Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using force to become a witch, Chapter 897: Conspiracy against the Queen of Heaven (First

Chapter 897: Conspiracy against the Queen of Heaven (first update, please subscribe for a monthly ticket~)

There was an obvious sarcasm in the tone of the Queen of Heaven's clone. When Ye Xu heard the words, he seemed to be completely unaware and laughed and said: "Your Majesty, this is a misunderstanding. Your Majesty named me the Lord of Yuxu Palace, so naturally I am the palace of Yuxu Palace." Lord, the disciples should naturally do their best to protect the safety of Yuxu Palace. Therefore, after the disciples become the witch ancestors, they immediately plan to clean up the Yuxu Palace to prevent the disciples from seeing the spies of other gods and emperors. In my haste, I thought some evildoer was causing trouble, but I didn't expect it to be my Majesty. Please forgive me, forgive me."

"Do you want to become the master of Yuxu Palace?"

The Queen of Heaven's eyes flashed and she said with a smile: "With your current ability, you are indeed qualified to become the master of Yuxu Palace. However, this Yuxu Palace is still of great use to me, so I can't give it to you for the time being. Wait for me. What's wrong with the palace completing its big plan and making you the master of this place? Just be patient and patient for a while, I won't bury your talents."

She said with a smile: "I am a meritocracy, Ye Shaobao, you are a talented person, you can escape from the eye of the sea, you are indeed a person with great luck. Don't be greedy for a moment, and you really have a bone in the back of your head. If that's the case , I have no choice but to slap your stubbornness into your mind."

When she said this, she was still smiling and her tone was light and calm, as if she was making a little joke. However, Ye Xu knew that when this woman said this, she was really murderous and it was definitely not a joke.

"With my current strength, I am no match for this clone of the Queen of Heaven, so I have no choice but to let this little Yuanjie go."

Ye Xu's heart moved. In the entire Yuxu Palace, he only had the last small Yuanjie left without sacrifice. No matter how exquisite the Queen's arrangement was, it could not save the overall situation. There was no way he could seize control of the Yuxu Palace from his hands.

"Shaobao, thank you for your love, I will definitely be devoted to you from now on, and I won't dare to have any second thoughts!"

Ye Xu's eyes flashed and he said solemnly: "I heard that your Majesty is presiding over the court meeting of the Celestial Dynasty, and I really want to go and see the world. My Majesty, my disciple has become a witch ancestor and has such magnificent magic power. I really want to go further. Dr. Guangzheng, third grade I’m afraid your official position is a bit small, right?”

A smile appeared on the corner of the Queen's mouth, and she said lightly: "Do you want to be promoted, occupy a larger territory, and need more resources?"

Ye Xu did not deny it and said with a smile: "The empress is only talented and has unparalleled discernment. How do you think the disciple's current cultivation strength compares to the gods of the gods? The disciple is not greedy, but the territory and resources in his hands are naturally superior. The more the better.”

"Your strength is barely enough to become a God King, but you are the weakest God King, standing at the bottom of the gods. The accumulation of the gods is so strong, with endless treasures, countless wealth, and many thousands of years of cultivation. How can you To be at the bottom of the pack is already a great achievement.”

The Empress of Heaven pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "But since you have the ambition to make progress and want to be promoted one step further and be on par with the gods and kings of the gods, then go to the Cangtian Emperor Palace. I can make the decision. I will grant you a second-grade official position and command tens of billions." territory."

Ye Xu was overjoyed and thanked her hurriedly: "Thank you very much for your love, I will leave without delaying your rest!"

He exited the void, his face suddenly darkened, and he immediately summoned everyone in Yuxu Palace together.

An evil mirror appeared above Ye Xu's head, shining in the void, illuminating the Little Yuan Realm where the Queen of Heaven's avatar was. He looked around and said in a deep voice: "I have trained all over Yuxu Palace and controlled Yuxu Palace, but there is still another Little Yuan Realm. It is under the control of the Queen of Heaven and cannot be taken by force. If this little Yuanjie is not taken, the Queen of Heaven will come and go as she pleases. After all, she is a serious problem!"

