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Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 881: Divine Bone Fortress (Chapter 1, pleas

Chapter 881: Divine Bone Fortress (Chapter 1, please subscribe to monthly tickets~)

Wu Xianghuang laughed loudly and said conceitedly: "Brother Ye, I think you already know my origin. I am one of the three disciples of the Buddha Emperor Great World Honored One. Ten thousand years ago, I was plotted against by my junior brother Ranmei. Ranmei saw that he could not refine me, so he threw me into the sea eye. This is the only defeat in my life, which is not shameful. I follow the Great World Honored One. The Great World Honored One's status in the Thirty-three Heavens of my Buddhist world is equivalent to the Emperor of your Nine Heavens God Realm. Do you think I would joke?"

Ye Xu was moved and said with a smile: "I have met a Buddhist master named Ranmei. The old Buddha with eyebrows, who calls himself the Buddha with burning eyebrows, has two long eyebrows, like eyebrows on fire. I wonder if he is the one who plotted against the ancestor? "

He described the appearance of the old Buddha with burning eyebrows, and Wu Xianghuang's face turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Yes, it's him!"

Ye Xu sighed and said: "Old Ancestor Wu Xiang, I'm afraid you will never be able to seek revenge on this person in this life. The old Buddha with burning eyebrows has become a god king, with great magical powers..."

Wu Xianghuang said grimly: "God king, is it amazing... To be honest, when I was plotted against by him, I had already had the confidence to break through to become a god king and a Buddha! Although my cultivation has not improved at all in the past ten thousand years in the sea eye, my understanding is constantly improving. As long as I can leave the sea eye, I can immediately become a god king. I will never be weaker than Ranmei, but stronger than him! But..." His face suddenly turned gray, and he smiled bitterly: "But now we are trapped here, there is no hope of escaping. Even if I can break through and become a god king, it is indeed impossible for me to find Ranmei and avenge him in this life... Brother Ye, let's not talk about this. How many Shangqing spiritual veins do you have? Take them all out!" Ye Xu sighed and frowned. : "My spiritual veins are indeed running low. If I give them all to you, I will have none left..."

Wu Xiang Huang looked as if he understood everything in your mind, and said decisively: "Brother Ye, I understand what you mean, and I will definitely not lose your treasure!"

Ye Xu slowly drew out five Shangqing spiritual veins from the Jade Tower. Wu Xiang Huang's eyes flashed, and he took out a huge Dharma wheel. In the center of the Dharma wheel was a Buddha Emperor, surrounded by eight Buddhas. Behind each Buddha's head, there were golden wheels rotating, and in the golden wheels there were ancient Buddhas, pinching out various seals!

This Buddha Emperor's Eight Treasures Wheel was a magic weapon, and the God King's clone in the magic weapon was still there. It was not eroded by the aftermath of the Doomsday Tribulation like other magic weapons!

Wu Xiang Huang smiled slightly, and took out a complete God King's corpse from the space of the Buddha Emperor's Eight Treasures Wheel. The divine pattern was pervasive and the power was extremely strong. Just the aura was much more powerful than that of Chi Tian Mo Zu!

Ye Xu's eyes lit up. This corpse was actually a demon god created by heaven and earth. He had cultivated to the realm of God King. His divine bones, divine gold, and divine patterns were extremely high-level. It was easy to use them to refine divine weapons, and it could also be used to refine an external incarnation!

Wu Xiang Huang smiled and said, "Brother, this God King is the Heavenly Prison Demon King in the Heavenly Tomb. He died 20,000 years ago. His body was obtained by me and is extremely valuable. You must have other Shangqing spiritual veins. I will use the body of the Heavenly Prison Demon King to exchange for your ten spiritual veins. It is not too much, right?" Ye Xu took a long breath and said solemnly, "As expected of the Wu Xiang Ancestor, he is fair and just, and speaks quickly!" He immediately took out five more Shangqing spiritual veins and put the corpse of the Heavenly Prison Demon King into the Jade Tower. He shook his head and sighed, looking painful, and whispered, "Ten Shangqing spiritual veins were taken out at once, and I don't have much left..." "So, brother Ye, you still have spiritual veins." Wu Xiang Huang's eyes flickered, and then he took out another treasure, which was a string of magic beads. This string of magic beads was a string of necklaces. Each magic bead was the size of a chicken egg. It was refined with the red scorching sun in the Heavenly Tomb. The devil is deep and terrifying. There are a total of 28 magic beads! "This string of magic sun beads is a magic weapon refined by the Heavenly Prison Demon King. Although it is not as powerful as your magic weapon, brother Ye, it is also very powerful. After being sacrificed, it forms 28 magic suns, which are more valuable than the corpse of the Heavenly Prison Demon King. Now I will give you a fair price." Wu Xianghuang said with a smile. Ye Xu looked bitter, put away the string of magic sun beads, carefully took out ten Shangqing spiritual veins, trembled his mouth, and said with a smile: "Ancestor, my spiritual veins are really not much..." Wu Xianghuang saw that he took out ten Shangqing spiritual veins without hesitation, his eyes went dark, his chest was stuffy, he took a breath in a hurry, calmed his mind, and smiled: "Brother Ye, it seems that you still have some stock in your hand. But don't worry, my vision is very high, and the treasures that I can see are all excellent treasures, and I will not let you suffer! I have another treasure here. Although it is divine gold, it has divine patterns and is naturally the material for refining divine weapons. I picked it out from the pile of bones, and I will only exchange it for your five Shangqing spiritual veins!" "In exchange for this piece of divine gold, I really don't have much." Ye Xu shook his head and sighed repeatedly, took out five Shangqing spiritual veins, and took away the divine gold in Wu Xianghuang's hand. "Do you still have spiritual veins?"

