Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts, Chapter 826: Great Improvement in Strength (First u

Chapter 826: Great Improvement in Strength (First update, please vote for me~)

"Is this the emperor's command rune?"

Feng Suiyun's heart was moved, and he hurriedly came forward, looked at it carefully, reached out to grab the command rune, and planned to take off the rune. He smiled and said: "The emperor's things must not be ordinary." .《》.com the fastest update **”

Fu Xilai hurriedly slapped his hand away and said angrily: "You don't want your life! Do you dare to touch the emperor's decree rune? If the prohibition in this rune is activated, even the slightest ray of power can kill anyone." You will die a thousand times!"

Feng Suiyun was startled and hurriedly withdrew his hand: "Brother Ye, where did you get this treasure?"

Ye Xu smiled and said: "I got it accidentally when you were practicing in seclusion. Brother Fu, are you sure this is the emperor's decree rune?"

"Without a doubt!"

Fu Xilai said decisively: "This kind of rune is also in our Qingxuan Divine Mansion. It is a treasure invited by my father to guard the treasure house of my Qingxuan Divine Mansion. If a rune is pasted, even a god with great supernatural powers can King, it cannot be opened easily. However, this command rune should have been manipulated by an expert to break the rune restrictions, but failed, causing the rune's energy to be greatly damaged. Even so, it is not a trivial matter. The energy emitted by this decree is even more powerful than that of the Witch Ancestor! Moreover, if you are not careful, the treasures in the jade box will be damaged."

"Brother Fu, are you sure you can decipher this command rune?" Ye Xu was more curious about the contents of the jade box and smiled.

Fu Xilai looked solemn and said sternly: "Originally, I was not sure, but now that my strength has greatly improved and I have become the peak Holy Emperor, I am somewhat sure. However, I am not completely sure. If I touch the prohibition in the rune, it will be easy. Let the treasures in the jade box be destroyed. If Brother Ye is at ease, you can bring this jade box to my Qingxuan Divine Mansion, and my father will be able to easily remove the decree."

Ye Xu smiled and said: "This was originally my unintentional gain. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Why bother the Master of Qingxuan Palace? Brother Fu just do it."

Fu Xilai immediately sat cross-legged, with the Qingxuan Dao Gate standing behind him. Countless lines and traces surged and turned into patterns. He quickly deduced the prohibitions in this decree. After a long while, he reached out his hand and placed a prohibition on it. Enter the runes. After calculating for a while, he fired the second shot, cautiously and cautiously.

Ye Xu waved his hand and concealed everyone from the void to prevent unnecessary trouble.

Feng Suiyun looked at it for a moment and then stopped looking. Although he had a superficial understanding of the prohibition, Qingxuan Divine Palace was a major prohibition sect. Fu Xilai was the son of the palace owner, and the knowledge involved in every move was beyond his reach. understand. ("", watch the latest update of this book)

“What is this dog eating?”

He suddenly caught a glimpse of the Roaring Sky Dog, and couldn't help but froze, and exclaimed: "Demon God! This dog is actually chewing on a Demon God!"

The roaring dog smiled brightly and whispered: "Feng Sui Sui Sui, if you talk less, I can give you a few bones."

"Do you think I like eating bones just like you?"

Feng Suiyun was furious, and then he came to his senses and said shamelessly: "Since you said so, I am too embarrassed to refuse, so bring the bones."

Roaring Sky Dog didn't expect that his face would be so thick, so he had to take out two or three bones, reluctantly licked them twice and covered them with saliva, then handed them to Feng Suiyun, and said with some reluctance: "You If you think my saliva is disgusting and you can't eat it, you might as well give it back to me..."

Feng Suiyun was so happy that he didn't care that the bones were covered with dog saliva. He hurriedly grabbed them, held them in his arms, and said with a smile: "Disgusting? Even if you poop on it, I still want it!"

Roaring Sky Dog was stunned, his eyes widened, and after a while he murmured: "I didn't expect you have such a strong taste, but I am not so mean..."

Feng Suiyun didn't think much about it, his heart was pounding: "The bones of the demon god are definitely the divine gold among the gods. They are the top refining materials. The bones of the demon god at the level of the Holy Emperor are almost enough to refine the ancestors." Soldiers!"

Ye Xu was completely speechless to them, and thought to himself: "Brother Fu doesn't know when he will be able to crack this chapter of the decree, so why not take the opportunity to practice and get through the Holy Emperor's period of weakness as soon as possible!"

"Brother Feng, I give you this Taiqing spiritual vein. Please calm down and practice now." Ye Xu took out a Taiqing spiritual vein and handed it to Feng Suiyun without any explanation.

Feng Suiyun was about to refuse when he saw Ye Xu taking out another piece of Taiqing Spiritual Vein, opening his mouth and swallowing one piece of Taiqing Spiritual Vein into his belly. He couldn't help but be stunned, and then he saw Ye Xu raised his head and swallowed one. , swallowed nine Taiqing spiritual veins into his belly one after another, and then stopped.

"When did Brother Ye become so rich and powerful? Even the Taiqing Spiritual Vein, a spiritual vein that can only be possessed by the witch ancestors, he took out so many of them in one breath, and even gave one to me!"

Feng Suiyun was stunned. What shocked him even more was Ye Xu's cultivation. He didn't notice until now that Ye Xu had become a Holy Emperor, condensed the Taoism, and swallowed nine Taiqing spiritual veins in one breath without being exploded. !

This kind of appetite is countless times greater than his!

It can be seen that Ye Xu's cultivation level must have expanded to a point that is beyond his reach!

