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Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 823: Becoming a Holy Emperor (Second update,

Chapter 823: Becoming the Holy Emperor (Second update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket~)

Ye Xu's Modu Seal was obtained from the hands of the reincarnated prince. His Panwang Kaitian Sutra is all-encompassing. As long as he gets the Dao lines and traces of Shimo Hell, he can understand and understand all the various avenues of Shimo Hell.

The power of this seal in his hands was even more tyrannical than that of the Prince of Samsara. He easily trapped the Prince of Samsara. Countless stone mills rolled around, extracting the cultivation of the Prince of Samsara and the Dao marks in his body, and grinding them into pieces!

And behind Ye Xu, the Samsara Heavenly Gate emerged, constantly absorbing the broken Dao patterns and marks, deducing the complete Dao patterns and Dao marks, integrating them into the Tianmen, perfecting his own eighteen levels of hell, comprehending various hell roads, and giving way. Wang Kaitian Jing!

"The Demonic Gate of Reincarnation!"

The reincarnation prince was shocked and angry. Ye Xu used his witchcraft to deal with him and forced him into danger. How could he not be angry?

The Demonic Gate of Samsara emerged behind him, and its magic light shone for eternity. The reincarnation rotated, and there was no life, old age, or death. It could resist the crushing force of Ye Xu's stone grinding hell. He shook his hands, and various seals flew out one after another, and he shouted: "The light is here." Juyin! Juxuduyin! Louyin! Wujingduyin..."

Various seals flew out, turning into eighteen layers of hell, mountains of swords, seas of fire, iron trees and vicious sheep, blasting and shattering countless stone mills.

"Prince of Reincarnation, my Reincarnation Heavenly Gate has been formed. It can swallow the Dao lines and marks of the three thousand worlds in the heavens and the earth, and allow the three thousand worlds in the heavens and the earth to reincarnate in my gate, endlessly, regardless of quality or quantity. The Demon Sect of Reincarnation is far beyond yours! No matter how much you resist, you can't escape death!"

Ye Xu's body remained motionless, and the large and small stone mills were broken and regenerated. They were moved by his thoughts, constantly wearing down the cultivation of the reincarnated prince, devouring and refining his cultivation, and then deducing the complete avenue of hell. Integrate into the reincarnation gate.

His heavenly gate of reincarnation is becoming clearer and more stable.

Just like the Demonic Gate of the Reincarnation Prince, his two doors are tightly closed, each occupying half of the six paths of reincarnation. When the two doors are put together, it is the complete six paths of reincarnation!

Around the reincarnation, there are thirty-three worlds. On the upper half of the towering reincarnation, there are eighteen levels of hell, and in the lower half of the six-path reincarnation, there are three thousand worlds, large and small, in the middle. I don’t know how many times the door needs to be perfect!

The general outline of the Sutra of Samsara and Hell is the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Samsara Dharma King only got a fragment of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and deduced the Six Paths of Reincarnation. He could only support hell, but he could not support the thirty-three heavens and the three thousand worlds. Otherwise, he would be like this There are too many worlds to crush, so even if Samsara Dharma King wants to create a technique that can accommodate all the worlds in the heavens and the earth, it is impossible.

But Ye Xu's Six Paths of Reincarnation is obtained from countless fragments of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Although it is in tatters, it is actually extremely stable and can support the heavens, earth and worlds.

Originally, Ye Xu was unable to condense the Heavenly Gate of Samsara due to his insufficient accumulation. King Pan's opening of the Heavenly Scripture was incomplete, causing the Heavenly Realm to be too heavy and crushing the three thousand worlds, making it impossible for the Heavenly Gate to condense.

But now that the eighteen levels of hell are becoming clearer and clearer, his Dao Sect is stable and can withstand thirty-three days and three thousand worlds!

Although his thirty-three worlds and eighteen levels of hell are still incomplete and still require massive accumulation to perfect the Taoism, Ye Xu finally took the most critical step from the Witch King to the Saint King.

From this moment on, he gathered the Taoism and could finally be called the Holy Emperor!

Ye Xu only felt that all kinds of enlightenments suddenly came to his mind. All the incomprehensions about the avenue of heaven and earth, all kinds of mysteries and mysteries, suddenly had deep feelings. What he couldn't understand and couldn't understand became clear in an instant. Clearly, clearly!

In the past, there was only one step between him and the Holy Emperor. It was just one step, but there was a huge difference. Now that he had taken this step, he finally embarked on the journey to transcendence and become a saint, touching the avenue of heaven and earth!

As long as he continues to accumulate, continue to understand the Tao, perfect the Tao, and accumulate to a strong enough level, he can open the Tao!

If one escapes from the Taoist sect, he is the witch ancestor. He escapes from the witch level to the Tao level and enters the Tao through witchcraft!

"In the realm of the Holy Emperor, we are just embarking on the path of becoming a Taoist through witchcraft. There is still a very long road to go." Ye Xu thought to himself.

After he succeeded in condensing the Samsara Heaven Gate, the Samsara Prince felt that the pressure suddenly increased countless times, and in an instant all his witchcraft and Dao marks collapsed!

Not only that, his Samsara Demon Sect was also consumed by Ye Xu's Modu Seal at this moment, and continued to turn into Dao lines and Dao marks and pass away!

His cultivation level dropped sharply, while Ye Xu's cultivation level was rising rapidly. Under the ebb and flow, it became more and more difficult for him to compete. However, the stone grinding hell that Ye Xu's movement turned into at the end of the seal was powerful. stronger!

Moreover, in Ye Xu's mind, the various avenues and opinions about hell are also growing rapidly, and all kinds of understandings are coming to his mind all the time.

