Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 806: Moving the Heaven (First update, please

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Piaotian Literature\u003c/a\u003e Long after Ye Xu and others left, the haven of Luan Konghai just returned to peace, and the aftermath of the battle between Ye Xu and the Six Evils of Yinshan slowly dissipated.

Suddenly, a powerful aura rushed out from the chaotic sea and turned into a huge cage. An old man in the cage made a whooshing sound. He suddenly reached out and grabbed a handful of air and sniffed it. Then he roared in the direction where Ye Xu and others were leaving.

"Beast slave, please be patient."

The voice of Demon God Son came, and Prince Lingxiao, Demon God Son and other powerful men from Yuxu Palace rushed out of the chaotic sea and landed here. Demon God Son stretched out his hand and the cage became smaller and smaller, falling into his grasp. Palm.

The old man in the cage spoke incomprehensible beast language. Hearing this, the Demon God Son couldn't help but look solemn and said in a deep voice: "Elder brother, the beast slave said that Ye Shaobao once came here. Not only were there masters fighting here, but one of them broke through. The witch ancestor was crushed by his own great power, and he even had an ancestral weapon! Could it be said that Ye Shaobao possesses an ancestral weapon? "

Prince Lingxiao looked up and down at the cage in his hand, feeling awe-struck. They pursued Ye Xu all the way to the Chaos Kong Sea. If the beast slave in the cage had not had a sharp nose and could smell the scent of Ye Xu and others among the thousands of scents, I'm afraid they have been dumped by Ye Xu long ago without a trace.

"The demon gods of the Demon God Palace do have great supernatural powers. They are the powerful enemies of my father, the Emperor of the Sun, and should not be underestimated. There is also the Demon God Son, who is very scheming. Although he recognizes me as his senior brother, he is probably just being arrogant and has to be careful."

Although he thinks so, he thinks very highly of himself. He has also absorbed and refined some of the divine patterns and Tao Yun given to him by the Emperor of the Sun. At this moment, he has fully opened the Tao Gate and continues to accumulate it. Then you will have the confidence to open the door and escape.

As long as he becomes the witch ancestor, Prince Ling Xiao is convinced. No matter how powerful and scheming the Demon God Son and the Beast Slave were, they were still unable to create any waves in his palm.

"Not long after, I refine more Dao Yun. I will be confident enough to become the Witch Ancestor. My Chunyang Palace's mind method is the emperor's level mind method. It has greater achievements than other skills. My strength It can also be improved hundreds of times! Any conspiracy and tricks are of no use in the face of absolute strength!"

His eyes flashed, and he said calmly: "Ye Shaobao, for some reason, is fighting with some powerful people here, but it's harmless. This person's strength is indeed tyrannical. But now that we have the strength to crush him, we don't care about this person. What tricks can you pull off! Master Zhuo Qing, where does this Chaos Konghai lead?”

Zhuo Qing worshiped a crystal clear ball. The ball floated in the air, showing the geography of the Juntian Divine Realm. Countless mountains and seas flashed by, revealing the landform of a chaotic sky and sea.

"There are two passages in the Luan Kong Sea, one is leading to the Flame Sky Divine Realm. The other is leading to the Sky Tomb." Master Zhuo Qing looked at it carefully and said in a deep voice.

"Sky Tomb... This person is extremely brave. He should have reached a bottleneck in his cultivation, so he is risking the pursuit of everyone in the world and plans to go to the Sky Tomb to practice and seek opportunities for breakthrough!"

Prince Lingxiao said decisively: "Master Zhuo Qing, come and see if there is a shortcut to the sky tomb in advance. If we get to the sky tomb before him, we can kill him on the spot!"

Master Zhuo Qing shook his head and said: "Elder brother, there is only one way to get to the Sky Tomb. It is absolutely impossible for us to get in front of that guy."

Prince Ling Xiao muttered: "In this case, we can only stay behind him for the time being, wait in the sky tomb, and then execute him!"

Everyone roared away, and within a moment, a few more figures arrived, wandering around in the Chaos Kong Sea, and then roared towards the direction where Prince Lingxiao and others left. They were the God Kings of Wu Zu and his ilk!

"It's really dangerous to open the Dao door and escape. The higher the cultivation level, the more Dao lines and marks are condensed. When you escape, you will face more Dao crushing."

Ye Xu stood on the building ship and fell into deep thought: "Murong Tanhua's cultivation should not be the strongest Holy Emperor. After all, the mental method he cultivated is not the mental method of the God King or the Emperor. He can't To bear the crushing force of one's own great power and be crushed directly, the pressure that other advanced mental methods must bear must be even more shocking! And the Panwang Kaitian Sutra that I created is even more powerful than the mental method of Miluo Tianyuan Shitianwang. , to rebuild the ancient world, by that time, I am afraid that the great road will be crushed to an extent that I cannot imagine, and it can easily crush any witch ancestor!"

The Panwang Kaitian Jing he created is really ridiculously powerful, and as he obtains more and more Dao Marks, after perfecting the Thirty-three Heavens and the Eighteenth Level of Hell, the number of Dao Dao will definitely be unimaginable.

When he opens the door and jumps out, all the great avenues of the world will press towards him. All the witch ancestors cannot bear that kind of terrifying power, and even the God King may not be able to resist it!

However, if you can successfully escape and become a witch ancestor, your achievements will be unprecedented, even surpassing the greatest emperor of all time, the Yuanshi Heavenly King!

Ye Xu benefited a lot from his fight with Murong Tanhua, especially Murong Tanhua's last blow, especially his understanding of his own Dao lines and Dao marks, which greatly improved his vision and knowledge, and he was very interested in becoming a Holy Emperor. It is of great benefit to condense Taoism and even escape to become a witch ancestor.

