There are countless clear spiritual veins. The three god kings have only used up a few jade clear spiritual veins to restore their cultivation.

With Lord Ye's wealth, he naturally wouldn't take it to heart.

In Daluotian, the deepest part of the Sky Tomb, there are many dangers and many demons. If God King Tanzu and others can quickly recover their cultivation, Ye Xu will be much safer.

"It is said that the Wuxiang Divine King still owes me more than a dozen Jade Pure Spiritual Veins. With his character, he will never forget it..."

In the Thirty-Three Heavens Market in the Buddhist world, a middle-aged monk in cloth clothes and mango shoes walked leisurely in the world. He secretly thought in his heart: "This time I got out of trouble, many gods and kings and Buddhas from the Thirty-three Heavens Market came to congratulate me." , but as soon as they heard that I planned to borrow some Yuqing spiritual veins, they all avoided me like the god of plague. This time I went to visit the King of Vaishya, and I had to get one or two of them no matter what... I was going to grab them. Or go steal it..."

Not long after, a sad and angry roar suddenly came from the Buddhist world of Lingshan where the Vaishya God King was: "Damn thief, who is the bastard who stole the Buddha's Jade Pure Spiritual Vein? Don't let the Buddha find you, Otherwise, it will ruin your whole family!”

Wu Xianghuang had already fled far away at this moment. The middle-aged monk looked ashamed and recited the name of the Buddha, thinking: "Fortunately no one saw him, otherwise the reputation of the second disciple of the Buddha Emperor would have been completely ruined. It is said that when I stole the spiritual veins, I deliberately left behind Junior Brother Ranmei’s witchcraft, and the Vaishya God King would definitely find out the clues, and maybe force Ranmei out. Well, the next target is... the God King Doguo. You are the one!"

Ye Xu had no idea at this moment that a heavy debt would force an honest God King to steal everywhere. God King Tanzu and God King of Creation were both practicing, trying to restore their cultivation, and he was not idle either. Entered the Yantian Divine Furnace many times.

"You little one, I'll beat you to death!"

With a roar, Ye Xu bounced high and was blown out of the Yantian Divine Furnace, and then ducked into it again.

Feng Yanrou and Su Qiaoqiao couldn't help but shake their heads. Feng Yanrou smiled and said, "Is this the hundreds of times that the master has been blown away?"

Su Qiaoqiao smiled and said: "I don't know. We are also practicing. We didn't pay attention to how many times it was, but the time the master has been holding in the Yantian Divine Furnace is getting longer and longer."

Ye Xu entered the Yantian Divine Furnace again, and only the bare trunk of the World Tree above his head was left. The essence in the branches and leaves of this world tree had been completely absorbed by him, leaving only the essence in the trunk that he had not absorbed.

For more than half a year, he has been in the Yantian Divine Furnace, using the fists of Goddess Duanjing to hone his physical soul and Taoism, and using the Taoism contained in her hammering technique to beat away the Taoism impurities in his body.

Nowadays, his physical soul and spiritual consciousness are more condensed and purer, giving people a feeling of returning to nature.

Goddess Duanjing attained enlightenment by refining weapons, and the hammering method contained the Tao of Heaven and Earth she had comprehended, tempering all living beings, while Ye Xu's practice of using one's own body to realize the Tao and using gods to realize the Tao was to hone the physical body and the soul as treasures to realize the Tao.

Using the Dao of the Goddess Duanjing to temper his body and soul perfectly complemented each other, and was slightly better than the Queen Mother's method of tempering the bright mirror.

At the same time, his cultivation level is also constantly improving, and he has successfully entered the middle stage of the witch ancestors. His cultivation strength is far better than before. It is expected that even if he faces the witch ancestors like the ancestor god king again, he will not be at a disadvantage!

"I wonder if there is a way to free Goddess Duanjing from the suppression of the Queen of Heaven?"

Ye Xu stood directly in front of the goddess Duanjing. He saw the goddess king, who was half an emperor, roaring angrily. He revealed his true form, Zhu Rong, and struck at Ye Xu crazily with fists and feet like rain.

Ye Xu stood still in the stormy attack, still in a trance, thinking: "However, I do not have the strength to break the seal of the Queen of Heaven. Unless God King Tanzu and the God King of Creation restore their cultivation, I can It may be the refinement of the Queen's love. However, if the goddess Duanjing escapes and regains her cultivation, who else can resist her even if the three gods and kings come out together, including me? …”

He sighed, and then sacrificed the Jade Tower to resist the attack of Goddess Duanjing. He used the attack of the half-step empress to hone the Jade Tower, and by the way, he refined the Dao marks in the Jade Tower into Dao rhyme. He thought: "Other than this In addition, there is also the clone of Lihate God, which is also a restless factor..."

He has been practicing hard for more than half a year, using the evil thoughts attacks of Goddess Duanjing to hone himself. He can already suppress the Shen Yun clone of God of Lihen without using the Jade Tower. However, if he wants to refine it, Ye Xu still cannot do it with his current strength. .

Boom boom boom!

Goddess Duanjing roared so furiously that she beat the Yulou to the point of shaking, shouting: "Little thing, I'm going to crush you to death!"


She launched a series of attacks and finally knocked Ye Xu away again. Ye Xu was in mid-air and fell outwards involuntarily. He was still in a daze: "If this madwoman is allowed to hold the power of the Emperor of Heaven, who else in the world can stop her?" she……"

The goddess Duanjing is extremely powerful. Although she is only half a step closer to the realm of an emperor, Zhu Rong's real body's combat power is directly on par with that of the emperor. If she holds such a powerful weapon as the power of the Emperor of Heaven in her hands, she will definitely be able to kill gods and Buddhas if she blocks them!

It's just that this woman is okay when she's not crazy. When she's crazy, she attacks everyone, and Ye Xu can't make up his mind whether to rescue her or not.

————The first update, please subscribe for monthly tickets and sprint towards a thousand monthly tickets this month! ! !

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