Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 912: Shopping for the Queen (First update,

Chapter 912

shopping queen

Ye Xu turned around, bowed and saluted, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, my disciple was reckless and once found a treasure in the eye of the sea. It was a fragment of the World Tree. I didn't dare to keep it to myself. I want to take this opportunity to dedicate it to your Majesty. I wish you the best." May the empress live as long as the heavens and live forever!” . com

"Flattery!" This thought arose in the minds of everyone present at the same time.

"world Tree?"

The Empress of Heaven's heart moved. Each fragment of the World Tree contains different avenues of heaven and earth. Even the emperor was very moved by this object. Ye Xu took out the fragments of the World Tree and it can be said that he liked it and said with a smile. : "It's rare for you to have such filial piety."

Ye Xu offered sacrifices to the jade tower and said with a smile, "My dear, please take a look."

A gigantic tree slowly flew out from the jade tower. Billions of divine patterns were spread all over the tree body, branches and leaves. The appearance of this giant tree in the court gave people an unparalleled shock, although it was not as powerful as the powerful one. So heavy, but extremely eye-catching, even more eye-catching than power!

All the gods, kings and emperors were shocked. They stood up from their seats and looked at the ancient tree with eager eyes. Only the emperor was qualified to control such a huge fragment of the world tree!

Even though the Queen Mother's palace was as deep as an abyss, she couldn't help but be moved when she saw this sacred tree. She was overjoyed and thought to herself, "Did I misunderstand this boy Ye Xu? Not only did he not have any rebellious traits on the back of his head, he was even extremely loyal. Great loyal minister?"

Suddenly, a palace appeared on top of the sacred tree, with the words "Ya Si Xuan Xiaozhu" written in several rather delicate seal characters. The palace was in tatters, the palace door opened, and the body of an old woman emerged, reflected in the eyes of the Queen of Heaven. middle.

"It's you?"

The Empress of Heaven was greatly shocked. She looked straight at the old woman's body with a look of disbelief in her eyes. She was confused and said in a trembling voice: "Ye Shaobao, why did you take out a corpse for no reason? Why don't you take it back quickly?" "

This old woman's body was the body of the Cangtian Emperor's first wife, the first Queen of Heaven, who was pushed into the eye of the sea by her own hands. Although she had become an old woman, her former appearance could still be seen between her brows.

How could the Queen of Heaven not be shocked when she suddenly saw the corpse of this old woman?

Not only her, but even the other gods, kings and emperors were in a daze at this moment, looking at this old woman stupidly. Although she was terribly old and dead, it seemed that she could still hear her soft and gentle voice. , her mother’s demeanor when she graced the world still floated before her eyes.


Ye Xu's eyes burst with divine light, he grabbed the sacred tree with both hands, and the jade tower suspended above his head suddenly rose up. He heard a swish sound, and countless Taoist divine patterns flew around the world tree, rushing toward the Queen of Heaven. !

Just listen to the loud bang bang bang bang, the thousands of time and space formed by the charm of the Queen of Heaven were shattered by Ye Xu's blow!


The Queen of Heaven is the emperor after all. Although she was in shock at the moment and was not prepared, her aura suddenly surged and poured into the phoenix crown above her head. The phoenix crown suddenly burst out with billions of rays of light, making a hissing sound, and collided with the bombardment of the sacred tree. .

Ye Xu's arms shook violently, and with a groan, the sacred tree bounced high. Countless branches and leaves of this sacred tree exploded, and countless divine patterns collapsed and turned into nothing!

However, the power of Ye Xu Yishu failed to knock her off the throne and did not cause her the slightest harm!

Ye Xu has a fighting power that is comparable to that of the God King, and the Queen is in a state of confusion. Even though she deliberately attacked her in a sneak attack, she was not harmed at all. This shows that the emperor's terrifying fighting power far exceeds that of the God King!


At the same time, the Jade Tower above Ye Xu's head had flown out to the top of the Queen's head. Suddenly, there was an extremely loud roar, and a tall figure flew down from the Jade Tower. With the help of Ye Xu's sacred tree, the one who broke the Queen's momentum defense was He opened the gap and punched down hard.

The phoenix crown worn by the Queen of Heaven just burst out with infinite rays of light. It bounced off Ye Xu's sacred tree, and was immediately bombarded by this punch. I saw hundreds of millions of rays of light shattering. There was a soft click, and the phoenix crown was directly smashed to pieces by this fist. !

The Queen of Heaven's hair was covered with black hair, and the hair was like a sword, moving backwards, piercing the fist with a swipe, and pricking the fist of God King Tanzu full of holes!


God King Tanzu struck down with his other fist, and immediately countless black hairs exploded with a bang!

Unexpectedly, Emperor Li and Emperor Ziwei were seriously injured by the aftermath of Ye Xu's bombardment when Ye Xu launched the offensive. He vomited blood in his mouth and was forcefully thrown away!

Before the two emperors could react, the aftermath of the attack by God King Tanzu followed closely. Just two bangs were heard, and the flesh bodies of the two sons of gods suddenly exploded, turning into two masses of blood mist!


Two soft sounds came from the blood mist, and a magic weapon flew out from each to protect the two groups of blood mist, but it was the protective treasure of the two emperors. As the emperor's sons, the sons of the Heavenly Emperor, how could the Cangtian Emperor not leave some treasures for them?

Di Zishang's cultivation was the most tyrannical, and he blocked the aftermath of Ye Xu's attack. The aftermath of God King Tanzu followed, but it only shocked him to the point where his energy and blood were floating, but he was not injured.

