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Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 838: The Power of the Golden Fight (First up

Chapter 838: The Power of Jin Dou (first update, please vote for me~)

This Xuantian and Underground Palace has long been washed into a white ground. There are ruins and broken walls everywhere, and nothing is left. Even a piece of the wall has been pried away. The face of Samsara Dharma King was gloomy, and he strode towards the underground palace. He saw only An underground palace has collapsed, and the pillars of the underground palace have been carried away!

"Don't let me catch you..."

The King of Samsara was so angry that his hands were shaking. Even now, he thought that someone had come to this underground palace before them and looted all the treasures in the underground palace!

He had been preparing for the secret realm of Emperor Xuantian for an unknown amount of time. He worked hard to open the gates of wonders, passed through the primitive universe and the vast galaxy, and came here. Unexpectedly, he fell short of success and was unexpectedly caught first!

The two god kings quickly wandered around the underground palace for a week, but found no trace of anyone. All the treasures had been swept away, and not a single hair was left on the ground!

Although there are still the cores of the eighteen levels of hell in the cave, the two of them knew that even if the two god kings joined forces, it would be difficult for them to escape in front of the eighteen mortal bodies of Emperor Xuantian!

Emperor Xuantian cut out his eighteen physical bodies and left them here. They have already been integrated with the core of the eighteen levels of hell. If the world changes again in the future, the six paths reappear, and the reincarnation of hell begins again, he can be resurrected. \u0026*. "". com fastest update **

This is Emperor Xuantian's plan for his second life. How can he not have a strong backhand to protect his body?

"Who is it?"

The King of Samsara roared angrily, rushed out of the underground palace, returned the same way, and left with murderous intent.

"My mercy, who is so cunning that he robbed the underground palace before us, and was so vicious that he robbed everything..."

The Burning Eyebrow Buddha immediately rushed out of the underground palace, his hands and feet trembling. Compared with the Dharma King of Samsara, he was the most unlucky. After all, the Dharma King of Samsara also received a broken ancestral line, but he lost nothing!

The two God-Kings left one after another and entered the Galaxy Cosmic Light and the Primeval Universe again. They were walking hard and struggling every step of the way. They couldn't help but despair in their hearts, knowing that they might not be able to catch up with the person who ransacked the Xuantian and Earth Palace.

"Don't let me catch up with you, and don't let me know who you are..." At this moment, the two god kings gritted their teeth with hatred, and such thoughts came to their minds almost at the same time.

At this time, Ye Xu and others were already on the Golden Bridge, returning the same way. He had already absorbed all the luck of the eighteen levels of hell deep in the underground palace. These fortunes are really high, and they even include the charm that can only be understood by the emperor level. He cannot absorb it at all with his strength. However, it is much easier for the Yushu in the building. Now the fortune of the eighteenth floor of hell has been absorbed by the Yushu in the building. . \u0026*. "". com fastest update **

He is one with the jade tree in the building, and can absorb all the great ways of heaven and earth on the tree at any time.

Along the way, the three of them searched again and again, collecting spiritual veins from the original universe, breaking stars, collecting divine gold and divine materials, and stored them all in Ye Xu's Jade Tower.

At this moment, with the wealth in Ye Xuyu Tower, I am afraid that no less than ten magic weapons can be refined!

"Finally came out!"

When Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai saw the end of the Golden Bridge, they breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "It's really thrilling to snatch food from the God King's mouth. Brother Ye, please don't call me again if you ever do something like this in the future."

"After leaving Tianfen this time, the two of us will immediately return to our respective sects. Otherwise, even in Yuxu Palace, those god kings would dare to come and kill us. Brother Ye, if you have nowhere to go, you might as well go to our Qingxuan Divine Palace. !" Fu Xilai's eyes flashed and he looked straight at Ye Xu, waiting for his reply.

Feng Suiyun's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Brother Fu, Brother Ye has already promised me to go to my Creation Sect to see the God King. Now that he has caused such a big disaster, Brother Ye can't go back to Yuxu Palace, so he might as well go to my Creation Gate." Door."

Ye Xu smiled slightly and was noncommittal. Whether it was the God King of Creation or the God King Qingxuan, they were both high and mighty god kings. One word could determine life and death. With his current strength, he could not talk to the god king on an equal footing. Naturally, he did not want to become a god. The chess piece of King's game.

But it is true as in "", he is indeed unable to return to Yuxu Palace at present. Many sons of gods and Prince Lingxiao, the emperor's son, died in his hands. He offended so many god kings and even the Emperor of the Sun, and his future is in doubt.

"Where should I go from here?"

Ye Xu frowned slightly and thought to himself: "Going back to Yuxu Palace now is asking for death. It's better to stay in Tianfen. I have collected so many spiritual vein materials. I don't need to run around anymore. I'd better find a place to practice peacefully and improve my cultivation." ”

"Brother Feng and Brother Fu, we separated after leaving this place. If we are destined, we will naturally meet again."

Ye Xu stopped, offered sacrifices to the Jade Tower, laid out the harvest in Xuantian and Earth Palace, and said with a smile: "Now, let's share the spoils. You two can choose the treasures in Xuantian and Earth Palace."

The two looked at each other and said with a smile: "If it weren't for Brother Ye, we would have died outside Tianjue Valley a long time ago. How could we dare to be greedy for credit again? However, Emperor Xuantian's treasures cannot help but make our hearts flutter, so we each chose one. "

Feng Suiyun stepped forward, chose the jade bed, and said with a smile: "I will give this jade bed to my mother."

"Brother Feng's filial piety is commendable. Then I will choose the purple clay pot used by Emperor Xuantian and give it to my father to make tea." Fu Xilai stepped forward, chose the purple clay pot, and said with a smile.

