Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 892: Catch them all in one fell swoop (beggi

Chapter 892: Catch them all in one fell swoop (please beg for a monthly subscription~)

Princess Luo mobilized her magic soldiers at the same time, used witchcraft, and attacked Ye Xu brazenly. At the same time, the peak witch ancestors such as Luo Tianshang, Demon Ancestor, Gaitian King, and Hundred Soldier Ancestors burst into laughter, and their Taoist charms rose into the sky. They mobilized their ancestral soldiers together, and the witchcraft flew and filled the entire Yuxu Palace!

Although Luo Tianshangzun and others do not have divine weapons, their ancestral weapons are not trivial. They were refined by them themselves, and they fit well with their skills. When activated, they are only inferior to the divine weapons!

For a time, the Yuxu Palace was in turmoil. With such a powerful attack, I am afraid that except Ye Xu, everyone else, even the ancestor Wu Sheng, would be killed by their attack!

At this time, the Holy Prince of the Divine Realm also recovered his body, shouted loudly, and fought back, angrily saying: "Ye Shaobao, I was unprepared just now, and you took the advantage!"

"Ye Shaobao, if you kill my son, I will destroy the entire Yuxu Mansion in front of you today!"

Princess Luo giggled non-stop, her black hair like a waterfall, spread out in all directions with a swipe, and stabbed Su Qiaoqiao, Feng Yanrou and others!

"Killing my whole family in front of me? Who do you think you are? The God King?"

Ye Xu stood up suddenly, and heard a constant banging sound, as if a door was opening in his body. In an instant, all the pores in his body were opened, and his momentum was fully bloomed. He only heard a loud bang, and the jade The space in the Void Palace was shaking endlessly, and the void in the heaven seemed to be unable to contain the power around him, and was almost torn apart!

"Eighteen levels of hell!"

The Heavenly Gate of Reincarnation appeared behind him. The gate was fully opened, and the Taoist rhyme was gushing out. Strange witchcraft treasures flew out from the gate, covering Princess Luo, Luo Tianshangzun and others!

"I am about to become a witch ancestor, establish a sect, and have refined fifty-one magic weapons, which will serve as the foundation of my sect. Now, let me test the sword with you first!"

The hell-shaped ancestral soldiers covered Princess Luo and other eight peak witch ancestors. The stone mill rolled, crushing the attacks one after another. The iron tree brushed down, and all the ancestral soldiers of Luo Tianshangzun and others flew out. , copper pillars and cannons were burned, mountains of knives and seas of fire, saws and steamers, seas of blood washed away, and the sheep-headed demon god trampled, trapping the eight peak witch ancestors between eighteen ancestral weapons, it was like falling into the eighteenth level of hell and suffering!

This was the first blow after Ye Xu refined the eighteen ancestral weapons of the Eighteen Levels of Hell. He trapped the eight peak witch ancestors in one fell swoop, just like the accumulation of hells one after another. The power that exploded was no less than that of the divine weapons. Even if it was Princess Luo mobilized magic weapons like Luo Shenshu, but she couldn't break through the siege and fight her way out of the hell!

In order to refine these eighteen ancestral weapons, he spent an unknown amount of divine gold. Even the divine weapons are enough to refine more than ten. Although they are ancestral weapons, if they continue to improve, they will not be able to grow into divine weapons in the future. A high-quality treasure!

Ye Xu sacrificed these eighteen ancestral weapons, and the overall situation was decided. No matter how hard Princess Luo, Luo Tianshangzun and others struggled, they could not make much trouble.

"Princess Luo, you have my treasure on you, come out to me!"

Ye Xu's eyes flashed, and he reached out to grab it. Two treasures flew out of Princess Luo's body. It was the paintings and the copper stove that she had collected, and they all fell into Ye Xu's palm.


