Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 847: Collecting Essence in Person (3rd updat

Chapter 847: Personally Collecting Supplements (Third update, please subscribe for a monthly ticket~)

The Tianji chess game is ushered in from bottom to top. On the chessboard, we can see that the chessboard is square and round, with black and white tiles, vertical and horizontal lanes, and chess pieces scattered here and there. What is different is that the vertical and horizontal lanes are not ten, twelve, or nineteen. But as many as forty-nine!


The chess game disappeared, and Ye Xu felt that the vertical and horizontal lanes were rushing towards each other rapidly, getting bigger and bigger, turning into divine lines, building the avenue of heaven and earth. The chess pieces were like planets, moving slightly, they exploded with unparalleled energy.

It was as if he suddenly escaped from the world, entered the world of a chess game, and turned into a chess piece in the chess game!

"Magic weapon?"

Ye Xu withdrew his big hand and looked around. The divine pattern avenue in the Tianji chess game was very unfamiliar, giving him a new feeling. This divine pattern avenue was different from the Thirty-Three Heavens, the Three Thousand Worlds, and the Eighteenth World. The level of hell is very strange.

"Yes, this is exactly the magic weapon that my father, King Tianji, personally refined, the Tianji chess game!"

The woman in plain clothes looked calm and said with a smile: "The Tianji chess game contains the way of square and round. The square is the earth, the round is the sky. The game is square but quiet, and the chess is round and moving, in order to follow the rules of heaven and earth! Ye Shaobao, have you ever heard of this? , Dao fifty, Tianyan forty-nine, my chess game of Tianji is the way of heaven, all-encompassing, all-encompassing. You must have never seen a wild man like you? You killed my brother, and now the cycle of heaven and earth is not good. You throw yourself into a trap and deliver it into my hands!"

"Your brother? Is he the young master of Tianji Camp? His name seems to be Tian Geng..."

Ye Xu looked thoughtful, as if there was such a person who was casually killed by him in the Yuan Realm of Yuxu Palace, and he didn't leave a deep impression on him. However, the Tianji God King's Tianji chess game did arouse his curiosity. The Heaven and Earth Avenue used by the Tianji God King was completely different from what he had seen before, and it was a principle that he had never seen before!

"Forty-nine ways of heaven? It's really amazing. God King Tianji is indeed the most capable general under the Cangtian Emperor. He can actually practice forty-nine ways of heaven. His talent is really amazing. However, you said that there are only forty-nine ways of heaven. Then That’s totally wrong.”

Ye Xu raised his head and laughed loudly: "There are countless avenues of heaven and earth, how can there be only forty-nine? Three thousand worlds, thirty-three days, eighteen levels of hell, there are more than forty-nine avenues included in them. ? Even the Way of Heaven is only one of them. The King of Heavenly Secrets has died and sent his daughter. He will kill you, seize the Tianji chess game, and integrate the forty-nine Heavenly Ways into my Panwang Kaitian Jing, so that my cultivation can be completed. To go further!”

"Break it for me!"

His whole body shook, and the jade tower flew out. With a bang, Demon Ancestor Chi Tian jumped out of the tower, as majestic as a mountain. Each of his eight arms grabbed eight copper pillars, and smashed them towards the Tianji chess game with a roar!

The copper pillars in the hands of Demon Ancestor Chitian were obtained by Ye Xu from the Xuantian Underground Palace. He almost turned the Xuantian Underground Palace upside down, and even the eight copper pillars supporting the underground palace were pried down by him. Come on, these eight copper pillars were refined by Emperor Xuantian himself, using divine weapon-level materials. Although they have no power, the weight alone makes it impossible for ordinary witch ancestors to carry them!

Only a natural demon god like Demon Ancestor Chi Tian can hold these eight copper pillars in his hands with ease!

These eight copper pillars were smashed down, shaking the divine patterns of heaven and earth. The divine patterns of heaven were seen leaping and bouncing up chess pieces one after another!

