Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 845: The Ultimate Scum (First update, pleas

"" Chapter 845: The Ultimate Scumbag (First update, please subscribe for a monthly ticket~)

Almost everyone on the wanted list of evildoers in the world is a person with a profound reputation and a lot of evil deeds, but the one with the most notorious statement is the Ancestor of Paradise. The reputation of the Patriarch of Bliss has become so bad that even evildoers who have committed many evil deeds are quite disdainful of his actions and want to kill him as soon as possible.

However, this old slut is indeed extremely tyrannical. The dignified witch ancestor has a profound cultivation and a natural Taoist charm. He is extremely powerful. Except for the God King, it is difficult for others to take him down, so that he has been free to this day. .

The faces of Ying Zongdao and others became extremely exciting, and they thought to themselves: "Fortunately, we were turned around by Shaobao and changed our faces, and we didn't use our own names, otherwise we would really have no face as human beings..."

The leading girl in palace clothes snorted coldly, looked unhappy, and scolded: "Where is God King Tanzu? Why don't you come out to greet him? And you guys who don't care about life and death, why don't you kneel down to greet God King?"

"What bullshit Tianji God King?"

Crocodile Ancestor smiled ferociously and said loudly: "Ancestor Bliss just said that he and his brothers will be filled with love when they see you. Be careful that your chastity is not preserved and you will be taken to death by the five of them!"

The young girl was so angry that her delicate body was trembling. She was about to speak when she heard someone say in a rueful voice: "The ancestor of Ji Le once harvested hundreds of princesses in one fell swoop, and his brothers are even more impressive. There are countless women who harvested tonic. How many of you?" This little girl will definitely be crowned with bliss, ecstasy, and die of joy!"

Another person laughed evilly and said: "It would be great to be an adult!"

"They have squeezed all your vitality dry, and not a drop of it is left. But after you die, you will definitely still have a satisfied smile on your face!"

Those girls from the Tianji camp had never encountered such an old gangster before. They were so angry that their eyes filled with tears and their lips trembled, but they were speechless. The people who are qualified to be on the most wanted list in the heaven are all extremely vicious people who speak dirty words. Their arrogance can be suppressed with every word, and they are stammering and unable to speak.

The Patriarch of Bliss smiled brightly and handed over to the group of demons: "You are so ridiculous. I am already famous all over the world, but my brothers are still unknown. So that you can know that this person next to me is my sworn brother. Brother Song Gaode, this is the Demon Lord, this is Jambudvipa, and this is Tenghou, they are all my sworn brothers."

He introduced Ye Xuying Zongdao and others, and the demons all gave him a blank look. Crocodile Ancestor smiled ferociously and said: "Old pervert, do you think I really think highly of you? If it weren't for foreign enemies, I would be the first to eat you. Get rid of you scum!"

Ying Zongdao, Demon Emperor and Xiang Ji secretly wiped away cold sweat and said to themselves that they were lucky: "Fortunately, we are not using our own names, otherwise we would really be embarrassed and thrown into the world of Wuhuang..."

Ying Zongdao was an old friend of the Demon Lord, so he randomly reported the name of the Demon Lord. The Demon Emperor was the enemy of the Lord of Jambudvipa in the Eternal Demon Realm. As for Teng Hou, he was the supervisory angel of the Wizarding World. He once forced The leader of the Xiang clan had to fake his death and go to other worlds, so the Demon Emperor and Xiang Ji reported their names.

"My father-in-law and the others will become the Witch Emperor. After ascending to the throne, they will definitely be so depressed that they vomit blood..." Ye Xu blinked and smiled bitterly in his heart.

Ancestor Ji Le sneered: "Damn crocodile, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Crocodile Ancestor was furious, and Dao Yun suddenly rushed out of his head, turning into an emperor crocodile. This emperor crocodile was ferocious and ferocious, with a long snout, a mouth that took up one third of the body, and the whole body was covered with strange scales. The bumps are raised, fierce and vicious.

"Flower picker, what I despise the most is you who bully little women. Women are for eating, not picking! That bullshit God King Tianji hasn't arrived yet, so I'll eat you scum first to satisfy my appetite. , eat the bullshit Tianji God King again!”

Crocodile Ancestor smiled ferociously and strode over.

Ancestor Ji Le was furious, strode forward to greet him, and said with an angry smile: "Damn crocodile, those women who were harvested by me, although they are dead, they are all satisfied, but you are a man who eats, and women also eat, I don’t know how to show mercy at all! Today, Grandpa Ji Le will skin you to seek justice for the beauties who died in your belly!”

Ying Zongdao, Demon Emperor and Xiang Ji were completely speechless. Ancestor Ji Le was simply the best of scum, and any obscene thing that came into his mouth became sanctimonious and occupied the word "reason".

As for Ye Xu, he has long been accustomed to the habits of Patriarch Bliss, and is not surprised by them.

The two witch ancestors exuded aura and fierce power, forcing everyone else away, leaving a large area empty. The demons surged and cheered, fearing that the world would not be in chaos. As for the female disciples of the Tianji camp, they had long been forgotten by this group of lawless people.

Those few female disciples from the Tianji Camp were neither able to leave nor stay. They stood in mid-air at a loss.

Seeing that a battle was about to begin between Crocodile Ancestor and Bliss Ancestor, suddenly a thick aura pressed down like an overwhelming force. The jade sky of Tianfen suddenly changed color, and huge divine patterns flowed on the jade-like sky. Divided into as many as forty-nine paths, the number of Dayan.

These divine patterns were washed away and hung straight down, like divine chains, hanging above the sky and around the Ancestral King's Divine City.

Ye Xu suddenly felt the divine patterns falling, and the avenues of heaven and earth were distorted to the point where he could hardly sense them. Only the forty-nine divine patterns were left!