The eighteen levels of hell suddenly interlocked and formed a whole, shaped like an eighteen-story high-rise building. Ye Xu suppressed Princess Luo and others inside, and glanced outside Yuxu Palace, only to see Patriarch Qingsi and The battle between Demon Ancestor Tuo Luo was in full swing, and he immediately took out the Hunyuan Golden Dou. With a slight thought, the golden dou flew up, and thousands of golden lights fell down with a swishing sound, rolling up Demon Ancestor Tuo Luo and falling into the fight.

Jin Dou's golden light flashed, and Demon Ancestor Luotuo roared angrily. He was shaken off by the golden light and escaped!

His strength is unparalleled, comparable to that of the Barbarian Ancestor at his peak. With his tyrannical cultivation strength, he was able to escape from the Hunyuan Golden Fight.

"Huh? You can actually escape from the golden fight. You have some strength."

Ye Xu let out a light sigh and slapped it hard with one palm!

"Ye Shaobao, you want to besiege me with this cow? I'm not afraid!"

The Demon Ancestor Camel roared loudly and turned into a divine camel. The two meat bags on his back were bulging like mountains. He carried a saddle in the middle. The saddle rose up. It was also an ancestral weapon. He was trained into a weapon and went to Ye Ye. Xu presses down!

He spread his hooves and lowered his head to hit Ye Xu!

Ye Xu flipped his hand and shook, and the saddle Daoyun was immediately shaken away by his palm and fell from the air. Then another rare treasure flew out from the Samsara Heavenly Gate behind him, but it was an ancestor built by billions of heavenly dragons. Bing, turned into a dragon and became a Brahma to reach the sky, and took the Demon Ancestor Tuo Luo in. Billions of heavenly dragons suppressed it. No matter how tyrannical the Demon Ancestor Tuo Luo was, he could not escape!

The dragon roar came, and countless huge dragon claws pressed on the back of the divine camel, suppressing him. Billions of heavenly dragons chanted endlessly, turning into numerous rhymes, and crazily penetrated into the Demon Ancestor. In Tuoluo's mind, he actually planned to forcibly convert him!

"Monster Ancestor Tuo Luo, your cultivation is not weak, just stay with me. When you finally give in, I will let you out and be my mount!"

In just a few breaths, the nine peak witch ancestors were suppressed by Ye Xutong's unified force. They fell into various ancestral soldiers and struggled endlessly, but they were still unable to escape from the suppression of hell and the Dragon Transformation Brahma Dutian. They could only Suffering in it.

Patriarch Qingsi strode in with a look of surprise: "Brother Ye, when did your strength become so powerful? You actually suppressed nine peak witch ancestors in one fell swoop! Although these guys are not as good as me alone, they can work together. I'm not as good as them at first."

"My little brother has had some luck in Haiyan, and his strength has improved greatly."

Ye Xu stood up, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Thank you, ancestor, for coming to the rescue, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"You and I are brothers. Didn't I say thank you to you for saving me last time?"

Ancestor Qingsi sat down and said with a smile: "Isn't the Eye of the Sea extremely dangerous? How come my brother, your strength increased dramatically after you entered it? Could it be that instead of being dangerous there, it is actually a holy place for cultivation? I will jump in myself another day. Go down and have a look..."

Ye Xu shook his head and laughed, took out the Divine Bone Fortress, threw it to Xiaotian Dog, and said with a smile: "Xiaotian, this is a gadget that my lord got from Haiyan, and I gave it to you."

This broken dog saw the fortress made of so many divine bones, filled with Taoist charms and divine patterns, and couldn't help but salivate. He was so happy that he hurriedly put away the fortress of divine bones and said with a smile: "So many bones! How long will it take for me to finish eating? Tingting, do you want to have a taste too?”

"I'm not a dog, so I can't chew bones!"

Tianyao Di was furious and gave the broken dog a hard look. He was extremely shocked: "This fortress is actually made from the bones of the witch ancestors and the god kings. It is as powerful as a divine weapon. Ye The master of the palace sent it away casually, even more generously than my mentor, the Demon God King!"