A trace of green appeared on Wu Xiang Huang's face, and then his expression returned to normal. He wanted to exchange all the spiritual veins in Ye Xu's hand. When Ye Xu was eroded by the aftermath of the doomsday catastrophe and had to turn to him for help, he would let him spit out all the treasures and said with a smile: "Brother, I still have a treasure here..."


As Wu Xiang Huang said, his vision is very high, and ordinary treasures are not worth his attention. The treasures he collected are all rare treasures!

He has stayed in Haiyan for an extremely long time, tens of thousands of years. Apart from the old God King who suppressed Haiyan, his net worth is the richest, far surpassing that of Barbarian Ancestor, Xuanwu Ancestor and others!

However, every time he took out a treasure, Ye Xu took out the corresponding super clear spiritual vein with a painful look on his face, and said in a heartbreaking tone, "I don't have much left."

If Wu Xianghuang hadn't practiced Buddhist witchcraft and had amazing concentration, he would have sprayed blood for him.

"Who is this kid, and why does he have so many spiritual veins in his hands? Is it true that Barbarian Ancestor was right? He was not captured and thrown here to fill the sea eye, but he jumped into the sea eye himself. Doing business with us? After trading so many treasures from me, he probably doesn’t have much spiritual vein left in his hands..."

Wu Xianghuang was secretly anxious in his heart, and reached out to grab the World Honored One's Eight Treasure Wheel. His face suddenly changed drastically, and he fished through the Eight Treasure Wheel of the World Honored One with his big hand. Finally, he took it back from the Eight Treasure Wheel with his big hand empty.

He was devastated, his ears were buzzing, and his mind was blank. Only one voice kept playing back: "It's all gone. The treasures I collected have been replaced by this kid..."

He felt extremely bitter in his heart. He originally wanted to exchange all of Ye Xu's spiritual veins, but he never thought that in the end, he would be the one to drain them first.

"Ancestor Wuxiang, do you want to continue?" Ye Xu glanced at the World Honored Eight Treasure Wheel in his hand and said with a smile.

Wu Xianghuang shook his head and said: "This World Honored Eight Treasure Wheel cannot be exchanged for you in any way. This is the magic weapon refined by the Great World Honored One for me. It was passed down by my mentor. Even if I die, this treasure must be by my side. Sleep with me!"

Ye Xu sighed, shook his head and said: "What a pity, I really don't have much spiritual veins left..."

The corners of Wu Xianghuang's eyes trembled, and he suppressed the urge to vomit blood and the intention to kill the profiteer in front of him with one strike. After a while, his state of mind slowly calmed down, and he slowly let out a breath.

Now he finally knows why Ye Xu and the others were knocked completely clean by Ye Xu. He almost even knocked away his animal skin shorts. This guy is simply a profiteer who can pluck iron roosters and pluck stones from stones. Squeeze water in!

"I don't believe it. I can't exchange for all the treasures he has!"

Wu Xianghuang took a long breath, gritted his teeth, and forced a smile: "Brother Ye, I still have a valuable treasure..."

In front of the White Bone Fortress, Ancestor Barbarian, Ancestor Xuanwu and others were eagerly waiting for Wu Xianghuang's return. Ancestor Canghe chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Ancestor Wu Xiang's wealth is greater than ours combined." Much more, I can definitely exchange all the spiritual veins of the new Ye Xiaozi!"

"This is natural."

Ancestor Xuanwu chuckled and said: "I am looking forward to the situation in a hundred years when the new boy's body will decay, his soul will wither, and he will become an old man, crying and begging us."

Barbarian Ancestor laughed loudly: "By then, all our precious children will be back, and even this kid's magic weapon will be handed over!"

"Ancestor Wuxiang is back!" Ancestor Han Ming's eyes lit up and he said happily.

"Strange, why is that new boy following behind Ancestor Wuxiang?" A witch ancestor blinked and wondered.

Wu Xianghuang appeared in front of everyone with an expressionless face. Ye Xu walked out from behind him with a smile, walked into the Bone Fortress with a smile, looked around with a smile, then turned around and said with a smile: "Ancestor Wu Xiang, I am very satisfied with this place. The bones used to build the fortress are filled with Taoist charms and divine patterns, which are indeed helpful for cultivation and are valuable. This is our last deal. From now on, this sacred bone fortress will be mine. This is your spiritual vein. Please check it out, ancestor."

Wu Xianghuang groaned, and the muscles in the corners of his eyes trembled endlessly. He saw Ye Xu offering sacrifices to the Jade Tower, and took out twenty more high-purity spiritual veins, and stuffed them all at him. He had to bite the bullet and accept them, and said dryly: "Let's clear it up." Already..."

"Ancestor Wuxiang, what happened?"

Barbarian Ancestor and others looked puzzled and hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Why did this kid move into your Divine Bone Fortress?"

"Yes! You worked hard to refine this fortress. You spent a lot of thought to make it a heavy treasure that can withstand the aftermath of the doomsday disaster. Why did you, ancestor, sell this fortress?"

The corners of Wu Xianghuang's mouth trembled, and he seemed to be crying but not smiling, and said dejectedly: "All my treasures were bought by this kid with his spiritual veins. Only the Divine Bone Fortress was left to sell, and he bought it too. …”

"My uncle's!"

Barbarian Ancestor and others took a breath of air and lost their voices: "How many high-purity spiritual veins did this guy bring in?"

"have no idea."

Wu Xianghuang shook his head and said: "I only know that the spiritual veins I exchanged from him are enough to restore me to full strength. If I have enough treasures, I even want to exchange more spiritual veins from him. , try to see if you can attack the God King..."

He smiled bitterly: "This can be considered a blessing in disguise..."

————Today’s first chapter, please subscribe and vote monthly ~ I beg for your support from book friends ~

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