Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 821: The Demonic Sect of Reincarnation (Aski

Chapter 821: The Demonic Gate of Reincarnation (please ask for the light of the great god and monthly votes~)

The extremely powerful wind seal turned into a Dao wind and blew through it. In the Dao wind were billions of Dao lines and Dao marks, which were so densely packed that it blew the reincarnation prince tens of thousands of miles away in an instant, cut him vertically and horizontally, and cut him completely in the blink of an eye. !

"Very good. You can actually take my blow. You are worthy of being the son of the King of Samsara!"

Ye Xu caught up with the Prince of Samsara with a stream of light. His palm shook. Tai'an Huangyatian suddenly appeared. Huangtian Cliff suddenly pressed down, shocking the Prince of Samsara to the point of vomiting blood. At the same time, he used Zhuluo Huangjia with his other hand. Seal, various melodies sounded, and Taoist sounds attacked, rushing into the body of the reincarnation prince, destroying everything!

"The Demonic Gate of Reincarnation!"

The Prince of Samsara was stunned by Ye Xu, vomiting blood in his mouth, his bones almost cracked, his body was almost shattered by Ye Xu, and he was shocked. He is the son of the Demon God. He has the blood of two demon gods. His physical body is innately powerful, and he was almost broken into pieces by Ye Xu!

He woke up immediately and drank suddenly. The six realms of reincarnation and the eighteen levels of hell behind him suddenly condensed and turned into a door. This demon door of reincarnation was like an arch, with two doors in total. Together, the two doors were covered with Forming the pattern of six reincarnations, distorting time and space, on both sides are the patterns of layers of hell, mountains of swords, seas of fire, copper pillars and iron trees, everything in sight!

Ye Xu's Zhuluo Emperor's Thirteen Beats were immediately twisted and swallowed by this magic gate. Even the Tai'an Emperor's Cliff Seal could not continue to severely damage the reincarnation prince!

"Boy, it seems that you were hiding your strength just now and waited for Xu Po Lou to leave before you exploded and tried to kill me! It was indeed a good plan!"

The reincarnation prince's face was livid, and he chuckled: "But I didn't use all my strength. My demon gate controls the eighteen levels of hell with six reincarnations. It is the emperor's mental method and the emperor's witchcraft. As soon as the demon gate comes out. , I will be invincible! No matter how deep you hide, you have no chance of winning against absolute strength, you will only be beaten to death by me!"

His demon sect is indeed unparalleled. Ye Xu has seen many Taoist sects of the Holy Emperor. The ancestor of the Mang family, Prince Lingxiao, is far inferior to the prince of reincarnation. It can be seen that this person's reincarnation hell scripture is indeed an emperor's mental method, and It is the upper-level mental method among the emperor-level mental methods!

"The King of Samsara can create such a mental method, he is indeed a fierce man."

Ye Xu looked solemn, took a long breath, and said with a smile: "As for whether you are invincible or not, it is not you who has the final say, but me!"


Behind Ye Xu, an extremely huge and tattered Six Paths of Samsara suddenly appeared. Green energy rushed out from the top of his head, turning into worlds. There were three thousand in total, floating under the shadow of the Six Paths of Samsara, and then there were thirty-three worlds. Welling out, floating above the three thousand worlds.

Then, his aura became extremely gloomy and cold, turning into eighteen ancient worlds, which were exactly the eighteen levels of hell!

His aura was many times more powerful than before, giving Prince Samsara the feeling that he was standing in front of him like a giant!

Ye Xu laughed loudly, strode forward, flipped up the Tai Huang Seal, like a big ax that opened the sky, cut through the countless voids formed by the distortion of the Samsara Demon Gate with a hiss, and directly attacked the body of the Samsara Prince!

"Being able to fight a Holy Emperor like you is a decent battle. Whenever I think of being able to kill a young strong man like you with my own hands, I can't help but tremble with excitement!"

"You also understand the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Sutra of Reincarnation and Hell?" Prince Reincarnation's face changed drastically and he lost his voice.