"I originally thought that by becoming the Peak Holy Emperor and opening the Taoist Gate, the gap between me and Brother Ye would be greatly reduced. Unexpectedly, the gap is now getting wider and wider! It seems that only by breaking away from the Taoist Gate and becoming the Witch Ancestor can I possibly surpass Him. But with my current accumulation, escaping from Taoism is seeking death. When I accumulate enough strength, I'm afraid Brother Ye's strength will make another huge leap..."

Ye Xu circulated the Panwang Kaitian Jing to refine the spiritual energy in these spiritual veins, absorb the Dao patterns and marks, and integrate them into the Samsara Heavenly Gate, constantly strengthening the Dao Gate, and at the same time unfolding the Qingming Seal to understand the changes in the Dao rhythm in the spiritual veins, and find out the reason. ,The accumulation of knowledge.

His cultivation level continued to increase. After a few days, he refined the nine Taiqing spiritual veins, and then took out nine more and continued to practice. Feng Suiyun also seemed to be stimulated, working hard to cultivate, and his cultivation level advanced. Not slow, but much inferior to Ye Xu.

He became a Holy Emperor and had a period of rapid improvement in his cultivation. He urgently needed spiritual energy and spiritual veins to replenish himself and get through the period of weakness.

In the past month, he finally refined all the Taiqing spiritual veins completely. The gate of reincarnation became more stable, and the patterns and traces of the worlds in the heavens and the earth were intertwined, especially the eighteen levels of hell, which became more clear, eye-catching and gloomy. fear.

Ye Xu opened his eyes, and the strength and power around him was surging. A samsara gate collapsed the void, distorted the void, creating multiple worlds, surrounding him, and the Tao Yun divine patterns behind him were like ribbons, endlessly washing away.

His cultivation has increased by no less than ten times, and his strength has also increased by no less than ten times. Although the increase in his cultivation and strength is large, although it is not comparable to the demon gods in the realm of witch ancestors such as Jiabolou, it is still difficult to encounter ordinary witches. Ancestor is not without the strength to fight!

Not only that, Ye Xu even felt that he could already activate the Dao Yun that was like a streamer behind him. In other words, if he used Dao Yun, he would have part of the power of the Witch Ancestor!

"Although my cultivation strength is still not as good as that of the Witch Ancestor, it is impossible for the Witch Ancestor to kill me!"

Ye Xu suddenly felt heroic in his chest. He had only entered the heaven for two or three years and already had such achievements. He broke through the Witch King and became the Holy Emperor. His strength was as strong as the Witch Ancestor. Looking at the world, who could achieve this in a short period of time? Such a big improvement?

"Brother Ye, fortunately Fu lived up to his command, and I finally took off the emperor's command rune."

Fu Xilai's voice came, and Ye Xu hurriedly looked around, only to see that the order rune had fallen off the jade box. Feng Suiyun also immediately stopped practicing and came forward.

Roaring Sky Dog also hurriedly ran over, picked up the jade box and opened it.

The jade box opened, and a golden light curtain suddenly rose into the sky from the jade box, turning into thousands of rivers and mountains, and flashed past their eyes.

The image in the golden light curtain has a very strange perspective, as if Ye Xu and others are in it, flying past thousands of mountains and rivers, heading straight into a deep and dark valley.

This scene traveled through a deep valley, and the roaring wind was in their ears. Thousands of demons were swimming around and fighting in the wind. Then the scene changed, and a strange land suddenly appeared in front of them.

This strange place seems to be under the sky tomb. There is a cave, tall and gloomy trees, and strange sculptures on both sides of the road. They are all demons and lifelike.

A demonic door stood in front, which was eerie and terrifying. Then the demonic door opened, and a road led directly to the unknown place. I saw hundreds of millions of stars, which were refined into sand and turned into desert. The vastness was transformed into a Milky Way. The water turned into a river, surging with surging force.

The picture jumps, walking through the desert, crossing the river, and deep under the sky tomb, all kinds of demonic energy spurts and surges from the ground, ghosts weep, gods howl, and demonic sounds roll, which makes people's hair stand on end.

There are many strange things floating in the demonic aura, including iron pliers, scissors, iron trees, steamers, evil mirrors, copper pillars, mountains of knives, icebergs, stone mills, and even a big demon with a goat's head and body!

"The charm of divine patterns!"

Ye Xu's eyes were sharp, and he could tell at a glance that these treasures were condensed with divine patterns and charms. If you take out any one of them, you can suppress the heavens!

"What place is this?" Feng Suiyun asked in a loss of voice.

Fu Xilai's expression also changed drastically. He didn't expect this scene to appear in the jade box!

"This is the core of the eighteenth level of hell, the condensed destiny..." Ye Xu looked solemn and slowly exhaled.

"The luck of the eighteenth hell!"

The two of them were shocked, looked at each other, couldn't help but show ecstasy, and then said sadly: "Unfortunately, even if we get these luck, we will not be able to enjoy it. Instead, all our cultivation will be abolished in an instant, and we will die. Can’t die again!”

Fu Xilai's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "However, there must be countless treasures in this kind of place. If you just pick up a stone, you can probably refine the ancestral weapon!"

Feng Suiyun nodded heavily: "Yes, there must be countless spiritual veins there. Taiqing Shangqing, and even Yuqing spiritual veins may all appear, and there may even be ancestral veins!"

The light curtain in the jade box gradually faded and finally disappeared, while the jade box also turned into a pile of powder and disappeared with the wind.

"Brother Ye, do you want to go and see that place?" Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai said in unison.

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