Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts, Chapter 871: The Fruit of Hell (Second update, plea

Chapter 871 The Fruit of Hell (Second update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket!)

After Ye Xu's death, the Tao Yun Tiancheng in the Samsara Heaven Gate turned into the eighteen levels of ancient hell. It was eerie and spectacular. The door opened, and endless demonic energy was brewing in the door. It seemed that the most terrifying demon god in history was about to be born!

This is the avenue of heaven and earth created by him, the avenue of refining the eighteen levels of hell, and the manifestation of his Dao Fruit!

Hell path fruit.

The most evil way.

There are two portals in the Samsara Heavenly Gate. Just by opening one of them, Ye Xu felt that the power behind the door was so terrifying and so great that all the particles in his body trembled with excitement. He even wanted to jump into the door and accept the power behind the door. The baptism of the avenue!

In his mind, all kinds of truths are self-evident, he has supernatural powers, and he has mastered the great ways of heaven and earth.

His cultivation level is a big step closer to that of the witch ancestor!

"Daoyun adds body!"

Ye Xu shouted lowly, and wisps of Taoist rhyme flew out of the door, washing over his body.


As a wisp of Dao rhyme passed by, Ye Xu's Panwang body suddenly couldn't bear it, and was so shocked that it almost collapsed!

He realized the great principle of proving the Tao with his own body and built the body of King Pan. Even the ancestral soldiers could not hurt him at all. Unexpectedly, a ray of Tao rhyme almost destroyed his physical body. It can be seen that the power in the Samsara Tianmen is How terrifying!

His body of King Pan comes from the same source as the Samsara Heavenly Gate, but the power behind the Samsara Heavenly Gate has been condensed to form the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, but his body is still made of Dao lines and marks, so naturally it cannot compete with the power behind the gate.

Ye Xu ran the Panwang Kaitian Sutra with all his strength, and all the secrets of the sutras flowed in his heart, constantly stabilizing his physical body. He saw more Taoist rhyme coming from the door to wash his physical body, shaking his physical body and soul almost in an instant. broken!

However, with the operation of King Pan's Open Heaven Scripture, his physical body became stronger and stronger, and even began to faintly absorb the power of these strands of Tao Yun to temper his body!

In the treasure chariot, Ye Xu sat still, quietly pulling Dao Yun to baptize his body. Wisps of Dao Yun went in and out of his body, becoming smaller and weaker, and then were completely absorbed by his body, making his The physical strength surges at a terrifying speed!

Dao Yun was absorbed by him, and more Dao Yun came from the Samsara Heaven Gate, constantly tempering and baptizing.

Tianyao Di listened to him and sat on the master's seat honestly, dumbfounded and extremely shocked in his heart.

He already knew that Ye Xu was the Peak Holy Emperor. In fact, there were many secrets in the cultivation of the Peak Holy Emperor, such as using the Taoist rhyme in the Taoist sect to temper the holy treasure, making the holy treasure reach a level infinitely close to that of the ancestral soldiers.

There are also some people who lead the Tao Yun in the Taoist sect to meet the enemy, and use the Holy Emperor's cultivation to stimulate the Tao Yun, making their own cultivation close to that of the Witch Ancestor.

After cultivating to this level, one can already be called a half-step witch ancestor with vast magical powers.

But this was the first time he had seen using the Taoist charm in the Taoist sect to temper the physical body!

"The power of the Tao Yun in the Tao Sect will definitely far exceed that of the Holy Emperor's physical body. If you are not careful, it will be completely crushed. He actually uses this method to temper his physical body. Isn't he afraid of death?"

Tianyao Di listened and looked closely, only to see the demonic energy billowing in the reincarnation gate behind Ye Xu. These demonic energies condensed into Tao Yun, building an extremely majestic and vast world, even many times larger than the Nine Heavens God Realm. I was even more shocked.