He was extremely shocked. The Sutra of Samsara Hell was created by Samsara Dharma King. It was only circulated in the sky tombs and was in the hands of Samsara Dharma King and his cronies.

In fact, even the King of Samsara has not completely perfected this skill. Ye Xu is obviously an explorer from the heaven, but he actually knows this skill. Even the Sutra of Samsara and Hell is only part of his skill. How can he not be allowed to do it? Shock?

"But your Six Paths of Reincarnation is in tatters. It's obvious that you haven't understood the true meaning of Six Paths of Reincarnation. In front of me, it's a dead end!"

Ye Xu's palm turned into a giant ax and slashed at him. Prince Samsara sneered: "You are just doing nothing in front of me. Let me see how you die! Sang Judu!"

He shook his big hand, and a hell world appeared, shaped like an iron tree, with silver flowers and iron leaves. On top of the flowers and leaves stood an ancient hell demon, holding up each small world in his palm.

Prince Samsara used all his strength, and the power of Sangju Duyin was much more powerful than before. He fiercely faced Ye Xu's Emperor's Seal and brushed it away with a roar!

Boom boom boom!

Although he tried his best, the Iron Tree Hell was like tofu in front of the Taihuang Seal. It was cut open by the big axe, and the small worlds in the hands of the Iron Tree Demon God were flatly cracked, and the Demon God was also cut in half. Then The entire iron tree was split open with a sharp axe, cutting the palm of Prince Samsara's hand until it was dripping with blood!

Prince Samsara groaned and retreated in pain.

Ye Xu laughed heartily, and the Emperor's Seal continued to fall, threatening to split the reincarnation prince apart: "My six realms of reincarnation are not as good as yours? What a big joke! My reincarnation can cover the heavens and the earth, and control three thousand people." The world, be it humans, gods, ghosts, heaven and earth, will all be under the rule of my six realms of reincarnation. Your reincarnation is just to control the eighteen levels of hell. To me, it is just a child's play! "

"Children playing house? My father owns the fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. He is a scholar of heaven and man. From the fragments, he can deduce the complete Six Paths of Reincarnation and control the eighteen levels of hell. How can you compare with it? Even I can't. I can kill you easily!"

The Prince of Samsara was furious, and pieces of holy treasures suddenly appeared in his body. His aura was extremely powerful, and he attacked Ye Xu's Emperor's Seal in a combination of vertical and horizontal attacks.

Many holy treasures came with great power and murderous intent.

Ye Xu's eyes narrowed and he quickly retreated. There were eighteen pieces of these holy treasures. They were made of extremely high-grade divine gold and the traces of hell. They were shaped like layers of hell, with iron pincers and iron trees. , steamer, evil mirror, copper pillar, knife mountain, iceberg, evil sheep, big stone, stone mill, volcano, knife saw and other hell worlds!

Apparently, the Prince of Samsara transformed the Samsara Hell Sutra he had practiced into a variety of holy treasures, and practiced them separately. Each holy treasure had corresponding hell markings embedded in it. It was extremely powerful and had already threatened Ye Xu's life. Strength!

"This guy is really rich. I am already short of money when refining a holy treasure. I shamelessly rob ancient behemoths everywhere. This man is actually able to refine eighteen holy treasures in one go. Each one is extraordinary. The quality of the material is extremely high, the power is extremely strong, and the divine gold used is many times higher than that of my Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower!"

Ye Xu retreated thousands of miles to avoid the combined attack of these eighteen holy treasures, feeling envious in his heart. The materials used by the Prince of Samsara to refine the Eighteen Levels of Hell are all top-notch treasures. Each of them is enough to refine ancestral weapons, even divine weapons!

He is not like Ye Xu. In order to refine the witch treasure, Ye Xu had to put himself in danger, shamelessly rob, and even sacrifice his life. As the prince of the King of Samsara, he naturally did not need to worry about the materials.


