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Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 849: Become a Disciple (Please subscribe)

Chapter 849: Become a disciple (crying for subscription~)

The angry king raised his two heads, and his four eyes fell on Ye Xu, his pupils tightened: "Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao, the master ranked first on the wanted list, the king is quite dissatisfied with you. What virtues and abilities do you have? Are you going to step on our heads? Originally, the king planned to compete with you, but now it seems that you do have two brushes, and you are not wasting money..."

Ye Xu held up Hunyuan Jindou with one hand. The demonic nature in Jindou spurted out, unconsciously affecting his character. He suddenly turned around and swept away, his eyes filled with ferocious power, which captured people's hearts.

The angry king was startled and did not dare to continue. He said calmly: "You are ranked number one and you have trouble with me. Why do you want to scare me? You are the boss, why can't you..."

Ye Xu snorted and ignored him. The Hunyuan Golden Dou devoured a hundred Saint Emperors. The demonic nature in it became more and more turbulent. The demon in the fight vibrated, almost shaking off the gold refined by Emperor Xuantian. Fight, get out!

Just now, he was almost controlled by the demonic nature, and went on a killing spree. He didn't care about much, and quickly suppressed the demonic nature. One after another, the Qingming Seals were driven into the Hunyuan Golden Dou, finally suppressing the demon in the golden dou. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he immediately He accepted Jin Dou, suppressed it directly with the Jade Tower, strode forward, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, we are now trapped in the Tianji Formation. We must put aside our past grudges and join forces to fight against the enemy in order to leave this formation alive! "

Dharani said sadly: "That makes sense, but I don't want to deal with the ancestor Wu Sheng. If I save that kid and he wants to kill me, what should I do?"

Ye Xu said decisively: "Don't worry, Patriarch Wusheng will naturally have me go to him to mediate the grievances between you."

Dharani chuckled and said: "Mediation is not enough, I am not afraid of him. If we reconcile, wouldn't it be lonely without this opponent? But if I can't defeat him, I will ask Brother Ye to help mediate. If I can do it, If you can beat him, just watch. But I probably can't beat him..."

Ye Xu blinked his eyes, unable to laugh or cry, and nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly in the Taoist rhyme behind Dharani: "I recognize this toilet. The old god used this toilet to take away the Jinpeng ancestor! The old god blew the cowhide to the sky, saying After living for six or seven epochs and seeing the sacred tree withered and flourishing, I thought there really were gods in the world..."

"A scam, it must be a scam!"

"It turns out that it was Ye Shaobao and that subtle and tactful master who defrauded us of an unknown amount of wealth! Almost all of my spiritual veins were defrauded by those guys!"

"And my holy treasure, the Four Directions Dragon Pattern Cauldron, was also fooled by that person!"

"Poor my little underwear..."

Black Sky Demon Lord also recognized Ye Xu and was extremely happy. He shouted loudly: "Brother Ye, we are here!"

"It turns out there is Ye Shaobao's accomplice here, beat him up!"

Demon Lord Heitian was knocked to the ground, punched and kicked, and countless punches and kicks fell, beating the cow until it howled and screamed. Demon Lord Beidi quietly stopped the other demons, shook his head slightly, and whispered: "Now the crowd is in trouble Angry, leave him alone, otherwise we will also be beaten, just pretend not to know him..."

Black Sky Demon Lord was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Those demon masters who had been deceived by Ying Zongdao and others until they had no underwear left were so angry that they stopped. Black Sky Demon Lord was in a state of embarrassment, he got up and glared at Beidi Demon Lord, and said angrily: "Brother, why don't you come over to help me and watch me get beaten?"

Demon Lord Beidi and the other demons were about to speak when suddenly they heard someone shouting: "It turns out there are accomplices, beat them up!"

"We don't know this cow..." Demon Lord Beidi blinked, and just as he said this, he and the other six demons were rushed to the ground, punched and kicked.

Black Sky Demon Lord also rushed forward, stamped his feet hard, and said angrily: "If you don't rescue our brothers, I will let you see my joke, and I will trample you to death..."