This demon god with eight copper pillars was so powerful that it shook the way of heaven. It was so murderous that the woman in plain clothes groaned and her mouth bleeded. She quickly recalled the Tianji chess game, stretched out her slender hands, moved the chess pieces, and moved the chessboard. In the middle, Ye Xu suddenly saw chess pieces as huge as planets, squeezing towards him one after another. At the same time, the numerous divine patterns of heaven shook, blessing these black and white chess pieces, making these chess pieces stronger and more powerful. Ordinary witch ancestors, even if they sacrificed their ancestral soldiers, would not have much power to fight back and could only be squeezed into powder!

"I will shatter the world with one force!"

Ye Xu shouted loudly, and the eight copper pillars swept away with a bang, knocking the chess pieces away one by one. The slender fingers of the woman in plain clothes were shocked and bounced high, exploding and turning into a ball of blood mist. She couldn't help but feel depressed. Hum!

"This kid can actually fully activate the power of the devil. I am no match for him! But I am not without restraint, Tianyuan Grand Chess!"

She was so shocked that she vomited blood, and hurriedly spit out blood, which turned into Dao lines and Dao marks all over the sky, and poured into the chess game. Suddenly, the chess game turned over, and all kinds of chess pieces fell densely. In an instant, they were all over the chess game, stuffed to the top, without leaking, blocking the leaves. Xu all the ways to survive!

"The Great Dao is fifty, Tian Yan is forty-nine. After all, God King Tianji has not reached the fifty Great Dao, and he still cannot trap me!"

Ye Xu laughed loudly. He saw the chess pieces on the chessboard beating endlessly, as if there was a giant beast running rampant below. The woman in plain clothes stared at it and saw that all the chess pieces on the chess board had fallen, but there was still a space where no chess pieces had fallen. , couldn't help but sigh: "My father's forty-nine ways of heaven are not perfect after all. They can't withstand this man's brute force, so I finally suffered this defeat..."


Ye Xu drove Chitian Demon Ancestor to break through the seal of the Tianji chess game and soared into the sky. The copper pillar fell and hit the chess game hard. The chess pieces boiled and the divine patterns exploded!

The woman in plain clothes knew that she couldn't do anything, and immediately activated her cultivation, trying to collect the chess game and retreat. She saw Ye Xu's pillar smashing down, shaking her mind again, almost bombarding her cultivation to explode and shattering her body!

"If you cut it off, cut it off!"

The woman in plain clothes had a look of determination in her eyes, and her black hair flew behind her. With a sudden flick, the hair cut off her connection with the Tianji chess game, and she immediately retreated gracefully, only to see a big flag rolling up, covering her delicate body.

"Ye Shaobao, I, Tianyao Ji, will definitely take revenge on you for killing your brother and seizing the treasure!" She sneered as she gradually disappeared behind the banner.

"Miss, who was that person just now? Even the lady couldn't kill this person, but was forced back by this person and took away the Tianji chess game?" The leader of the Zuoqi camp who was waving the big flag asked hurriedly.

The woman in plain clothes took a breath, calmed down her injuries, and sneered: "Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao, who is ranked number one on the most wanted list of evildoers in the world, is indeed well-deserved. My brother, other gods, and even Prince Lingxiao can die in his hands, not because of him. It’s a fluke, but it’s inevitable.”

"It turns out to be Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao. Is the number one person on the wanted list really so powerful?"

The camp leader of Zuo Banner immediately shook the flag, became murderous, and shouted: "I'm going to kill him!"

"Need not!"

The woman in plain clothes immediately said: "The most important thing is to kill all the demons on the wanted list. As for Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao, with his character, he will definitely not be easily involved in danger. If he dares to come back, I will definitely let him die in the battle." ! I already know the formation of Tianji, and I can control the formation without the Tianji chess game. As long as you listen to my instructions, killing these people is no problem! "

"I obey my lady's instructions!"

The woman in plain clothes looked up at Ye Xu, only to see Ye Xu put away the Tianji chess game and put it into his jade tower, and he also looked at her.

Ye Xu smiled slightly, showing his snow-white teeth, and raised his right hand to wipe it on his neck, which made Tianyao Ji's teeth itch with hatred.