There was a loud noise from the Demonic Gate of the Prince of Samsara, and countless lines and marks poured out, turning into hells. Each hell was integrated into a holy treasure, and the power of these holy treasures was immediately unleashed, which was better than before. More powerful!

The evil mirror stood upside down behind the reincarnation prince. When it was shined in the air, infinite light suddenly emerged and shined on Ye Xu, reflecting all Ye Xu's actions in the mirror and deducing his flaws.

"Boy, today I will let you see the full strength of my reincarnated prince!"

The Prince of Samsara had a rare treasure like the Nie Jing. He immediately jumped up and killed Ye Xu. With a slight thought in his mind, pieces of holy treasures flew out with surging power. Wherever he passed, the mountains were leveled and the void was turbulent!

"Have you used the holy treasure? Fortunately, I have one too! You have eighteen, and I only need one!"

Ye Xu gave a long laugh, and the Miluo Heaven and Earth Pagoda was above his head. The pagoda controlled the heaven and earth. As soon as the pagoda came out, it turned into seventeen levels of heaven, and the towering sky was slightly turbulent.

I saw many holy treasures of the Prince of Samsara flying in, and the steamer grew larger in an instant, covering the world and covering Ye Xu inside.


The steamer was suddenly stretched to pieces by Miluo Heaven and Earth Pagoda, the pagoda shook in the air, and the steamer was completely shattered!

The reincarnation prince groaned, volcanoes erupted, sky fire filled the air, trying to refine Ye Xu, and stone mills rolled in, crushing everything.

Ye Xu stood still, millions of purple rays of light hung down from the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower. With a slight stir, the volcano was blown away and chopped into pieces. Then it turned into a stream of light and collided with the stone mill. The stone mill suddenly fell into pieces and was vulnerable to a single blow. !

The Prince of Samsara suddenly appeared behind Ye Xu with an iron tree in his hand, brushed hard on his back, and tore his body apart with a hiss, leaving bloody marks on his back!


The copper pillar suddenly fell, and the iron chain on the pillar whizzed up and rolled towards Ye Xu, trying to tie Ye Xu to the copper pillar and burn it. At the same time, the knife and saw came and planned to cut Ye Xu in half!

"Howling Sky Dog!"

Ye Xu hurriedly recalled the pagoda, protected himself, swung the knife and saw, and knocked the copper pillars flying. With a thought, a big dog flew out of the jade tower, and was sacrificed in the air by him. It bit the Prince of Samsara head-on. The Prince of Samsara hurriedly avoided it, and then The vicious dog bit his leg, tearing off a large piece of flesh.


The Prince of Samsara roared angrily, and raised the iron tree to attack the evil dog. Ye Xu thought slightly, summoned the Roaring Sky Dog, and landed it at his feet.

The two went all out and were injured almost at the same time when they met. However, many of the reincarnation prince's treasures were broken into pieces by Ye Xu.

Both of their holy treasures are extremely outstanding. One is an imitation of the Yuanshi Heavenly King's treasure of enlightenment, which integrates all heavens, and the other is the eighteen levels of hell, which are refined separately and each shows their magical powers.

The two then collided again, attacking hundreds of times in just an instant. The holy treasure shook and destroyed the world. Even the void of the sky tomb could not withstand the heavy blows of the two holy treasures and was shattered to pieces!

"Prince Samsara, most of your holy treasure has been shattered by me. What else can you do?"

The pagoda hung high above Ye Xu's head, and the roaring dog flew around him, like a ferocious big fish, grinning. He strode forward. The pagoda shook, roared and pressed down on the reincarnation prince, and said with a smile: "If you only have this ability, your father, Samsara Dharma King, will send a white-haired person to a black-haired person today!"

The pagoda fell, shattering all the remaining sacred treasures of the Prince of Samsara, causing him to vomit blood. There was only one trunk left of the iron tree in his hand, and he staggered back.


A big hand suddenly appeared and slapped the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower hard, sending the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower flying away!

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