"His Tao Yun is so strong and ridiculously tyrannical. Even my mentor, the Demon God King, is far inferior to him in the realm of the Holy Emperor. And he has only opened one Tao gate. If he opens both Tao gates, If so, how violent will it be?"

Tianyao Di heard that he was defeated by Ye Xu, and his defeat was absolutely unjust. If he had known in advance that Ye Xu was so tyrannical, he would never have fought against Ye Xu, but would have escaped as soon as possible. Escape as far as you can.

Ye Xu carefully tempered his body. After a while, the hole in the Zi Mansion suddenly opened, and a jade tree flew out from the Zi Mansion. Its roots danced and tumbled, taking root in the void of heaven and absorbing the energy in the void of heaven.

Tianyao Di listened and looked, and saw strands of Taoist rhyme flying out of the Samsara Tianmen, washing away Ye Xu's soul. Instead of crushing his soul, Yushu's soul continued to grow in the Taoist rhyme. Absorbing the Taoist rhyme, it turns into strips of faint textures that appear on the tree trunks.

"His soul is too strong, isn't it too perverted?"

Tianyao Zhen was completely speechless. After cultivating to their level, the tempering of the soul was no longer important. The power contained in the soul was insignificant compared to the earth-shattering cultivation of the Holy Emperor Wuzu. There were not many people at all. He will work hard to temper his soul, but even if he tempers, he will not achieve much.

And Ye Xu actually tempered his soul to the point where it could compete with Tao Yun, which was no worse than his physical body. It can be said that even if Tianyao Di listens to sacrifice his ancestral soldiers and bombard his soul, he can't shake this jade tree in the slightest!

"Monster, he is definitely a monster!"

Ye Xu sat upright, carefully tempering his physical body and soul, and he was meticulous. He did not dare to relax at all. His Great Way of Heaven and Earth after the Heavenly Gate of Reincarnation was so powerful that it almost recreated the magnificent world of the ancient fairy court. If he did not carefully temper his physical body , he will definitely be crushed by his own behavior!

He did not die in the hands of others, but died in his own hands. Ye Xu would never tolerate such an aggrieved thing.

He sacrificed to the Jade Tower, took out the pure spiritual veins one by one, and continued to refine them to replenish the consumption of his cultivation. The pure spiritual veins shrank rapidly and turned into his cultivation to replenish the Samsara Heavenly Sect to make up for the energy consumed by tempering the physical body. The loss of cultivation caused by God.

"Yulou, you should also temper yourself!"

His thoughts moved slightly, and the Jade Tower suddenly flew out, flying into the Heavenly Gate of Samsara with a buzzing sound, and was crushed and baptized by the avenue of the eighteen levels of hell. He used the avenue behind the gate to refine this holy treasure.

Although this jade tower is a sacred treasure, Ye Xu has poured it into it with countless rare materials, and its texture is stronger than that of the ancestors' weapons. What's more, the jade trees in the building are covered with Dao patterns, Dao marks, Dao Yun and divine patterns. Even if it is crushed by the Eighteenth Level Hell Road, Even if you press it, it won’t hurt you at all!

Instead, this jade tower began to absorb the Taoist rhyme behind the Reincarnation Tianmen. Every time it absorbed a Taoist rhyme, its power became stronger and it began to approach the ancestral soldiers!

Tianyao Di watched blankly as the clear spiritual veins were swallowed and refined by Ye Xu. Even the innate Tao Yun born in the spiritual veins was refined by him in a short period of time!

He only felt that the opposite side was not a Holy Emperor, but a God King, swallowing and refining spiritual energy!

Such a huge throughput is rare even among the witch ancestors, not to mention the Holy Emperor. Only those old monsters who have practiced for tens of thousands of years can have such a refining speed!

He was so shocked by Ye Xu that he had no idea of ​​escaping. Even if he could get rid of the divine pattern wrapped around his neck, he would never be able to escape from Ye Xu's grasp.

