Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 854: Fighting with the Demon God (First up

Chapter 854: Fighting with the Demon God (first update, please vote for me~)

The Twelve Ancestors of Yuxu were surprised and happy. They followed the sound and saw Ye Xu arriving outside Yuxu Palace. He stepped on the jade steps and walked step by step. His momentum was as deep as the abyss or the sea, and it was unfathomable.

"Zhen Tiangong, Zu Ruohai, how dare you plot against me, my relatives and friends behind my back!"

Ye Xu walked slowly towards the Twelve Ancestors of Yuxu and sneered: "A bunch of old people, do you really think that Ye is a soft persimmon that you can pinch and eat whenever you want? I didn't originally I planned to deal with you, but you have repeatedly opposed me, and even planned to threaten me with my relatives and friends. It seems that you, the Twelve Ancestors of Yuxu, no longer need to exist!"

"Ye Shaobao, you are so brave. You dare to come back. Please hand over all your wealth."

Zu Ruohai smiled and said: "Hand it over, and I will intercede on your behalf and ask the ancestors to spare your life."

Peng Lianju strode forward, looked down at Ye Xu from a high position, and sneered: "You deceived our twelve ancestors, massacred our fellow disciples, and made the gods and kings of the gods furious. If we ancestors hadn't protected you, you would have died long ago. Ye Xuye Shaobao, I want you to kneel down and hand over Emperor Xuantian’s treasures and the sacred tree on your body obediently, and then I will convict you!”

Zhen Tiangong also stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Boy, you have committed a heinous crime, and now you kneel down to beg for mercy. Maybe you still have a chance to survive."

Fang Buhui smiled evilly and said: "Senior Brother Zhen, you must not let him go! This kid is so ambitious that he slaughtered the Son of God and offended the kings of the gods. Killing him and receiving the reward with his head is also a fortune that cannot be underestimated! "

"That's right. This kid is ranked number one on the wanted list. In addition to the bounty from Juntian God's Palace, there are also bounties from many other god kings, which is enough for us, the Twelve Ancestors of Yuxu, to make a huge fortune!"

"With the bounty from the God-Kings of the Heavens, plus the Sacred Tree and Emperor Xuantian's secret treasure, we, the Twelve Ancestors of Yuxu, may not have much difficulty becoming the God-Kings! By then, we will also be qualified to aspire to the throne!"

The twelve ancestors of Yuxu now know that there is no power behind Ye Xu, and the worries in their hearts have suddenly disappeared. They have torn off all the hypocritical masks in the past, revealing their true nature, like a pack of hungry wolves, with ferocious faces, ready to pounce on them. Ye Xu was torn into pieces!

Ye Xu laughed loudly, his eyes swept over the faces of Zhen Tiangong and others one by one, and said calmly: "I lied to you, what can you do? I said at the beginning that squeezing you to death is like squeezing a little baby to death. Chickens, I still say this. In my eyes, you are no better than pigs and dogs. You are just a bunch of chickens, chirping and squealing so annoyingly!"

Suddenly there were twelve eggs in his hand, he crushed them all, and sneered: "Old man, do you see, this is your fate!"

"***, when death is imminent, you are more arrogant than us!"

Xi Fengtao was furious, and suddenly slapped Ye Xu's cover with his palm, and said with a cruel smile: "You brat, Mr. Xi will send you on your way now!"

A demon god with three heads, eight arms and eight legs suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xu. It had the head of an animal, a body of copper, and iron bones. He suddenly raised his big hand and faced it fiercely. There was a loud bang, and Xi Fengtao flew upside down. The man was in mid-air, blood spurting from his mouth!


The demon god punched out again, turning into the towering sky, and blasted away with a Wuhuang Seal. Xi Fengtao was already severely injured, but after being hit with this punch, he immediately stuck to the wall of Yuxu Palace with a snap. superior!

He was like a broken egg, his body exploded, blood flowed out, and his bones were shattered, leaving only a piece of human skin hanging on it!

The majestic witch ancestor couldn't even resist a move from Demon Ancestor Chi Tian, ​​but Ye Xu urged Demon Ancestor Chi Tian to blow him up with a punch!

