Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts, Chapter 894: The Incarnation of the Great Way (Seco

Chapter 894: The Incarnation of the Great Dao (Second update, please subscribe for a monthly ticket~)

Suddenly, Ye Xu saw in the chaos, the way of heaven was moving, creating the world, and suddenly pieces of heaven and earth were born, turning into three thousand worlds of various shapes, including streamers, pagodas, jade plates, jade beads, towers, pagodas, copper bells, The giant Buddhas were so densely packed that they seemed to be the vast world formed by the condensed Taoist rhyme. They suddenly pressed down on Ye Xu!

"The road to the three thousand worlds?"

Ye Xu did not dodge, he suddenly opened his mouth and inhaled, and saw these three thousand worlds rushing in and out, falling into his mouth, and being directly refined by him, turning into his own Tao Yun, making his cultivation level rise and rise!

"I prove the Tao with my body, prove the Tao with my spirit, and open up the world by myself. If my Tao wants to crush me, it is impossible!"

Ye Xu's body shook, and countless Taoist rhymes burst out from his body, turning into ribbons, wrapping around his waist and guarding him behind him, forming a big circle. A magnificent world opened up in the big circle, and three thousand worlds appeared one by one!

After perfecting the Tao Yun of the Three Thousand Worlds, his cultivation level increased by more than three times!

Suddenly, he heard a bell ringing. Ye Xu glanced around and saw a young witch ancestor wearing an imperial crown and imperial robes, striding towards him. The whole body was full of demonic aura, and the Taoist rhyme behind him was like a ribbon. In the ribbon was The vast and vast tongue-pulling hell!

"The incarnation of the Demon Emperor's Dao formed by condensing my Dao Yun?"

Ye Xu looked closely and saw that the incarnation of the young Demon Emperor's Dao was exactly the same as him, but the Dao Yun was naturally formed and condensed into a magnificent cultivation level. In the tongue-pulling hell, there were even countless demons who were purely composed of Dao Yun, one by one. The face is ferocious and ferocious!

Simply speaking, in terms of the avenue of heaven and earth in tongue-pulling hell, this incarnation of the avenue of the young devil emperor is many times more profound than Ye Xu.

The incarnation of the young demon emperor suddenly took a step forward, and with a movement of his body, there was a bang. Countless demon gods in hell behind him roared in unison, and billions of witchcraft burst out, each of which was indescribably wonderful and superb. They all turned towards Ye Xu. Go away!


The young demon emperor shouted, and struck Ye Xu with a palm, transforming into an iron-clamp hell. The demonic aura was deep and powerful, even more powerful than the witchcraft issued by countless demon gods!

When other people escape from the Tao Gate, they are just crushed by the Tao. After passing through, they can become the witch ancestors. Only when the emperor's mental method reaches an extreme, the phenomenon of the incarnation of the Tao will appear.

Ye Xu's achievements were too great, his moral conduct was too high, and he finally caused unfavorable results. He condensed his own Dao into the incarnation of Dao Yun, and wanted to crush him to death and kill him alive!

This is the inevitable result of his Panwang Kaitian Jing being too unnatural and recreating a complete world.

"How can my own incarnation of the Great Dao be my own opponent?"

Ye Xu turned a blind eye to the attacks of countless hell demons, and shouted loudly, turning his palm into the Wuhuang Seal, and faced it bravely. He only heard a loud bang. This incarnation of the Great Dao could actually compete with him head-on. The two people's strength was almost on par. !

Because the Dao incarnation is already at the level of the witch ancestors, Dao Yun has condensed into a physical body, and the quality of his cultivation is far more advanced than that of Ye Xu, and has reached the strength of the peak witch ancestors such as Patriarch Qingsi and Princess Luo.

But here, the witch treasure cannot be used, which greatly reduces Ye Xu's strength. He can only rely on his physical body and soul to fight against the incarnation of the avenue!

"Yushu Yuanshen!"

Ye Xu spread out his hand, and the soul fell into his hand. He strode forward, holding the jade tree in his hand, and suddenly brushed it down. Billions of rays of light burst out, sending the young devil emperor flying.