Hong Luan and other Demon God Palace disciples pulled the treasure chariot and flew. After a few days, they finally arrived on the sky and sea, and soared towards the depths of the sky and sea.

Suddenly, the chariot shook slightly and paused. A vast and boundless aura fell from the sky, immediately suppressing Hong Luan and others. Even Black Sky Demon Lord, Beidi Demon Lord and others were all imprisoned in mid-air. The Heavenly Demon Di Que in the treasure chariot was also suppressed to the point of being almost unable to move!

"Could it be that the God King has arrived..." Tianyao Dique raised his head with difficulty, a look of horror in his eyes.

He is also a middle-class figure among the witch ancestors, but he was imprisoned and suppressed by this aura, and could only barely raise his head. In today's world, besides the God King, who else can possess such aura?

Ye Xu also felt this terrifyingly powerful aura, which was suppressing him. He immediately woke up from his training. His body shook slightly, and hundreds of thousands of pores opened. The aura spurted out, shaking away the aura. Stretch, stand up, and stride out of the chariot.

"Master Ye of Yuxu Mansion should not be underestimated. He can actually resist the oppression of my aura. No wonder my master favors you. You are really a formidable young man."

A heroic voice came. Ye Xu stood in front of the chariot and followed the sound. He saw the void cracking and a huge bull's head protruding from the void.

The bull's head squeezed out of the void, its huge eyeballs turned, and landed on Ye Xu.

"Not a god king, but a witch ancestor!"

Ye Xu was shocked, but kept calm and looked carefully. He saw that this bull's head was composed of countless complex Taoist rhymes, containing extremely terrifying power. It was an extremely powerful witch ancestor, older than Wusheng. Zu Yao is many times more powerful. Compared with Ye Xu's external incarnation, Chitian Demon Ancestor, he is not inferior at all. He is an old monster that has been cultivated to the point where he is close to the God King!

"A great demon who has cultivated to this level is actually a mount raised by someone else. Could his master be a god king or an emperor?"

Ye Xu suppressed the shock in his heart, cupped his hands, and said, "May I ask what your name is? Who is your master?"


The void shook violently. The bull's head shattered the void and slowly walked out of the void. A single horn was like a mountain peak inserted into the sky. His whole body was blue and black, his muscles were like iron, and his muscles were tangled. He stood upright in front of Ye Xu, letting Ye Xu Xu looks up!

"I am the master of Dongtian Palace in Qinghua Dongtian, Patriarch Qingsi!"

The one-horned bullock made a loud sound and said: "My master removed the fragments of the great red sky of Taiqing Realm from the sky tomb, and built the Taixu Divine Mansion on the Nine Heavens. The Taixu Palace is also the ruins of Taiqing Realm. Ye Shaobao, Who do you think my master is?"

"God King Taixu?"

Ye Xu was startled, and suddenly knew something was wrong. He punched Taixu Divine Son of Taixu Divine Mansion in Tianjue Valley, breaking through the defense of Taixu Immortal Robe, and was beaten to death. This cow came to the door, and it must be up to no good.

"Ancestor Qingsi is here. Could it be that he wants to avenge the Son of God Taixu?" Ye Xu took a long breath and said in a deep voice with a glint in his eyes.

Patriarch Qingsi laughed loudly, his voice rumbled throughout the world, and said: "The Son of God Taixu is the adopted son of my father. My father has not been close to women in his life, he has been quiet and inactive, and has no heirs. You killed Taixu." Son of God Xu, my master only said that victory or defeat, life and death, are all determined by fate, so you don’t have to worry about my master seeking revenge on you.”

Ye Xu's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "Since King Qingsi is not here to seek revenge on Ye, why do you want to block Ye's way?"

"My master said that if you kill his adopted son, you must give him an adopted son in return."

Ancestor Qingsi chuckled and said: "Master Ye, just follow me to Taixu Divine Mansion to meet your godfather!"

——The second update is here, please give me monthly votes, please subscribe, and please recommend votes~

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