Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 907: The Source of Disaster (First update, p

Chapter 907

source of trouble

Princess Qingxuan showed sympathy and sighed: "My condolences, Lord. Although there are some young people in our heaven, there are still many upright and righteous people like you and me. They will naturally uphold justice for the Lord."

Ye Xu couldn't help but have a good impression of the unattractive Princess Qingxuan, and thought to himself: "As expected, like a son, like a mother, Fu Xilai, Brother Fu, is such a smart and cunning person. Only a hero among women like Princess Qingxuan can train him." !”

When the Demon God King and the Ancestor God King heard the conversation between the two, they almost vomited blood: "What a bad fate this boy has? When he killed my son of God, looted everywhere, and ranked first on the list of villains, why didn't he think of his own bad fate? ?”

"Lord Luo Tian, ​​we haven't fought each other for a long time, right?"

Suddenly, he heard an old laugh. Ye Xu's heart trembled. He followed the sound and saw a lotus platform rising from the divine light. Pearls fell on the lotus platform, and there was a tinkling sound. This sound was the sound of Taoism. It makes people feel a vague sense of enlightenment after listening to it. It is very mysterious and very beautiful.

"God King Dajia?"

In the lotus platform, a white-haired old man sat down, like a Buddha, with divine patterns covering his body. Behind him, he transformed into a Buddha with thousands of arms. Some were holding flowers and smiling, some were holding jade bottles, and some were holding jade bottles. Some are holding demon-conquering pestles, some are holding fly whisks, and some are turning into seals, with thousands of hands and thousands of treasures, it is very shocking!

Ye Xu had heard rumors about the Dajia God King. Buddhism in the Jiutian Divine Realm was not orthodox. Only the Buddhism in the Thirty-Three Heavens Ruins of the Buddhist Sect was orthodox handed down from the ancient past. However, Buddhist teachings have long been changed and replaced by shamanism to adapt to this new world.

Although God King Dajia did not practice orthodox Buddhism, relying on his own transcendent understanding, he actually found his own path, respected himself as Buddha, cultivated to become a God King, and attained the Buddha's path and fruition. This is very remarkable!

Suddenly, another voice came: "If you are a good person, you will get many helpers, but if you are unfaithful, you will have few helpers. Master Qingxuan, you and your wife help the tyrants to commit evil, and you are actually associating with a vile demon like Master Yuxu. You are willing to fall. Even an old man can't see it. It's very difficult." I want to ask for advice!”

Ye Xu followed the sound and saw that the person speaking was King Tai Luo. This old man once had a fight with the Demon God King and the Creation God King above the sky and sea, but Ye Xu didn't know his purpose at that time.

But considering that the old God King's son, Prince Yuandao, was sealed and cultivated by Ye Xu, and then died at the hands of Fu Xilai, I think the old God King would not give Ye Xu a good look. ""

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The Demon God King and the Ancestral God King were overjoyed. The sons of God King Dajia and Lord Tailuo died in Ye Xu's hands, or the cause of death was related to Ye Xu. With their help, they blocked the execution of the Qingxuan Palace Master and his wife and Lord Luotian. Ye Xu easily!

"Master Yuxu, where is my wife?"

Suddenly, another god-king appeared, but it was a scholar in green, the Luoshen King of Luoshen Tianfu. His face was solemn, he glanced at Ye Xu and said lightly: "Also, did my Luoshen Book fall into your hands?"

The Demon God King and the Ancestral God King were overjoyed again. They had already secured the victory, but at this moment, Luo God King jumped out. Listening to the meaning of his words, Luo God King's wife Luo Princess had fallen into the hands of the devil Ye Xu. Even the divine weapon Luo Shenshu was suppressed by Ye Xu!

"I heard that Ye Shaobao and the infamous Ancestor Ji Le are sworn brothers. Princess Luo fell into his hands and must have been taken advantage of. No wonder this kid is so fierce!"

The Ancestral God King secretly glanced at the livid King Luo Shen, and felt quite gloating in his heart: "King Luo Shen wears this cuckold properly!"

"Haha, it's really lively. Our Jiutian Divine Realm hasn't been this lively for a long time."

Another old god king rose up, but he was a trembling old man. The other god kings appeared with their own magic weapons, but this old man had empty hands and a hunched body. It also looks old, giving people the feeling of being indifferent to fame and wealth and not caring about worldly affairs.

When all the god kings saw this old man, they were shocked in their hearts: "This old monster, King Taixu, also wants to join in the fun? This old thing has not made a move for ten thousand years. Even when the Emperor of Heaven dealt with that man, he hid In the Taixu Divine Mansion outside Jiutian, there are even rumors that he has been in seclusion for ten thousand years just to break through and become an emperor. There are also people who say that he has already become an emperor. What is this old guy planning to do when he comes out to help? One party?”

"Could it be that before the Queen of Heaven is dead, the battle to seize the emperor will completely explode?"

There was also the God King who was about to make a move, his eyes flashed, his mood was quite uneasy, and he said secretly: "As soon as Lord Yuxu appeared, he messed up the situation so much that the old monsters who were already sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai couldn't hold it any longer. Is it the Queen’s instruction? Or does he have ambitions to become emperor?”

Ye Xu was born out of nowhere. As soon as he appeared, he had a combat power comparable to that of a god king. He attracted many god kings and attracted their attention. Even under his intentional or unintentional influence, a war between god kings was about to break out. There was no conspiracy in this. It doesn’t make sense!

God King of Creation and Princess of Creation also appeared, looking at the God King of the Heavens, and looking at each other, they could see the worries and uneasiness in each other's hearts.