"I said you are a chicken, you are a chicken!"

Ye Xu stood on top of Chitian Demon Ancestor, looked down at the other witch ancestors in Yuxu Palace, and sneered: "You old ghosts, if you dare to threaten me with my relatives and friends, you are all destined to die here today!"

"Asshole! I was unprepared just now, and now you succeeded in sneak attack!"

On the wall of Yuxu Palace, Xi Fengtao's human skin squirmed on the wall, expanded like air, restored his body, and said with an angry smile: "If I get serious, I will make you die horribly..."


A copper pillar suddenly appeared and smashed him hard, nailing him to the wall until he was smashed to pieces. He was too dead to die!

Xi Fengtao, one of the twelve ancestors of Yuxu, was easily killed by Ye Xu. Although Xi Fengtao had the factor of underestimating the enemy, killing a long-famous witch ancestor with three moves and two moves still chilled the hearts of Zu Ruohai and others.

When Ye Xu had just entered the heaven, he was just the Witch King. Although he was very strong and could compete with the Holy Emperor, he was not so tyrannical as to be so perverted. Unexpectedly, he went out to travel, and when he returned to Yuxu Palace again, he faced An old witch ancestor like Xi Fengtao had an overwhelming advantage!

"kill him!"

Zhen Tiangong shouted loudly and screamed: "Kill him immediately!"

Zu Ruohai and others shouted together, the Taoist rhyme gushing out all over their bodies, turning into streamers to wash away, boundless demonic energy poured out from the bodies of these more than ten witch ancestors, and in an instant, the Yuxu Palace was in chaos, and it was dark and unclear, and you couldn't see your fingers.

The twelve ancestors of Yuxu practiced some strange magical skills. Ye Xu had never seen them before. Wherever the demonic energy came out, it turned into pure darkness. Any light was swallowed up by the demonic energy, and nothing could be seen. , you can only sense danger with your powerful senses!


Ye Xu only felt an extremely sharp aura rushing towards him in the darkness, sweeping towards him. The ground beneath his feet suddenly cracked open, and countless tentacles transformed into Dao Yun came out crazily, densely wrapping around the body of Demon Ancestor Chitian, and the tentacles The crackling shattered the void and burrowed into the purple mansion between the eyebrows of Demon Ancestor Chi Tian!

At the same time, the void around him suddenly opened, a big hand grabbed his head fiercely, and pieces of ancestral soldiers revived, and all attacked him!

See you in the picture!

Zhen Tiangong and other eleven witch ancestors had no intention of fighting him fairly. As soon as they attacked, eleven people attacked at the same time. Even if the witch ancestor Chitian had three heads, eight arms and eight legs, they were still overwhelmed!

Ye Xu urged Chitian Demon Ancestor, and the demon god suddenly exploded. His muscles all over his body shrank and bulged, and there were endless bang-boom-boom explosions. The tentacles formed by Dao rhymes shattered and exploded. Chitian Demon Ancestor held a copper pillar. , sweeping around, in the darkness, there was an extremely violent fighting sound, and then a muffled groan came.

In the darkness, at least three ancestral weapons bombarded Ye Xu at the same time. It was as if there was a big earthquake in Yuxu Palace, and it shook three times in a row.


A witch ancestor laughed, and then there was a loud bang as the copper pillar lifted up into the sky, crushing him and crushing him!


Ye Xu opened his mouth and roared, roaring out the dragon transforming into Brahma to reach the sky. Billions of giant dragons roared in unison, and the rolling sound waves swept around, shattering the true spirit of the witch ancestor with a roar!

When he was in the Heaven's Secret Formation, he was still unable to roar to death the Witch Ancestor's True Spirit, but since he understood the Heaven's Secret and realized the forty-nine Heavenly Ways, his strength increased dramatically, and he could even crush the Witch Ancestor's True Spirit to pieces with one roar!

Zu Ruohai's voice came and he yelled angrily: "This kid has a rare treasure to protect him. He is not dead yet. Everyone, be careful!"

"Zu Ruohai, the sword hidden in the smile, you die too!"