Su Qiaoqiao and Feng Yanrou sat beside him, each with their own thrones. Hearing this, they said, "Master, what's your plan?"

"Not yet."

Ye Xu shook his head: "Although I am pretending to be greedy and want greater benefits, I estimate that the old fox Queen of Heaven will not believe a word of her words. I also do not believe a word of her words. I am about to go to the Cangtian God Realm, I After leaving, the Queen's clone will definitely try to seize control of Yuxu Palace, but I have already trained fifty-one ancestors as the founder of the sect!"

Ancestor Wusheng hurriedly stood up and stepped forward. Ye Xu's thoughts moved slightly, and he saw the eighteen levels of hell and the thirty-three worlds he had refined emerged. A total of fifty-one ancestral weapons, among which the sword saw hell flew up and landed on Wusheng. In front of the ancestor.

"Ancestor Wusheng, I will grant you the title of Realm Master and take charge of a Small Yuan Realm. This ancestral weapon is your magic weapon. You come to take charge of this treasure and guard it in the Xiao Yuan Realm next to the Little Yuan Realm where the Queen of Heaven's clone is. ”

Ye Xu's eyes fell on Ancestor Ji Le, and another ancestral weapon flew up and fell into the hands of Ancestor Ji Le. He said in a deep voice: "Ancestor Ji Le, I will also make you the world master and take charge of the small area next to Ancestor Wu Sheng. Yuanjie.”

Immediately, Ye Xu pointed out a witch ancestor, Dharani, Wrathful King, Zhong Qishan, Li Yuzhou, Tianyao Diting, Hongluan and others, as well as the Roaring Sky Dog, and they all came out one after another, and each was named a realm lord and took charge of the world. An ancestral weapon.

Ye Xu also called out the Peak Holy Emperors such as Demon Lord Beidi, Demon Lord Heitian, Demon Emperor, Xiang Ji, etc., and each sent a magic weapon, but he did not make him a realm master, and said: "You are in charge of a realm for the time being. I will wait for you." After cultivating the witch ancestor, all the resources in this Xiaoyuan Realm belong to you. For now, you can use the resources in the Xiaoyuan Realm."

Demon Lord Beidi and others were overjoyed. The wealth in the Little Yuan Realm is endless. If they can get a Little Yuan Realm, even those who have reached the minimum level of Witch Ancestor will no longer have to worry about resources!

Ye Xu finished distributing the fifty-one magical weapons, and these new realm masters formed a large circle shape, surrounding the small Yuan realm where the Queen of Heaven's avatar was located.

"If there is any change in the Queen of Heaven's clone, you will each sacrifice your magic weapon, and then the Queen of the West Palace will take charge."

Ye Xu said in a deep voice: "The mental skills cultivated by the Queen of the West Palace are enough to activate the thirty-three days of magic weapons and integrate the thirty-three days of magic weapons into one. As for the magic weapons of the eighteenth level of hell, it is controlled by the Demon Emperor and Xiang Ji Coordinating.”

The Empress of the West Palace is Feng Yanrou, who practices the Miluo Tianyuan Shibaojuan passed down by Ye Xu, and has reached the realm of the Holy Emperor. The Demon Emperor and Xiang Ji studied Ye Xu's Yushu and understood various thoughts about hell. Fa, who is already the peak holy emperor, can barely integrate these magical weapons into one.

Ye Xu was afraid that the Queen would still have a way to break through, so he took out the Hunyuan Golden Dou and handed it to Su Qiaoqiao. He said with a smile: "Madam, this Hunyuan Golden Dou is a magic weapon. From now on, it will be used by the East Palace to suppress luck. This piece The magic weapon can be activated without strong cultivation. After it is sacrificed, it can cut down people's cultivation, which is very sharp. "

Su Qiaoqiao accepted the Hunyuan Golden Dou, and Ye Xu took out the Tianji chess game and handed it to Feng Yanrou, saying: "Junior sister, this chess game is also a magic weapon. It was refined by the King Tianji and must have the Forty-nine Heavenly Dao Hearts." Dharma can be used to activate it, but I already know the forty-nine ways of heaven, and now I can teach them to you and let you control the secrets of heaven."