However, the more Ye Xu learned about it, the more he felt the horror of escaping from the Taoist gate and entering the Tao as a shaman. The Taoist road was crushing down. Ninety-nine percent of the Holy Emperors could not survive this level. If they could not survive, they would only die. Go away!

"I haven't condensed the Tao sect yet, and I haven't been able to perfect Pan Wang's mental method of opening the Heaven Scripture to the Holy Emperor level. It's too early to think about this now."

Ye Xu put this matter aside for the time being, but seeing Murong Tanhua being crushed by his own Taoism still cast a shadow in his heart.

"Brother Ye, this is the intersection between Yantian and Tianfen."

Wen Xiuzhu stopped the building boat. She had put away the other four empty building boats. Although the girl suffered this catastrophe, all the followers of the Jidao Alliance were killed and injured, and the losses were huge, she quickly stopped panicking. He cheered up in grief, but looked a little wilted, but still showed a shrewd and capable look, and said with a smile: "Since the three brothers are going to the sky grave, the little sister has no choice but to say goodbye to the three of them. The three brothers came to help, Everyone in the Jidao Alliance is grateful and will keep it in mind. If you find it useful in the future, just give me your instructions."

"With a little effort, I heard that Senior Sister is so polite."

Ye Xu waved his hand and immediately took the lead and rushed towards the Tianfen. Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai followed immediately.

Wen Xiuzhu sighed and watched the three people leave, thinking: "These three people are all talented people in the world. Brother Feng and Brother Fu are the sons of gods. They are outstanding, but they are much inferior to Brother Ye. I don't know. Who is Brother Ye? Who can teach such an outstanding person..."

She put away the last building ship to avoid being too ostentatious, and rushed towards Yantian, thinking: "I am offering a gift to the Eternal Emperor. You might as well ask the Emperor. With the Emperor's supernatural power that reaches all over the world, he will definitely know who he is." The origin of the teacher’s inheritance!”

"What mysterious and attractive place is the Sky Tomb? Why did even the First Heavenly King of Miluo Heaven once stop here?"

Not long after, they finally arrived at their destination. Looking from a distance, they saw a thick world barrier floating in front of them. They didn't know how big it was. It should be that the sky tomb formed a unique time and space and was isolated from the heaven.

There is only one place where this barrier is relatively thin, faintly revealing the vicissitudes of life as the sun sets over the mountains and the sun sets over the mountains.

This is the cemetery of heaven.

Buried inside is a prosperous ancient immortal civilization.

The death energy that permeates the sky tomb can even pollute the souls of the Human Emperor and the Witch Emperor, causing them to degenerate and turn into demons.

Although Ye Xu had heard about the Sky Tomb for a long time, and even knew that there was a passage leading to the Sky Tomb in the Wuhuang world, this was the first time he came to the Sky Tomb, a relic of the ancient world, in person.

"Brother Ye, the Heavenly Tomb is the tomb of the thirty-three days in ancient times, the tomb of Heaven!"

Feng Suiyun smiled and said: "The ancient world was many times bigger than it is now. There were countless worlds, countless tyrannical beings that made people look up to them, and countless miracles! But in the past, the heaven and earth collapsed, and the six paths collapsed. , the ancient immortal civilization was buried, and the larger fragments of the heavens formed the current heaven. It is said that the Yuanshi Heavenly King of Miluo Tian was the first person to set foot in the heaven. At that time, the heaven was desolate and empty. It was he who came from the sky. Remove the Nine Heavens from the tomb, clean out the demons in it, and create the Nine Heavens God Realm.”

Ye Xu couldn't help but be moved when he heard the words, and praised: "To move the heavens and arrange the divine world, the Yuanshi Heavenly King is worthy of being the first emperor of heaven in the past and present. Even the Nine Heavens Divine Realm can be moved. This kind of magnificent power is really inhuman and makes people feel uncomfortable. Unimaginable!”

Ye Xu has long understood the vastness of the heavens. The scope of a sect's holy land is hundreds of millions of miles away, and the territory is extremely vast. The Tianfen is the closest forbidden land to Yuxu Palace, but Ye Xu also relies on the streamer seal to fly. It took two days and two nights, traveled countless billions of miles, and flew for dozens of days on the Jidao Alliance's merchant ship before arriving here.

And the places he visited were only an insignificant corner of the Juntian Divine Realm, not even one ten thousandth of the Juntian Divine Realm!

One can imagine just how big the Juntian Divine Realm is!

In addition to Juntian, there are eight other heavens. The Yuanshi Heavenly King moved these nine heavens from the tomb of heaven to this place with one person's power. This kind of power is really amazing.

Fu Xilai nodded and said: "That's right. This Heavenly Emperor can be admired by every Heavenly Emperor in the future, and everyone must look up to him. He created a great era and made witchcraft prosperous. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid the witchcraft would still be around. It took countless thousands of years to evolve to the point where hundreds of schools of thought are emerging and thousands of schools of thought are contending.”

"It's not easy to open the entrance to the sky tomb!"

Feng Suiyun said: "If you don't have the strength to reach the sky, you won't even be able to shake the spatial barrier of the Sky Tomb. But Brother Ye can blast through the void of the sky, so it shouldn't be difficult for you."

The three people approached quickly and saw many strong men from various heavenly realms outside the entrance of the Sky Tomb, preparing to enter the Sky Tomb.

————Category until 3 o’clock in the night, trying hard to update in advance, and begging for monthly votes to be on the list~ Go to sleep, I hope to see a lot of votes when I get up tomorrow~ (To be continued. If you like this work , you are welcome to come to Qidian () to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation).

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