What shocked him even more was that Ye Xu could actually escape from the eye of the sea. Even if the Demon God King came, he could only be trapped and die in the eye of the sea. But Ye Xu not only escaped from the eye of the sea, but even brought Looking at the other masters who were suppressed in the eyes of the sea!

"Palace Master, I have an unkind request..." Tianyao Tingting hesitated and said.

Ye Xu glanced at him and smiled: "You want to plead for your senior brother Tuo Luo? Don't worry, I won't kill him. As long as he is willing to surrender and become my mount, I will naturally spare his life. As for the others , not so lucky.”

There was a murderous intent in his eyes. If Patriarch Wusheng, Patriarch Qingsi and others had not arrived in time to support him, I am afraid that his wife and disciples would have died in the hands of these people!

In his heart, these people have already been sentenced to death. Even the concubine of King Luoshen has long been a dead person in his heart.

"I have already offended the gods and kings of the heavens, and I have been fighting with them to the death. Even the son of the Emperor of the Sun was beheaded by me. In this case, I will offend some more! Samsara Tianmen!"


The eighteen levels of hell flew up and fell into the Samsara Heaven Gate. Ye Xu was not the witch ancestor yet. Although he could refine Princess Luo and others, it was time-consuming and labor-intensive after all. However, in the Samsara Heaven Gate, the Eighteen Levels of Hell Daoyun Diffuse, it will soon be possible to refine Princess Luo and others into ashes, and even use the essence and blood of these peak witch ancestors to increase the power of the eighteenth level of hell!

Only the Demon Ancestor Tuo Luo did not fall into the Heavenly Gate of Reincarnation and was still suppressed by the Dragon Transformation Brahma Dutian.

"Monster Ancestor Tuo Luo, are you willing to surrender to me?" Ye Xu stretched out his hand and the dragon transformed into Brahman Dutian fell into the palm of his hand and asked with a smile.

Demon Ancestor Tuoluo was suppressed by this rare treasure at this moment. He struggled hard and resisted being refined by billions of heavenly dragons. He said sternly: "You want me to be your mount? No way! Ye Shaobao, I am not the kind of waste that Tianyao Di listens to. Even if Even if you use divine patterns to bind me, you will be easily refined by me. Even if you are a divine king, you will not be able to surrender to me!"

He was not boasting. His cultivation had reached the peak of the witch ancestor, and he could refine the god king's divine patterns. He was so powerful that it was indeed difficult to surrender.

"It's true that the divine patterns can't trap you, but fortunately I still have Shen Yun at hand."

Ye Xu smiled slightly, and a charm suddenly flew out of the jade tower, locking the neck of the divine camel like a rein, tying the Demon Ancestor Camel tightly so that he could not move or change.

Immediately, I saw the dragon transforming into Brahma. Billions of celestial dragons in the sky chanted, opened their mouths and spewed out countless rhymes, turned into tiny celestial dragons, and swarmed into the body of Demon Ancestor Tuo Luo, in every part of his body. Every corner is imprinted with Ye Xu's mark. Even his Zi Mansion and his Yuan Shen have Ye Xu's Taoist charm!

Ye Xu put away the dragon and transformed into Brahman to reach the sky. Demon Ancestor Tuoluo looked sullen and fell to the ground. He was locked in magical powers by Ye Xu and was refined by Ye Xu. Now he has completely become Ye Xu's mount and cannot do anything at all. Escape, it can be said that his life and death are under Ye Xu's control!

Not only that, Ye Xu can even knock him back to his original form with just a thought, ride on his back, and use him as a mount!

"Demon Ancestor, you don't have to be depressed. Sooner or later, I will reunite you with the Demon God."

When Demon Ancestor Tuoluo heard this, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in his heart. Ye Xu said lightly: "In the future, I will capture the Demon God King and beat him back to his original form and turn him into my mount, so that you masters and disciples can Wouldn't it be a beautiful thing to be reunited..."

——Second update, please beg for monthly subscription~~~

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