Ye Xu looked around at everyone and saw that all of them were injured, exhausted, and their cultivation strength was greatly weakened. It was obvious that they had suffered an extremely heavy blow. If he had not arrived in time, these people would probably have died. Then, he immediately said: "Can you guys fight again?"

"Whether we can fight or not, we must continue to fight!"

Dharani said fiercely: "Kill one to earn enough, kill two to earn one more."

Ye Xu shook his head slightly. Dharani, the Wrathful King and others were already at the end of their strength. If they continued to fight, they would inevitably suffer heavy casualties. Only by finding other masters could they gather a huge strength to compete with the Tianji Camp!

"A group of evil heretics dare to kill my Wucheying disciples!"

The five shaman ancestors of Wucheying were livid with murderous intent. Ye Xu suddenly came to kill them and maimed them all. Even three of their ancestral golden chariots were smashed, and the other two were also smashed. It was damaged to varying degrees and suffered heavy damage.

"The Five Emperors are out on patrol, five cars clear the way! Kill!"

The five witch ancestors shouted in unison, and the Taoism around their bodies soared, turning into five chariots. The golden light shined brightly, and the aura of the Heavenly Emperor filled the chariots. The phantoms of the great emperors sat on the chariots, like Shaohao, Gonggong, and The five great emperors Zhurong, Jumang, and Houtu were resurrected, driving chariots to patrol the heavens!

Each of the Eighteen Camps of Tianji Camp is named after the stars in the sky, and each has a different function. Among them, Wuche Camp is the guard of honor for the Emperor of Heaven to clear the way for his travels. The Wuzu of Wuche Camp is now fully aware of Ye Xu’s amazing methods, and the five people They actually joined forces to attack Ye Xu alone, hoping to kill Ye Xu first!

"Everyone, follow me!"

Ye Xu urged Demon Ancestor Chi Tian, ​​waving his eight arms, raising and lowering the copper pillars. Hearing the sound of roaring and shaking, all five carts exploded, and the phantoms of the emperor were all smashed into pieces one by one by Ye Xu. Make the Taoist rhyme dance all over the sky!

The camp leaders of the Five Car Battalion groaned, their bodies shook, and their bodies almost cracked due to the huge repulsive force. They immediately shouted loudly, and all kinds of witchcraft were launched at will, overwhelming Ye Xu.

Ye Xu strode forward, and the copper pillars rolled and flew up and down, shattering the offensive of the ancestor of the witches. He killed all the way, and only heard a bang. The leader of the Qingche Camp accidentally hit Ye Xu with a pillar. , the body exploded on the spot and turned into blood mist.

boom! boom! boom!

The owners of the other four battalions attacked one after another to rescue the Qingche Battalion. Unknown how many attacks came, but they were blocked by Ye Xu raising the jade tower. The jade tower was turbulent, and it seemed that it might be blown away by the four people at any time, but it never happened. Leave Ye Xu half a step away!


Ye Xu opened his mouth and roared, turned into a dragon and transformed into a Brahma to reach the sky, bombarded past, and exploded into pieces of the void. The owner of the light car camp was really amazing. Withstanding the power of his roar, he still did not destroy the true spirit, but his vitality was strong. He was injured and his cultivation was greatly damaged. He immediately withdrew from the battlefield and planned to restore his physical body.

"Jie Jie, boy, you had a great time killing me just now. Do you still want to leave alive?" The evil monk Dharani smiled strangely, and there was a bang behind him, and countless flesh-red tentacles were seen running out from behind him. came out, flying all over the sky, and stabbed towards the leader of the light car camp!

On these tentacles, there is actually an evil Buddha growing, but it is an evil Buddha refined by Dharani. He laughs strangely, opens his big mouth, and his tongue is like a sharp sword, piercing the Qingche camp owner just condensed. In the restored body, his entire body was sucked dry in the blink of an eye, turning him into human skin!

"Don't panic in the Fifth Car Battalion. I will come to help you on the order of the young lady!"

Ye Xu followed the sound and saw that the Tianji camps such as Tianhook, Tianchuan, and Huagai were coming to kill them with great momentum. He hurriedly rolled up his sleeves and rolled up the Dharani, the Wrathful King and others, and they all fell under the reincarnation gate.

