Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 840: Suspected Saint (First update, please

Chapter 840: Suspected Holy Immortal (First update, please subscribe for a monthly ticket~)

The ancestor of Bliss, an old bastard, had a much higher level of cultivation than Ye Xu, and his strength was also extremely high. Ye Xu thought to himself that if he didn't sacrifice Hunyuan Jindou, he might not be able to do anything to him.

"It's hard to fall out with this pervert now. Fortunately, I reversed the wheel of life and used Brother Song's name. It's no big deal to become sworn brothers."

Ye Xu gritted his teeth and immediately befriended the Patriarch of Paradise, Babai, and became brothers.

Ancestor Ji Le thought about it carefully and found that he had never seen Song Gaode's name on the wanted list. However, there were a lot of people on the wanted list in the heaven. There were countless notorious people in every heaven, and some people would die at any time, and there would be new ones. When he was on the list, he didn't take it to heart and said with a smile: "Good brother, old brother, I have been misunderstood by the world. People think that I have bad conduct. Often when they hear my name, they either kill me or insult my character with words. It's very difficult. Very few people are friends with me."

He sighed and said lonely: "Those who know me say that I am worried, but those who don't know me say that what do I want? Regarding these misunderstandings, the old brother naturally laughed it off and killed the other party. Such a blind person, leaving Coming down is a waste of spiritual energy, don’t you think, Brother Song?”

"My elder brother is more elegant than my younger brother."

Ye Xu sighed in admiration and asked with a smile: "Brother Tanzu God King has been famous for a long time, but I haven't seen him yet. I wonder if Brother Ji Le has seen this God King?"

Ancestor Ji Le said solemnly: "God King Tanzu is the second person I admire the most in my life! There are not many people I admire in my life. The number one person is naturally the First Heavenly King of Miluo Heaven, who created a prosperous age of witchcraft. This person is amazing. When I became famous, the God King had just debuted. He was only three or four hundred years old. He struggled all the way and spent hundreds of years to become the God King. With this kind of qualification and perseverance, even if Not unparalleled in the world, but also rare in the world, what I admire most is that the God King takes great care of us unappreciated masters. My old brother was once hunted and almost died. Fortunately, the God King came to help and escaped. Otherwise, how could I stand here and become sworn brothers?"

"God King Tanzu is so troubled that he actually rescued this old pervert. But then again, God King must have secretly regretted it when he found out that the person he rescued turned out to be the Patriarch of Paradise, right?"

Ye Xu is also very curious about the legendary figure Tanzu God King. For a long time, this god king has always been ranked first on the wanted list of evildoers. If he hadn't suddenly emerged to steal his limelight, I'm afraid Tanzu God King would still be there. Continue to occupy the first place and no one can shake it.

He felt hot in his heart and secretly made a calculation: "Senior Brother Ying, Demon Emperor and Sect Leader Xiang are also on the list of evildoers. This time God King Tanzu invites all the most vicious people in the world, the three of them should be among the invitations..."

It has been several years since Ye Xu ascended to heaven, and Ying Zongdao and others ascended ahead of him. In total, the three of them have been in heaven for ** years. With their mental qualifications and understanding, they should have a huge amount of strength and cultivation. promote.

However, there are too many powerful people in the heaven and all kinds of turmoil are surging. It is really not a good place. Ye Xu feels this deeply and is eager to know the safety of the three people.

"Brother, although God King Tanzu is a good person and will not neglect us, not all of the wanted people on the wanted list in the heaven are as innocent as you and me. Others are not as upright and upright as you and me, and they often treat them like villains. Most of the time, when a gentleman sees us, he will either kill us or scold us.”

Ancestor Ji Le and Ye Xu walked side by side and taught earnestly: "If you encounter such an unreasonable and blind person, brother, don't hesitate, slash at him with a knife and cut him into pieces. Naturally, everyone will be happy. I will bear all the consequences. !”

Ye Xu blinked his eyes and thought: "The reputation of the ancestor Ji Le is too bad. If this guy comes up and tells his name, I will sacrifice the Hunyuan Golden Dou and kill this guy without any explanation. But I still need this old prostitute. I have no choice but to wrong Brother Song Gaode, Brother Song, you are a good person..."

"Ancestor Bliss? You, an old prostitute, actually dare to go to the Divine City for a meeting?"

Just when Ye Xu thought of this, he suddenly heard a voice. He followed the sound and saw dark clouds in the sky. More than ten auras rode giant beasts roaring in the air. The demonic aura was billowing, but it was the Holy Emperor of the demon clan. .

"Ancestor Ji Le, if a person like you goes to the divine city, you are just putting ashes on the face of God King Tanzu!"

A knight restrained the giant beast, looked down at the ancestor of Paradise from a high position, then turned his eyes, fell on Ye Xu, and sneered: "It turns out there is another disciple! You are traveling with the ancestor of Paradise, so you are the same as me. It’s a prostitute. It’s such an insult that I, the Twelve Heroes of Trapped Dragon Island, are on the wanted list with you!”

"That's right! Ancestor Bliss, although you are a witch ancestor, I, the Twelve Heroes of Trapped Dragon Island, are not afraid of you. I have long wanted to eliminate evil for the world!" A knight rode a giant beast and roared towards him, sweeping his spear towards Ye. Xu and Ancestor Ji Le stopped and swept away.

"The twelve reptiles on Trapped Dragon Island actually dare to provoke Master Ji Le? God's will is like a knife!"

The ancestor of Bliss laughed ferociously, and his thoughts moved slightly. He saw the Tao Yun spurting out from his body, turning into a sharp sword, whizzing and slashing away, splitting the knight in half on the spot, along with the giant beast under his crotch. , was also beheaded on the spot!