Ye Xu put away the other things, breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "If Ye doesn't die, we will definitely meet again in the future."

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai laughed loudly and said: "When we meet again in the future, we may already be witch ancestors. Brother Ye, your cultivation must not fall behind and be surpassed by us!"

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, then stepped forward and crossed the golden bridge.

"These three boys finally came out!"

Suddenly hearing a voice, Ye Xu was startled. He looked up and saw Long Zuyang, Ding Huaishan and other witch ancestors standing in front of the gate of Zhongmiao, staring at him with eager eyes.

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai's expressions changed drastically, and they secretly complained in their hearts. Now Samsara Dharma King and Burning Eyebrow Old Buddha are chasing after them, but Long Zuyang and others are blocking the way in front, making it difficult for them to fly!

Ye Xu also frowned. These witch ancestors lingered, clearly planning not to give up until he was killed!

"Ye Shaobao, I don't believe it anymore. You can stay in this desert all your life, why don't you come out and die now?"

A witch ancestor laughed loudly, flew up, and the Taoist rhyme flowed above his head, giving birth to three white, red, and green lotus flowers. The lotus blossomed, and each of the flowers stood a witch ancestor, holding various ancestral weapons, shaking the void, and moving toward the leaves in unison. Xu and others are killed, the power is so powerful that it is unstoppable!

"Hunyuan Jindou!"

Without thinking, Ye Xu made the toilet in the Jade Tower fly up, hanging high in the air, shining with golden light. He saw a sudden burst of magic light in the golden bucket, and a stream of magic energy rolled out, killing the practitioner of the Hongmeng Qinglian Sutra with a swish. Wu Zu rolled up and put it into the toilet!

Not only were Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai stunned, but Ye Xu couldn't help but be stunned, surprised and delighted: "The toilet used by Emperor Xuantian is so powerful that even the Witch Ancestor can take it in?"

The witch ancestor fell into this toilet and screamed repeatedly. The three flowers on top withered instantly. The three witch ancestors above their heads withered with energy and blood, and turned into three pools of sewage in the blink of an eye!

In just a few breaths, all the filthy aura in Hunyuan Jindou was transformed into a filthy demonic aura, which further increased the power of Hunyuan Jindou. Even his ancestral soldiers were Turned into filth by this golden bucket!

Ye Xu and the others didn't know that this toilet was not actually for Emperor Xuantian's convenience, but because he had participated in the creation and obtained the luck of the eighteenth level of hell, finally reaching the state of Great Perfection. With the qualifications of the Emperor of Heaven, he felt I realized that the mental methods I had cultivated in the past were mixed, leaving hidden dangers.

Therefore, Emperor Xuantian retrained his body and cultivation, and transformed his original body, and cut out all the complex cultivation and his own demonic nature and dark side.

The body he transformed into, the various cultivation skills he cut off, and his dark side are extremely demonic. He can easily turn into a god-king-level demon and cause trouble everywhere, killing and devouring everything, which will definitely lead to disaster. disaster.

Therefore, the great emperor refined this toilet, and refined his body and cultivation into the filthy air, turning it into this Hunyuan Golden Dou!

The reason why Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai did not choose the Hunyuan Golden Dou was because the toilet looked really dirty. Little did they know that this toilet was the most powerful of all the treasures left by Emperor Xuantian!

Long Zuyang and others originally planned to kill Ye Xu. Seeing this terrifying situation, they couldn't help but hesitate and did not dare to step forward.

Ye Xu was extremely surprised and confident, and immediately activated the Hunyuan Golden Dou. He saw thousands of golden lights gushing out from the Golden Dou, and demonic energy gushing out, killing Long Zuyang and others!

"Ten Thousand Luo Sword Formation!" Xie Tinghou of the Royal Court of Divine Ancestors thought, and sacrificed his ancestral soldiers. Billions of sword lights formed a large formation, and they all rushed towards the golden bucket.

"Ancestral Dragon's Golden Seal!"

Long Zuyang opened his mouth and vomited. The giant dragon held the golden seal in its mouth and dropped it, but he flew away and was careful to be on guard.


Jin Dou's demonic energy fell, breaking through the sword array like a majestic force, knocking down the Dragon Clan's golden seal, and being involved in the Hunyuan Golden Dou. Xie Tinghou couldn't avoid it, and was also swept up by the demonic energy. He screamed and fell into the fight. .

Ye Xu held the Hunyuan Golden Dou in his hand and was invincible. He rushed into the many witch ancestors and saw the Golden Dou rising in the air, pointing out who could take whom and killing everyone. He couldn't help laughing, the laughter was weird and sinister!

In the blink of an eye, two more witch ancestors fell into the golden fight, and their cultivation was completely destroyed. Long Zuyang and others dared to compete with them, and they hurriedly fled away, escaping through the wonderful door!

Ye Xu activated this rare treasure, and suddenly his heart was in confusion. All kinds of demons poured into his heart and Zifu. Black energy was wrapped around his body, and his murderous nature became more and more murderous. He couldn't help being startled, and he hurriedly stopped activating Jin Dou, and a clear light came out. Seal blesses itself.

Qingming He Tongtian rose up, covering him and Hunyuan Jindou, and the light blue profound energy surged. After a while, Ye Xu finally suppressed and wiped out all kinds of demons, and there was a sinister sound in his heart.

The demonic nature in Hunyuan Jindou is getting stronger and stronger. There seems to be an extremely ferocious demon inside. The demonic power is earth-shattering. The demonic nature exuded interferes with his mind and almost demonizes him!

"This Jin Dou is really dangerous. What exactly happened when Emperor Xuantian was at his convenience?"

Ye Xu blinked. He couldn't refine the demon in the Hunyuan Golden Dou with the Qingming Seal. He could only temporarily suppress the demon and delay his birth!

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