With a thought in Ye Xu's mind, the canopy behind him suddenly split into a series of rhymes. It was the principles of the forty-nine heavens that penetrated into Feng Yanrou's body!

This move not only allowed Feng Yanrou to learn the forty-nine heavenly ways, but also saved her many cultivation processes, making her cultivation level infinitely close to that of the witch ancestor!

"You each control a magic weapon, plus the magic weapon from the thirty-three days and eighteen levels of hell, you can barely resist the clone of the Queen of Heaven and prevent Qingsi from refining the Yuxu Palace."

Ye Xu was cautious and left one of his clones to sit in Yuxu Palace to prepare for any unexpected events. Then he stood up and found Demon Ancestor Tuo Luo. His thoughts moved slightly and he saw Demon Ancestor Tuo Luo immediately showing his original form. Transformed into a double-humped divine camel, the Taoist charm grew under the steps, and transformed into auspicious clouds.

"It's a pity that the strength of my Yuxu Palace is still too weak, so I can only let Demon Lord Beidi and others take charge of the magic weapons. If Manzu, Wu Xianghuang and others are willing to surrender to me, I won't be so stretched. ”

Ye Xu finished the arrangement, and the clothes were perfect, leaving no opportunity for the Queen of Heaven's clone to take advantage of. He stood up and landed on the back of the divine hunchback, left Yuxu Palace, waved his hand to break through the barrier of heaven, and headed towards the Cangtian God Realm.

"Rebel boy!"

In the Cangtian Emperor's Palace, the Queen of Heaven was sitting playing chess with a god and man. Suddenly her face was as cold as ice and she snorted coldly.

The whole body of the god-man was shrouded in golden light, and his face was hazy and unclear. He chuckled and said, "Which bold person dares to make my mother-in-law angry?"

The frost receded from the Queen of Heaven's face, she raised the chess piece, and sneered: "Who else can it be? Of course it's Dr. Guangzheng. This man is ambitious and difficult to control. After not seeing each other for a short time, he was able to escape from the eyes of the sea, and He became a witch ancestor. This man was so bold that the bone on the back of his head probably grew more than a foot long. He thought that I didn't know what he was thinking, so he dared to take the Yuxu Palace by force. Trying to take control of Yuxu Palace!"

The golden light around the god-man swayed, and he said in a deep voice: "Is this Ye Shaobao your Majesty is talking about? He actually escaped from the eye of the sea? My Majesty, this person is probably the reincarnation of that taboo existence, otherwise how could he cultivate so fast?" Keeping him is a big disaster and must be eradicated as soon as possible. If he becomes a god king and emperor, who else in the world can cure him?"

"Ye Shaobao is not that person."

The Empress of Heaven smiled faintly, charmingly, and said: "Under the whole world, throughout the ages, no one can live to the second life, no one. If he is that person, I will notice it the first time I see him. However, He is indeed very dangerous, and even I cannot control him easily and cannot keep him. "

She gently placed the chess piece down and said with a smile: "It's just that he is very powerful now. Even a mere witch ancestor has considerable strength. If I hadn't been unwilling to mess up the arrangement, I really wanted to kill him right away. This kid is so bold that he actually He also wants me to be promoted to an official position, occupy a larger territory, and gain more benefits. He is terribly greedy. However, I understand his thoughts. I don’t believe a word of his words, but I guess. , He doesn’t believe a word of what I say.”

The god-man was silent for a moment and said with a smile: "There is actually someone who can scheming with the empress. This Ye Shaobao is an interesting person. What he does is indeed not the style of that existence."

The Empress of Heaven said calmly: "Ye Shaobao is only suffering from scabies. The gods and kings of the gods and emperors are the serious troubles in their hearts. Apart from the serious troubles in their hearts, no one can make a big splash in the face of the general trend of the world."

————The first chapter of today’s big explosion, the next three updates will be at 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 pm, calling for subscriptions and monthly votes! !

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