Tsk tsk tsk!

The Heavenly Sword slashed continuously, killing seven of the Twelve Heroes of Sleeping Dragon Island like melons and vegetables. It was as if there was a rain of blood in mid-air. The scene was too horrific to watch!

The remaining five of the Twelve Heroes on Trapped Dragon Island were horrified, and hurriedly drove the giant beasts to flee, roaring: "Ancestor Bliss, and that guy, you wait, the divine city is where you will die!"

Ancestor Ji Le laughed loudly and did not pursue him. He said with a smile: "I spared your life for no other reason than for you to go to the divine city to promote the reputation of my two brothers! This brother beside me and I We have been friends for many years. He is none other than Song Gaode, the sworn brother of my Ancestor Ji Le! "

"Old pervert Ancestor Ji Le, and little pervert Song Gaode, I remember you! Let's go!"

The five heroes of Trapped Dragon Island urged the giant beast to roar away.

Ye Xu's face turned dark and he was muttering in his heart.

Ancestor Ji Le said with a smile: "Brother Song, don't worry. These guys on the wanted list have always bullied the weak and feared the strong. If you are more ruthless than them, they will fear and respect you and not dare to trouble you. If you are weaker, they will Then he will ride on your head. Brother, I saw that you didn’t leave anyone alive, which is very bad. Look at my reputation, brother, and everyone is afraid of it. That’s why I left someone alive.”

"Brother is wise." Ye Xu said listlessly as he cursed in his heart.

Ancestor Ji Le was very happy, patted his shoulder heavily, and said with a smile: "Brother, if you follow me, you are following the right person. It won't take long for you to become famous all over the world, and there will be no one in the Nine Heavens God Realm or the Heavenly Tomb." As everyone knows, his ranking on the wanted list will also be greatly improved. Although he cannot surpass the person who slaughtered the Son of God, his ranking will also rise to a prominent position! "

Ye Xu felt more and more that he had made the wrong decision to go to the Ancestral King City with Ancestor Bliss, and he wished he could immediately kill this old man and walk away.

"This old pervert has ruined the reputation of Brother Song Gaode and Brother Song. I wonder if Brother Song will become the Witch King in the future and ascend to the upper world. Will he be shocked to find that he has become famous all over the world and is always yelling and screaming wherever he goes? kill?"

The two of them were walking side by side. Ye Xu was a handsome young man with an air of immortality, while Ancestor Ji Le was an immortal person with fluttering sleeves. There was not even a trace of ferocious aura on the two of them, but they were easy to see at a glance. They were so close to each other that they thought they were two worldly masters, but they didn't know that one of them was ranked first and the other was ranked fourth on the wanted list, and they were both notorious people.

"Brother, there are many masters on the wanted list. They are not ranked according to their cultivation level. There are many masters whose strength is higher than mine. For example, Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao, who is ranked first on the wanted list, is not very good in cultivation, and He is cruel and cruel, and above me.”

Ancestor Ji Le obviously did not have many friends. After becoming sworn sworn lord with Ye Xu, he continued to introduce all kinds of knowledge and said with a smile: "His strength is naturally insignificant in front of God King Tanzu, but he almost slaughtered the sons of God King Tanzu. , except for not killing the Emperor's son, so he ranked first. Among the other low-ranking people, there are also people who are terrifyingly tyrannical, and there are more than ten people who are tyrannical than me, such as Patriarch Jinpeng, Evil Monk Dharani, and Wrath. King Nu Zun is a hundred times stronger than me... The Ancestral King’s Divine City has arrived!”

Ye Xu looked up and saw jade peaks thrust into the sky, as straight as swords, and on top of the many peaks, there was a big city, like a high and aloof king, which was breathtaking.

Ye Xu immediately felt that there was a powerful and boundless aura in this big city, like the circulation of a great road, and it was clearly the witch ancestors and their ilk, with ferocious looks. Just these auras, you can feel that they are all murderous people!

"God King Tanzu is really powerful. He can actually gather all the villains from the Nine Heavens God Realm here. This shows how amazing this person's appeal is. If he plans to enter the Nine Heavens God Realm and become the overlord, it is not impossible!"

The two of them flew up and flew towards the big city.

"Low-key, brother Song, we must keep a low profile in the divine city."

Ancestor Ji Le couldn't help but show caution outside the city, and said in a low voice: "Although I think my loyalty can be famous in the world, there are many of these guys who are jealous of my reputation. If I alert them, they will be in trouble." Let's go..."

Ye Xu was about to agree, when he suddenly heard a clear singing voice. The artistic conception was far-reaching and resounded through the sky, making people feel like they were hearing the Tao. Not only could it be heard by Ye Xu, the ancestor of Bliss, but it could also be heard everywhere in the entire sacred city.

"I have seen the sun rise in the fire..."

"I once saw Hongmeng giving birth to a green lotus..."

"The world is free for me to roam, and I feel at ease with the Holy Immortal!"

Ancestor Ji Le could not help but be moved, and said in a voiceless voice: "The sun is in the fire, the green lotus is blooming! God, this person has lived from the era of Emperor Haotian to the present, and has experienced four dynasties of emperors! Doesn't it mean that this person has already lived for one hundred and fourteen times? With a life span of half a million years, could it be said that he is an immortal..."

This song alarmed the masters all over the Ancestral King's Divine City. Countless Saint Emperors and Witch Ancestors stood up one after another and looked towards the place where the song came from. They saw the fairy energy curling up and the fairy light floating over them, giving rise to all kinds of strange phenomena. Indeed, there were The appearance of an immortal!

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