The Samsara Heavenly Gate shook in the air, roared into the air, and headed towards the depths of the Heavenly Secret Formation at a speed as fast as a stream of light.

"Want to leave?"

The sky boat of the Sky Boat Camp blocked the way, and the cross-ship collided with it. There was only a loud bang. The Samsara Tianmen hit the sky boat, and countless streaks and marks suddenly exploded, turning into thirty-three days, three Thousands of worlds and eighteen levels of hell, like the worlds of heaven and earth coming down, swaying majestically, suddenly turning into huge palm prints and heading towards the sky ship!


The skyship was torn apart, and countless experts on board died tragically in an instant!

The angry king and others laughed ferociously, and took action one after another, attacking the masters who were not killed and shattered, cutting off their lives. Even the Roaring Sky Dog turned into a giant beast, opened its bloody mouth, and devoured them. The void was bitten off piece by piece!

Behind Ye Xu, Dao patterns flying all over the sky turned into the Heavenly Gate of Samsara again. At the same time, the eight arms of Chitian Demon Ancestor shook, the copper pillar fell, and the owner of the skyship camp was shaken, and he shouted: "Don't be obsessed with fighting, let's go!"

The Samsara Heaven Gate shook in the air again, and suddenly broke out of the eight camps of the Tianji Camp and disappeared.

Ye Xu shuttled through the Tianji array, moving quickly, searching for the wanted masters scattered in the array. The strong men on the wanted list had all been plotted by Tianyao Ji, and the masters were mobilized to surround and kill them. 80% of them were killed or injured. In such a short time, countless people died tragically.

In just a moment, a hundred masters gathered under the Samsara Tianmen, including two witch ancestors. However, most of them were injured and did not have the fighting power in their heyday. If Ye Xu hadn't rescued them, they would have died.

"Why haven't you seen that old bastard Patriarch Wusheng yet?"

Dharani looked around and found no trace of the ancestor Wusheng. He couldn't help but feel depressed. He seemed to have aged hundreds of years: "This old boy has not been killed by me. How could he be dead? I have been fighting with him for so many years." , you leave, where can I find another opponent like you..."

"Dharani, even if you die, I won't die!"

An extremely strong evil aura suddenly came, and the ancestor Wu Sheng's body was full of energy and blood. He flew up, staggered and landed under the Samsara Gate. He cupped his hands to Ye Xu and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ye, there is no need to look for other people. There is no one else but me..."

Everyone was silent in their hearts. The angry king was silent for a moment and said in a hoarse voice: "Old Jiupo from Lishan is also a witch ancestor. Is she also dead? There are also old monster Cangshan and Master Yuan Xiao. These guys are more powerful than me... …”

"They're all dead..."

Ancestor Wu Sheng trembled at the corner of his mouth. He seemed to be crying but not crying. He seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He laughed loudly: "Except for me, everyone else is dead! The Tianji Battalion mobilized an army to surround the Witch Ancestor. If I hadn't been really strong, I might not have even been able to do it. I can’t survive until now!”

The angry king was still unwilling to give in and said: "Where is Crocodile Ancestor? That straight-faced guy..."

"The Crocodile Ancestor is also dead." Ye Xu sighed, thinking of the head with eyes that could not close his eyes, and said.

The Tianji formation suddenly shook and stopped. All the Tianji battalions were seen stopping their attacks and huffing and gathering. Five chariots, chariot roads, left and right flags, three pillars and other battalions were spread out in a row. Tianyao Ji came in one after another. Sitting in the middle camp, the canopy above the head of the canopy camp covered the sky, and many women from the Baigua camp were surrounding him.

"I didn't expect you villains to be kind and kind."

Tianyao Ji smiled and said: "But it's a pity that you all will not escape death!"

Ye Xu smiled slightly and said: "Yao Ji, these people who are under my sect now are my people. Aren't my people your people? Why do you have to make things difficult for me? You want to catch them all and hurt our feelings for nothing. ?”

————At the end of the month, my eyes are full of tears and I beg for subscription, and I am rolling on the floor and begging for a monthly ticket~~

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