When Ye Xu deliberately sought bad luck for Emperor Zi Mu, they knew that Ye Xu's move must be to please the Queen of Heaven, so that he could occupy a place in the court meeting and get close to the Queen of Heaven, so that God King Tanzu could sneak attack.

At that time, the two of them thought that this strategy was indeed a good one, but God's calculations were not as good as those of God. Suddenly, giants such as the Ancestral God King appeared, as well as the Demon God King, Luotian God Lord, Qingxuan Palace Master, Dajia God King, and Tailuo Lord King. , Taixu God King, etc., with the appearance of an old monster, the scene has changed in time and space, and the battle between the God King is about to break out!

The God-King of Creation and his wife even had a feeling that a storm was coming. If this battle broke out, it would definitely turn the world upside down and break a big hole in the sky. Then all the God-Kings would be torn apart, and it would turn into a war. The fierce battle for the emperor!

Princess Creation had a sad look on her face and whispered in a low voice: "I have long heard that Lord Yuxu is a pest and will die wherever he goes. I used to not believe it, but now I do. This guy walked to the imperial palace and looks like he is going to die. Only a large number of god kings can give up..."

"Vermin indeed."

The God of Creation quite agreed with his wife's words, nodded and said: "Is this guy really the reincarnation of that existence? I don't think it looks like it. That existence is so cool and indifferent, how could he become a big disaster after reincarnation, no matter what Wherever you go, a lot of people will die..."

Princess Creation's eyes flashed and she whispered: "When the war breaks out, we will have to take action."

The current situation is extremely delicate. As long as one person takes action, all the god-kings present will take action, and maybe even the emperor will participate!

There are quite a lot of grievances among the gods and kings in the sky. This will be an opportunity for a big purge. It has nothing to do with Ye Xu. No one can hold back in the war. By then, there will be an unknown number of god kings. If he falls during the war, even the Cangtian Imperial Palace will be razed to the ground and nothing will remain!

At this point, the gods and kings of the heavens are also hesitating. This is very different from the battle for the emperor they imagined, so that all their arrangements are completely useless, and they feel a little unprepared.

Only Ye Xu still looked indifferent and had nothing to do with me, thinking: "There will definitely be a war between the gods and kings of the gods, but not now. The gods and kings of the gods are just on a whim now, and they are not here to see it. At that time, because if a war started, it would only benefit the Queen. Now that the Queen controls the government, she probably does not want to see the war between the gods and kings. If a war starts, her control over the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens will be reduced to the freezing point. The dynasty of the Cangtian Emperor, It will be torn apart, and the good situation she worked so hard to maintain will no longer exist!"

Ye Xu's eyes flashed. The war between the gods and kings seemed about to break out. Once it broke out, he would be the first to die on the spot. However, under the current situation, no god king dared to take the lead.

"The Queen of Heaven did not stop the battle between me and the Ancestral God King just now and showed her kindness to me. She must be secretly regretting it at this moment. This time, she will definitely come forward!"

Ye Xu had already miscalculated about the Queen of Heaven's thoughts once. In order to beat him and make him calm down, the Queen of Heaven did not come forward to stop the battle between him and the First God King.

But this time, Ye Xu was confident. If the Queen of Heaven did not come forward to stop her, even she would be involved in the battle, and would suffer misfortune under the siege of the gods, kings and even emperors!

"Ye Shaobao, this boy, really doesn't let me worry..."

In the Golden Palace, the Queen of Heaven couldn't help but feel dizzy. Ye Xu caused such a big scene, which almost caused a war between the gods and kings of the gods, and really messed up her position.

If the All-Heaven God King really fights this time, it will definitely disrupt her many arrangements, causing the situation she has worked so hard to set up before to fall apart and fall into a passive state. She is even sure that after the All-Heaven God King kills Ye Xu, the second The only one to deal with is her!

Unless the Queen of Heaven dies, the gods and kings of the heavens will find it hard to feel at ease.

"Gentlemen, are you trying to bully this widow?"

In the Jinluan Palace, the voice of the Queen of Heaven finally came, cold and clear, with some resentment, sighing: "The late emperor passed away, and you are all important ministers of the Heavenly Dynasty. Naturally, you should help each other and wait for the next Emperor of Heaven. Now you are fighting. , let this court meeting be destroyed, and the imperial palace will also be destroyed. Is this really your wish? "

Her figure rises slowly from the Golden Palace. Her beauty is so natural that it dims the sun and the moon, and the stars lose their light. Her beauty is unparalleled in the world, and everyone's heart is moved.

"Gentlemen, please stop. We will discuss everything at the court meeting."

She spoke softly, not like a majestic Queen of Heaven, but like a weak woman who put herself in a weak position.

"How dare you disobey your Majesty's orders?"

The gods and kings laughed loudly, each bowed to the Queen of Heaven, and then dispersed.

The Queen of Heaven's gaze fell on Ye Xu, and she said with a half-smile: "Doctor Guangzheng, before you have a place to stay in the imperial palace, you will live in the Yuqing Palace next to the Jinluan Palace. You can walk around more in the palace. Let’s talk to me.”

Ye Xu quickly said yes.

"This guy is so good at troubles. Living next to me, how can he still make trouble?" The Queen of Heaven breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself.

————Recommend this game to be a powerful book from another world, with daily updates of more than 10,000 words and monthly updates of 480,000 words. Master of the Craftsman Profession, ISBN 2300701, Unparalleled in the World, there is a direct link on the page!

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