Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 860: I’m back (please ask for a guaranteed

Chapter 860 I’m back (please ask for guaranteed monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~)

These four ancient beasts were all at the peak of human emperor cultivation. They roared into the Middle-earth Divine Continent and disappeared to nowhere. (, watch the latest updates of this book)

"The four big guys just now looked familiar..." Many Holy Masters blinked and murmured.

"The Great King is back! Hehe... ***, Jia Luo, have you also become the Witch King?"

A big, strong black dog was so arrogant that many of the Witch Kings could not lift their heads. When they caught a glimpse of Lord Jialuo Ming, he chuckled and said, "But the Great Lord has already become the Holy Emperor. You will never regain the throne of the First King!" "

Jialuo Mingzun took a closer look and almost vomited blood: "This wretched dog is actually already the Holy Emperor? Does he have any justice? If he had known it, I would have shamelessly followed the master to the realm!"

"Jia Luo, let's fight again?" Roaring Sky Dog is eager to try. This broken dog is as strong as an ox. It is very violent when it sees its old friends.

The holy masters of the major holy places were all stunned, looking at the energetic black dog stupidly, and the figure of a young man suddenly appeared in their minds.

"Xiao Tian, ​​don't mess around."

A warm voice came from the sky. The Holy Lords and the Witch King looked up and saw a blue-shirted young man walking slowly, as always, just like when he broke through the barrier of heaven and left. It seemed that he had never been there before. Changed.

"Everyone, long time no see?" Ye Xu greeted many holy masters with a warm smile.

Although he rebuilt the Wuhuang world and strengthened the void, the space in the Wuhuang world was still not as solid as the heaven. Although he gathered his aura, collected the Taoist gates, and the Taoist divine patterns behind him, his body still transformed Wuhuang into The void of the world bends in an astonishing arc, like an extremely heavy black hole. Wherever it passes, the void bends and collapses.

"My father-in-law, Uncle Chao, Sect Master Xun, Palace Master Qiongxiao, and Shaobao are here to greet you."

Ye Xu smiled slightly and saluted everyone from a distance, not daring to get too close. He was now as powerful as a god like the Witch Ancestor, and the strongest among the Demon Lord and others was the Witch Emperor. If they got close, the Demon Lord and the others could compete. , but the other Holy Lords have no means to compete and will definitely be crushed by him!

Many Holy Masters were stunned, not expecting that a big shot from heaven would transform the world of Wizard Wasteland and bring benefits to countless people, allowing seventeen people to become Wizard Emperors in one fell swoop. Others, who were also expected to become Wizard Emperors, would actually It will be Ye Xu, it will be the old demon Ye who once brought great disasters to the world of Wuhuang!

Many of the Holy Lords present had grievances with Ye Xu, and even killed Ye Xu, but now that Ye Xu came from heaven, he would actually bring them such great benefits!

The devil who once ran rampant in Wuhuang and killed all people without calculation, is now a big figure in the heaven who benefits all living beings in Wuhuang, making countless holy masters confused, messy, and crazy, and they don't know what to say. \\\\​. com first release\\\\

The Demon Lord and others were also stunned. They had no idea that the big shot in the world would be Ye Xu. They had guessed that this big shot was either Sect Master Li of the Yuanshi Holy Sect or the founder of the Zhoutian Star Palace. However, they had no idea that Ye Xu would be the big shot. Asahi, until this moment, they still feel unbelievable.

After all, Sect Master Li and the Patriarch of Star Palace have been ascending for a long time, while Ye Xu has only been ascending to the heaven for a few years. For the Holy Master, the Witch King, several years have almost passed by in a flash. No one expected that in such a short period of time, , Ye Xu would actually become such a existence!

"No wonder the Underworld Demon Sect dropped so many high-level spiritual veins from the heavens at once. It turned out to be him..."

A Holy Lord felt that he was almost going crazy and lost his voice: "It has only been a few years ago. When he ascended to the upper world, he was the Witch King. I didn't expect that he has become so tyrannical now that he has destroyed the entire universe of our Wizard World." Refining it again! This kind of vast magical power is comparable to that of a god!"

A Holy Lord murmured: "The last wave of high-level spiritual veins fell in Hanyue Palace, Tianyao Palace and other places, but it was because these holy places had an old relationship with him and were his in-laws..."

"How come the Myriad Tribulations Sect, the Xuanyuan Family and the Qingdi Sect also have lost their spiritual veins?" someone asked in confusion.

Someone who knew Ye Xu's deeds whispered: "Song Gaode of the Wanjie Sect, Xuanyuan Guang and Xuanyuan Ruyue of the Xuanyuan Family, and Bai Nanxuan of the Qingdi Sect were all his old friends, so he took great care of these holy places. ! And the Zhou Tianxing Palace is because the Star Emperor once joined forces with Sect Master Ying and others to fight against the prison angel, and also received his care. "

"The Master of the Wanjie Sect, the Xuanyuan Sect, and the Qingdi Sect accepted a good disciple, and they were able to establish a relationship with him, reaching the sky with one step, and reaching the sky with one step!"

Some people were jealous and said, "Why haven't I received such a disciple?"

A Holy Lord sneered and said: "You were chasing him at that time. If they don't slaughter your whole family, it will be regarded as your ancestors burning incense!"

Among the holy masters of the major holy places, many of them had had conflicts with Ye Xu or were at odds with the Underworld Demon Sect. When they saw Ye Xu return, they felt uneasy, fearing that Ye Xu would turn over the old account books and find them. Settlement of accounts.

"Shaobao, you have become rich..." Chao Gongshao said slowly.

Ye Xu blinked and said with a smile: "Uncle, I brought you some good things."