From among these divine patterns, there were chants of ups and downs, which were extremely mysterious. Looking at those divine patterns, it seemed that one could see everyone's life, past, present, and future.

"The Four-nine Lotus of Heaven!"

"God King Tianji!"

"It is said that this person is responsible for controlling the way of heaven, monitoring the movements of the heavens, commanding the Tianji camp, having insight into the heavens, and controlling the secrets of the heavens. He is the most powerful general under the command of the Cangtian Emperor!"

Ancestor Crocodile and Ancestor Bliss immediately stopped and looked up one after another. They saw that the Ancestral King Divine City was surrounded by these forty-nine divine patterns, as if they were suddenly separated from Yu Wantian and came to a **** time and space.

In the distance, neon lights filled the sky, forming colorful phoenixes, butterflies, golden dragons, bifang, unicorns, celestial horses, and various exotic beasts, all pulling a precious chariot.

In the sky above the treasure chariot, the gorgeous spiritual light turned into a canopy, covering the treasure chariot, magnificent and magnificent. All kinds of spiritual lights were condensed into water, dripping from the canopy, making a tinkling sound, melodious and melodious. When it fell in the air, it turned into spiritual light and rose up again. , the cycle repeats.

And on top of the precious chariot, a person was sitting dangerously. Divine patterns all over his body were like ribbons, surrounding him and overlapping each other. There were forty-nine lines in total, representing the number of the Great Evolution.

His face is hazy, making it impossible to see clearly, but it gives people an extremely sacred and mysterious feeling. He can subdue others without fighting, and take away people's souls without killing!

Surrounding the treasure chariot, a statue of the witch ancestor is filled with Taoist aura. Although he also has a myriad of auras, compared with the god king in the treasure chariot, he is more than a step behind.

They are like stars, and the god-king is like the bright moon.

"God King Tianji!"

Crocodile Ancestor's pair of small eyes gleamed ferociously, and he smiled ferociously. The Tao Yun on his head rolled like a pillar, transforming into an imperial crocodile with a body tens of thousands of feet long, composed purely of Dao Yun. He opened his bloody mouth and crushed it with a snap. The void bites towards Bao Chaan and many witch ancestors!

"I've eaten all over the world, but this is the first time I've eaten a god king!"

The crocodile ancestor is so fierce that he actually plans to devour the God King Tianji and many of his witch ancestors in one mouthful. Even Ye Xu has to admire how fierce this man is!

The imperial crocodile made purely of Taoist rhymes shook its head, swung its tail, and swallowed the sky with a big mouth. It was about to swallow many witch ancestors together with the treasure chariot. Suddenly, there was only a soft ding sound, and a drop of spiritual energy was seen above the canopy. As water droplets dripped down, the God King sitting in the precious chariot flicked his fingers, and the water droplets flew up and hit the emperor crocodile on the head.


This imperial crocodile shattered into pieces as if it had been hit hard, disintegrating one after another, turning into broken Daoyun that filled the sky!

Crocodile Ancestor groaned, his Dao Yun condensed all his cultivation. Now that his Dao Yun was broken, it was undoubtedly the magical power of his cultivation that had been destroyed. He immediately roared again and again, and suddenly transformed into his original form, but it was an extremely huge emperor. The crocodile stood up, its flat head rising high from the city, standing in the air, its blood-red eyes like two crimson moons, sucking in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and blowing out two streams of thick smoke from its nostrils.


He raised his tail, swung it out from the Ancestral King's Divine City, and slapped the precious chariot fiercely, still intending to compete with the Divine King of Heaven to fight to the death!

"Ancestor Crocodile, come back." The voice of God King Tanzu suddenly sounded, unclear and nonchalant.

Crocodile Ancestor's tail suddenly paused, his body became smaller and smaller, and he fell back into the city. He said respectfully: "I obey the command of the God King. Mr. Tianji, I will spare your life first!"

"A ferocious man doesn't know how high the sky is."

The precious chariot came and hovered over the Ancestral King Divine City. God King Tianji stood up, left the precious chariot, and said calmly: "God King Tanzu, if you hide quietly in the sky tomb, and You have only one way to survive, but you are restless and want to go against the king of the gods, summoning the evil people in the world, and intending to return to the heavens. If not, how could your habitat be exposed? Now you are the only one left. After your death, there will be no trace of him in the world. It’s no wonder that you seek your own death.”

God King Tanzu laughed loudly, his white hair flying, and said loudly: "I didn't expect that after the death of my mentor, God King Tianji, you would still be so afraid. The majestic God King is so cowardly!"

"I control the secrets of heaven and see all the heavens. That man is just a dead man. How can I be afraid of him?"

King Tianji snorted coldly, and the many divine patterns surrounding the Ancestral King's Divine City shook, and a bamboo tube appeared in his hand. The bamboo tube moved downwards, and the divine patterns were turbulent, uprooting the Ancestral King's Divine City with the intention of collecting it inside the bamboo tube. middle!

The Ancestral King's Divine City shook violently, but it was never uprooted by the forty-nine fortune sticks of heaven. The aura of Tanzu Divine King was connected with the Ancestral King's Divine City, and he said calmly: "My master and I are three people, half master and half friend, and I am the least effective. One, when you plotted against my mentor, I was just the Holy Emperor, but now hundreds of years have passed, I am already the God King! Tianji, do you think I summoned all the heroes in the world just to return to the heavens? "

His body shook, and the divine patterns all over his body surged out, turning into a grand purple aura. A green lotus sprouted from the purple aura. He laughed loudly and said, "Actually, I just want to lure you here and tell you what happened back then." End it and sacrifice your blood to my mentor!"

————The first update, making up for the chapters I missed yesterday~

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