The huge and complex accumulation of the reincarnation prince has now all turned into information in Ye Xu's mind, making him realize the truth all the time!

Even the seals of the other eighteen levels of hell were comprehended by him one after another. It didn't take long before Ye Xu understood all the eighteen imperial seals.

Compared with the Thirty-Three Heavens Seal, the power of the Eighteen-Level Hell Seal is slightly less powerful. It is not as vast, righteous, and majestic as the Thirty-Three Heavens Seal, but it is more sinister, mysterious, and cruel, making it difficult for people to guard against it. It can be said that each has its own merits!


The Samsara Prince's Dao Sect was finally overwhelmed and shattered on the spot. Countless Dao lines and marks flew around and merged into Ye Xu's Samsara Heavenly Sect, making the Heavenly Sect more stable and indestructible.

The realm of the reincarnated prince fell directly from the realm of the holy emperor and was beaten into the wizard king. It was no longer possible to compete with Ye Xu. He saw hundreds of millions of large and small stone mills coming to crush him!


Suddenly, lines of Taiqing spiritual veins burst out from the place where the reincarnated prince died, flying in all directions. They should be the spiritual veins he collected.

Ye Xu was overjoyed, and was about to put away all these spiritual veins. Suddenly he felt a vast force coming from somewhere, turning into a huge phantom of six reincarnations in the sky, shaking his power. Scattered, sucking up the broken body and soul of the reincarnated prince.

"What? Leave it to me!"

Ye Xu shouted loudly and punched out towards the phantom of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The phantom shook in the air and disappeared!

"Even I can't stop the phantom of reincarnation that swept away Prince Reincarnation's soul. What is it?"

Ye Xu frowned slightly. The power gave him a familiar feeling. It came fiercely and enveloped the soul of the reincarnation prince, preventing him from flying away. It was similar to the power of reincarnation in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but it was different from the real six paths of reincarnation. Completely different differences.

That is, the rules are different. The real six paths of reincarnation are the rules of immortals, but that power is the rules of witches.

"Could it be the witch treasures and magic weapons created by the Dharma King of Samsara according to the six paths of reincarnation?"

Ye Xu was in awe. The King of Samsara, the mysterious king of gods who was born from the sky tomb, obtained the fragments of the six realms of reincarnation and created the scripture of reincarnation and hell. He was simply a figure like a heavenly emperor, with talents like a heavenly emperor. This kind of character, Worthy of admiration.

"What is the use of the Six Paths of Reincarnation created by the King of Samsara to absorb the broken soul and body of the Prince of Samsara? Could it be that this treasure has the function of bringing people back to life? If so, the Prince of Samsara is probably not dead, but it is not something to be afraid of. Now that I have become the Holy Emperor and surpassed him in cultivation, his cultivation has been abolished and he needs to practice again. There is no possibility of overtaking and catching up with me," Ye Xu thought to himself.


The phantom of the Six Paths of Reincarnation penetrated the void and arrived at the oldest place in the Sky Tomb. The boundless underworld energy roared, and a huge Six Paths of Reincarnation floated in the underworld air. Above the Six Paths of Reincarnation sat a majestic and gloomy tower. The ancient city has the words "City of Unworthy Death" hung high on the gate. The city is full of demonic energy and has countless masters. It is the holy land built by the Dharma King of Samsara.

The phantom was compatible with this magnificent divine weapon, and a vast force erupted from the reincarnation. The reincarnation prince's physical body gradually formed, his soul entered his body, and even his cultivation level was fully restored, no weaker than before.

"What a powerful guy. He actually completely restrained me. He destroyed my body and destroyed my cultivation. However, the Six Paths of Reincarnation refined by my father has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. Although it cannot be reincarnated or live forever, as long as the soul is immortal, , I can rebuild my body and restore my cultivation! Could it be that my father came to save me?"

"Prince, you have been defeated at the hands of others this time. You must guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Only in this way can you advance bravely and be better than before."

A voice suddenly came, booming: "As for the junior just now, my father has sent Jiabolou to kill him, and you will see his body soon!"

Prince Samsara hurriedly bowed and said yes, and said solemnly: "Father, there is no need for Jia Po Lou to take action, I will kill him with my own hands!"

The voice laughed and said: "If my father hadn't sensed your crisis from afar and activated the six paths of reincarnation, you would be dead now! If you dare to kill my prince, you are offending my majesty, and you are destined to die! My father is now dead. I have something important to do, so I have no time to clone myself, otherwise my clone will come and execute him with my own hands. I have made up my mind, you don’t need to say anything!”

"Even dad, you don't have time to clone yourself? Is that secret realm really so powerful?" Prince Samsara couldn't help but asked in shock.

"The secret realm of Emperor Xuantian is no small matter..." The voice became lower and lower and disappeared silently.

"Prince Samsara is indeed the son of King Samsara, and he actually has so many spiritual veins!" Ye Xu reached out and grabbed all the Taiqing spiritual veins, his eyes shining.

The Prince of Samsara actually carries more than twenty Taiqing spiritual veins, which are richer than those ancient giant beasts. Moreover, the quality of these spiritual veins is extremely high. They are not ordinary Taiqing spiritual veins. They should be grown in the core area of ​​Tianfen. The advanced spiritual veins!

"Okay! I am lacking spiritual veins to improve my cultivation. With these spiritual veins, it will be enough for me to use for a while!"

Ye Xu put away his spiritual veins, and suddenly heard a loud bang, and the voice of Demon Ancestor Chi Tian came, laughing loudly: "Dharma King of Samsara, you finally died in my hands..."

————I asked for monthly tickets and subscriptions, but only two were added in half a day. The pig was very sad...

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