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Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 923: The King Leaving the Palace (Chapter 2,

The Lord of Lihen looked in the direction of the sound, and his eyes could not help but focus. He saw a group of ancient giant beasts pulling a Tianxiang treasure chariot, but they arrived here in the blink of an eye.

These ancient giant beasts pulling the chariot were all alien species, with the blood of demons flowing in their bodies. They were extremely powerful, comparable to the peak witch ancestors, wearing copper armor and iron helmets, and they were majestic. On the Tianxiang treasure chariot, there were two huge white cranes, holding incense burners in their mouths, and the fragrance in the burners was curling. There were also more than a dozen beautiful girls playing the strings of the zither, blowing the strings, singing and dancing.

There were also three enchanting women in luxurious clothes, each holding a magic weapon, but it was a golden bell, a pagoda, and a canopy. They stood beside the Tianxiang treasure chariot. The golden canopy rose and covered the sky above the treasure chariot. The breeze blew, and golden light hung down from below, gently washing.


The golden bell in the hand of another woman hummed, warning people to think deeply.

And the pagoda in the woman's hand at the end had countless halos flowing out, and there was a loud voice of chanting and praising, just like the Buddhist Dharma, but the meaning of the sutra revealed a tempting demonic surname, persuading people to fall into the devil's way.

In the Tianxiang treasure chariot, the demonic spirit and divine pattern turned into a halo, falling behind an emperor with a solemn face like a warm jade. Although the demonic spirit was gloomy, it made people feel as if they saw a god and Buddha who was respected and admired.

His style was very great, and many gods and kings seemed to be below him in status. The reason they came here was to wait for his arrival!

"So it's the Lord of Ligong, under the command of the Demon God Emperor."

The Lord of Lihen's eyes flashed, and he laughed: "Lord Ligong, you are not my opponent, quickly get out of the way, it would be better if the Demon God Emperor came in person."

The emperor on the Tianxiang treasure chariot slowly stood up, and saw three women holding treasures in their hands, and the canopy blocked the sunlight. The Lord of Ligong smiled slightly and said lightly: "I can't stop you? Lord of Lihen, you think too highly of yourself. Lihentian is a large world next to the Western Paradise in the ancient times. It is ruled by the Lord of Gods and Demons, Emperor Shi Tianwang. There are as many as 32 groups of heavens, collectively known as Lihentian. You got the fragments of Lihentian, comprehended the great way in it, formed your own system, and cultivated to become an emperor. Your magical powers are limitless, and you are indeed extremely powerful. But I, the Demon God, was born and raised by heaven and earth, and I am naturally powerful, while you are just a mortal body. What is the difference between life and death? Whoever hands is not known yet. "Behind hating God, Li hated the sky slightly, his complexion was slightly sinking:" After cultivating to my realm, the charm is quenched, reversing and creating, and it has already made up for the innate deficiency. If you are playing with me, you will die in my hands. " The demon emperor is the demon emperor in the tomb. There are many worlds in the grave of the Tianyu, and the strength is extremely powerful. It is comparable to the emperor. If he provokes this ancient being, even if he is the emperor, he will definitely be in trouble!

Now that the Emperor of Heaven is dead, the heaven is without a master. Although the Demon God Emperor is old, if he gets angry, even if he kills in the heaven, it is probably not a problem!

However, he was very unwilling to let the Lord of Lihen retreat. Not only did Ye Xu have many treasures, even the emperor was jealous, but he also played with his clone in the palm of his hand, and even suppressed it and prepared to refine it. This was the most unacceptable thing for him!

He was the emperor, the Lord of Lihen, the right military advisor of the Emperor of Heaven, but he was actually played by a young man who had just become famous. If he didn't get back his face, he would definitely be ridiculed and become a laughing stock in the Nine Heavens God Realm!

"Lord Ligong, I won't waste my words with you. If you can take my move, I will turn around and leave."

The Lord of Lihen's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he suddenly laughed: "If you can't take it, get out of here."

"It's a deal."

The Lord of Ligong's body shook, and the emperor's heroic spirit emanated. He laughed loudly and said: "Lord Lihen, you are the emperor, and I am about to become an emperor. I really want to fight with you so that I can break through faster!"

Lord Lihen said nothing, and his charm flew behind him, with a sense of infinite avenue. He slapped his palm, and the sky and the earth changed color, the Daluo Heaven suddenly changed, and the sky rose one after another, and Mount Xumi appeared.

This attack of Lord Lihen even had the power to reverse the avenue of heaven and earth, open up time and space, and transform the Daluo Heaven into the power of Lihen Heaven!

Turning the world in front of him into Lihen Heaven, he is the master and ruler of this world, and he is the controller of the way of this world!

The face of the Ligong Zunwang was extremely solemn. There was a golden bell on his head, a canopy rising, and a pagoda in his hand. Various halos, reincarnations, and demonic sounds were heard. Behind him, a large number of magnificent ancient beings suddenly stood up, like demon emperors, and greeted the palm of the Lihen Tianzhu.


This battle was extremely short and the momentum was very small. They touched and then separated, and all the strange phenomena in the sky disappeared.