Ye Xu listened to the wind and identified his position, and immediately drove Demon Ancestor Chi Tian to attack and kill him, but he was in vain. A forceful aura in the darkness went straight to him, and countless tentacles pierced Demon Ancestor Chi Tian's eyebrows with a sneer. Break into the Purple Mansion of the Demon God and seize control of this incarnation!

"Reincarnation Tianmen!"

Ye Xu's body shook, and the Taoist gates emerged behind him. Almost at the same time, the demon gods of the heavens and the earth sounded extremely loud hymns, all kinds of praises, all kinds of praises, urging the power of reincarnation to stir, and crush the tentacles one by one.

The jade tower hung high above his head, and the Heavenly Gate towered behind him. All the Taoist rhythms around his body were moved by him, like colorful ribbons flying. Under his feet was Chitian Demon Ancestor. This demon god spread his eight arms, and the copper pillars flew, in the darkness. Mid-flip, roll, rampage, and kill!


A ray of sword light was extremely cunning, instantly piercing through the defense of Samsara Heaven Gate, bypassing the Jade Tower, and pointing directly at the center of Ye Xu's eyebrows. Ye Xu sensed the danger, flipped his left hand, and an extra jade cup came out, and he went forward to greet it.

There was only a crisp sound as the sword light pierced into the jade cup, but failed to pierce the jade cup. He immediately put away his sword and ran away.

Obviously, the Twelve Ancestors of Yuxu have a secret method that allows them to come and go freely in this dark and unclear world, making it difficult for people to guard against!

"Lao Hu, we are here. Go down to the realm immediately, find this kid's relatives and friends, and kill them all!" Zhen Tiangong's voice came, erratic.

"Hehe, I want to kill everyone who has anything to do with him in front of him!"

The murderous intention in Ye Xu's heart became even more intense, rushing around, but he couldn't break out of this dark space. Suddenly, his heart trembled, and he laughed angrily: "Zhen Tiangong, you are forcing me!"

He made up his mind and suddenly raised the Hunyuan Golden Dou. He saw the golden toilet rising into the air, the golden light piercing the darkness, and sucking all the rolling demonic energy into the toilet with a roar.

Suddenly there was a bright light in Yuxu Palace, all the darkness disappeared, and in the Hunyuan Golden Dou, the demonic energy was billowing. Ye Xu felt that the demon in the golden dou was becoming more and more difficult to suppress, and the infinite violent energy came from the dou. It gushed out and turned into thousands of demonic sounds, ghosts crying and wolves howling, extremely miserable!

Zhen Tiangong and others did not expect that Ye Xu would actually break through the alien time and space formed by their demonic energy. They were shocked when they saw the demonic energy pouring out of the golden bucket and turning into extremely mysterious and gloomy demonic patterns. It surged around Ye Xu, making him feel like he was wearing a set of pitch-black armor!


A streak of demonic energy swept down and swept Hu Zhongtian into the fight. It was refined in an instant and directly turned the witch ancestor into pus!

Ye Xu held the golden bucket in his hand and strode toward Zhen Tiangong and others. He saw streaks of demonic energy crisscrossing the fight, brushing down one after another, and the witch ancestors were brushed into the fight and disappeared.

Within a few breaths, four of the twelve ancestors of Yuxu were devoured by Jin Dou, leaving only Zhen Tiangong and six others alive!

"Oh, I finally see the light of day again..."

In the golden fight, demonic energy surged out and turned into an extremely tall figure behind Ye Xu, laughing like an emperor who ruled the world.

The demon sealed by Emperor Xuantian in Jin Douzhong is finally born!

"Emperor Xuantian!"

When Zhen Tiangong saw the figure behind Ye Xu, he couldn't help shouting: "How can this great emperor be resurrected? Could it be... bad! He is the dark side that Emperor Xuantian cut out of himself when he became an emperor. , retreat quickly!”

————The last 36 hours at the end of the month are also the most intense period for the monthly ticket list. The situation is changing. Pigs don’t want to fall off the monthly ticket list. I cry, please, please, roll around naked and beg for monthly votes~~~

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