Chao Gong Shao said happily: "You are going to hit me with your treasure again! Brat, you have ascended to heaven and still haven't changed your nouveau riche temper! Take out your treasure quickly!"

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Uncle, I don't have anything like forbidden treasures. If uncle needs some holy treasures or ancestral weapons, I can take out a few."

"Sacred treasures and ancestral weapons?"

The holy masters of the major holy places were somewhat petrified, and one person murmured: "I know the holy treasure. It is the treasure of the Holy Emperor. It is rare. Only the Sun Palace has one, and the Zhoutian Star Palace has half of it. As for the ancestor soldiers, what are they?" What? Why have I never heard of it?”

Chao Gongshao was stunned and said with a smile: "What's the use of the holy treasure ancestral soldiers? I can't afford to sacrifice them, and I can't eat them. Shaobao, do you have anything that is both interesting and useful? It's best to give it to my uncle. I have also mastered the magic elixir of the Witch King in one fell swoop. Master, I am tired of staying in the Wizarding World, and I also want to ascend to the upper realm and build a Huangquan Saint Sect in the heaven!"

Ye Xu closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and said with a smile: "There is no panacea for increasing cultivation, but I just re-deduced the Huangquan Holy Sect's Biluo Huangquan Demonic Heaven Forbidden Code to enhance the power of this forbidden method, and to Cultivate your mind to the level of the human emperor. Master, please unfold your forbidden method, and I will make this forbidden method compatible with yours, so that you can achieve this forbidden method without practicing!"

Chao Gongshao's thoughts moved slightly, and the Huangquan River roared and surged, appearing behind him like an angry dragon wrapping around him.

Ye Xu took out a ball of fairy spirit, and saw the spirit flowing in his hands, and suddenly turned into a river of underworld. Then in front of the river, the Tongtian River appeared, and then the Tianhe flowing through the ancient heaven, forming the most powerful river in the ancient fairy court. A river with magnificent waves, flowing through all the heavens and all the earth and all the worlds, flowing into the underworld, and into the sea of ​​the underworld!

Ye Xu flicked his fingers, and the Tianhe roared into the sky, which was compatible with Chao Gongshao's Huangquan River. Chao Gongshao's aura suddenly surged, rising steadily, and his cultivation was profound, dozens of times higher than before!

The holy masters of the major holy places were awe-inspiring. In just one breath, Ye Xu deduced one of the forbidden methods of the Underworld Demon Sect, making it perfect and dozens of times more powerful. He also practiced this forbidden method to the peak. After reaching the emperor's height, he was then removed from the body and taught to Chao Gongshao. This method was unheard of!

Although Chao Gongshao is still not the Witch King, the forbidden method that Ye Xu perfected has swept away the impurities in his original forbidden method, making his cultivation extremely pure. If he continues to practice, it will not be difficult to become the Witch King, and his potential will also increase. Become many times bigger!

Many holy masters present came forward to pay their respects. The excitement lasted for a long time before it dispersed. Ye Xu was finally clean. He saw Feng Yanrou and Su Qiaoqiao standing there in a graceful manner, looking at him infatuatedly. With tenderness lingering in Xu's heart, he walked forward, gently embraced the two girls into his arms, and said with a soft smile: "I'm back..."

I'm back.

A simple sentence brought an incomparable sense of security to Feng Yanrou and Su Qiaoqiao. Her chest was suddenly filled with tenderness, as if the world had suddenly become brighter.

Since Ye Xu left Wuhuang and went to the heaven, the two of them have been raising Ye Xu's children while practicing hard in order to become the Witch King as soon as possible and enter the heaven to reunite with Ye Xu. The sweat and hard work they put in, It's not enough to tell outsiders, but now when I hear Ye Xu's words, it seems that all the hardships I have suffered in the past have been satisfied.

Suddenly, Ye Xu let go of the two girls and looked behind them blankly. He saw two beautiful children hiding not far away, looking around.

"My son, my daughter..."

Ye Xu's eyes turned red, he was so happy that he couldn't help crying, and he felt a great sense of accomplishment in his heart. When he became the Holy Emperor and killed the Witch Ancestor, his sense of accomplishment was not one ten thousandth of what it was at this moment. It was as if even if he ascended the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, it would not be as precious as this short moment.

Ye Qi and Ye Lin looked at him timidly, their eyes full of strangeness.

Ye Xu felt sad in his heart. His children were strangers to him because he was not accompanying them. Watching them grow up day by day, he was not qualified as a father.


Suddenly, a rich Hongmeng purple energy surged out from under his feet. The purple energy rose up and turned into water droplets, which fell with a tinkling sound, forming a pond. A lotus leaf naturally formed in the pond, and a green lotus emerged from the water. The green lotus flower bloomed. , a brand new body appeared inside, which was far less powerful than his current body and had no cultivation at all.

Ye Xu's soul and consciousness left the original body and entered this new body. He strode towards Ye Qi and Ye Lin, picked up the two children, and placed them on his shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Qiaoqiao, Yanrou, let's go home." Ye Xu turned around and smiled, the smile on his face was extremely bright, without any scheming, like a loving father.

Not far away, the Roaring Sky Dog trampled Jialuo Mingzun under its paws, causing Daming Zun to beg for mercy again and again.

"If it were possible, how much I hope that I don't have to fly to heaven, fight with the powerful in heaven, don't have to scheming, but stay quietly in the world of witchcraft, watching my children grow up day by day, and experience the joy of being a father..."

Ye Xu's back was stretched by the setting sun, and he said silently in his heart: "The stronger I become, the harder it is to enjoy that moment of tranquility..."

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