Lihen Tianzhu turned and left, his body merged into the void, and said calmly: "You didn't die with my palm, very good. When I become the emperor of heaven, I will kill you with another palm. Let's see if the Demon God Emperor still has the strength to stop me?"

The King of Li Palace watched him leave, his brocade robes swaying, and he returned to the Tianxiang chariot. He slowly took his seat, his expression unchanged, and the golden bell, canopy, and pagoda flew back to the hands of the three women. He said softly: "Get off and return to the palace. "

Several giant beasts roared with gold and iron all over their bodies, pulling the Tianxiang treasure chariot back to the original route, and the king of gods among the many demon gods retreated.

On top of the Tianxiang chariot, King Li Gong's face instantly turned pale, and a trace of black blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. After hearing a few clanking sounds, the golden bell, canopy and pagoda held by the three women were also instantly covered with cracks!

He had a head-on fight with the Lihen God, and it seemed like nothing happened, but in fact the power that exploded from that hit had already shocked him, and even destroyed the magic weapon he had worked so hard to refine!

"My lord..."

The three enchanting women hurriedly stepped forward and were about to speak when Lord Li Gong raised his hand and said with a smile: "Lord Li Hen is really powerful. With one move, he knocked down my realm by one level and made me further away from the realm of the emperor. However, although his scheming is deep, he also gives me a glimpse of the emperor's realm. After my cultivation is restored, I will only become stronger and more courageous! "

He showed a thoughtful look and said: "Why did God Lihen come to Daluotian in person? Who is the person he is chasing?"

A woman smiled sweetly and said: "To be chased by the emperor must be no small matter. It is probably because he has a heavy treasure."

King Li Gong showed admiration and said with a smile: "This person has the fighting power of a god king. He has fought with the magic power of God Li Hen for a long time, and even shattered countless clones of the god king's spiritual thoughts. It is also remarkable. God Li Hen has no benefit. Don't worry, the treasure on this person is even attractive to him. It is definitely not a magic weapon, but a treasure that even surpasses the emperor's weapons. Send an order and mobilize all the experts in my palace to find this person!"

At this time, Ye Xu had already fled hundreds of millions of miles away, but he was still still in the territory of Daluotian, and he couldn't help but sigh at the vastness of this place.

"Lord Lihentian had a gambling battle with the Ligong King and has left. In a short period of time, I don't need to worry about being chased by this person again. However, if I leave Daluotian, it will be difficult to say."

Ye Xu stopped, thought for a moment, and thought: "It is better to find a quiet place, practice here, wait for the God King of Creation and his wife and the God King Tanzu to return to their peak state, and then refine the clone of God Lihen, This way, he won’t be able to track me.”

He looked around and saw the rolling mountains in Daluotian. There were many palaces in the mountains. There were strong auras coming from them. It was obvious that demons were practicing among them and occupying the treasured land of the Holy Mountain.

"There are many masters in Daluotian. If you practice in the mountains and alert others, you will cause trouble. It's better for me to keep a low profile."

Ye Xu looked up and saw a blazing sun hanging in the sky, burning brightly. His heart moved slightly, and he immediately stood up and headed towards the blazing sun.

When he walked into this [***] day, he saw raging waves of fire all around, and the temperature was extremely high. This round of blazing sun was purely composed of heavenly fire, and from time to time bursts of fire erupted that were millions or even tens of thousands of miles long. Snakes are bigger than ordinary planets and can swallow a planet with just one lick!

If you practice the fire surname technique here, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

He went deep into Lieyue, but he saw that there was land floating in Lieyue. There were ruins of palaces and villages on the land, but they were very dilapidated. There should be masters in the sky tombs, and they built a holy land for cultivation here. I don't know why it was dilapidated. .

"This place has not been burned and refined by the heavenly fire, so it should be a treasure."

Ye Xu came here, and with a thought in his heart, the World Flower flew in, inserted the flower stalk into the void, slowly bloomed in the scorching sun, and turned into a big flower thousands of miles wide, revealing the mountain gate of Yuxu Palace.

He walked directly into Yuxu Palace and met with the God-King Tanzu and the God-King of Creation and his wife.

"Master Ye, come and see the Flame God Furnace left behind by the Queen of Heaven." The God of Creation King and his wife looked strange and said with a smile.

God King Tanzu also showed a strange look. Ye Xu was moved in his heart and said with a smile: "What's wrong with this stove?"

Apparently, they were not idle when Ye Xu was fighting with the Lihen God. They sorted through the relics of the Queen of Heaven and finally discovered the secret of this Yantian Divine Furnace.

"There is someone in the furnace, and he is still alive and suppressed inside the furnace." Su Qiaoqiao couldn't help but said.

Ye Xu was suddenly shocked and said in a voiceless voice: "A living person? How could the Queen of Heaven suppress a living person in the Yantian Divine Furnace?"

Feng Yanrou couldn't help but said: "It is indeed a living person, chained, but already crazy."

Ye Xu became more curious and walked towards the Yantian Divine Furnace.

(To be continued)

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