His Yushu Yuanshen is equivalent to his other self. He joins forces with him to jointly attack the incarnation of the avenue, immediately distinguishing the strong and weak.

He suddenly took a step further, turned his hand to cover the sky, and turned into the Tai'an Emperor Cliff Seal. Under the seal, an imperial cliff suppressed the incarnation of the young Demon Emperor Dao. At the same time, he opened his mouth and roared, shouting that the dragon transformed into Brahma to reach the sky, and billions of dragons grew from heaven. He kept chanting and blasted towards the incarnation of the avenue.

"Zhuluo Huangjia Thirteen Beats!"

At the same time, Zhuluo Huangjiatian appeared above his head, and the fairy sounds burst out, attacking at the same time!


The young demon emperor's Dao incarnation was attacked by him many times with all his strength, and finally broke into pieces, turning into Dao Yun flying all over the sky. Ye Xu opened his mouth and sucked in all the Dao Yun all over the sky into his mouth. He felt that his cultivation level increased sharply again, and Dao Yun poured out. Outside the body, it turns into a tongue-pulling hell!

"Since there is an incarnation of the great path of tongue-pulling hell, there must be other incarnations of the great path of hell and even the thirty-three heavens."

Ye Xu's heart moved slightly, and suddenly he heard a loud bang, and the bell rang, and another young emperor walked out of the chaos, but it was the emperor of the Taihuangtian, who was exactly the same as Ye Xu, and the Tao Yun behind him formed the Taihuangtian.

The bells kept ringing, and a demon emperor walked out of the chaos. They all looked like Ye Xu, but their Taoist rhymes were different, representing their highest achievements in the witchcraft!

Fifty incarnations of the Young Emperor's Dao surrounded Ye Xu, with fighting spirit raging and the Dao rhyme boiling all over the sky. Each one of them was an extremely powerful witch ancestor, controlling the Dao of the world and achieving the highest achievement!

Suddenly one of the incarnations of the Great Dao disappeared from the sky, but it was the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven who was in the void Yue Hengtian, hiding in the void, disappearing, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Fifty incarnations of the avenue, and it's me with different avenues?"

Ye Xu's eyes widened and he gasped, finally feeling the heavy pressure.

His Panwang Kaitian Sutra cultivation reached such a level that fifty-one young Heavenly Emperors and Demonic Emperors condensed with Dao Yun were formed in the Samsara Heaven Sect. Although one of them was destroyed by him, the remaining fifty Dao incarnations were still powerful. It’s so despairing!

Not only that, he also has to contend with the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Way of Heaven. If coupled with the attacks of these fifty incarnations of Dao Yun, there will definitely be a bloody battle!

Suddenly, fifty incarnations of the Great Dao moved together, and countless kinds of witchcraft burst out, drowning Ye Xu!

These fifty incarnations of the Great Dao each have their own strengths. Each of them is stunningly beautiful. Their understanding of the witchcraft of the heavens and the earth has reached an unprecedented level. Almost everyone can rival Patriarch Qingsi. If With just one person and two people, Ye Xu could handle it calmly, but with fifty incarnations of the Great Dao, Ye Xu immediately fell into danger!

In the chaotic chaos, Ye Xu and the fifty incarnations of the Great Dao were like star pills, moving rapidly and flickering, fighting each other all the time, bursting out with incomparable tyrannical power!

The variety of witchcraft that burst out from their hands was so complex that it exceeded the imagination of any witch ancestor. It was all-encompassing, including thirty-three days and eighteen levels of hell!


An infinite amount of light burst out from the center of the fight, with sounds, vibrations, and endless turmoil. The surging air waves swept across and spurted out in all directions, almost tearing apart the chaos transformed by the heavenly law!

In just a moment, Ye Xu was coughing up blood. He tried his best to withstand the siege of fifty incarnations of the Great Dao, but he was unable to resist so many attacks. His body suffered countless attacks. If he hadn't lost the world, The fragments of the tree have tempered the body to the extreme. I am afraid that it will not be able to support it even at this moment, and it will definitely be blown up on the spot!

