Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 851: Cleaning the Tianji Camp (Second update

Seeing this scene, Tianyao Ji couldn't help but her face changed drastically. She hurriedly pulled away and left, shouting sternly: "Tianji Camps, retreat quickly! Brother Ye, please stop, our Tianji Camp will never cause any trouble to you in the future!"

Ye Xu laughed loudly: "It's too late!"

The rumbling vibrations continued, and I saw that the void in the heaven was imprisoned by the power of the world, like an iron barrel, and then was squeezed by the power of the heavens in the Jade Tower, like a sheet, pushed together, and suddenly appeared Layers of time and space are densely packed, trapping countless Tianji Camp masters in each time and space. No matter how hard they struggle, they cannot escape from the power of the Jade Tower!

They are like flat characters on pieces of paper, fixed on the paper. They try hard to escape, but they are unable to escape from the world they are in. They try hard to wander, but they are unable to leave the plane they are in. They can only wait for death to come and kill them. Crush them all!

Even an overlord as powerful as the Witch Ancestor, who has entered the realm of the Three God Kings, is helpless in the face of this power of heaven and earth, the power of the ancient world!

The leader of the chariot road camp roared, and a chariot road was spread out, with golden light, paving a road that the Cangtian Emperor walked on, trying to open up the layers of time and space formed by the squeeze of the Jade Tower, and pave a golden road to escape from this place. Unexpectedly, as soon as the chariot road was rolled out, it broke!

Other battalions, such as Tianhook, Zaofu, Huagai and other battalions, have mobilized their ancestor soldiers in an attempt to escape, but no matter how they struggle, even if they can break the first layer of time and space, it will only be from a piece of paper. Jumping to another piece of paper, there is no way to get out of Yulou's attack range!

Now that things have happened, the so-called Heavenly Secret Formation has been forcibly broken by the Jade Tower, leaving them to fight on their own!

This jade tower was activated by Ye Xu, Ancestor Wusheng and others...it had a power that surpassed the nine heavens, and even the secrets of heaven were deceived, leaving them unable to resist or escape!

Ye Xu activated the Jade Tower and pushed it across, squeezing out countless small worlds...small planes...the violent power of space crushed all the countless masters trapped in those small planes, crushing them all to death. No one left...no one left!

Tianji Camp, Tianji Eighteenth Camp, more than ten witch ancestors...more than a thousand holy emperors, all died under the bombardment of the Jade Tower!

The jade tower gradually shrank and its power passed away.

This blow...squeezed out the cultivation of more than a hundred Saint Emperors and Witch Ancestors, including Ye Xu, Wusheng Patriarch, and not a single drop was left!

In the sky of Juntian God Realm, countless small worlds and small planes suddenly appeared overlapping and stacked together. Eternal imprints were imprinted on the sky, filled with the violent power of the heavens, and would never disappear!

This scene is so similar to the chaos of the empty sea where countless time and space are accumulated and chaotic!

However, the Chaos Konghai is a natural and spectacular scene formed by the collision of ancient heavens... and this scene in the Juntian Divine Realm is the huge destruction caused by Ye Xu and others' urging of the Jade Tower!

Although the scale is countless times smaller than that of the Kukai, the Kukai is a powerful force of nature, but the scene in front of you is caused by human power and magic treasures!

"This attack of ours will probably unleash the power of the God Kings of the Heavens..."

The angry king opened his mouth wide and murmured: "Is this really the damage we can cause..."

Doroni's hands and feet were trembling, and his heart was beating wildly with shock. He said in a trembling voice: "Brother Ye, is this jade tower of yours really a holy treasure? Are you sure that he is not a soldier of the God King, and that he is the top-notch kind..."

Ye Xu also stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and only one word came to his mind, and that was horror.

Extreme horror!

He had no idea that the power erupted from the power of the heavens in the Jade Tower would be so tyrannical, so tyrannical that it could rival the God King!

"My Jade Tower has not been completely completed yet. If I could break all the thirty-three heavens and the eighteen levels of hell into the building and build the fifty-first level of the Jade Tower, how terrifying would its power be?"

Ye Xu was stunned, feeling a little dizzy.

With the complete ancient heavens and the complete ancient hell, he was sure that the power of the Jade Tower at that time would never be inferior to the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower, the most powerful heavenly emperor's treasure of enlightenment!

"Everyone, who of you still has the power to hunt down Tianyao Ji? If this woman is not eliminated, she will be a big problem after all!" Ye Xu said in a deep voice.

He looked around and saw that Patriarch Wusheng and the others were all languishing. They didn't have half of their magic power. They had the realm of the witch ancestors, but without the cultivation of the witch ancestors, they couldn't hunt down Tianyao Ji.

"My lord, my lord, my cultivation is still there!" The Roaring Sky Dog shook its head and swung its tail, looking at Ye and everyone in a hurry to move the Jade Tower. Only this broken dog did not take action. It was the only one that still retained its cultivation at its peak.

Ye Xu turned a blind eye and shook his head and said: "Tianyao Ji is not an ordinary woman. Even us people suffered a big loss in her hands and almost died. If you go, you will be like a meat bun beating a dog and there will be no return.

"The meat bun beats the dog..."

Roaring Sky Dog was beaten half to death, Wusheng Ancestor and others also looked ashamed. Tianyao Ji's cultivation was indeed nothing in front of them.