Ye Xu laughed, and suddenly his face changed slightly. Looking down, he saw the various ancestral soldiers of the 18th Tianji Battalion below like dragons, connected together, turning the battlefield into a chess game, fighting vertically and horizontally, invincible!

"This woman is indeed powerful. Her cultivation level is not high, but her mind is terrifying." Ye Xu was secretly shocked.

"Brother Ye, we have already killed them, let's go!" Patriarch Ji Le, covered in blood, stood with Ying Zongdao, Demon Emperor and others, panting and shouting loudly.

He was rescued by Ying Zongdao and others, met the True Lord Weiwei Yuantong again, forced the ancestors of Longshan back, and finally broke out of the siege. After this incident, he had learned the true identity of Ying Zongdao and others, and also learned about the cowhide The one who blew the whistle was Ye Xu, who also realized that people like him had been deceived by these scumbags, but he still regarded the four of them as sworn brothers.

The cultivation strength of Ying Zongdao and others is not enough to break out of the siege, so they have to rely on his strength to jointly mobilize the subtle Yuantong True Lord, so that they can break out alive.

"Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao, do you dare to enter my formation again, and you and I will show off again?" Tianyao Ji moved gracefully, standing on the pillars of the three-pillar camp, and looking up, chuckled.

Ye Xu's clothes fluttered and he said with a smile: "A gentleman will not stand behind a dangerous wall. Now that I have got what I want, how can I put myself in danger again? Your name is Tianyao Ji? What a good name, Yao Ji, another day I will harvest you myself!”

Tianyao Ji was so angry that her face was livid, and she wished she could catch this kid immediately and destroy him to death.

Ye Xu laughed loudly and was about to turn around and leave to meet up with Ancestor Ji Le and others. Suddenly he glanced at him and saw the demonic energy rolling in the Tianji array. Black Sky Demon Lord and others were trapped in the array, rushing around. Struggling to hold on, unable to escape.

"They're here too?"

Ye Xu's face darkened, he looked back at Ying Zongdao Ji Le Ancestor and others, hesitated for a moment, and said in his heart: "Although I don't know Beidi Demon Lord and others, Mahakala is kind to me. I once said If they are in trouble, they can take refuge in me and I will protect them. Now they are in trouble and have to save them..."

"Brother, are you still not leaving?" Seeing the large formation approaching, Patriarch Ji Le hurriedly rolled up his sleeves and led Ying Zongdao and others to retreat, avoiding the large formation to avoid being drawn into the formation again.

"Brother Ji Le, you go first. I still have a few friends in the formation. After saving them, I will catch up with you immediately."

Ye Xu held his hand far away, then turned around and rushed into the Tianji formation, lost in all kinds of holy treasures, witchcraft, Taoism and ancestral weapons.

"You bastard Shaobao, if you rush in now, aren't you looking for death?"

Ying Zongdao's face changed slightly and he said in a deep voice: "Let's go back!"

Ancestor Ji Le hesitated for a moment, laughed loudly, and said: "Okay, go back, kill him seven times in and seven out, and capture the beautiful girl!"

After the great formation shook and engulfed Ye Xu, the formation suddenly changed, blinding the secrets of the sky, breaking through the void and jumping, and actually broke a big hole in Yu Wantian and flickered away.

Ancestor Ji Le and others could not catch up, and saw that the great formation of heaven swept away the demons and went to the heaven.

"Ye Shaobao, I didn't expect you to dare to come back. Are there any friends of yours here? I didn't expect you devils to care about love and justice."

Tianyao Ji stood on top of the formation, nodded with her toes, walked back and forth, pointed at the formation, her eyes flashed, and she giggled: "If you are not the number one devil, kill my brother, maybe I will really like it." you."

"like me?"

Ye Xu was slightly startled and said with a smile: "Do you want to pick my supplements yourself?"

"seek death!"

Tianyao Ji's face turned red, her plain clothes shook, and she made a hunting sound. The Tianji formation burst out with endless murderous intent, and she shouted: "I want to see how you die!"

——The third update is here. There are so few monthly tickets today. The pigs are very hardworking and diligent today. Do you still have any monthly tickets today?

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