"Ye Shaobao, how dare you team up with God King Tanzu to sneak attack on this palace!"

The Queen of Heaven's shawl was disheveled, and blood continued to remain on her forehead. Her flawless face finally appeared in front of the world, but it was covered in blood.

Her previous demeanor suddenly disappeared, her elegance was gone, and she no longer had the calmness and calmness to control the world and manipulate the gods, kings and emperors in the palm of her hand. She was only shocked and angry.

She never expected that Ye Xu would attack her at the court meeting and directly attack her. Although she knew that Ye Xu was also ambitious, what kind of place would the court meeting be? The gathering place of the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens, the annual conference held every ten years, the former subordinate of the Cangtian Emperor, and she is the wife of the Celestial Emperor, the majestic Queen of Heaven, still the orthodox one in the world!

On this occasion, she couldn't find any words to describe him except being bold!

Not only was she in disbelief, but even the gods, kings and emperors of the gods had no idea that Ye Xu was so brave. At the court meeting, in front of the gods, kings and emperors of the gods, he brazenly attacked the Queen of Heaven, and even collaborated with the evil people in the heaven to arrest her. The most famous old devil on the list, God King Tanzu, sneaks up on the Queen of Heaven together!

In the hearts of everyone, Ye Xu is the popular person in front of the Queen. The pretty boy supported by the Queen has climbed to his current position by relying on flattery and face. When Ye Xu presented the sacred tree, they all thought that Ye Xu was trying to flatter the Queen. Shit, no one thought that Ye Xu would come with the idea of ​​killing the Queen!

Many things that gods, kings and emperors wanted to do but did not dare to do, unexpectedly were actually done by Ye Xu, the witch ancestor, and did it unscrupulously and happily!

"In vain, I trust you so much, let you become my confidant, promote you to be the Lord of Yuxu Palace, Doctor Guangzheng, so that you can be on par with the kings of the gods, you are so ambitious!"

Suddenly, threads of love shot out from the Queen's body. With a few sneers, she pierced through Ye Xu and God King Tanzu. She strung the two people on the thread of love and said solemnly: "Now, I am under the control of the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens." I’ll kill you two in front of you!”

The King of Creation moved slightly and was about to take action when his arm was suddenly grabbed tightly by someone. He turned around quickly and saw Princess Creation shaking her head gently: "This is the second move. Don't take action until the third move." ”

Ye Xu and God King Tanzu were strung on the love thread, and blood flowed all over the body. The love thread bursting out from the Queen's body was the charm of an emperor, extremely sharp, and there was also a strange energy contained in the love thread, which attracted people's attention. **, causing emotional catastrophe, turning the world of mortals upside down, and confusing all living beings!

However, Ye Xu and God King Tanzu are both extremely tough-minded people. No matter how much love and disaster come their way, they will never waver in their murderous thoughts!


Ye Xu and God King Tanzu shouted together, and saw Ye Xu flying out of the jade tower. The remains of the Taoist Treasure in the tower were immediately activated by him. With a bang, they smashed the love threads that penetrated the whole body, broke away from the body, and suppressed the Queen of Heaven!

At the same time, God King Tanzu opened his mouth, and a green lotus throne flew out from his mouth. On the throne, the aura of Hongmeng was dense, and there was a God King sitting cross-legged. The divine patterns around his body turned into forty-nine chess games. It turned out to be a secret from heaven. The God King was transformed into an external incarnation by him, and was incorporated into his own divine weapons to enhance their power!

The two men were so brave that after the Queen of Heaven came to her senses, instead of trying to escape, they even attacked the Queen of Heaven!

"Hongmeng Golden Body!"

God King Tanzu shouted loudly, and endless Hongmeng Qi surged out from his body, transforming his physical body into a Hongmeng body. Green lotus petals sprouted all over his body, which was infinitely mysterious. He urged the Green Lotus Throne with all his strength to attack the Queen of Heaven fiercely. Press down!

"The pearl of a grain of rice dares to compete with the sun and the moon!"

The Queen of Heaven sneered, watching the two men's attacks approaching, she suddenly raised her power with one hand, like a giant hammer, and hit Ye Xu's Jade Tower hard. The Jade Tower made a loud noise and flew out upside down. .


Ye Xu's body was shaken violently, and the skin all over his body exploded. Pieces of flesh and blood were suddenly peeled off from the bones, as if his whole body was falling apart. Then he shouted angrily, and pieces of flesh and blood quickly closed together and were still attached to the bones!

This was a blow from the Queen of Heaven that hit the Jade Tower, using the counter-shock force of the Jade Tower to injure Ye Xu. If he hadn't activated the remains of the Treasure of Proving the Dao and integrated the invisible avenue into the Jade Tower, his Jade Tower would have been shattered by the Queen of Heaven's blow, and his entire body would have been shattered as well!

But even so, he was severely injured and couldn't breathe for a while.

The Queen of Heaven seems to be extremely weak, but she carries a huge power like a mountain. With one blow, she is so powerful that it is really amazing!

At this moment, the Azure Lotus Throne of God King Tanzu finally came. The Queen of Heaven raised her slender hand and slapped it on the throne. Countless divine patterns crackled and shattered. Even the God King Tianji on the seat was struck by her. With one palm shot, it bounced high, unable to sit firmly on the lotus platform!

The power of this divine weapon was all blocked by her palm!

God King Tianji has been transformed into an external incarnation by God King Tanzu. Regardless of life and death, the divine patterns of Heavenly Dao all over his body crackle and tremble, and he swipes towards the Queen of Heaven.

——The first update and the second update will be at 12 o’clock.

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