But they, these old gangsters and villains with great reputations and long-standing reputations, unexpectedly fell into trouble at the hands of this woman one after another. She killed countless people, and they almost lost their lives.

"What's ahead?"

Dharani looked around and suddenly saw many portals in the void, and huge heavenly stars hidden in those portals. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "The home of Tianji camp!"

Ye Xu hurriedly looked around and saw that the Tianji camp also had many time and space portals, hidden in the void, and had been made into secret realms. On the stars in the portal, continents and cities were floating, and they were magnificent. They should be Tianji. The God King opened up the void and established the supreme land and kingdom of God here!

"What a danger! That woman Tianyao Ji actually plans to activate the Tianji Formation, pull us into the Tianji Camp's lair, use the arrangement of the Tianji God King to deal with us, and wipe out us all!"

Ye Xu secretly said something sinister, Tianyao Ji was indeed resourceful and a woman who should not be underestimated. If he had not rescued Wu Sheng Patriarch and others, she would have really transported them all to Tianji Camp with the Tianji Formation. middle!

By that time, even if Ye Xu and others mobilize the Yulou with all their strength, they may not be able to stop the 18th Tianji Battalion from urging the siege left by the Tianji God King, and they will have to end in despair!

Ancestor Wusheng couldn't help but shudder and murmured: "This woman Tianyao Ji is simply another queen, with unfathomable scheming. If it weren't for Brother Ye, I'm afraid none of us who have done all the bad things will be able to do it." He is her opponent..."

In the Ancestral King Divine City, almost all the masters on the wanted list in the heaven gathered there. There were tens of thousands of strong men, all of them were demons who did bad things and committed murder without calculation. After Tianyao Ji's attack, Only a hundred people were left dead, and all of them were injured and in a miserable state, all thanks to this little woman!

If Ye Xu hadn't appeared out of nowhere, which Tianyao Ji didn't expect, none of them would have been able to escape, and they would all have died in the hands of this woman!

"Today, God King Tianji and God King Tanzu are fighting fiercely in the Tianji Camp, and the Eighteenth Tianji Battalion has been slaughtered by us. The masters only have one Tianyao Ji left. Tianyao Ji must be hiding in the Tianji Camp at this moment!"

Ye Xu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he took out pieces of Taiqing spiritual veins and distributed them, allowing everyone to recover a little bit of their cultivation. He said with a smile: "Everyone, let's just do it without stopping. We ransacked the Tianji camp and destroyed this big force. Completely eradicated from the heaven! Although Tianyao Ji is full of resourcefulness, it is difficult for her to activate the various arrangements of God King Tianji, and she cannot stop us at all!"


The angry king clapped his hands and said with a ferocious smile: "Tianji camp has killed so many of us. If we don't wipe out this force, how can we eliminate the hatred in our hearts?"

"The majesty of our battle will definitely shake the nine heavens and make the gods and kings of the heavens look askance!"

"The Tianji Camp is the right and left arm of the Cangtian Emperor. The wealth in it must be astonishingly huge. It is richer than other god kings. There are countless spiritual veins, materials, and witchcraft treasures!"

"Move all the Tianji camp!"

Ye Xu and others rushed into the Tianji Camp like wolves and tigers. All the masters of the Eighteenth Tianji Camp died in the battle just now. Although there were many Holy Emperors and Witch Emperors in the camp, they were unable to compete with these lawless men. The disciples resisted and were slaughtered like a torrent.

The crowd scattered around, plundered wildly, and opened the treasure troves of Tianji Camp. Countless spiritual veins, divine materials, divine gold, and witchcraft treasures spewed out, and the treasures glowed and glowed in endless turmoil!

Among the spiritual veins, there are even high-level spiritual veins such as the Shangqing Spiritual Vein, but there are not many of them.

Ye Xu led the crowd in the Tianji camp and shouted: "Everyone, don't rush to search for treasures. Go find Tianyao Ji immediately, and be sure to eliminate the roots!"

Ancestor Wu Sheng and others grabbed a lot of spiritual veins and recovered some of their cultivation. They immediately searched all the places in the Eighteenth Camp of Tianji to find the whereabouts of Tianyao Ji, but they never found the female Tianji Camp. , the space opened by God King Tianji is so complicated that it is difficult to search this place in a short time.

"We have found the treasure house of God King Tianji!"

Suddenly, the cheers of Black Sky Demon Lord and others came. Ye Xu hurried over and saw a huge portal standing above one of the secret realms. This gate was so heavy that the planet below was covered with dense cracks. , there is a seal on the door, with forty-nine divine patterns painted on it. It should be a restriction imposed by God King Tianji himself, sealing the treasure house to prevent outsiders from breaking in!


Ye Xu, Patriarch Wusheng, Wrathful King and others soared into the air and landed in front of the portal the next moment. Everyone was about to take action to break the seal when suddenly the portal shook suddenly and shattered with a bang. Sky, disappear!

Tian Yao Ji's voice came from the portal, giggling: "Ye Shaobao, I remember you. Next time we meet again, Yao Ji will definitely take your head!"

Ye Xu snorted coldly and vomited slowly. With a turbid air, he said in a low voice: "This woman is so decisive. She can actually give up such a big foundation as Tianjiying. She should not be underestimated..."! .

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