Fifty incarnations of the Great Dao suddenly came together and came together, coming and going like lightning, leaving him no time to deal with it!


Ye Xu tried his best to activate Yushu Yuan Shen, and brushed hard against many incarnations of the great avenue. Suddenly, he saw a Tai Chi seal rising into the sky, blocking the blow. Then the void behind him cracked, and the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven walked out of the void Yue Hengtian. The palm slapped him hard on the back of the heart!

Ye Xu suddenly turned his head, opened his mouth and roared, roaring out Dragon Transformation Brahma Dutian, hundreds of millions of heavenly dragons rushed towards the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, but at this moment, he saw the incarnation of Dragon Transformation Brahma Dutian appearing sideways, with the same loud roar Roar, the same witchcraft impact shakes time and space!


The Demon Emperor of Scissors Hell shouted loudly, transformed into Scissors Hell, and cut hard towards Ye Xu, trying to cut him into two pieces!

At the same time, under the blanket of steam, a volcano appeared under Ye Xu's feet, the imperial cliff fell from the sky, the copper pillars fell, and the chains were tied to Ye Xu, intending to burn him!

Another iron tree brushed up, a pool of blood filled the ocean, and an evil mirror shone in the sky. Billions of rays of rays of light spewed out, illuminating Ye Xu's whole body, revealing flaws!

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

Ye Xu was cornered by these fifty incarnations of the Great Dao. He shouted angrily and moved his body. Six reincarnations appeared behind him. The reincarnations had just turned, creating distorted time and space. He tried to block all these attacks. Unexpectedly, the Taoist gates The power of the six reincarnations is also rotating at the same time, eliminating the newly born time and space invisible!

"The way of heaven!"

Ye Xu was shocked and angry, and the energy and blood all over his body surged, and the forty-nine Heavenly Dao Rhymes rushed up, turning into a grand canopy. Then the power of the Heavenly Dao in the Dao Sect burst out, making him do useless work again!

"How can we fight this?"

Ye Xu was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. The avenue behind the Heavenly Gate of Reincarnation was exactly the same as his. All his methods were restrained, and he was left with only the reliance of his own body to prove the Tao and God's to prove the Tao. However, the gap between him and the fifty incarnations of the Great Dao was still extremely huge, and he was completely at a disadvantage.

"Xuan Fei Seal! Tai Chi Seal! Wuji Seal! Xuan Ming Seal! Guan Ming Duan Jing Seal!"

Ye Xu used many seals and blessings to resist this wave of attacks. His body was shaken violently, and blood holes exploded all over his body. He vomited blood in his mouth. Yushu Yuanshen was also beaten to tatters. A fierce light flashed in his eyes and he thought: "Only Only by defeating several incarnations of the Great Dao and absorbing the charm of the Dao, can you have the strength to compete with other incarnations of the Great Dao, break the way of heaven, go against the will of heaven, escape from reincarnation, and become the witch ancestor!"

His figure suddenly flashed and disappeared, but he used the Void Seal to hide in the void.

Suddenly, a world like beautiful jade suddenly appeared in the chaotic Hongmeng space. The void solidified into jade and compressed the space. However, it was the incarnation of Yu Wantian Dao who used seals to turn Hongmeng into Yu Wantian, trying to force him out of the void. .

At the same time, a statue of the Great Dao transformed into a roar, striking Yu Wantian thirteen times in a row, and bursts of fairy sounds turned into thirteen beats of Zhuluo Huangjia, rushing around and bombarding the void.

Ye Xu groaned and was forced out of the void by the two incarnations of the Great Dao, and then countless attacks came towards him!

Ye Xu turned into a stream of light and avoided the attack. He saw the void behind him split, and the void Yue Hengtian Avenue appeared incarnate, with a palm imprinted on his back!

"Good opportunity, life or death, success or failure, all in one fell swoop!"

Ye Xu coughed up blood in his mouth, and suddenly bumped back, knocking the incarnation of the great avenue into the void, and the two disappeared!

————Second update today, please subscribe for a monthly ticket. Today is the 18th and the outbreak will occur on the 20th the day after tomorrow. Please notify us in advance!

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